In this chapter, the writer discusses the research results and the discussion of the steps in this study. Here, the writer combined Kemp’s instructional design model and Yalden’s instructional design model. This chapter consists of eight parts. They are conducting needs survey, determining standard competency, basic competency, and topics, specifying indicators, listing subject contents, designing the materials, selecting the teaching learning activities, evaluating, and revising.


The writer adapted conducting needs survey from Yalden’s model. In this study, the writer distributed questionnaires to the seventh grade students and conducted interviews with the English teachers of Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta. This step consists of two parts. They are data presentation and discussion. In this part, the writer presented the result of the questionnaires which were distributed to the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta and the interviews which were conducted to the English teachers of Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta. They are presented as follows:

1. The Results of the Interview for the English Teacher of Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta

The interviews were conducted on October, 19 2006 with the two English teachers of Pangudi luhur I Yogyakarta. There were nine items which were given 45 to the English teachers. Those items consisted of four general parts of questions. The first part was asking about the importance of English language for the students of Junior High School. It consisted of the reason why English became an important subject for the Junior High School students. The second part was asking about the reading subject for the Junior High School students. It consisted of the reason whether reading was needed for the students or not and the students’ interest in reading. The third part was asking about the teaching learning process in class. It consisted of the method that was used by the teacher in class. The last part was asking about the method of Contextual Teaching and Learning. It consisted of the teachers’ understanding of Contextual Teaching and Learning CTL. The detailed information about the result of the interview can be seen below: a. The teachers stated that English was needed and important for the seventh grade students of Junior High School. English became important because it was used as a basic language and prepared the students to continue their study. Another reason was that English was used as a device to communicate since English had become an international language. Therefore, English should be mastered by the students if they wanted to be able to face globalization. b. The teacher stated that reading was a subject that was needed for the Junior High school students. They learnt reading to enable them to understand a text so as to obtain more information from the text and to improve their general knowledge. Usually, the students like to learn reading but there were some 46 problems associated with this. The problems were about the vocabulary and their motivation. The teachers also stated that sometimes students would not continue reading when they found that the vocabulary was too difficult. They assumed that once they did not know the vocabulary they would not be able to understand the text. Some of them also did not have reading habits that made them not interested in reading. c. The teachers stated that in teaching, they still used lecturing as the approach to teach English and most of the activities still focused on the teacher. Thus, the students became passive in class. d. The teachers stated that they had often heard about Contextual Teaching and Learning CTL approach. Unfortunately, they still did not really understand what was Contextual Teaching and Learning and its application in teaching learning process. 2 The Results of the Questionnaires for the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta To obtain the information from the students, the writer distributed the questionnaires to 121 students of three classes: VIA, VIB, and VIE. The data are gathered as follows: Table 4.1. The Results of the Questionnaire for Students. No. Questions Options Number and Percentage Information 1. Do you think that English needs to be learnt? a. Yes 121 100 Because English can help them to 47 b. No go abroad and raise their knowledge 2. Are you interested in reading skill? a. Yes 98 80,99 Because reading helps them to communicate and helps them to be successful b. No 19 15,70 Because they do not have reading habits and become easily bored Abstain 4 3,30 3. Do you often feel bored in reading lesson? a. Yes 67 55,37 Because there is no variation in reading activities and they have students difficulties with vocabulary b. No 53 43,80 Because reading can raise their knowledge and help them to master English Abstain 1 0,83 4. What are your difficulties of learning English especially reading? a. Vocabulary 59 48,76 b. Find the main idea 38 31,40 c. Find the supporting sentence 51 42,15 d. Others 8 6,61 Abstain 7 5,78 5. What will you do if you find some difficulties in comprehending the text? a. Find in the dictionary 98 80,99 b. Ask the teacher 89 73,55 c. Ignore it 6 4,96 d. Others 4 3,31 6. In your opinion, what is the usage of studying English especially reading? a. To raise the ability 105 86,78 b. To gain information 63 52,07 c. To have pleasure 14 11,57 d. Others 9 7,44 Abstain 1 0,83 48 7. What is the technique that has been used by your teacher in teaching reading? a. Question answer 97 80,16 b. lecturing 19 15,70 c. discussion 71 58,68 d. Others 4 3,31 Abstain 1 0,83 8. What is the media that has been used by the teacher in teaching English especially in reading? a. Picture 69 57,02 b. OHP 1 0,83 c. Tape 98 80,99 d. Video 88 72,73 e. Others 2 1,65 Based on the table above, there was some important information from the students. The table above showed that all students 100 thought that English was an important subject to learn. They agreed that English was needed because English is an international language and used in most fields. Concerning whether they were interested in reading or not, 98 students 80.99 stated that they were interested in reading because reading could help them to go abroad and raise their knowledge. However, 19 students 15.70 stated that they were not interested in reading. They did not have good reading habits and were easily bored. Then, four students 3.30 did not give any response. Dealing with the activity in reading, 67 students 55.37 stated that they felt bored with the reading activity. There was no variation in reading activity and they had difficulties with the vocabulary. However, 53 students 43.80 stated that they were not bored because reading could raise their knowledge and help them to master English. The table above showed the problem that made reading difficult. There were 59 students 48.76 stated that the problem was the vocabulary, 38 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 49 students 31.40 stated that the problem was at finding the main idea, 51 students 42.15 stated that finding the supporting sentences was the problem. The problems were used as references to design the materials which were appropriate for the students. To overcome their problems 98 80.99 students would use dictionary, 89 students 73.55 would ask the teacher, 6 students 4.96 would ignore it. The table above also revealed the techniques used to learn reading. 97 students 80.16 stated that the teacher used question and answer activity to teach in class, 19 students 15.70 stated that the teacher used lecturing to teach in class, 71 students 58,68 stated that the teacher used discussion to teach in class. Moreover, there were some media used by the teacher. 69 students 57,02 stated that the teacher used pictures to teach in class, one student 0,83 stated that the teacher used OHP to teach in class, 98 students 80,99 stated that the teacher used tape to teach in class, 88 students 72,73 stated that the teacher used video to teach in class. It could be said that the teachers had used some media to teach in class.


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