Basic Principles in Reading Comprehension Facilitating Comprehension

2 Inferential To obtain inferences, or implied meanings, from the reading material one must ‘read-between lines’. Inferences are ideas a reader receives when he goes beneath the surface to sense relationship. Making inferences requires more thinking because the reader must depend less on the author and more personal insight. 3 Critical Critical reading requires a higher degree of skill development and perception. Critical reading requires reading with an inquiring mind and with active, creative looking for false statements. It means questioning, comparing, and evaluating. In order to read with a degree of comprehension to succeed in reading process, the reader must be proficient in each of the reading level. Each reading skill depends on another skill.

c. Basic Principles in Reading Comprehension

In order to achieve an adequate understanding of reading comprehension, a number of basic principles must be taken into account. Cushenberry 1985: 57 notes four principles in reading comprehension. 1 Reading is holistic concept, therefore it should not be taught as a single skill. The teacher should be concerned in promoting the students’ ability in such areas as reading for detail, finding main idea, getting general information, finding sequence or event, and deducing meaning from context. 2 Some students develop a few of comprehension skills on their own, but the total accomplishment of learning these skills will be seen when the teachers plan for it. The use of tests and sample lessons provide the teacher with beneficial data related to each student’s proficiency in a given skill area. 3 One major aspect causing the poor comprehension is a lack of purpose for reading. Before asking the students to read, the teacher should explain the skills that will be developed through the passage. 4 The materials used must help the students to build their comprehension skills and they must be written in the appropriate level of difficulty that matches the reading level of the students.

d. Facilitating Comprehension

According to Darkin 1987: 379, facilitating comprehension is divided into three responsibilities having to do with 1 new vocabulary, 2 essential background information, and 3 purposes for reading. 1 Teaching New Vocabulary Knowing the meaning of words in a passage is important in order to understand the idea. However, not knowing some words in a piece of text is no major obstacle to comprehension unless one or more of them are central importance to the author’s or the reader’s purpose. In this case, teaching new vocabulary is important. 2 Providing Essential Background Information Adequate preparations for reading a piece of text include helping students either recall or acquire necessary information to comprehend it. It is very effective phase in reading activity, which it helps students to understand the text. This preparation may be provided in the form of pre-reading activity. 3 Establishing Purpose of Reading The purpose of reading should be established first before starting to read. The purpose of reading is not only to get information but also to get adequate comprehension. Establishing the purpose of reading will make the reading more meaningful.

e. Reading Materials

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