The Importance of Contextual Teaching and Learning Basic Principles of Contextual Teaching and Learning


2. Contextual Teaching and Learning a. The Definition of Contextual Teaching and Learning CTL

Contextual Teaching and learning CTL is a concept that helps teachers relate the material which is taught to real world situations and motivates students to make connections between knowledge and its applications to their daily life. They do this by using seven main components of study, namely constructivism, questioning, inquiry, learning community, modeling, reflection, and authentic assessment By using this concept it is hoped that the result of the study will be meaningful for students. The teaching learning process happens naturally in the form of students work and activities not just by transferring from teacher to students. Therefore, teachers have to provide a context which is meaningful for content Purnomo, et al, 2007: 49. In contextual class, the teacher becomes the facilitator and helps the students achieve their learning goals. Thus, the teacher should think that the teaching strategy is more important than giving information.

b. The Importance of Contextual Teaching and Learning

Most of our education is still dominated by a view that knowledge is a set of fact which must be memorized. As a result, the teaching learning process focuses on the teacher as the main source of knowledge. Therefore, lecturing becomes the main strategy to teach. Therefore, a new strategy which can make the students more active is needed. The strategy not only makes the students memorize a set of facts but also encourages students to construct knowledge in their mind. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 14 Based on the fact above, CTL which emphasizes on constructivism in the teaching learning process can be promoted as an alternative strategy to make the students active and encourage the students to construct the knowledge.

c. Basic Principles of Contextual Teaching and Learning

According to Purnomo et al. 2007: 50 there are some principles that must be applied to make teaching learning process using CTL a success. They are Problem based learning, authentic instruction, inquiry based learning, project based learning. The principles will be explained as follows: 1 Problem Based learning This principle engages learners in problem solving investigations. The students must be able to use information which is available and think critically to solve problems in the real world. 2 Authentic Instruction Authentic instruction is a contextual approach which is meaningful, for example learning how to sing by singing a song, learning how to sell by selling something, etc. 3 Inquiry Based Learning Inquiry based learning creates study as an activity to ask ourselves and find the answer by ourselves. The students are encouraged to find the answer by asking themselves. 4 Project Based Learning According to Project-based Learning 2001 Project based learning focuses on the central concepts and principles of a discipline, involves students in 15 problem solving investigations and other meaningful tasks allowing students to work autonomously to construct their own learning and culminates in realistic project. This principle engages students to involve their mental, physics, nerve, sense and social skill. 5 Work Based Learning This principle integrated workplace or workplace-like activities and classroom content Smith, 2001. Work gives an opportunity to students not only to know someone’s experience but also experience something different. 6 Service Learning Emotion of the students is important to be recognized in the teaching learning process. Emotion determines the process and the result of study. Positive feeling of student which emerges in the teaching learning process will accelerate the study. 7 Cooperative Learning Cooperative learning organizes instruction using small learning groups in which students work together to achieve learning goals Holubes, 2001. Learning together will be better than learning individually. Each student can encourage the other students to learn better. If a student does not understand the lesson, other students can help him.

d. The Application of Contextual Teaching and Learning in Class

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