An Analysis of Diction Used in Magazine Advertisements








I, Romauli Simbolon, declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. Except where references is made in text of this thesis, this thesis contains no material published else where or extracted in whole or in part from a thesis by which I have qualified for awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of the thesis. This thesis has not been submitted for aware of another degree in any tertiary education.

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Title of this thesis : An Analysis of Diction Used in Magazine Advertisements Qualification : S-1/ Sarjana Sastra

Department : English

I am willing that my thesis should be available for reproduction at the discretion on the librarian of the English Department, Faculty of Letters, University of Sumatera Utara on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic Indonesia.

Signed :



First, I would like to give thanks to my savior Jesus Christ who always gives me His blessings, guidance and spirit to finish this thesis.

The thesis deals with Diction used in Magazine Advertisements.

I would like to say thank to some lecturers who helped and guided me to write this thesis, they are:

1. Prof. Syaifuddin, M.A., Ph.D as the Dean of Faculty of Letters in University of Sumatera Utara.

2. Dra. Swesana M Lubis, M.Hum as the Head of English Literature Department in University of Sumatera Utara.

3. Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum as the Secretary of English Literature Department in University of Sumatera Utara.

4. Dra. Masdiana Lubis, M.Hum as my Supervisor and Drs. Perdamen Perangin-angin, M.A, as my Co-Supervisor for the precious advices, supporting assistance and understanding that motivated me to finish this thesis.

5. Dra. Persadanta Br karo, M.Hum as my Academic Supervisor for the encouragement during my study at English Literature Department in University of Sumatera Utara.

I also thank all of sisters in my lovely small group “Abighael”: K’ Mafe, Debora and Miss who always support me with their love, care, pray and attention. It’s one of God’ blessings when I have friends like you all. Thank you for being best my friends. God Bless Us!!!

I say thanks to God for giving me parents, my gentle Father, K. Simbolon and my warm Mother, M br. Sianturi who loves cares and struggles hard to fulfil all my needs. “Thank you for your praying. I dedicate this thesis to you”. Thank to God for giving me a best mother like my Late Mother, T. Sianturi “See you in heaven, Mom”, and I will always love you.

Thank to “Simbolon Family”, all my best sister, Emris Simbolon, Rusmawan Simbolon, Ernita Simbolon, Darlia Simbolon, Shyntia Simbolon and


supports in finishing my study. Thank to my grandfather, J. Simbolon and my Grandmother, T. br. Silalahi, for your praying. Hope that you proud of me. Thank to my sweetest and funniest cousins, and all my brothers and sisters for your support and cares.

Finally yet importantly, I would like to say thanks to my friends Nova, Junastri, Novi, Yosi, Nellissa, Giat, Joni, Elpan, Dix, Hendra and Rances for all the time and laughter we had shared together. I would like to thanks to other friends that have time to share especially Veronika Sianturi, Kristina Butar-butar, Eva Sinuhaji, Destiny Manalu, Benny Hutauruk, and Harsen Silalahi for your supports and cares, and give me time to share. Thanks a lot for everything that they have done for me. Finally, I hope this thesis will always be beneficial for the readers.

Medan, June 2010

Romauli Simbolon Reg.No 060705027



Skripsi yang berjudul “An Analysis of Diction Used in Magazine Advertisements” merupakan suatu kajian mengenai pilihan kata yang digunakan dalam iklan di majalah. Skripsi ini menganalisis tentang makna dan gaya bahasa yang tediri dari personifikasi, hiperbola, metafora, metonimia, dan simile yang digunakan dalam 20 iklan di majalah. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam menulis skripsi ini adalah metode kepustakaan, dalam mengumpulkan data penulis menggunakan metode catat (written method), sedangkan dalam menganalisis data digunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yang dikembangkan oleh Bungin (2001: 290). Di dalam menganalisis data, penulis menggunakan teori dari Gorys Keraf dalam bukunya yang berjudul “Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa”. Setelah menulis skripsi ini, penulis mendapat temuan bahwa dalam iklan- iklan di majalah terdapat makna denotasi dan konotasi. Tetapi, iklan- iklan tersebut hendaknya diartikan dengan makna konotasi. Adapun kata- kata yang bermakna konotatif berdasarkan data- data yang ada antara lain, sound; smooth; indulge; tame; tackle; bloom; help; cleanse; purify; strengthen; make; radiant as a dazzling star. Kata- kata tersebut di atas hendaknya jangan diartikan secara denotasi, kata- kata tersebut hendaknya diartikan secara konotasi bila diterapkan dalam iklan di majalah. Temuan lain yang didapat penulis adalah iklan- iklan dalam majalah menggunakan kata- kata kunci atau “key words” yang membuat iklan tersebut tampak menarik, contohnya dapat kita lihat pada contoh berikut: kata kunci yang membuat iklan tersebut menjadi personifikasi adalah:


Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa Jazz adalah sejenis minuman dan tidak bisa bersuara seperti manusia. Sedangkan kata kunci yang membuat iklan tersebut menjadi hiperbola adalah:

“THE MIRACLE BEHIND THE CRYSTAL SKIN”, pembuat iklan terlalu melebih- lebihkan kenyataan. Mereka mempengaruhi orang lain bahwa produk tersebut akan memberikan dampak yang sangat besar, kulit kita akan terlihat seperti kristal. Namun, kita tidak bisa menjamin itu dapat terjadi. Kata kunci yang membuat iklan tersebut menjadi metafora adalah:

“BRUSH LIKE A DENTIST”, berarti pembuat iklan mencoba untuk membandingkan dua hal yang hampir memiliki kesamaan. Dalam iklan tersebut pembuat iklan membandingkan sikat gigi tersebut dapat menyikat gigi seperti yang dilakukan oleh dokter yang lebih berkompetensi dalam hal menyikat gigi. Kata kunci yang menggunakan metonimia adalah:

“OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRIES”, seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa “cranberries” adalah sejenis buah berry.

Kata kunci yang menggunakan simile adalah:

“IT’S CELESTIAL. JUST LIKE YOUR LOVE”. Dalam iklan ini, pembuat iklan mencoba untuk membandingkan dua hal yang berbeda, keindahan “celestial diamonds” dibandingkan dengan keindahan cinta seseorang walaupun sebenarnya keduanya berbeda.




ABSTRACT ... iii


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Analysis ... 1

1.2 Problems of the Analysis ... 4

1.3 Objectives of the Analysis ... 5

1.4 Scope of the Analysis ... 5

1.5 Significances of the Analysis ... 6

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Definition of Diction ... 7

2.1.1 Diction ... 7

2.1.2 Denotation and Connotation ... 9

2.1.3 The Qualities of Diction ... 11

2.2 Advertisement and Magazine ... 18

2.2.1 Advertisement ... 18

2.2.2 Magazine ... 22

2.2.3 The Relation of Advertising and Magazine ... 24

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Design ... 26

3.2 Data and Data Source ... 27



4.1 Introduction ... 29

4.2 Diction and Kinds of Figurative Language ... 30

4.2.1 Food and Beverage ... 32

4.2.2 Fashion ... 35

4.2.3 Health and Beauty ... 39

4.2.4 Automobile ... 46

4.2.5 Electronic tools... 49


5.2 Suggestions ... 53 BIBLIOGRAPHY



Skripsi yang berjudul “An Analysis of Diction Used in Magazine Advertisements” merupakan suatu kajian mengenai pilihan kata yang digunakan dalam iklan di majalah. Skripsi ini menganalisis tentang makna dan gaya bahasa yang tediri dari personifikasi, hiperbola, metafora, metonimia, dan simile yang digunakan dalam 20 iklan di majalah. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam menulis skripsi ini adalah metode kepustakaan, dalam mengumpulkan data penulis menggunakan metode catat (written method), sedangkan dalam menganalisis data digunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yang dikembangkan oleh Bungin (2001: 290). Di dalam menganalisis data, penulis menggunakan teori dari Gorys Keraf dalam bukunya yang berjudul “Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa”. Setelah menulis skripsi ini, penulis mendapat temuan bahwa dalam iklan- iklan di majalah terdapat makna denotasi dan konotasi. Tetapi, iklan- iklan tersebut hendaknya diartikan dengan makna konotasi. Adapun kata- kata yang bermakna konotatif berdasarkan data- data yang ada antara lain, sound; smooth; indulge; tame; tackle; bloom; help; cleanse; purify; strengthen; make; radiant as a dazzling star. Kata- kata tersebut di atas hendaknya jangan diartikan secara denotasi, kata- kata tersebut hendaknya diartikan secara konotasi bila diterapkan dalam iklan di majalah. Temuan lain yang didapat penulis adalah iklan- iklan dalam majalah menggunakan kata- kata kunci atau “key words” yang membuat iklan tersebut tampak menarik, contohnya dapat kita lihat pada contoh berikut: kata kunci yang membuat iklan tersebut menjadi personifikasi adalah:


Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa Jazz adalah sejenis minuman dan tidak bisa bersuara seperti manusia. Sedangkan kata kunci yang membuat iklan tersebut menjadi hiperbola adalah:

“THE MIRACLE BEHIND THE CRYSTAL SKIN”, pembuat iklan terlalu melebih- lebihkan kenyataan. Mereka mempengaruhi orang lain bahwa produk tersebut akan memberikan dampak yang sangat besar, kulit kita akan terlihat seperti kristal. Namun, kita tidak bisa menjamin itu dapat terjadi. Kata kunci yang membuat iklan tersebut menjadi metafora adalah:

“BRUSH LIKE A DENTIST”, berarti pembuat iklan mencoba untuk membandingkan dua hal yang hampir memiliki kesamaan. Dalam iklan tersebut pembuat iklan membandingkan sikat gigi tersebut dapat menyikat gigi seperti yang dilakukan oleh dokter yang lebih berkompetensi dalam hal menyikat gigi. Kata kunci yang menggunakan metonimia adalah:

“OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRIES”, seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa “cranberries” adalah sejenis buah berry.

Kata kunci yang menggunakan simile adalah:

“IT’S CELESTIAL. JUST LIKE YOUR LOVE”. Dalam iklan ini, pembuat iklan mencoba untuk membandingkan dua hal yang berbeda, keindahan “celestial diamonds” dibandingkan dengan keindahan cinta seseorang walaupun sebenarnya keduanya berbeda.


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Analysis

Language is something that cannot be separated from human’s life. In the process of communication, as its functions convey information, maintains social relationship, and as an aesthetic function. So in the process we try to persuade people or make people understand what we are saying about and on the contrary the people are too. So the good and harmonious two way communication will be gained. Sapir (1921: 8) states, “Language is a purely human and non distinctive method communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols.” Based on this statement, language here means as a tool in conveying ideas, emotions, desires, which are produced by speech organs.

The language we utter consist of words, used to form sentence since, words is the smallest unit of language. As Keraf (2004: 24) states,

“Word is the smallest unit of language consists of concept or idea. In communication activity, words combined into larger construction based on syntax rule in language. Words in a language are very important, because each word expresses an idea. It means that the more words we acquire, the more idea and the concept we have that we can utter.”


In expressing the idea, we have to know the meaning of the words and to get the meaning it is not only by using the lexical meaning but also trough synonym and paraphrase. Palmer (1976: 29) states, “Knowing the meaning of a word means that we do a number of things we can use it properly, we can explain it to others in terms of paraphrase or synonyms.” Words are often reflecting the interests of the people who speak it.

Language is not only used for communication but also for business especially in advertisement. Language of advertisements is one of the journalistic varieties, language variety is used by the creative person, or a person works in advertisements. Advertisement is a kind of information and media of communication. Advertisement consisting of persuasive informative should be creative, simple, attractive, and communicative, so that the readers can understand the meaning of advertisement is. When arranging the words, they should think the irresistible words and can stimulate people to read, see, and act upon them. That is why they should be creative in playing the words by finding the provocative words but acceptable for many kinds of people too. Thus, some principles of a good advertising style such as simplicity, clearness, vividness, and a sense of action and urgency are needed. It means that we should talk about the appropriateness of the choice of words in language of advertisements which is often called diction.

The meaning of diction is wider than what the words combination reflected. Keraf (1991:22-23) states,



“Istilah ini (diksi- red) bukan saja dipergunakan untuk menyatakan kata- kata mana yang dipakai untuk mengungkapkan suatu ide atau gagasan, tetapi juga meliputi persoalan fraseologi, gaya bahasa, dan ungkapan.” (Diction is not simply as the choice of words, but includes phraseology, style of language, and other aspect that can make the words more artistic).”

Diction is the use of appropriate and harmony choice of words to utter idea in order to give the influence as it is hoped. It means that the mastery of words of someone will influence the communication activity including in making the advertisements. The choices of words used are in accordance with the meaning and norm can represent an idea. The speaker has to think the appropriate words in order to utter the idea. The diction or choice of words not only embrace the meaning of words used to deliver an idea, but also the choice of acceptable words and that can influence someone that can change the situation.

In making the advertisements; we need to think the appropriate words whether they are related to the context in order to utter the particular meaning. In this case, style is one of the main points. Style is a way to use the language. Style is part of diction which is related to the utterances individually or characteristics, or having artistic value. Keraf (2004; 23) states, “It is possible for us to value personality, characteristics, and ability of human that use the language from the style. We can use diction and style in strategy logic and script planning, especially advertisements script.”


We can find the implementation of the influence of choice of words in advertisements. Advertisements is a small part of the day life of business, governments and of the people who work in and with it endless excitement, fascination, and frustration. Advertising is the only one of several selling products such as goods, services, etc. It is also said as the keystone in the arch of sales. Nowadays, advertisements play a great role in business which can be the best way in getting the consumers attention.

This thesis is focused on the analysis of diction used in advertisements. We find many advertisements of various kinds of product in magazine. It still needs choice of words to communicate the messages from the product. They motivate the readers confronted with shelves of front covers competing for their attention to buy or magazine rather than another. So every single word with the appropriate words is very significant and influencing.

Finally, realizing the existence of words in advertisement is very crucial; I would like to analyze the diction or choice of words used in advertisements in magazine. The main concern is whether the advertisement uses literal or non literal language to convey the intended message.

1.2 Problem of the Analysis

This thesis focuses on the following problems:

 What are the diction or word choice and the meaning of the diction used in the magazine’s advertisement?

 What kinds of figurative language used in magazine’s advertisements



 How are they used figurative language used in magazine’s advertisements?

1.3 Objectives of the Analysis

This thesis is focused on the diction used in magazine’s advertisement. The objectives of analysis can be classified as follows:

 First, in analyzing the selected data of advertisements in magazines, we are expected to find the diction and the meaning of advertisements. We know that there are two kinds of meaning, denotative and connotative meaning. Therefore, in this analysis the first aim is to find the meaning of advertisements in magazines.  Second, in expressing the idea, those advertisements usually apply

the figurative language such as personification, metonymy, simile, hyperbole, allusion, and so on. Thus, this analysis is to find the figurative language of such expression used in the advertisements.  Third, in order to explain the using of the figurative language so it

can be pointed out using such kinds of the figurative language. 1.4 Scope of the Analysis

This thesis is focused on the diction or choice of words used in advertisements in magazine. The writer restricts the analysis merely on those concerns with meaning and the figurative language found in magazine’s advertisement. There are some of figurative languages used in advertisements, such as personification, metonymy, simile, hyperbole, allusion, and so on. This


analysis is to find the key words in determining the figurative language of each expression.

In this thesis, the writer will analyze 20 advertisements from some types of products such as Food and Beverage, Beauty and Health, Automobile, Electronic Tools,

1.5 Significances of the Analysis

This significance theoretically is to enrich linguistics studies especially diction in advertisements. Those objectives are expected to give some significance to readers especially for those who are interested in analyzing and learning the diction used in advertisements. The significances practically are:

 This thesis will give accurate information about the diction or word choice used in advertisements in magazine.

