This study focuses on designing a set of reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning CTL for the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta. CTL is a concept that helps students relate the materials which are learnt to real world situations and motivates students to make connections between knowledge and its applications to their daily life. CTL which emphasizes on constructivism in the teaching learning process can be promoted as an alternative strategy to create better learning process. In developing the materials the writer used the model from Hutchinson and Waters. The model is chosen because the model provides coherent framework for the integration of the various aspects of learning and it provides enough room for creativity and variety to grow. Here, to develop the design, the writer combined Kemp’s instructional design model and Yalden’s instructional design model because they can complete each other. There is no need analysis in Kemp’s models. The use of need analysis from Yalden’s model can make the design better. Moreover, Yalden’s model emphasizes communicative function and the process of instructional design model and the steps in Kemp’s model are continuous. The new framework is composed of several elements, namely, conducting a needs survey; determining competency standard, basic competence, and topics; determining indicators; listing subject contents; selecting teaching and learning activities; evaluating. 28 Step 1 Conducting needs survey The writer adapted this step from Yalden’s model. A need survey was essential in planning the instruction. It could be used to learn about the students’ need. The writer conducted a survey through questionnaires to the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School and interviewed two English teachers of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School. Step 2 Determining competency standard, basic competence, and topics The writer adapted this step from Kemp’s model. This step was used to determine the goals of the materials design based on the students’ need. The topics, then, were chosen based on the necessity to achieve the goals. In determining the standard competency, basic competency, and topics the writer developed them from 2006 curriculum. Step 3 Determining Indicators This step was adapted from Kemp’s model. According to Kemp 1977: 24 by specifying the indicators, the writer knew specifically whether the basic competence had been achieved or not. The writer made a list of what the learners had to learn in every meeting and at the end of each meeting the students were expected to be able to achieve the basic competence. Step 4 Listing subject content This step was adopted from Kemp’s model. The function of this step was to facilitate the achievement of each objective. Therefore, they should be closely related to the objectives of the learner’s needs. Step 5 Designing the materials In this step, the writer designed the materials utilizing the teaching learning activities and the instructional sources which had been previously 29 selected. The materials were designed based on the standard competence and basic competence. Step 6 Selecting the teaching and learning activities Producing a set of English learning materials for the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta using CTL was the main focus of this study. The materials were designed based on the principles of the CTL theory as discussed in the previous section. Here, the writer looked for some books to gather relevant teaching learning sources and also the suitable teaching media. Step 7 Evaluating Evaluation was done to help the writer gain the final designed materials. The evaluation was done to the whole components of the material. It helped in making any necessary adjustment. Step 8 Revising Revising was done after the writer obtained the feedback from evaluation. This step was done to improve the design. 30 Figure 2.4 The Writer’s Instructional Design Model 31


In this chapter the writer discusses the research methodology that was used to answer the problems presented in Chapter I. There are six points discussed in this chapter. They are: 1 method of the study; 2 respondents; 3 instruments; 4 data gathering techniques; 5 data analysis techniques; 6 procedures.


As it has been stated in the problem formulation in chapter one, this research attempted to solve two major problems. Firstly, it was conducted to find out how a set of English reading material using CTL approach for students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School was designed. Secondly, it was aimed to present the designed materials for students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School. In this study, the writer applied Research and Development method RD. According to Borg and Gall 1983: 772 RD can be defined “as a process used to develop and validate educational products” such as teaching materials, teaching methods and method for organizing instruction. In addition, RD tries to develop research knowledge and incorporate it into a product by becoming a bridge so that the gap between educational research and educational practice can disappear Borg and Gall1983: 771. Research and Development method RD consists of a cycle where the product is developed, field-tested and

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