Lebaran without italic RepetitionPure Borrowing

1. RepetitionPure Borrowing

a. Lebaran without italic

Akhirnya mereka memutuskan untuk melewatkan hari-hari Lebaran di suatu hotel berbintang empat di pinggir pantai. p.38 In the end they decided to pass the Lebaran holidays at a four star hotel on the coast – beautiful place with large, luxurious rooms and picture windows that faced the sea. p.178 According to data 1.a. above, the cultural word Lebaran is translated into Lebaran. Which is cultural word refers to leisure social culture, as Newmark says, cultural words consist of ecology, material culture, social culture, organization-custom-idea, and gesture-habits. 61 Aixela mentions cultural words as “culture-specific items”, 62 while He Sanning declares it as “cultural specific elements”. 63 This word is preserved in the translation without any change, therefore it can be said that translator uses the procedure of repetition, which is the translator just borrow the word in source language without any change or any note. However, a translator adds word “holidays” after the word “lebaran”, eventhougt this word not make clear for the reader in 61 Peter Newmark 1988, op.cit. p.95. 62 Javier Franco Aixela 2007, op.cit. p.52. 63 He Sanning 2007, op.cit. p. 128. KBBI Lebaran n hari raya umat islam setelah menjalankan ibadah puasa tanggal 1 syawal; Idulfitri. p.845 target language. Th e word is translated become “lebaran holidays”. It can be said that the translator just adapt the culture in source language, which the moment of lebaran is happen in holidays. So, it is clear that translators just add explanation, and translate lebaran with repetition procedure. The data above, it can be claimed as inaccurate one. According to Larson, the word that untranslated is lack of communication or zero meaning. 64 A translator does not translate the word “lebaran” into target language, which means “the feast day at the end of the fasting month”. He just borrow the original words and untranslated. It can be causes the reader in target language confuses.

2. Intra-textual Gloss