 By reading this thesis, hope the reader will know some figurative languages applied in advertisements.

 By reading the thesis, the reader will also be able to differentiate the figurative language used in magazine’s advertisements then in any other media such as newspaper, radio, internet, etc.



REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 The Definition of Diction

2.1.1 Diction

If we talk about diction, we are involved with words. We need to express our idea, thought, and emotions and we need words to do that. When we are in the process of communication, we have to arrange the words into sentence so that we can understand the meaning of the sentences. Sometimes words come so easily that we can find no difficulty to express what we want to share. At other time, we are striking out word after another as we search the best word to convey our thoughts. The most important thing is the implicit meaning in every word that reflects an idea.

Words are medium of communication. We think with as we speak and write with words. Neither speaking nor writing can be efficient unless the words are right and accurate. Every word has “spirit”. We have to know that the spirit of the words, so they can influence other people with spirit from the words that used in the communication process.

A word is always used in some situations or context in which it occurs. In other words, we do not write and read the isolated words, but only words which has context provided by another word and affects their responses to any particular word. For example, the word ‘set’ are used in various context, I have a set of Shakespeare’, we don’t make in the same set’, we are set to go’, my mind is set’, and so on. Therefore, our choice of words should consider the context in which


those words will appear. It means that the words that we used must be appropriate to the context. So, it fully depends on how we choose the appropriate choice of words in order to get the people’s understanding and to deliver the idea that we want to share. The appropriate words we use is what we called by word choice or diction.

Diction in its original, primary meaning refers to the writer’s or the speaker’s distinctive vocabulary choices and style of expression. A secondary, common meaning of diction is more precisely expressed with the word enunciation- the art of speaking clearly so that each word is clearly herd and understood to its fullest complexity and extremity. This secondary sense concerns pronunciation and tone, rather than word choice and style too. Diction is effective when words are appropriate to an audience. A man might refer to his car as his “wheels” in casual conversation with a friend, but if he were writing an essay for a group of economist, he would write, People base their decision to buy an automobile on the following considerations.”

There are some of definitions of diction:

“Diction may be defined simply as the choice of words.” (Weafer, 1957: 233)

“Diction is the choice of words, style, and manner of speaking and writing.” (Hornby, 1974:239)

“Diction is the choice of words and clarity of the sounds produced, to achieve a particular effect.” (Hartmann, 1972: 66)



“Diction is the use of words.” Good diction implies the selection and arrangement of appropriate words so that they express the thought not only with precious but also with grace. However, in any age, diction should be regarded not as an end in itself but as a means of securing expressions of human thoughts and emotion.” (Yellard and Easton, 983:45)

We can conclude from these definitions is that the basic meaning of diction is the choice of words. We know that many words with the different meaning. It is caused by the semantics changes and the types of meaning too. Therefore, we are hoped to understand both of semantics and the types of meaning in order to get the good diction. Thus, Diction plays an important role not only in speaking but in writing too.

2.1.2 Denotation and Connotation

If we describe about diction, we have to know about the denotative and connotative meanings. The denotative meaning is physical referent the word identifies, that is the thing or the concept. Denotative is as the central, logical, comparatively abstract aspect of word meaning. Denotative meaning is usually a public and traditional meaning. It gives what a word has to mean; the irreducible meaning contained its logical definition which is usually called the dictionary definition. Words such as ‘pen,’ ‘book,’ ‘chair,’ ‘table,’ ‘ pencil,’ have physical referents whereas words such as ‘love,’ ‘hope,’ ‘desire,’ refer to qualities of concepts. Goddard (1998: 123) defines the denotation as, ‘The literal, dictionary definition of a word, its bares factual meaning”. Whereas in


the Glossary terms, “Denotation is the objective relationship between a linguistic form and its referent.”

Connotative meaning refers to the personal aspect of meaning, closely related with the emotional association that arouses. It is like an individual feels about the word or people do have some of common experiences, some words have shared connotations. Weafer(1957: 237) states, “Connotation meaning gives the suggested, incidental, or acquired meaning of the word.”

Leech (1981: 12) states “Connotative meaning is the communicative value of an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, over and above its purely conceptual content. Thus, connotative meaning is an additional meaning, which is expressed directly by the word.”

We would like to give some examples in order to make these two things clear such as; the word ‘car’ and ‘automobile’, ‘fire’ and ‘conflagration’, ‘building’ and ‘edifice’ and so on, they have the same denotation but differ in situations in which they are used and have differences in the degree of formality, the style or flavor the connotation.

Some words sometimes provide the same meaning, but they have different in meaning of attitude such as, the word ‘famous’ and ‘notorious’ actually have the same meaning “well known” but ‘famous’ means well known for something good ; while ‘notorious’ means well known for something bad.

Connotation gives what the words has to come to mean suggestively as a consequence of its associations, and some of these meanings maybe evaluative or emotional. Certain attitude may be favorable or unfavorable. Some words



seem to have favorable connotation, such as ‘happiness’, ‘beauty’, ‘kindness, etc. The other words seems to have unfavorable connotation such as ‘lust’, ‘evil’, ‘hate’, ‘greed’, etc.

We have to choose the appropriate words which the right denotation and the desired connotation to clarify the intended meaning and elicit the response we want from our reader or hearer. When word has a wrong connotation in a complementary context, sometimes it is difficult to differentiate the words which are near synonyms or have similar meaning but have an important difference in a particular context.

Another example is the word ‘flag’. That word might be denotatively defined as a national emblem consisting of an oblong piece of light flexible cloth with horizontal red and white stripes and forty- eight white stars on a blue field. But connotation use of the same expression might be defined as past deed of patriotism, devotion to country, unity of ideas, and so on.

2.1.3The Qualities of Diction

Good diction is the choice of words that best convey our intended meaning. The choice of words is used depend on the context in a particular sentence. We often use a dictionary in order to get the right words, but sometimes dictionary does not give the word which we are going to use, but it is normal to consult dictionary first either to find the exact meaning of words or how it is spelled. Therefore, we have to choose the appropriate words which are suitable to share the idea in order to deliver the intended meaning.


If we talk about diction basically, there are some levels of diction. Diction has four levels. These levels actually encounter in our reading and listening. They are literary level, formal level informal level, and vernacular level. Literary level tends to be ornate as compared with much writing today, even of the serious kind. This literary level is the first as the highest level. Weafer (1957:225) states, “Literary diction tends to be very polite or elegant and may consciously shun terms which have associations of coarseness or common life.”

The second level is formal level. Diction in this level reflects education, but it is less fancy or learned. It is nearer the level of conversation, although it will exclude some expressions that are customarily used in conversation. Formal diction is used in science, the world’s business, the level of the good address, of the good business letter, of the official report, of the responsible form of journalism, and a portion of advertising. It is often used in writing that serves serious purposes. Most of our textbooks are written in formal diction.

The third is informal level, which might be described as the formal relaxed a few more degrees. Informal diction is often used in our daily life such as in our conversation with many other people in common. It is considered more natural than formal diction for most people. It includes a certain number of colloquial, contraction, regionalism, and slang expressions such as, “a buck’ when we mean “a dollar”, “turn on the juice” when we mean,” turn on the electricity”.



The last is vernacular level. It seems like the speech of uneducated people. For example, “ain’t”, “them boys”, and so on and it usually makes a very free and undiscriminating use if slang.

