The Previous Study The Hypothesis of the Action

D. The Writer’s Role on the Research

In the study the writer was not only as an observer, she arranged the schedule together with the teacher. In the action, the writer also made lesson planning and the assessment or the test before Classroom Action Research CAR pre-test and after Classroom Action Research CAR post-test in each final cycle. On the other side as the teacher, she carried out the action based upon the lesson planning has been arranged. Furthermore, the writer also analyzed data then reports the result of the study.

E. The Research Design

The writer used a classroom action research designed by Kurt Lewin. It consist of two cycles in which each cycle contains four phases; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Figure 3.1 Kurt Lewin’s Action Research Design Planning Acting Observing Reflecting Acting Observing Reflecting Planning CYCLE 1 CYCLE 2 Based on the Kurt Lewin’s action research design above, the writer described the implementation of classroom action research CAR in the first cycle and the second cycle as following: CYCLE 1 Planning - Making lesson plan - Choosing suitable text - Preparing teaching adis - Developing evaluation form for the students Acting - Implementing the lesson plan that has been made - Explaining the instruction for practicing Observing - Asking students’ response - Observing the class while students are working in jigsaw group Reflecting - Asking students’ difficulties - Evaluating teaching and learning process - Analyzing students’ achievement - Revising lesson plan CYCLE 2 Figure 3.2 The Phases of CAR Modified by the Writer

F. The Classroom Action Research CAR Procedures

1. Planning Phase

In planning phase, after the writer observed the class and the writer interviewed the teacher, then the writer identified and diagnosed students’ reading problem occurred in the class. At the time, the writer analyzed the data that have been identified through observation, interview and made conclusion. Afterward, the writer arranged the plan to conduct the classroom. Next, the writer made lesson plan based on the research used syllabus at that school and designed the project or activity that she has been planned for students by preparing lesson plan and applying lesson in Planning - Making new lesson plan - Preparing teaching aids - Preparing evaluation and post test 2 Acting - Implementing new lesson plan - Emphasizing on reading actively and discussing within the expert group Observing - Observing students’ participation - Observing students’ achievement students are given post test 2 in the end of cycle 2 Reflecting - Analyzing students’ progress based on their test score - Discussing the result of the implementation of the modified action and deciding whether the action should be continued or not

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