Love Positive and Negative Emotions in Annie Braddock

d. Love

The last type of positive emotion in this analysis is Love. Love is a deep sense of acceptance and commitment to some person, object, or activity. There are five different kinds of love, including parental love, love between friends, love a child for his or her parents, patriotism or love of one’s homeland, and romantic love. 6 People bring out expressions of affectionate behavior in young children. Childish affection is exhibited in hugging, kissing, or patting; later such overt responses tend to be replaced by verbal expressions of endearment. 7 Picture 6 Picture 7 - Whoa - Ahh ahh Grayer : Hello there. Annie : Hi. Are you okay? Woman: Get off of me, you pervert. Annie : Do you belong to anyone, little man? Mrs. X : Grayer Grayer : I belong to you. 6 Newman, Philip R. and Barbara M. Newman, 1983,op. cit 345 7 Garrett, Henry E., General Psychology,2nd edition, New York: American Book Company, 1961, p. 187 Mrs. X : Grayer Oh God. Thank you so much. You just averted a minor disaster. Let me apologize for my feral son. Annie : Oh, no need to apologize. Please, I love kids. Im Annie Beside her intelligence graduated from New York University, she also has a good personality. Annie: Oh, no need to apologize. Please, I love kids. Im Annie She is a kind woman. She always try to be a good girl and also to be a good friend for everyone whose there in her life. In this film she shows positive emotion of love to a child, and to help and to embrace suddenly from the accident scooter man has crossing in the park. She helps Grayer from misfortune who’s nearly hit in the accident, while she is sitting in the park. On the picture 6 and 7 and statements above; there are clear of Annie that she has a sociable feel to people. Annie shows love in this film when she is being a nanny for Grayer in Mrs. X family. She feels love to Grayer and gets closer to be his nanny when she wants to make a meal and treats Grayer to do something to be happy like a play game and then she treats Grayer to be her friend to closer him and be a good friend Annie : Hey, you now, we can do lots of fun things. We just have to be friends and we have to trust each other. Okay? Mmm-hmm. Maybe you should have a secret name too? You want a secret name? And Annie speaks how to call him with nick name cryptic name to a friend that really Grayer wanted and liked, such as dear, cungkring, or cicak. And then in a minute, Grayer says yes that he wants a cryptic name Grayer: Yeah, I want a secret name. Annie becomes happy, because Grayer has accepted her and has answered her treat. Annie tries to mention a name like “Sponge Bob” Annie: Okay. How about Sponge Bob? Grayer says that is bad name if Sponge Bob Grayer: No, silly, Annie: No? All right, what about... what about Grover? Annie mentions another name, Grover Grayer: Grover, I love Grover. Annie: You do? All right. Grover it is. And at the last Grayer wanted and liked Grover name if Annie wants to call him and so do Annie. Picture 8 Picture 9 Annie shows love on the statements and picture 8 and 9 above to Grayer, she pays much attention to Grayer and tries to closer, because of her parents seldom takes notice to him and also tries to be a good nanny, too. Picture 10 Grayer tells to Annie that he loves Annie whatever she has done. Grayer likes Annie as usual as Annie always there for him Grayer: You know what, Nanny? I love you best Annie has thinking first to say that she loves Grayer too, because if she remembers all of Mrs. X’s rules Annie: The other nannies had warned me about this very moment, the moment when youll be tempted to break the cardinal rule of nanny Dom. And yet, staring into those big, sad, searching eyes, I simply couldnt resist. I love you too, Grove….. Three little words made leaving this job 1,000 times harder. And another servant or nanny has ever remembered her to be patient to all of the happen that there is a young, and pity son wanted more attention from his parent. To say “yes, that she loves too” is more difficult to her to quit and leave Grayer alone although Annie still hates all of Mrs. X’s agreements. On the picture 10 and statements above, Annie feels love to Grayer; she worries about Grayer’s life. She wants Grayer has not missing attention from his parents. So, Annie always tries to pleasant Grayer. Love is not always when you have feeling on your sweetheart, but also to parents, friends, brothers or sisters. And Annie take care Grayer to be his good friend. She spends all of her time to Grayer and tries to pleasant him with her. She pays much attention to Grayer to show how she loves him, like to be his good friend and also to be a good nanny for him although there are many cruel rules of nanny rules. Picture 11 Picture 12 On the picture 11, Annie loves her mother, although she lies to her about the job. Annie tries to be a good daughter, make her happy to find a good job. -Annie: Come here. I love you.- Annie’s mother: Let me know the minute I can visit you.-Annie: Ill call you when I get there, okay? Before she goes to work in summer day, she embraces her mother, to show how much she loves her mother and also her mother to decrease longing. On the picture 12 above, the writer sees emotion of love in Annie, give a huge to her friend the expressive behavior to show love in daily life. Annie: You know, I love you, but youre harsh. -laughs-A little bit. Lynette: Just give me a hug. Mwah Ill see you soon, Im sure Annie and Lynette are a best friend, their friendship so closer and Annie always share everything to Lynette, like to be a nanny, just Lynette whose know what jobs that Annie done now. Annie embraces and says love to Lynette to show that she loves her although sometimes Lynette has bored her. Picture 13 Harvard flatters Annie with said that he wants to make a kiss to her Harvard H: But I do think you should probably let me kiss you right about now.Annie: What? And then Harvard says another statement to misheard Annie, if we are near at the apartment, we can not meet again Harvard H: Well... were two blocks from your building. And once we get any closer, I wont be able to go near you. Which, to tell you the truth, is all Ive really thought about since that day. I saw you in that Betsy Ross getup. Laughs Harvard tells the truth that he really surprise since the first meet in lift machine last day. Annie: That is really kinky and weird. Annie just can say that’s day is really embarrassed her, her pants has slipped by Grayer when in lift machine to picks Grayer up from school. Harvard H: You dont know the half of it. Harvard flatters Annie once again, that he really like in deep hearth since that day in lift machine while he is escorting Grayer’s stroller. On the pictures 13 and statements above, Annie shows emotion of love to Harvard Hottie her sweetheart, a man that she knows live in the same apartment which Annie work. Actually, Annie just wants to keep Grayer, but her meeting with Harvard Hottie in apartment and in club, makes their relation to become closer and both are fall in love. Because of his tease to Annie, Annie: Uh-huh. Feet clompingAnnie sighs Annie runs him after to the Harvard’s apartment. And Annie makes a kiss with Harvard Hottie to show that she loves him.

e. Fear