Diction has further meaning when applied to speech since it involves voice control, voice expression, pronunciation, and enunciation. In analyzing the choice of words, we need to consider some points that should be taken into account.

a. Appropriateness

Appropriateness in choosing words is very important because it will give effect to the consumer in order to get their attention first, and then desire to get them. Appropriateness in choosing words is ability in making an appropriate idea. So, it includes someone’s meaning and vocabulary. Words are appropriate when they are suited to our intended meaning which includes our analysis of the situation and audience for which we are writing. In advertising, the businessmen sometimes use different style and words in advertisements while thinking about whose audience are children and adults. One of the major choices is that we have to know what we must do in a given situation. For example, in a social situation, we wear the clothes depend on the occasion such as a formal gown will be appropriate in a religious ceremony, wedding party, etc. and of course inappropriate to the occasion. The same thing also happens in diction. Some words are appropriate to some situation but not appropriate to some others.


In choosing the appropriate the words, we have to know some of consideration so that we choose the words appropriately. First, we have to differ denotation and connotation accurately. Second, we have to differ the words which are nearly synonym. Third, avoiding the words which is have similar sound such as ‘effect and affect’, ‘coarse and course’, ‘accept and except’. And the last is avoiding all violations idiomatic usage such as ‘accord with, not accord to’, ‘in accordance with, not accordance with’, ‘different from, not different than, etc.

b. Standard and Non- standard Language

Language can be divided into standard and non standard. Standard language is such a class of dialect. It can be denied as a speech of people whose economic and social status in high level. We assume this class as an educated people such a teacher, doctor, engineering, writers, senior official, artist, and so on. While non standard language is the language of ordinary people or do not require for higher education. Actually, the language is in an ordinary social intercourse. Sometimes in joking or asserting sarcasm, educated people use non-standard language. And there is some uneducated people use non standard language. They are usually illiterate people. This language is called vulgarism. For example, ‘them people’, ‘tis here’, ‘hadn’t ought’, and so on.

Non standard language is usually used in public necessities. The word of standard is limited, so it is very difficult if we use it in explaining the varieties idea. The using of non-standard



c. Figure of Speech

Language may be used for communication on a literal or on a figurative language. Literal language uses words only for their actual, basic meaning. It may be taken at fact value; it means limited on what it says on the surface meaning. For example, ‘dark’ means with no or very little light; ‘water’ means clear colorless liquid that falls as rain, ‘gold’ means yellow precious metal with high value.

Figurative language is language wrenched from its literal language. Figures of speech that may be used described as non literal ways of rendering meaning, are a peculiarly important part of diction. It is the way to express an idea in abstract or imaginative way. One is said if we speak non-literally, it means something different from what his words mean. Non- literal meaning occurs when the sentences has other meaning beside the lexical one. Basically the function of the figurative speech is to carry meaning from the literal level to the figurative one. Its purpose is to emphasize a certain idea.

Figures of speech and semantics is also have a great relationship because without the knowledge of the word meaning, even connotative meaning, it is difficult to understand figures of speech. In speech and writing, we are constantly using figurative expressions to add vividness or clarify our ideas. Some of them have been usual that we do not realize the literal meaning, and that we are making a demand on the imagination of the listener or reader to complete our meaning. If we read this quotation of this poetry


“Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul”

It is readily understood that the writer calls on our imagination or comparison transfer ideas about ‘hope’ (as in simile, metaphor, personification, and metonymy), or to realize that he is exaggerating (as in hyperbole), or that he means others, he is using figurative language.

In other terms, which are usually classed as figurative, but they are not figurative in the same sense, and might better be called figures of arrangement They are devices by which sounds or words are arranged in a pattern, but in themselves they require no interpretation other than the literal, for example alliteration and antithesis. The most commonly used of figures of speech in advertisements are simile, personification, hyperbole, metonymy, and metaphor.


Hyperbole is a figurative for exaggeration. It is a way of describing something in order to make its sound bigger, smaller, or tells more than the truth about the size, number, or degree of something without intending to deceive. Hyperbole is exaggerated statement made for effect the sake of emphasize. For example, “River of tears was flowing as the heroine died.” Another example is “I called him thousand times”. This sentence cannot be interpreted literally because it is impossible for one to call somebody thousand times. This sentence can be interpreted as many times.




Personification is a kind of figurative speech that is personifying an object as an attribution of personal qualities (as of form, characters). It is a representative of a thing or abstraction as a person or by the human form. It occurs when in animate objects are given a human form, or when they are made to speak. For example:

“The little dog laughs” as if the dog was a person that can laugh as human being, but in this sentence the characteristic of human being is given to the dog. Other example is, “The stars stare at me”. Stars do not have eyes to see with, as human does. But in this sentence the word is given to inanimate objects stars.


Metonymy is a figure of speech in which the name of something associated with an object is substituted for it:

“It is coming from the White House” “He has just driven Alphard”


Simile is a kind of figurative speech generally comparing two essentially unlike things on the basis of a resemblance in one aspect. It is a figure in which a similarity between two objects directly expressed. Most simile are introduced by, as or like, or even by such a word as compare, liken, or resemble. For example:


“My love is the rose of my heart” “They are beasts”

These devices identified one thing from another instead of using like or as. It is sometimes called simply metaphor.


Metaphor is a kind of figurative speech in which an expression means or describes one thing or idea- using words usually used of something else with very similar qualities. It is implied comparison. The writer does not say that one object is like another, he say it another. All metaphor is a kind of transference, by which the meaning or appearance of one thing is imaginatively described to some other thing. For example:

“Son is the anchor of a mother’s life”. This sentence suggest that a son gives stability to a woman’s life just the way an anchor holds a sip in place so that woman without a son has nothing to hold her secure within the family.

“the Sunshine of her smile”. In this sentence sunshine is non- literally meant as very nice, something that makes someone happy. This meaning has similar quality to the literal meaning of sunshine, strong sun light, that indicate nice day.

2.2 Advertisements and Magazine

2.2.1. The Definition of Advertisements

Advertisements is a small part of the day life of business, governments and of the people who work in and with it endless excitement, fascination, and frustration. Sometimes, advertisements satisfaction gives us opportunity from



time to time, for a great deal of fun and even for making a massive contribution to the success of brand.

Advertising is so familiar to modern readers that it may seem odd to ask what an advertisement is. Goddard (1998:6) states, “Actually the root of the word “advertisements” is the Latin verb ‘advertere’ meaning ‘to turn towards.”

Actually, advertisements have been used by businessmen for long time in trade in order to assist them in getting their wares into the hand of consumers. Thus, advertising is the only one of several selling products such as goods, services, etc. It is also said as the keystone in the arch of sales. Nowadays, advertisements play a great role in business which can be the best way in getting the consumers attention. It is important to recognize that many advertisers use advertisements for many purposes with many different possible effects. No wonder if we can find a lot of advertisements of any products everywhere. There are so many companies spending much in advertising. They do it because the good advertisements can rise up the profit of their company.

While it is undoubtly true that adverts are texts that do their best to get attention, to make is turn toward them, we would not want to say that everything we pay attention to is an advert. Therefore, advertising can be viewed and as the bridge between the business and its potential customers. Generally, the purpose is to stimulate consumer’s interest and lead to the sale of the merchandise.

Samson (1967: 23) states, ‘the following elements are found in every good advertisement:


1. attention – getting headline 2. concise, readable body copy 3. effective illustrations

4. distinctive store logotype

Therefore, good advertisements can fulfill our needs that are interested to read, look, even to buy it. So we can conclude that an advertisement is a kind of communication using mass media to make people interested to buy the product as Wells, Burnet, and Moriarty (2000:6) states’, advertising is paid non personal communication from an identified sponsor using mass media to persuade or influence an audience.”

a. Functions of Advertisement

Although an advertisement is commercial promotion of branded products, it cannot be denied that its function is to persuade people in order to buy or to purchase the products. Well, Burnett, and Moriarty (2000:11) explain the functions of advertising; they are “To provide product and brand promotion, provide incentives to take action, and last provide reminders and reinforcement.” Susanto (1989:197) stated,

“an advertisement is made to persuade people to consume product. But those advertisement should made properly and not exaggerate in order to make the message accepted but will not be disturbed by the people.”

