The Result of Pre Interview

reading and comprehending the text. The teacher divided the students into six home teams; each group consists of five-six members of students. When the students sat together with their home teams, the teacher distributed the portion of material to be learnt by every student. Then the students entered the expert teams. The teacher asked the students to learn and discuss the material. There were six expert teams. Every expert team has own material which was different from others. The teacher told the students to ask their group mate if they found the words that they didn’t understand the meaning before they look them at the dictionary. Then if their friends also do not know the meaning of the words, they can look at dictionary. After learnt and discussed the material, they went back to their home teams. Every student had a responsible to share the material they had discussed in their expert teams. After they shared to other members of team, they have to answer the questions about the material.

c. Observing

In this phase, the observer tried to notice all activities in the classroom physical activity. It might be about the teacher’s performance, class situation, and students’ response. Related to the teacher’s performance, as a whole, she had accomplished the task in line with the lesson plan had been made. There were found some students who actively paying attention to the teacher’s explanation and sometimes asked some material that they did not understand. When observing, the observer noticed all of activities in the classroom. There were some students who asked about the meaning of some words they did not know. Some others asked about the questions they did not understand. And most of the students noted the material that the teacher wrote on the white board in order they can make it as guidance in doing their task. In the second action of the first cycle, the students seemed more enthusiastic to discuss the lesson. In the expert group, the students asked each other about the vocabulary that they did not know the meaning. So they knew what the meaning of the words without look at dictionary. But there are still many vocabularies that they did not know, so they were forced to look at dictionary. After teaching learning process finished, in this observing phase was also carried out the posttest 1 exactly on the second action of the first cycle to measure how well students’ understanding of narrative text that had been studied. The participation of students in the teaching learning through jigsaw technique can be described as the table below. Table 4.1 The Result of Students’ Participation at the First Meeting On the First Cycle No. Group The Amount of Students and the Aspects that be Observed Active Students Asking Giving Idea Answering Question On time on finishing task 1 I 1 1 1 1 Yes 2 II 1 1 1 1 Yes 3 III 2 2 1 1 - 4 IV - 1 - 1 - 5 V 1 1 - 1 Yes 6 VI 1 1 1 - - Total 6 7 4 5

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