An Analysis Of The Code Mixing Found In “Cewek Matre” Novel







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Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English




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Accepted by the Board Examiners in the partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of

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Alhamdulilahirobbil’ allamin. Firs and foremost, I would like to thank God, Allah SWT for blessing and protections me to finish writing of this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra, from the English Department, Faculty of culture, University of Sumatera Utara.

I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have given me the possibility to complete this thesis. I would like to thank the Dean Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, M.A., the Head of English Department, Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S, the Secretary of English Department, Dr. Hj. Nurlela, M.Hum. for their help during the days my study in the faculty.

I am deeply indebted to my supervisor Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S, and Dr. Ridwan Hanafiah, SH. M.A, who have helped, stimulated, and given suggestions and encouragement to me in all time of writing of this thesis.

Especially, I would like to specially thank to my beloved parents, Rahman Ginting and Surya Br Tarigan who patience give me support and motivation. To my lovely sister Elvina Gnting and Elma Yosha Ginting and my brother Elwinta Ginting who given many valuable idea, support, and pray too to finished my thesis. I love you all.

A great thanks also goes to all of my wonderful friends, my classmate Friska Simanjuntak, Erniwati, Ratna Kumala, Floren, Ilham, Andre, Budi Marpaung and other friends for having great times during finishing this thesis and for tears and laugh that we share, my best friend Prita Simbolon, Estina, Joana Ginting, Irsan Erlangga, Frananta Tarigan, Janwari, Dian Sembiring, Andre, and other Friends


thanks for being such nice friends and supporting me. Let’s keep our friendship forever love you all. And thank you to Mr. Amran and Mr. Ponisan as administrative staff of English department for all of this help and contribution to finish all the administrative matters. I also would like t thank to those who help me to finish this thesis that I can not mention one by one.

Medan, August 2012

Ellin Br. Ginting Reg. No. 100721006



Dalam skripsi yang berjudul An Analysis of the Code Mixing Found in “Cewek Matre” Novel, bertujuan menemukan komponen bahasa yang dominan digunakan dalam campuran kode bahasa Indonesia Inggris yang ada dalam novel “Cewek Matre” yang ditulis oleh Alberthiene Endah dan diterbitkan oleh PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta, 2012. Data dikumpulkan melalui studi kepustakaan dan dianalisis dengan metode descriptif kualitatif. Kemudian hasil analisis dibuat dalam bentuk persentase berdasarkan formula Bungin (2005). Analisis hanya dipokuskan pada componen bahasa pada word, phrase, clause, sentence. Hasil dari analisis ditemukan 327 campur kode Indonesia Inggris yaitu Word 185, Phrase 87, Clause 18, dan Sentense 37 dan setelah dipersentasikan maka hasil persentase word (56,6 %), phrase (26,6 %), clause (5,5 %), dan campur kode sentence (11,3 %). Maka campur kode yang paling dominan dalam novel Cewek Matre adalah Word (56,6%) dan diikuti Phrase (26,6%). Maka dapat dikatakan novel Cewek Matre adalah salah satu novel yang mengikuti gaya bahasa sesuai perkembangan jaman era globalisasi.






ABSTRACT ………...……… ix


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ………. 1

1.2 Problem of the Study ………...….……….…… 5

1.3 Objective of the Study ……..………... 5

1.4 Scope of the Study ………...………... 5

1.5 Significance of the Study ….. ……….. 6

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Sociolinguistics ...……...………. 7

2.2 Bilingualism …...………. 8

2.3 Code……….……….. 9

2.3.1 Code Switching ………....……… 10

2.3.2 Code Mixing ………....……… 11 Type of Code Mixing ……… 14

2.4 Similarity and Difference between Code Mixing and Code Switching ……… 15


2.5.1 Word ……….…….………. 16

2.5.2 Phrase ………...……… 17

2.5.3 Clause ………...……… 18

2.5.4 Sentence …………..……….……… 19

2.6 Novel …...……….………. 20

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Research Design ...…... 22

3.2 Source of Data ………….……….. 22

3.3 Data Collection Procedures....………. 23

3.4 Step of the Research……...……….……….23

3.5 Data Analysis….……….……….. 24

CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDING 4.1 Analysis ………….………. 25

4.2 Findings……….……….………. 29

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1 Conclusion ……...……….……….. 34

