Segmentasi Pelanggan dengan Analisis RFM

Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer dan Informatika KOMPUTA 6 Edisi. 01 Volume. 01, Maret 2016 ISSN : 2089-9033

2.8 Analisis Email

Analysis of the emails here as penindaklanjutan from customer segmentation has been done based on RFM. In the development of this system Email serves as a liaison between companies with customers through Email data. How it works essentially the same Email by sending an Email via your laptop, mobile phone or computer in General. Its just not pengiriminnya device, laptop, computer, or mobile, but automatically from the system that has been built. Based on the category of existing customers. 2.9 Analisis Kebutuhan Non Fungsional Non functional requirements analysis undertaken to produce details about things done system when implemented. As for some of the sections that are included into the Non-functional needs analysis i.e. analysis of hardware requirements, software requirements analysis and the analysis of the user.

2.9.1 Analisis Kebutuhan Perangkat Keras

As for hardware hardware used in PT Indoto Tirta can be seen in table 2. Table 2. Analisis Kebutuhan Perangkat Keras No Perangkat Keras Spesifikasi 1 Processor Intel Core i3 3,4 Ghz 2 Monitor Monitor dengan Resolusi 1024 x 768 3 Memori RAM 4 GB 4 Hardisk 512 GB 5 VGA 2 GB Whereas the minimum computer specs in PT Indoto Tirta Noble to be able to run this application can be seen in table 3. Table 3. Analisis kebutuhan perangkat keras yang diusulkan No Perangkat Keras Spesifikasi 1 Processor Dual Core 1,8 Ghz 2 Monitor Monitor dengan Resolusi 1024 x 768 3 Memori RAM 1 GB 4 Hardisk 256 GB 5 VGA 256 MB After looking at the comparison between the tables 3.6 and table 3, hardware hardware owned by PT Indoto Tirta Mulia currently meet the standard requirements a minimum hardware specification required to use the CRM information system will be built.

2.9.2 Analisis Kebutuhan Perangkat Lunak

As for software software used by PT Indoto Tirta Noble can be seen in table 4. Table 4. Analisis kebutuhan perangkat lunak di PT. Indoto Tirta Mulia No Perangkat Keras Spesifikasi 1 Sistem Operasi Microsoft Windows 7 2 Aplikasi Perangkat Kerja Microsoft Office 2010 3 Web Browser Internet Explorer dan Google Chrome Whereas the minimum software specifications required PT Indoto Tirta noble to be able to run applications that are built can be seen in table 5. Table 5. Analisis Kebutuhan Perangkat Lunak Yang Diusulkan No Perangkat Keras Spesifikasi 1 Sistem Operasi Microsoft Windows XP 2 Aplikasi Perangkat Kerja Microsoft Office 2007 3 Web Browser Internet Explorer dan Google Chrome Software software which has been owned by PT Indoto Tirta Noble currently meet the minimum requirements of the standard specifications of the software needed to use the CRM information system will be built.

2.9.3 Analisis Pengguna

Analysis of the users intended to find out who the user is involved in the use of information systems software to be built, so the user is expected to use the software software can satisfy several criteria in using the software. As for the parties to companies involved in the use of software can be seen in table 6. Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer dan Informatika KOMPUTA 7 Edisi. 01 Volume. 01, Maret 2016 ISSN : 2089-9033 Tabel 6. Analisis Pengguna yang sedang berjalan The user who will use the software to be built this at least have to master some of the following specifications and can be seen in table 7. Table 7. Analisis Pengguna yang diusulkan

2.10 Analisis Kebutuhan Fungsional

A functional needs analysis is an analysis that explains the flow of data or information that includes depictions of, planning, and production sketches or settings of some separate elements into a unified whole and functioning in the process of making software that will be built.

2.10.1 Diagram Konteks Context Diagram

Context diagram illustrates the data flow system in General. It includes what is being input, output and the external entity that is associated with the system. Context diagrams are used for customer relationship management application development can be seen in Figure 2. Figure 2. Context Diagram

2.10.2 Data Flow Diagram

Data flow diagram DFD is a model of logic or process data that was created to describe where the origin of the data and where the purpose of the data out of the system, where data is stored, what process that generates the data and transactions between the data stored and the process that is imposed on them. Figure 3. Data Flow Diagram DFD Level 1