Thus, it is clear that advertisements play an important role in giving the information about the product for the people. Advertisements are a media of



communication, so that the advertiser should create the people. Advertisements are a media of communication, so that the advertiser should create a communicative message in order to get what is needed by those advertisements. The advertisements should be made effectively.

b. Purpose of advertisements

Generally, there are some purposes of advertisements. There are: - Give the right information to the audience about the product or service. - Create and capture the audience’s attention about a product or service

which is advertised.

- Build the consumer’s eagerness for having or buying those advertised products or services.

According to Samson (1967: 3) there are some more specific purposes of advertisement, which are:

- To tell people about the businessman, the firm and what is being sold.

- To build customers confidence, goodwill, and a good reputation for the business.

- To tell what the business’ merchandise will do for the customer, what it costs, and why the customer should buy from the business. - To attract new customers and hold old ones.

- To increase sales and reduce expenses.


2.2.2 Magazine

Magazine is a periodic paperback publication containing articles, fiction, photographs, etc. Magazines are such a popular and familiar form for nowadays that it may seems strange or even to ask what magazine is. Magazines are issued at regular intervals weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

Magazine is the richest and most diverse advertising media, terms of their sheer variety and scope. As this is true of newspaper and magazine do offer some special service to advertiser. Some of the magazine has specialist in merchandising in certain fields of retailing, such as food, drug, appliance, or department stores. A magazine’s front cover image and cover lines are persuasive selling tools. They motivate readers confronted with shelves of front covers competing for their attention – to buy the magazine rather than another.

We can see the classification of magazine and the function of magazine advertising. They will be described in surface only; in order to make it is easy to be understood.

a.The Classification of Magazine

The most classification of magazine includes general consumer magazine, women’s magazine, business news magazine, and farm magazine.

 General consumer magazine

These magazines are edited to appeal to the general consumer rather than to any special interest segment of the population. Generally, they do tend to be read by higher income consumers, who buy them either for entertainment or information. The editorial content of these magazine consist of fiction, articles,



pictures, an special features that are selected to appeal to the so called general reader for example : New York Times Magazine, Men’s Health, People etc.  Women’s magazine

Women’s magazine gives information about women’s fashion, woman’s service, romance, society, dressmaking and needlework classier. The women’s service magazine is an important source of fiction and information about family and personal problems as well as fashion news, with most of the editorial material featuring information about the family, home, and house keeping. For example, Cosmopolitan, Good House Keeping, Women’s Day, Her World etc.

 Business and News

These magazines usually have small circulation, and their advertising rates per page are lower. For example: Newsweek, Business week, etc.

 Farm magazine

These magazines are edited for the farm market or specific segments of that market. For example: farm Journal Progressive Farmer, Successful Farming, etc.

b.The Function of Magazine Advertising

Generally, the only function of purpose of advertising is to sell things, product, service, or an idea. The real goal of advertising is effective communication between to company and consumers. The function of magazine advertising, are:

- Introduce a new product - Selling of the product


- Magazine will provide help to the advertiser - To help coordinate the selling programs

- Enter a new geographic market or attack a new group customers - Give the right information to the audience about a product or


- Build the consumer’s eagerness for having or buying those advertised products or services.

- Reach the people inaccessible to the sales force - Counter act prejudice or substitution

- Create and capture the audience’s attention about product or service which is advertised.

2.2.3 The Relation of Advertisements and Magazine

Advertisement is closely related to magazine. Because magazine is one of the media of advertising. Magazine is well known as one of the media to advertise products in printed media. Although it costs much money and is more expensive than newspaper, but it’s cheaper than broadcasting media. Magazine is a famous stylish magazine printed. Most the contents in the magazine explain about the new styles fashion, automotive, jewelry and so on which is expected to raise the prestige of the product which is advertised.

Furthermore, magazine is considered as the most favorite media. Many companies spend their money to promote their products through magazine. They make the advertisements to attract reader to buy their products. There are some ways that some companies do to attract the reader and stimulate the people to



read, see, and act upon them. For example, the advertising designs, the using of sentences, the size of advertisements, colour of picture, etc.

So we can see that magazine is apart of advertising that can not be separated. If we are talking about the advertising activities, we will talk about the media automatically. We will find the magazines advertisements in print media.



In writing this thesis, the writer applies library research. The analysis will not be in statistical form. This is merely analysis on meaning and figurative language.

In doing the analysis, the writer uses some books which relevant to the topic of the analysis. To support this analysis, the writer applies library research buy studying some theories related to the topic of the thesis. Nawawi (1993:30) states,

“Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan menghimpun data dari berbagai literature, baik di perpustakaan maupun di tempat- tempat lain. Literatur yang dipergunakan tidak terbatas hanya pada buku- buku, tetapi dapat juga berupa bahan- bahan dokumentsi, majalah- majalah, koran- koran, dll berupa bahan tertulis. Dari literature tersebut dapat ditemukan berbagai teori, hukum, dalil, prinsip- prinsip, pendapat, gagasan- gagasan dll yang dapat dipergunakan untuk menganalisa dan memecahkan masalah yang diselidiki”. (Library research is done by collecting the data from many literatures, from library or he other places. Literature used is not restricted by the books, but also documents,



magazines, newspaper, and so on including literary material. From the literature we will find some theories, norm, principles, opinion, and arguments etc, which can be used to analyze and overcome the problem indeed.) 3.2 Data and Data Source

The data of this analysis are words and sentences. The data sources of this analysis were taken randomly from some English Magazines such as New York Times (September 2006), Men’s Health (October 2006), People (May 2007), and Her World Magazine (September 2008). There are 20 data of magazine advertisements that analyzed from those magazines. Then they are classified into some types of the products such as, Food and Beverage (four text), Fashion (four text), Health and Beauty (six text), Automobile (three text), and Electronic Tools (three text).

The data will be taken by using purposive sampling; it means that the writer chooses the sample of the analysis based on certain consideration or purpose as stated by Bunging (2005:115): “Teknik sampling ini digunakan pada penelitian- penelitian yang lebih mengutamakan tujuan penelitian daripada sifat populasi dalam menentukan sample penelitian.(Sampling technique is used in the researches which is aimed for the purpose of research than characteristics of population in determining the sample of research).

3.3 Data Collecting Method

In collecting the data, the writer applies written method. In written method, the writer has to find and write the entire indicators which are containing


figurative language in the language advertisements. The collected data are clarified by classifying them into figurative language. Sudaryanto (1993: 135) states, “Data yang sudah ditranskripsi tersebut diklarifikasikan menurut aspek- aspek yang menjadi sarana pendukung keutuhan wacana.” (The transcript data then classified into aspects that would be supported means to complete the discourse).

3.4 Method of Analysis

In analyzing the data, the writer applies qualitative descriptive strategy. Bungin (2001: 290) states that: “Penggunaan strategi deskriptif kualitatif dimulai dari analisis berbagai data yang terhimpun dari suatu penelitian, kemudian bergerak ke arah pembentukan kesimpulan kategoris atau ciri- ciri tertentu. (The using descriptive qualitative strategy started from analysis some of collecting data from research, and then continues to form the conclusion of characteristics).

The writer analyzes the data by making description about each advertisement. The systematic procedures in conducting the analysis are as follows:

 Collecting the data from some English Magazines  Collecting the data from the magazines

 Reading the chosen advertisements

 Identifying and underlining the words and sentences which belongs to figurative language

 Classifying the type of the product

 Categorizing the words and sentences according to the kinds of figurative language by finding out the literal meaning of the words firstly.



Diction may be defined simply as the choice of words and good diction enables us to say exactly what we want to say. Diction means choice of words to express ideas. S we know, many words have different meaning. It is caused by semantics changes and also by the types of meaning. Thus, diction plays an important role not only in speaking, but also in writing. In this case the advertisers should be able to choose the appropriate words and selecting the words using in the advertisements. In analyzing the data, the writer applies library research by collecting some information from the books that are related to the topic diction.

