Characteristics of Annie Braddock

emotions have appeared and expressed in her life and there is a chance to know what characteristic she does.

2. Characteristics of Annie Braddock

Annie’s characteristics that appear in this film are kind, sociable, aware and smart woman. Annie Braddock is the main character in this film; she has an important role in developing the story. In the beginning of the story, Annie introduces herself Annie voice: Name...Annie Braddock. Age.. 21. Area of interest anthropology. Describe your work experience as it relates to your intended field, My God. Where do I begin?”, who is she and what does she look for. Those are clear enough to know her that she is as a major character in this story. She introduces as Annie Braddock, a twenty one years old woman. She is a New Jersey girl Annie’s voice: ...a native New Jersey girl participating in a dreaded rite-of-passage ceremony. Doh Annie is a round character. Round character is individualistic character who have some degree of complexity and ambiguity and who cannot easily be categorized. 13 Annie is a smart woman. She can graduated from New York University for business department Annie Braddock, high honors in business, minor in 13 Boggs, Joseph M. and Dennis W. Petrie, The Art of Watching Films, London: Mayfield Publishing Company,2000, p. 57-59 anthropology. although her mother just a nurse And heres the woman who reared me pretty much all by herself. Shes a nurse. Note the shoes. Beside her intelligence graduated from New York University, she also has a good personality. Annie: Oh, no need to apologize. Please, I love kids. Im Annie She is a kind woman. She always try to be a good girl and also to be a good friend for everyone whose there in her life. In this film she shows positive emotion of love to a child, and to help and to embrace suddenly from the accident scooter man has crossing in the park. She helps Grayer from misfortune who’s nearly hit in the accident, while she is sitting in the park. On the picture 6 and 7 and statements above; there are clear of Annie that she has sociable feel to people. Annie shows love in this film when she is being a nanny for Grayer in Mrs. X family. She feels love to Grayer and gets closer to be his nanny when she wants to make a meal and treats Grayer to do something to be happy like a play game and then she treats Grayer to be her friend to closer him and be a good friend Annie : Hey, you now, we can do lots of fun things. We just have to be friends and we have to trust each other. Okay? Mmm-hmm. Maybe you should have a secret name too? You want a secret name? And Annie speaks how to call him with nick name cryptic name to a friend that really Grayer wanted and liked, such as dear, cungkring, or cicak. And then in a minute, Grayer says yes that he wants a cryptic name Grayer: Yeah, I want a secret name. Annie becomes happy, because Grayer has accepted her and has answered her treat. Annie tries to mention a name like “Sponge Bob” Annie: Okay. How about Sponge Bob? Grayer says that is bad name if Sponge Bob Grayer: No, silly, Annie: No? All right, what about... what about Grover? Annie mentions another name, Grover Grayer: Grover, I love Grover. Annie: You do? All right. Grover it is. And at the last Grayer wanted and liked Grover name if Annie wants to call him and so do Annie. On those statements Annie is a care person. She feels what Grayer’s wanted and how to pay attention for him like to be his friend. Grayer tells to Annie that he loves Annie whatever she has done. Grayer likes Annie as usual as Annie always there for him Grayer: You know what, Nanny? I love you best Annie has thinking first to say that she loves Grayer too, because if she remembers all of Mrs. X’s rules Annie: The other nannies had warned me about this very moment, the moment when youll be tempted to break the cardinal rule of nanny Dom. And yet, staring into those big, sad, searching eyes, I simply couldnt resist. I love you too, Grove….. Three little words made leaving this job 1,000 times harder. And another baby sitter or nanny has ever remembered her to be patient to all of the happen that there is a young, and pity son wanted more attention from his parent. To say “yes, that she loves too” is more difficult to her to quit and leave Grayer alone although Annie still hates all of Mrs. X’s agreements. On those statements above, Annie is a care person. Although Mrs. X rules makes her want to break, Annie still thinks about Grayer’s happiness. Annie is care person. Since she is being a nanny for Grayer, she often appears love emotion to Grayer. Annie makes Mr. and Mrs. X realize and care to their son with make an advice in tape recorded that she hopes Mr. and Mrs. X will listen and do what everything good to raise a child. Okay, Mrs. X, now its time for a few simple child-care rules. Slamming the door in your kids face is not okay. Spending more time on a benefit for kids youve never met, Than you do with your own blood is not okay She says Mr. and Mrs. X do not ever close the door in high tension to Grayer face and they must to take care Grayer and spend more time to know him. Annie: voice: Going to a spa when your son has a fever of 104 and not answering emergency calls, that officially makes you an unfit mother Annie says more that is bad mother to leave his son who is getting sick. Mrs. X voice: Dear Annie… Its been several months since weve spoken. Even so, the things you said on that tape haunt me every day. And now looking back, I dont know what to say except thank you... - and Im sorry. And Im sorry. You were so right. Of all my privileges, Grayer is my greatest. I desperately needed someone to show me that. You did. Annie makes awareness to Mrs. X. Since Mrs. X has listen the recorded tape, Mrs. X feels fear and really doesn’t want Grayer will loss the attention from her. Mrs. X really aware to take care Grayer in good way and tries to be a good mother for him. Then, the last Annie knows who is she and what she wants to do after quit from Mrs. X house. Annie is a grad student and has happily dating with Harvard Hottie After a lost summer of being Nanny, I finally got to know Annie. From all description above, the writer concludes Annie as a main character is a kind, sociable, care and smart. Annie characteristics and emotions become different. It is because of, many positives emotion and good characteristics that she has done since being a nanny for Grayer although in the first it is hard for her to a nanny. In the first story, Annie shows to the audience about who is she 14 , what is she want and do for her life, and still look for who is she now. Then, at the end of the story, she shows to the audience that she is a grad student and has happily dating with Harvard Hottie. 14 She introduces as Annie Braddock, a twenty one years old woman. She is a New Jersey girl who is going to look for a job after graduate from New York University. As a New Jersey girl, Annie is one of the intelligent girls who can graduate from the university although her mother just a nurse CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

A. Conclusion

In this chapter, the writer wants to give some conclusions and suggestions. The writer chooses The Nanny Diaries, a film by Shari Spinger Berman and Robert Pulcini, who is a couple married directors and first it was published in 2007. In this research, the writer uses psychological approach specially the concepts of emotion by Robert Plutchik. Positive emotions that appear in Annie are excitement, surprise, joy, and love. On the other hand, for negative emotions that appear in Annie are fear, disgust, anger, sadness, and guilt. Among all of positive and negative emotions that appear in Annie are always there in every human tension in their body to express all of good or bad conditions that happen in life. Annie feels excitement in situation of strange place and unpredicted event in graduate ceremony college. Annie feels surprise, when her sweetheart teases to kiss her in that night. Annie’s eyebrow lift, wide, and her mouth open because something new and strange that Harvard H wants to kiss her. Joy emotion appears while Annie is dreaming in sleep. She is dreaming all of happiness to be a nanny for Upper East Side clan, she is smiling and laughing. Love emotion appears while Annie is dating 64