Data Collecting Method Method of Analysis

magazines, newspaper, and so on including literary material. From the literature we will find some theories, norm, principles, opinion, and arguments etc, which can be used to analyze and overcome the problem indeed.

3.2 Data and Data Source

The data of this analysis are words and sentences. The data sources of this analysis were taken randomly from some English Magazines such as New York Times September 2006, Men’s Health October 2006, People May 2007, and Her World Magazine September 2008. There are 20 data of magazine advertisements that analyzed from those magazines. Then they are classified into some types of the products such as, Food and Beverage four text, Fashion four text, Health and Beauty six text, Automobile three text, and Electronic Tools three text. The data will be taken by using purposive sampling; it means that the writer chooses the sample of the analysis based on certain consideration or purpose as stated by Bunging 2005:115: “Teknik sampling ini digunakan pada penelitian- penelitian yang lebih mengutamakan tujuan penelitian daripada sifat populasi dalam menentukan sample penelitian.Sampling technique is used in the researches which is aimed for the purpose of research than characteristics of population in determining the sample of research.

3.3 Data Collecting Method

In collecting the data, the writer applies written method. In written method, the writer has to find and write the entire indicators which are containing Universitas Sumatera Utara figurative language in the language advertisements. The collected data are clarified by classifying them into figurative language. Sudaryanto 1993: 135 states, “Data yang sudah ditranskripsi tersebut diklarifikasikan menurut aspek- aspek yang menjadi sarana pendukung keutuhan wacana.” The transcript data then classified into aspects that would be supported means to complete the discourse.

3.4 Method of Analysis

In analyzing the data, the writer applies qualitative descriptive strategy. Bungin 2001: 290 states that: “Penggunaan strategi deskriptif kualitatif dimulai dari analisis berbagai data yang terhimpun dari suatu penelitian, kemudian bergerak ke arah pembentukan kesimpulan kategoris atau ciri- ciri tertentu. The using descriptive qualitative strategy started from analysis some of collecting data from research, and then continues to form the conclusion of characteristics. The writer analyzes the data by making description about each advertisement. The systematic procedures in conducting the analysis are as follows:  Collecting the data from some English Magazines  Collecting the data from the magazines  Reading the chosen advertisements  Identifying and underlining the words and sentences which belongs to figurative language  Classifying the type of the product  Categorizing the words and sentences according to the kinds of figurative language by finding out the literal meaning of the words firstly. Universitas Sumatera Utara 29 CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS

4. 1 Introduction

Diction may be defined simply as the choice of words and good diction enables us to say exactly what we want to say. Diction means choice of words to express ideas. S we know, many words have different meaning. It is caused by semantics changes and also by the types of meaning. Thus, diction plays an important role not only in speaking, but also in writing. In this case the advertisers should be able to choose the appropriate words and selecting the words using in the advertisements. In analyzing the data, the writer applies library research by collecting some information from the books that are related to the topic diction. The writer takes the data from the advertisements. The function of the advertisements can be viewed in two basic ways: as tool of marketing and as a means of communication. As a tool of marketing means that businessmen tend to advertise their product by advertising. Advertisements also means as a communication between the businessmen and the consumers in conveying the purpose of the businessmen, which is to buy the product. One of the available media of advertises the product is in magazine. It is not difficult to get magazines for nowadays. There are so many magazines that we can find that we can find many advertisements there. Most of the advertisements in magazine use figurative language such as hyperbole, metaphor, simile, personification, metonymy, and so on and they have connotative meaning. Universitas Sumatera Utara Sometimes the figurative language is used explicitly, which enables us to identify it easily. Now we will start to analyze the diction used in advertisements in some magazine such as Men’s Health Magazine and Time Magazine, People, Her World Magazine.

4.2 Diction and Kinds of Figurative Language