5.2 Suggestion………….………... 35





Dalam skripsi yang berjudul An Analysis of the Code Mixing Found in “Cewek Matre” Novel, bertujuan menemukan komponen bahasa yang dominan digunakan dalam campuran kode bahasa Indonesia Inggris yang ada dalam novel “Cewek Matre” yang ditulis oleh Alberthiene Endah dan diterbitkan oleh PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta, 2012. Data dikumpulkan melalui studi kepustakaan dan dianalisis dengan metode descriptif kualitatif. Kemudian hasil analisis dibuat dalam bentuk persentase berdasarkan formula Bungin (2005). Analisis hanya dipokuskan pada componen bahasa pada word, phrase, clause, sentence. Hasil dari analisis ditemukan 327 campur kode Indonesia Inggris yaitu Word 185, Phrase 87, Clause 18, dan Sentense 37 dan setelah dipersentasikan maka hasil persentase word (56,6 %), phrase (26,6 %), clause (5,5 %), dan campur kode sentence (11,3 %). Maka campur kode yang paling dominan dalam novel Cewek Matre adalah Word (56,6%) dan diikuti Phrase (26,6%). Maka dapat dikatakan novel Cewek Matre adalah salah satu novel yang mengikuti gaya bahasa sesuai perkembangan jaman era globalisasi.





Background of the Study

Language is an inseparable element from daily interaction of human life to communication with each other, and as mirror of mind that is expresses feeling and our mind to delivery or share information to other people in society. The activity or process feeling or share information is called communication as Hornby. Because human being need to communication with other in daily life and the language itself is a medium for people to make a communication. In general as human beings, people are always faced with language chosen when day speak. In addition to language choice, people may sometimes mix up two or more language. Moreover, people who live in bilingual community tend to use two various languages in communication to each other.

Nowadays, people develop some knowledge and ability in a second language and so become bilingual. In bilingual communication, two or more language are often use along together. Sometimes the languages are mixed or they switched to another one. These are known as code mixing and code switching. It can occur in any language such as English-Indonesia, Malay-Arabic, Spanish-Chinese, and many other.

Code is a term for any variety language. Kinds of code that are code mixing and code switching. If utterance is switched from one language to another language supporting a distinctive function, it is called code switching. Conversely, if an utterance either phrase, wards, or clause consist does not support a distinctive function, it is called code mixing. In conclusion, code mixing is a mixture of word,


phrase, clause, or sentence of several languages. It means that code mixing occurs when a speaker uses a certain language in this communication: however, he/she inserts some pieces of another language.

In bilingual communication, two or more languages are often used along together. Sometimes the languages are mixed or they are switched to another one.

Suwito and Chaer and Agustine (1995:114) divides code switching into two types, day are:

a) “Campur code eksternal terjadi ketika suatu bahasa dialihkan ke bahasa lain dalam kelompok bahasa yang berbeda”. (Extern of code switching, it occurs when one language is switched in to another language in different group of language).

For example: Bahasa Indonesia is switch into English.

b) “Campur code internal terjadi ketika suatu bahasa dialihkan ke bahasa lain dalam kelompok bahasa yang”. (Intern of code switching, it occurs when one language is switching into another language in the same group of language).

Suwito also devides code mixing into two types, they are:

a) “Campur kode kedalam adalah campur code yang bersumber dari bahasa asli dengan variasinya”. (Inner code mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the elements of their own language into national language, the element of dialect into own language).

b) “Campur code kluar adalah campur code yang cersumber dari bahasa asing” (outer code mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the element of their own language into foreign language).


From the definition above, we know language and human being as a social man cannot be separated, in the writer’s mind, if human does not have any language, there is no civilization, but time to time, civilization become more developed especially in this globalization era. This globalization is also blousing the language world. Nowadays, kindergarten students evil have started to learn English. This habit, than will make people become bilingualism or multilingualism. It is because differences of ethnic, region, background, and level different country of people cause the variety of the language itself. Because of that, to show good identity in this modern society world, the people always try to know all various cases to exist in certain community that uses that communication or languages cause in the world so many language of different. This case will cause sometimes the people use varieties language in communication to each other. Therefore, people will mix up two or more language beside mother of tongue language.

The subject matter of this thesis is a part of sociolinguistics, it about code mixing of Indonesia – English, because nowadays Indonesia community is bilingual or multilingual society. People often mix their language especially mixes with English language in this globalization, because English language had globalized be accepted as one of international language. In this case English is an international language where many countries in the world use it in every occasion either spoken or written communication. As the effect, nowadays Indonesian language is also influenced by English because most Indonesia people do mixing both languages. For examples;

1) Pakai baju yang gak matching adalah prestasi yang paling buruk bagi kaum perempuan. (Apply the dressing which isn’t matching, is bad performance for famines)


2) Mau sok down to earth nihh …( wanna to down to eart ...)

3) Klo merasa ada waktu senggang dan kepingin ikut pemotretan, just let me know! (If you have any free times to follow photography, just lets me go!.) 4) Hari ini ok juga, meskipun malam minggu lebih perfect. (Today is ok,

although Saturday night is more perfect.)

