Turun Gunung 40 Absolute Universalization FunctionalDescriptive Equivalent

Considering the fact that the result of the procedure of absolute universalization appears to tend on target language that is the translation which is comprehensible for TL readers by employing the component of source language word meaning, thus, it can be concluded that the translation done by the translator is accurate.

c. Turun Gunung

Akhirnya diputuskan suatu jalan tengah. Mbok Jah akan “turun gunung” dua kali dalam setahun ….


…., finally, a compromise was reached: Mbok Jah would come down from the mountains twice a year, …. p.179 Here, the word “turun gunung” in source language text SL is rendered into “come down from the mountain”. That word can be categorized into cultural word that refers to activity gesture habits. Hence, there is no similar name for the cultural word of turun gunung in English. The translator applies the procedure of absolute universalization descriptive by describing this word into come down from the mountain. According to the explanation above, the description meaning of the word “turun gunung” is inaccurate. Look at the context of the sentences, the meaning of turun gunung that means by the writer in the source language is not like that. The description of the word turun gunung come down from the mountain that translated by the translator is denotative meaning. The connotative meaning of the word “turun gunung” that means by the writer in the source language is “returning home”. As Larson said, Inaccurate translation is different of meaning between the original and translated text. 70 So, this translation can be claimed as inaccurate one. Therefore, a checking of the translation is needed. d. Sungkem According to data 5.d. above, sungkem is rendered into saying sorry. Sungkem is classified into cultural word that refers to action gesture. The translator uses absolute universalization procedure, means the translation procedure use non-culture word to translate cultural words. As Larson suggest, descriptive equivalent can be divided into two types, namely: 71 modifying a generic word and modifying a loan word. In this case, the translator attempts to express the word sungkem by explaining the component of meaning of this word that is saying sorry. The word sungkem is an Indonesian culture means prostration in one’s feet or lap done as a sign of devotion and respect, which is usually done at the moment of Eid. The translator uses absolute universalization procedure 70 Ibid. 71 Mildred L. Larson 1984. op.cit. pp. 167-169. Repot, rebyek, sungkem sini, sungkem sana, makan, makan dan makan, untuk kemudian jatuh K.O. …., P.30 It‟s a nuisance: rushing here and there, saying sorry to everybody, eating, eating, and eating some more until you finally fall on your face…. P.189 KBBI Sungkem sujud di kaki atau di pangkuan seseorang yang dilakukan sebagai tanda bakti dan hormat. P.1483 OXFORD Dictioary Saying Sorry Used for making excuses, apologizing, etc. P.1283 because in the TL did not find the exact equivalent of this word, so the translator translates the word using non-cultural word but has the same meaningcontext. Considering the fact that the result of the procedure of absolute universalization appears to tend on target language that is the translation which is comprehensible for TL readers by employing the description, it can be concluded that the translation done by the translator is accurate. 6. Absolute Universalization + Naturalization