The writer takes the data from the advertisements. The function of the advertisements can be viewed in two basic ways: as tool of marketing and as a means of communication. As a tool of marketing means that businessmen tend to advertise their product by advertising. Advertisements also means as a communication between the businessmen and the consumers in conveying the purpose of the businessmen, which is to buy the product.

One of the available media of advertises the product is in magazine. It is not difficult to get magazines for nowadays. There are so many magazines that we can find that we can find many advertisements there. Most of the advertisements in magazine use figurative language such as hyperbole, metaphor, simile, personification, metonymy, and so on and they have connotative meaning.


Sometimes the figurative language is used explicitly, which enables us to identify it easily.

Now we will start to analyze the diction used in advertisements in some magazine such as Men’s Health Magazine and Time Magazine, People, Her World Magazine.

4.2 Diction and Kinds of Figurative Language

Diction used in advertisement in types of product “food and beverage” can be seen in this table:

Table 4.1 The Type of Products: Food and Beverage No Figurative


Data Source Diction

1. Personification Text 1  Sound: something you can hear

 Smooth: completely flat and even, without any lumps, holes, etc

 Indulge: allow yourself to enjoy something, satisfy a desire

 Rich: Text 4  Rich:

Text 2  Tame: make something easy to control.

 Tackle: deal with a problem or piece of work.

Text 3  Bloom: produce flowers, become healthy

Text 4  Help; do part of the work of somebody



 Purify: make something pure

 Strengthen: make something strength  Make: produce or prepare something 2. Metonymy Text 1  Pepsi and Cola: kinds of soda


Text 2  Almond: flat pale sweet nut of the almond tree

3. Hyperbole Text 2  “Whoever said big things come in small packages must have been eating California Almonds.”


The Type of Products: Food and Beverage 1. Text I


Experience Jazz--- a new line of delicious zero-calorie colas from the makers of Diet Pepsi. Jazz has a smooth taste and rich aroma that allow you to indulge your sense anytime.

 If we read the advertisements above, it can be seen that the advertisements applies figurative language they are personification and metonymy. The advertiser uses the word “sound, smooth, indulge ,rich”, as we know that Cola is just a thing or beverage and it does not have any sound as human being. And the word smooth taste as if we can hold it by hand that the beverage is smooth. The word indulge here emphasize the beverage as if it can make our self to enjoy something we want. And the word rich here emphasize the Jazz as we now that rich is the social degree in society while Jazz is just a beverage. But maybe the taste that produced by the product could be the best taste and hope the taste that we look for sense. The word Pepsi is one of the soda beverages. So it is concluded to Metonymy.

2. Text II


have been eating California Almonds. Crunchy and

delicious, high in vitamin E, low in saturated fat and a tasty source of protein, almonds are full of god stuff that’s



good for you. Not only are they cholesterol-free, but research shows that eating about on ounce of almonds a day in place of foods higher in saturated

fat can actually lower cholesterol. So whenever you‘ve got a void to fill, make sure California Almonds are in.

 In this second advertisement, we can see that the advertisements use some of figurative language that is metonymy, personification, and hyperbole. In this case the using of word almond is metonymy because it is the name of peanuts. Then the using of the words “tame hunger and tackle cholesterol” are personification. We can see that the words tame and tackle emphasize the California Almonds can do that as if they are human being. In this advertisement, we can find also hyperbole. That is the statement “whoever said big things comes in small packages must have been eating California Almonds” means that they exaggerate every people around the world who said that, can be guaranteed that they have been eaten the California Almond while we cannot guarantee for that.

3. Text III


Love them a bunch. Let your imagination bloom with Kraft cheese, cookie cutters, and the cracker everybody loves.

 In the advertisements above we can see that it uses figurative language. It is personification too. Because the word bloom is one the characteristic of human being while in the advertisement the word bloom emphasize the imagination which can be bloomed by eating the Kraft cheese.


4. Text IV


Hi, we’re Ocean Spray Cranberries growers. Growing cranberries is hard work, but it’s worth it. Because cranberries are good for you. They’re rich in powerful nutrients that help to cleanse and purify the body, to help

strengthen your immune system. And cranberries make all

of our products taste real good, too. That’s the best part. So keep enjoying Ocean Spray products. We’ll grow more. When we use the advertisement above we can see that it use figurative language, that is personification. The words

“help, cleanse, purify, strengthen, make” are activities

which are done by human. But in the advertisement those words emphasize the Ocean spray Cranberries. And the word rich is a social degree in society while in this case the word rich is used to emphasize the Ocean Spray Cranberries. So it uses personification as its figurative language. Beside it there is also metonymy, it is



Diction used in advertisement in types of product “Fashion” can be seen in this table:

Table 4.2 The Type of Products: Fashion (Clothes, Shoes, Jewelry, Make up, Perfume)

No Figurative Language

Data Source Diction

1. Personification Text 6  Promise: tell someone that you definitely do or not do something make something seem likely to happen.

 Spares: save yourself from having to go through an unpleasant experience.

 Affording: be able to do something without risk to yourself.

Text 7  Make: produce or prepare


2. Simile Text 5  Like: similar to somebody or something

3. Metaphor Text 5  As: having the function or

character of something. 4. Hyperbole Text 5  “Radiant as a dazzling star”.

Text 8  “Kind of things you need to fly through”.


The Type of Products: Fashion (Clothes, Shoes, Jewelry, Make up, Perfume)

5. Text V


Radiant as a dazzling star, it’s external.

It’s Celestial. Just like your love.

In the advertisement above it use figurative language they are metaphor, hyperbole, and simile. The statement “radiant as a dazzling star” has implied comparison. The word as has meaning that similar quality to the literal meaning of radiant and star which has relation in meaning that both sent out in ray while metaphor is a kind of figurative speech in which an expression means or describes one thing or idea- using words usually used of something else with very similar qualities. It is implied comparison with the same quality. Beside it there is also hyperbole in that advertisement. The statement “radiant as a dazzling star” here means that there is exaggeration in this statement “radiant of celestial diamond is like star” while we know that it’s not as the same with the star actually.

And the word like is refers to the simile. It is a figure in which a similarity between two objects directly expressed.



6. Text VI


AQ- meaning Absolute Quality- promises an enjoyment that starts the moment you hold on an AQ product. AQ

spares no effect in harnessing the best raw materials

available with advance formulations and manufacturing methods based on state-of-art dermatological technology. Thus affording you everything from visible results to pleasurable usage and a soothing floral fragrance. All with the aim of delivering absolutely uncompromising quality to the discerning woman in her pursuit of beauty.

 If we look at the advertisement above, it is clear that the advertisement use figurative language that is personification. It is shown by the words “promise, affording, spares”. As we know that those activities, which are done by human being. So, the advertiser uses figurative language to emphasize the function of AQ Cosme Decorte product.

7. Text VII


They look good and feel good on your wrist. Aigner timepieces are truly one of the finest ways to make your personal style statement.

 In the advertisement above we can see that the advertisement use figurative language that is personification. We can see the using of word make. We


know that the word make is used to express something that could be done by human being.

8. Text VIII


Dynamic suspension supports you with a cushion of moving air in every step. It’s just the kind of thing you need to fly through a day. And it’s just the kind of thinking that goes into every Rockport shoe.

In this advertisement, we can see that the advertiser uses words fly. We can conclude that it uses figurative language. That is hyperbole, as we know that the advertisers exaggerate the shoes as if you can fly if we use the Rockport shoes while it can not be done. It means that the advertiser exaggerate the fact too much. But it just wants to persuade us that the Rockport shoe is just the only one shoe that can give you the best shoes and the only one that you can choose maybe.



Diction used in advertisement in types of product “Health and Beauty” can be seen in this table:

Table 4.3 The Type of the Products: Health and Beauty Product No. Figurative


Data Source


1. Personification Text 9 Deliver: process of giving or take something for others.

Text 11 Rediscover: to find something again. Help reset: help to put on its place. Plumping: make something larger,

softer, and rounded.