2.10.3 Spesifikasi Proses

The specification process used to describe the process flow model of the data contained in the Data Flow Diagram DFD. Specifications of the existing processes in the system can be seen in table 8. Sistem Informasi CRM PT. Indoto Tirta Mulia pelanggan Purchasing Direktur Wakil Direktur Data Pelanggan Info Pelanggan Data Purchasing Info Purchasing Data Direktur Wakil Direktur Info Direktur Wakil Direktur pengunjung Data Pengunjung Info Pengunjung KA Produksi Produksi R D Data KA Produksi Produksi Info KA Produksi Produksi Data R D Info R D Direktur Wakil Direktur R D Purchasing KA. Produksi Produksi Pelanggan Pengunjung 1.0 Melakukan Login Data Login Info Login Data Login Info Login Data Login Info Login Data Login Info Login 2.0 Mengakses Lupa Password Data Login Data Login Info Login Info Login D a ta L o g in D a ta L o g in Info Login Info Login t_admin Data Login Data Login Data Login Data Login 3.0 Pengolahan Data Kategori 4.0 Pengolahan Data Produk 5.0 Pengolahan Data Promosi D a ta K at e g o ri In fo K at eg o ri D a ta P ro d u k In fo P ro d u k D a ta P ro m o si In fo P ro m o si t_kategori t_produk t_promosi Data Kategori Data Kategori Data Produk Data Produk Data Promosi Data Promosi Data Promosi Info Promosi 6.0 Pengolahan Data Kuesioner Data Kuesioner Info Promosi t_soal_kuesioner Data Kuesioner Info Kuesioner 7.0 Melihat Hasil Saran Kepuasan Pelanggan D a ta S a ra n K e p u a s a n P e la n g g a n In fo S a ra n K e p u a s a n P e la n g g a n t_jawaban_kuesioner t_kano_kuesioner t_saran_kuesioner Data Saran Data Saran Data Jawaban Data Jawaban Data Kepuasan Pelanggan Data Kepuasan Pelanggan 8.0 Pengolahan Data Transaksi 9.0 Konfirmasi Transaksi Pelanggan D a ta T ra n s a ks i In fo T ra n sa ks i D a ta K o n fi rm a si T ra n sa k si In fo K o n fi rm as i T ra n sa ks i t_faktur t_detail_faktur t_konfirmasi_pembayaran Data Transaksi Data Transaksi Data Transaksi Data Transaksi Data Konfirmasi Transaksi Data Konfirmasi Transaksi 11.0 Pengolahan Admin D a ta A d m in In fo A d m in Data Admin Data Admin 12.0 Pengolahan Email t_email Data Email Data Email D a ta E m a il In fo E m ai l 14.0 Melihat Kritik dan Saran 15.0 Melihat Komplain D a ta K ri ti k d an S a ra n In fo K ri ti k d an S ar an D a ta K o m p la in In fo K o m p la in t_komplain t_kritik_saran D a ta K o m p la in D a ta K o m p la in D a ta K ri ti k d an S a ra n Data Kritik dan Saran 13.0 Melihat Hasil Pengelompokan Pelanggan D a ta K e lo m p o k P e la n g g an In fo K el o m p o k P el an g g a n D a ta K e lo m p o k P e la n g g an D a ta K e lo m p o k P e la n g g an 10.0 Pengolahan Pelanggan D a ta P el an g g an In fo P e la n g g an t_pelanggan Data Pelanggan Data Pelanggan D a ta K e lo m p o k P e la n g g an D a ta K e lo m p o k P e la n g g an 16.0 Melakukan Login D a ta L o g in In fo L o g in 17.0 Mengakses Lupa Password D a ta L o g in In fo L o g in Data Login Data Login Data Login Data Login 18.0 Melihat Data Produk 19.0 Melihat Data Promosi 20.0 Melakukan Transaksi 21.0 Mengisi Kuesioner D a ta K u e si o n e r D a ta P ro d u k Info Produk Data Promosi Info Promosi Data Transaksi In fo T ra n sa ks i In fo K u es io n er Data Produk D a ta P ro d u k Data Promosi Data Promosi t_keranjang D a ta T ra n sa ks i Data Transaksi Data Transaksi Data Transaksi Data Transaksi Data Transaksi D a ta K u e si o n e r Data Kuesioner Data Kuesioner Data Kuesioner Data Kuesioner Data Kuesioner 22.0 Memberikan Komplain 23.0 Memberikan Kritik dan Saran Info Produk Data Produk 24.0 Melakukan Registrasi Data Registrasi In fo R eg is tr as i Data Registrasi Data Registrasi D a ta P ro m o si In fo P ro m o si t_pengunjung Data Pengunjung Data Pengunjung