Research Design Data and Data Source


3.1 Research Design

In writing this thesis, the writer applies library research. The analysis will not be in statistical form. This is merely analysis on meaning and figurative language. In doing the analysis, the writer uses some books which relevant to the topic of the analysis. To support this analysis, the writer applies library research buy studying some theories related to the topic of the thesis. Nawawi 1993:30 states, “Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan menghimpun data dari berbagai literature, baik di perpustakaan maupun di tempat- tempat lain. Literatur yang dipergunakan tidak terbatas hanya pada buku- buku, tetapi dapat juga berupa bahan- bahan dokumentsi, majalah- majalah, koran- koran, dll berupa bahan tertulis. Dari literature tersebut dapat ditemukan berbagai teori, hukum, dalil, prinsip- prinsip, pendapat, gagasan- gagasan dll yang dapat dipergunakan untuk menganalisa dan memecahkan masalah yang diselidiki”. Library research is done by collecting the data from many literatures, from library or he other places. Literature used is not restricted by the books, but also documents, Universitas Sumatera Utara magazines, newspaper, and so on including literary material. From the literature we will find some theories, norm, principles, opinion, and arguments etc, which can be used to analyze and overcome the problem indeed.

3.2 Data and Data Source

The data of this analysis are words and sentences. The data sources of this analysis were taken randomly from some English Magazines such as New York Times September 2006, Men’s Health October 2006, People May 2007, and Her World Magazine September 2008. There are 20 data of magazine advertisements that analyzed from those magazines. Then they are classified into some types of the products such as, Food and Beverage four text, Fashion four text, Health and Beauty six text, Automobile three text, and Electronic Tools three text. The data will be taken by using purposive sampling; it means that the writer chooses the sample of the analysis based on certain consideration or purpose as stated by Bunging 2005:115: “Teknik sampling ini digunakan pada penelitian- penelitian yang lebih mengutamakan tujuan penelitian daripada sifat populasi dalam menentukan sample penelitian.Sampling technique is used in the researches which is aimed for the purpose of research than characteristics of population in determining the sample of research.

3.3 Data Collecting Method