The Nature of English Language Based on 2006 Curriculum The Goals and Functions Input Content Focus

18 because it can be used to make sure that the teaching learning process was done in a good way. Data which are compiled through assessment do not use to find student’s study. The good teaching learning process should be emphasized to help the student to learn “learning how to learn”. The assessments emphasizing on the study process make the data that are compiled be achieved through real activity. The data which are taken from outside and inside the class is called authentic.

3. Curriculum a. The 2006 Curriculum for Junior High School

The 2006 curriculum is the newest curriculum from the National Education Department that was issued in 2006. This curriculum is also used as a guide to teach English. If the 2006 curriculum is compared to the 2004 curriculum, it can be found that actually they are not very different.

b. The Nature of English Language Based on 2006 Curriculum

English is a means to communicate both in oral and written form. Communicate is to comprehend and to express information, thought, feeling, through language. The learners are expected to be able to develop science, technology, and culture. In a heuristic meaning, communicative competence means discourse competence that is the ability to understand and produce oral or written texts which can be found in four skills listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These skills are used to perceive and create discourse in society life. Therefore, English is directed to develop those four skills to make the learners 19 able to communicate and have discourse in English in certain literacy level Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2006: 277. Literary level consists of performative, functional, informational, and epistemic. In performative level, people are able to read, write, listen, and speak using symbols. In functional level, people are able to use language to fulfill their daily needs such as reading newspaper, and manuals. In informational level, people are able to access knowledge with their language ability while in epistemic level people are able to express knowledge into the target language Wells, 1987.

c. The Goals and Functions

English subject has goals and functions as follows: 1 Develop communicative competence in English both orally and written to achieve functional literacy level. 2 Develop the awareness about the nature and importance of English to increase the competitiveness of the nation in global society. 3 Develop the understanding of the learners about the relationship between language and culture.

d. Scope of English Lesson Based On 2006 Curriculum

According to Departemen Pendidikan Nasional 2006: 278 there are some scopes in English lesson based on 2006 curriculum. They are: 1 Discourse competency that is ability to create and produce oral or written text which is involved in four skills Listening, speaking, reading, and writing resolutely to achieve functional literacy level. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 20 2 Ability to understand and produce not only many short functional texts and monologues but also essays in the form of procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative, and report. 3 Supporting competence, namely linguistic competence using grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and writing, sociocultural competence using formal expressions and grammar in every communication context, strategic competence overcoming problems in many ways which appear through the process of communication so that the communication still takes place, and discourse competence using discourse instrument.

4. Material Development

In designing the materials, the writer used the model proposed by Hutchinson and Waters. The purpose of this model is to provide coherent framework for the integration of the various aspects of learning and it provides enough room for creativity and variety to grow Hutchinson and Waters, 1994: 108. There are four elements in the model. They are:

a. Input

It can be in form of sound recording, a text, diagram or any piece of communication data, depending on the needs defined in analysis.

b. Content Focus

Language is a means of conveying information and feeling about something. Therefore, to generate meaningful communication non-linguistic content should be exploited.

c. Language Focus

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