A. Conclusions

According to research findings, it can be concluded that there are some points which can answer this research questions. The cultural words contains in ziarah lebaran is thirteen data; lebaran, opor ayam, tepa slira, reriungan, ziarah lebaran, palawija, sambal terasi, amben, mudik, turun gunung, sungkem, bergenteyongan, and duduk menglesot. To render the Indonesian cultural words into target language english, the translator applied seven procedure, are: repetation, intratextual gloss, naturalization, naturalization with intratextual gloss, absolute universalization, absolute universalization with naturalization, and deletion. The procedure that mostly used by the translator are naturalization and absolute universalization. Naturalization is the procedure that used for selecting cultural-specific items in the target language to translate the ones in the source language. And absolute universalization is the procedure that used for translating the non-culture- specific item to culture-specific items. Translating cultural terms is not as easy as translating other terms. When the translator translates the books that include a cultural words, heshe should have deep understanding about two languages source language and target language because there is not same culture in every language. So that, inaccurate translation mostly happen. In this research, inaccurate translation happen in the word “turun gunung ” and “lebaran”. The translator just translate the word turun gunung as literally. Meanwhile the context between two languages are different. And the word lebaran not translating. Unclear translation also happen in the word “duduk menglesot”. The translator render that word into “sit”. Menglesot as the explanation of the word “sit” is not rendered. It makes the reader in target language missing the message. From the thirteen data, it can be concluded that the result of translation done by the translator is accurate. And also, it can be said that the translating of cultural words that done by the translator is a good translation.

B. Suggestions