Text 12: Adapts: make something suitable for a new use.

Helps to keep: help for taking care of something.

Text 13 Offers: make something available or provide the opportunity for something. Stimulate: encourage something, make

somebody interested and excited about something.

Ensure: make certain of something Harnesses: use the force strength of


Text 14 Refine: improve something by making small changes to it.

2. Simile Text 12: “my skin looking crystal clear”  Looking: similar with something 3. metaphor Text 10: "Brush like a dentist”

Like: similar with somebody or something.

4. Hyperbole Text 9  “a favorite the celebrities and socialites around the worlds”

Text 12  “my skin looking crystal clear”  “the miracle behind the crystal skin”,  “miracle water”

Text 13  “Get perfectly flawless skin”

 “For skin that’s perfectly clear and radiant”

Text 14  “I treat my skin to perfection in only 10 minutes!”



The Type of the Products: Health and Beauty Product 9. Text IX

EXPERIENCE THE ELGYDIUM. DIFFERENCE!! Europe’s premier toothpaste is now available in the USA!

A favorite celebrities and socialites around the world for decades, Elgydium Toothpastes deliver superior flavors

and textures to its loyal devotes. Our premium quality formulations include micro- pulverized sodium bicarbonate (the gentles and most effective whitening agent available), a high grade fluoride that exceeds all FDA standards, and unique mint flavors that deliver exceptional taste, texture and efficacy.

In the advertisement above we can see “a favorite the celebrities and socialites around the worlds”. We can see that it used figurative language

hyperbole because it is said the toothpaste is used all the celebrity and

socialites all over the world while we cannot guarantee for that. We may not sure that Elgydium toothpaste is available around the world. Therefore, advertisers use hyperbole that they exaggerate the product.

It is not only hyperbole but also personification. The word deliver means that the unique taste of the toothpaste can do delivering which is done by human exactly.


10. Text X

NEW ORAL – B VITALITY. BRUSH LIKE A DENTIST Better get Vitality. Fast. New Oral- B Vitality

Precision Clean reduces up to 2X more plaque than a regular manual brush.

Rechargeable. Under $20.

 If we see the advertisements above we can see that the advertisements use figurative language that is Metaphor. It use word “like a dentist” means that the advertisers try to compare the toothbrush like dentist in brushing the tooth in purpose that the first object more of the quality of the second or it is same.

11. Text XI


Rediscover the skin you used to have. New Olay firming

Reviver actually helps reset the firmness you lose over time by plumping surface cells with moisture to make skin rebound. Isn’t it time you became a firm believer in your skin?

 In the advertisement above, we can see that there is figurative language used. It is personification. It is shown by using the words such as

rediscover, help reset, plumping. Those words are done by human being.

So, the advertiser applies figurative language to emphasize the New Olay Firmingly Reviver Body Lotion in order to show us the function of the product.



12. Text XII



My SK-II Miracle Water adapts to the changing needs to my skin. And because it contains over 90% of the unique ingredients Pitera, it’s the constant companion that helps

to keep my skin looking crystal clear.

 When we read the advertisement above, the use of figurative language can be seen clearly from the sentence “the miracle behind the crystal skin”, “miracle water”, and “looking crystal clear” is applied figurative language. They are hyperbole. The advertiser exaggerates the fact too much. They persuade the people there will be great effect, our skin seems to be clear as crystal, even a miracle is happened by using the product. It is impossible to make the skin is going to be as crystal. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee that all the things will be happened by using the product. Another figurative language is personification by using adapts and “helps to keep” there is an activity that can be done by human being. The last one is the word looking classified into figurative language that is simile because it is used, which want to say that her skin is similar with crystal clear.

13. Text XIII



Sheer Pulsation System. This revolutionary light technology treatment offers non- invasive procedures to

stimulate collagen production in the dermis. Carried out

by medical professionals to ensure optimal results, this treatment harnesses the power of light. For skin that’s

perfectly clear and radiant, rely only on the skincare

expertise of Bella Skin Care.

 When we read the advertisement above, we can see the using of figurative language Hyperbole such as, “Get perfectly flawless skin”; “For skin that’s perfectly clear and radiant. The advertiser exaggerates the fact too much. We can not guarantee that our skin will be perfectly flawless, clear and radiant exactly. But we know that it would be persuasive things in order to make us interested for coming to Bella Skincare. There is also another figurative language used in the advertisement that is personification. They are offers, stimulate, ensure,

and harnesses. In this case those words are words which can be done by

human being. They are given to an inanimate object that is Bella Skin Care.

14. Text XIV


I treat my skin to perfection in only 10 minutes!

Source therapies mask it’s more than just an intensive regenerating bath, but also an instant perfector for a



healthy glow. The cell activator power of super concentrated PETP (+25%), Biotherm’s exclusive ingredient, combined with 7 trace elements and blue pearls optimized hydration and visibly refine skin. See and feel the results. Instantly smoothed. So velvety and delicate. Achieve perfection in 10 minutes. Reveal brand new flawless skin.

The advertisement above use figurative language that is hyperbole. The advertiser uses the statement “I treat my skin to perfection in only 10 minutes!” and “instantly smoothed”, we can see that there are too much exaggeration. In fact, it is impossible to get the perfect and smooth skin in only ten minutes. There is impossible way to get the perfection instantly especially the skin. Therefore, the advertisers exaggerate the fact too much. Another figurative language is personification. The advertiser also use the word refines is given to an inanimate object that is Biotherm Source Therapie Mask. We know that the word refine is an activity that improves something by making small changes to it, which is done by people.


Diction used in advertisement in types of product “Automobile” can be seen in this table:

Table.4.4 Type of Products: Automobile No. Figurative


Data Source Diction

1. Personification Text 15  Expanding: make something greater in size, number, or importance.

 Change: become something different.

Text 16  Offers: make something available or provide the opportunity for something.

 Leaves: give something to somebody.

 Got smaller: become not large in size, number, or degree.

2. Metonymy Text 14  Vegas: a famous place for



The Type of Products: Automobile 15. Text XV


The three most important things in a truck: Frame. Frame. Frame.

Ours is strongest Gamble in Vegas. Not in your truck.

 When we read the advertisements above, we know that the advertisement applies figurative language It is metonymy. The word Vegas is Metonymy as we know that Vegas is one of the famous gambling place in America. It means that the car is something valuable. We know the advertisements try to point out that the best one truck is Ford and all the things for truck there’s only in Ford-F150 and nothing others.

16. Text XVI

TOYOTA 4 RUNNER EXPANDING YOUR UNIVERSE With unprecedented technology like Hill Start Assist Control (HAC) and available X- REAS Sport Enhancement Suspension, the Toyota 4 Runner will

change not only how far you go, but how you come back.

 When we read the advertisements above, the use of figurative language can be seen clearly from the sentence, “Toyota 4 Runner Expanding Your Universe” the word expanding and change. The figurative language is


personification. In this case, those words are given to an inanimate object

that is Toyota 4 Runner Car as if it can do those activities as human being. 17. Text XVII


Go for it. The cost of living large just got smaller. With a 16-valve 126-hp VVT-I engine, available 15-in, alloy wheels and rear spoiler, the Toyota Corolla S not only

offers a lot to love, but leaves money left over for gas.

The advertisement above use figurative language that is personification. The advertiser use statement “the cost of living large just got smaller”. In this case as if the cost of large living can be getting smaller but we know it just want to emphasize the benefit of buying Corolla car. The advertiser also uses the word offers and leaves, and those words are some activities that can be done by people that emphasized the inanimate object that is Corolla Car.



Diction used in advertisement in types of product “Electronics Tools” can be seen in this table:

Table 4.5 Type of Products: Electronics Tools No. Figurative


Data Source Diction

1. Personification Text 18  Take: carry something or cause something to go from one place to another.

 Balance: put something into the equal proportion.

