Arrange the letters below and read the words to your friend 1. C-H-L-O-O-S

A. Look at the pictures below and read the sentences Pay attention to the italized words

Chocolate A chocolate My father bought me a chocolate Juice To drink juice I like to drink juice Cabbage Eating cabbage I hate eating cabbage Vegetable A lot of vegetable My mother bought a lot of vegetable Chicken A Chicken I buy a chicken in the supermarket B. Discuss the questions below with your friends 1. Do you find something different when you pronounce the italized words? 2. If yes, what is the difference? PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

A. Listen to your teacher and repeat the dialogue below with your friends

Butcher : Morning What can I do for you? George : I need one chicken. Butcher : Which one? George : Choose any of 2 kg, please George : Hi, Jane. What a coincidence to meet you here. Jane : Hi George. This is Sunday, you know. My mother asked me to help her in the kitchen. This time I gotta go to the market and prepare lunch. What are you doing here? George : My mother also asked me to help her prepare lunch and she needs cabbage What are you looking for? Jane : Chicken George : where is the butcher? Jane : He goes to get the chicken for me Butcher : What about this one? Jane : Fine. How much? Butcher : Rp. 30.500,- Jane : It is too expensive. How about Rp. 29.000,-? Butcher : Rp. 30.500,- will be fixed. B. Read the text above and answer the questions below correctly 1. Who asked Jane to go to the market? 2. What does Jane buy in the market? 3. What who does Jane meet in the market? 4. What does George’s mother need to prepare lunch? 5. How much does the chicken cost? C. How do you pronounce these words? Situation1: This Sunday morning. Jane is asked to go to the market to buy a chicken. Here, she is talking to a butcher. Situation 2: While waiting for the butcher choosing a chicken, Jane meets his classmate, George. Situation 3: The butcher comes back with the chicken D. Match the items in group A with the place in group B Note: the option in group B can be used more than once

E. Combines those words into a good sentence and practice the sentence orally

Example: Cabbage Greengrocer If I want to buy cabbage, I will go to the greengrocer

A. Let’s play a game TIC – TAC – TOE FRAME

Procedure 1. See the worksheet 1 1. Ask the students to work in pairs 2. Ask them to circle three words in a row that have the same sound Adapted from: Phonics Games Learning Activities Primary, 1999: 35 Group A Group B 1. Cabbage 2. Chicken 3. Orange 4. Juice 5. Chair 6. Ketchup 7. Chili 8. Chocolate A. Butcher B. Furniture shop C. Supermarket D. Restaurant E. Greengrocer Can you pronounce the words? Read the words to your friend Butcher George Jane Chicken Choose Cabbage Kitchen Lunch Much PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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