 Compensate: give something to to balance or lessen the bad effect of damage.

 Work: do something that requires mental or physical effort.

Text 20  Stores: put something somewhere

and keep it for future use.

 Delivers: process of giving or take something for others.

2. Simile Text18  “what you see is what you get” 3. Metaphor Text18 “image processing chips designed to

work like the human eye”  like: similar with something

4. Hyperbole Text 18  “Inspiration behind the next generation digital cameras Ross is inventing”.


The Type of Products: Electronics Tools 18. Text XVIII


This simple fact is the inspiration behind the next

generation digital cameras Ross is inventing. Powered by image processing chips designed to work like the human eye, they automatically balance colors and compensate for

poor lighting condition. So when it comes to your pictures at least, what you see is what you get.

 When we see the advertisement above, we can see that there is figurative language used there. It uses personification. It is shown by using the words take, “inspiration behind the next generation digital cameras Ross”, balance, compensate, work, which activities are usually done by human being. But in this case those words are used to emphasize the function of the HP digital cameras as if the digital camera can do those activities. Another figurative language is applied in the advertisement above is metaphor. The statement “image processing chips designed to work like the human eye” means that the object is having similarity with the other object which has same or more quality. It is implied comparison with the same quality. The last figurative language is used in this advertisement is simile by using “what you see is what you get”. It is identifying one thing from another instead using ‘is’.



19. Text XIX


Buy now to save on Sony digital cameras that allow you to shoot directly to CD. It’s the easiest way to save and share

tons of photos.

 When we read the advertisement above, the figuratives language are

hyperbole. The advertiser informs that it the easiest way to save and share

tons of photos in Sony CD Mavica Digital Cameras. The word “tons of photos” maybe in closest meaning with a lot of photos. There is an exaggeration the fact too much.

20. Text XX


iPAQ Audio products let you use digital technology to stay in touch with the tunes you love. The iPAQ Music center is the missing link that stores and delivers all digital music from your computer to your home stereo system.

In the advertisement above, we can see that the words stores and delivers that are used by the iPAQ Music is figurative language. They are

personification. The word stores and delivers are activities which are done

by human being, but in this case those words are used to emphasize the function of the iPAQ Music which can store and deliver all digital music from our computer to our home stereo system.




After analyzing the selected data, the writer concludes:

 Every advertisement in magazine has meaning. The meaning can be divided into two, they are denotative and connotative meaning. Thus, the advertisement usually applies connotative meaning. It means that when we read the advertisement, we do not define it literally. The advertisers choose the right words in order to convey the intended message.

 Every advertisement applies figurative language, at least one of the figurative languages in order to convey the message or to emphasize the meaning of the advertisement. The use of figurative language means to get the curiosity or attention of the consumers to buy the product or to make the advertisement more interested to be seen and read.

 Some of figurative languages that are used in the magazine advertisements are personification, hyperbole, simile, metonymy, and metaphor. The selected of figure of speech is usually used to support the ideas and the usage of the product.

 In fact, it is proved that the usage of figurative language will influence the readers to buy the product or interested to read. Therefore, the advertisers need a good skill or ability in choosing the right words in order to make a good, interesting, and influencing advertisement.



5.2 Suggestions

Realizing the existence of diction in advertisement is very crucial, the writer would like to offer some suggestions as follows:

 Choosing the diction is crucially needed; therefore, the writer suggests that the advertisers should be aware in choosing and arranging the words, especially if the word is meant to influence the consumer.

 In writing this thesis, the writer finds some difficulties in finding the books that are related to the topics. Therefore, the writer hopes the linguist will write some more books related to the diction and figurative language.  I would like to suggest other people to deepen their knowledge at this topic,

because the skill in choosing the proper diction will be helpful in any field of work.

 Finally, I could say that this thesis is far from being perfect. Therefore, any constructive criticism and suggestion will be humbly accepted.



Diction used in advertisement in types of product “Electronics Tools” can be seen in this table:

Table 4.5 Type of Products: Electronics Tools No. Figurative


Data Source Diction

1. Personification Text 18  Take: carry something or cause something to go from one place to another.

 Balance: put something into the equal proportion.

 Compensate: give something to to balance or lessen the bad effect of damage.

 Work: do something that requires mental or physical effort.

Text 20  Stores: put something somewhere

and keep it for future use.

 Delivers: process of giving or take something for others.

2. Simile Text18  “what you see is what you get” 3. Metaphor Text18 “image processing chips designed to

work like the human eye”  like: similar with something

4. Hyperbole Text 18  “Inspiration behind the next generation digital cameras Ross is inventing”.


The Type of Products: Electronics Tools 18. Text XVIII


This simple fact is the inspiration behind the next generation digital cameras Ross is inventing. Powered by image processing chips designed to work like the human eye, they automatically balance colors and compensate for poor lighting condition. So when it comes to your pictures at least, what you see is what you get.

 When we see the advertisement above, we can see that there is figurative language used there. It uses personification. It is shown by using the words take, “inspiration behind the next generation digital cameras Ross”, balance, compensate, work, which activities are usually done by human being. But in this case those words are used to emphasize the function of the HP digital cameras as if the digital camera can do those activities. Another figurative language is applied in the advertisement above is metaphor. The statement “image processing chips designed to work like the human eye” means that the object is having similarity with the other object which has same or more quality. It is implied comparison with the same quality. The last figurative language is used in this advertisement is simile by using “what you see is what you get”. It is identifying one thing from another instead using ‘is’.



19. Text XIX


Buy now to save on Sony digital cameras that allow you to shoot directly to CD. It’s the easiest way to save and share tons of photos.

 When we read the advertisement above, the figuratives language are hyperbole. The advertiser informs that it the easiest way to save and share tons of photos in Sony CD Mavica Digital Cameras. The word “tons of photos” maybe in closest meaning with a lot of photos. There is an exaggeration the fact too much.

20. Text XX


iPAQ Audio products let you use digital technology to stay in touch with the tunes you love. The iPAQ Music center is the missing link that stores and delivers all digital music from your computer to your home stereo system.

In the advertisement above, we can see that the words stores and delivers that are used by the iPAQ Music is figurative language. They are personification. The word stores and delivers are activities which are done by human being, but in this case those words are used to emphasize the function of the iPAQ Music which can store and deliver all digital music from our computer to our home stereo system.




After analyzing the selected data, the writer concludes:

 Every advertisement in magazine has meaning. The meaning can be divided into two, they are denotative and connotative meaning. Thus, the advertisement usually applies connotative meaning. It means that when we read the advertisement, we do not define it literally. The advertisers choose the right words in order to convey the intended message.

 Every advertisement applies figurative language, at least one of the figurative languages in order to convey the message or to emphasize the meaning of the advertisement. The use of figurative language means to get the curiosity or attention of the consumers to buy the product or to make the advertisement more interested to be seen and read.

 Some of figurative languages that are used in the magazine advertisements are personification, hyperbole, simile, metonymy, and metaphor. The selected of figure of speech is usually used to support the ideas and the usage of the product.

 In fact, it is proved that the usage of figurative language will influence the readers to buy the product or interested to read. Therefore, the advertisers need a good skill or ability in choosing the right words in order to make a good, interesting, and influencing advertisement.



5.2 Suggestions

Realizing the existence of diction in advertisement is very crucial, the writer would like to offer some suggestions as follows:

 Choosing the diction is crucially needed; therefore, the writer suggests that the advertisers should be aware in choosing and arranging the words, especially if the word is meant to influence the consumer.

 In writing this thesis, the writer finds some difficulties in finding the books that are related to the topics. Therefore, the writer hopes the linguist will write some more books related to the diction and figurative language.  I would like to suggest other people to deepen their knowledge at this topic,

because the skill in choosing the proper diction will be helpful in any field of work.

 Finally, I could say that this thesis is far from being perfect. Therefore, any constructive criticism and suggestion will be humbly accepted.



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