The example above shows the different codes in one sentence. It can be seen that word matching, down to earth, just let me go, and perfect are taken from English language and they are mixed in Indonesian language. However all the words do not influence the structure of language involved in participle, code-mixing is the mixing one language into the structure of other language so that is only such place and does not. Structure of component of language involved that consist of word, phrase, clause, and sentence

The phenomenal of code-mixing can be found in media as novel, magazine, newspaper, movie, radio broadcast, etc are written of spoken which uses bilingual language, but the written chosen the Indonesia novel “Cewek Matre” by Alberthiene Endah is publish PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta, 2012. Kompas to analyze of code mixing. There are several reasons to support this decision. The first, nowadays novel is very popular and famous, because larger reader read the novel in the young people. Second, it is very interesting to analyze the use the code mixing, because it is Indonesia novel which has code mixing Indonesia- English and this novel publish in young people



Problem of the Study

The problems of the study are formulated as following:

1) What components of language are used in code-mixing found in “Cewek Matre”novel?

2) Which component of language is dominantly used in code-mixing found in “Cewek Matre” novel?


Objective of the Study

In relating to the problem, the objectives of this study are:

1) To find out the component of language which are used in code-mixing in “Cewek Matre” novel.

2) To find out the component of language which is dominant used in code mixing in “Cewek Matre” novel.


Scope of the Study

Code-mixing become phenomena of language because of its can application among social interaction in bilingual communication. It can found in spoken communication and in written communication. Indonesia novel is chosen as the object of this study. Many novels have used code-mixing with English. In this case, the scope of the study is limited on the use of code-mixing only in Indonesia English language in novel “Cewek Matre” by Alberthiene Endah which has sixteen chapters. Cause of that, the writer limited with random miner and chosen eight from sixteen chapters to analyze as object study.



Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are expected to be useful for:

1) The English students, it would provide a better understanding about code-mixing of component of language involved there so students are able to analyzed component of language which are used in code-mixing. The findings of this study are also supposed to give contribution to English students, especially for those majoring in linguistics. This study will provide a better technique for other researchers to conduct further research about cod-mixing using other media.

2) The reader, to get information and to increase knowledge about code mixing between English and Indonesian language and its application that can be found in Indonesia novel so readers are able to identify code-mixing when they read novel.




Some terms are used in this study. Theoretically they need to be explained to avoid misinterpretation of the terms.



Sociolinguistics is study the relationship between language and society. Gumperz (1971:223) has observed that sociolinguistics is an attempt to find correlations between social structure and linguistic structure and to observe any changes that occur (Wardhaugh; 1986:11). Social structure itself may be measured by reference to such factors as social class and education background, and verbal behavior and performance may be related to these factors.

Holmes (1992:1) states that sociolinguistics is the study of relationship between language and society. They are interested in explaining why we speak differently social contexts and they concerned with identifying the social function of language and the ways it is used to convey social meaning. Holmes also states that people will know how language works and social relationship exist in a community by examining the relationship.

Another opinion (Fishman; 1970:14) states that sociolinguistics is the study characteristics of language varieties, their functions and their languages in speech community. These three factors interact and change one another. And to clarify this definition, Fishman states that sociolinguistics is actually the discipline whose purpose is to find out who speaks what varieties of languages, language can be said


to have verbal repertoire then., the members of the speech community may be choose what variety is code to be used when talking to another people.

Base the definition of sociolinguistics, it can be concluded that sociolinguistics relates with analysis of using language such as the description of language pattern use, the variety of dialects, chose of language and speech speaker who are involved. And sociolinguistic gives clue in communication by showing the language, variety language, and speech style used it someone interacts to another one.



In general, bilingualism is about the using of two languages. Fishman (1980) made a useful distinction between bilingualism as an individual phenomenon and as a societal phenomenon. A quick look at statistics will tell us that most of the countries in the world are bilingualism or multilingualism- there are 193 countries and over 6.000ndiffrent languages. This does not mean, however, that the individual citizens of bilingualism countries are necessarily multilingualism themselves. Bilingualism individual is anyone who can communicate in more than one language (Li Wei; 2008:3).

Singh (2001:43) said that bilingual ability at the level of predominance that is how far a bilingual is able to use the two languages, would affect one another in using in languages. In fact, two languages possibly affect one another. It can occur when a bilingual uses second language continually in long period. When the first language is used again, both languages will be mixed automatically. This behavior creates new issues in linguistics for instance code mixing and code switching.


A key issue is whether and how the different languages in bilingual person’s mind interact with one another. One important characteristic of the bilingual is their ability to move between different languages: they can speak one language at a time, behaving more or less like a monolingual; or mix languages in the same sentence, clause, or even word, resulting in a linguistic phenomenon known as code switching (Li Wei and Melissa G Mayer; 2008:5).

Bilingualism also discussion about the phenomenon of code mixing and code switching; a speaker may take every effort to code mix by including a single utterance from one language although he does not actually use tat language very much. The situational context will when a speaker does switching from one language to another language. Thus bilingualism reshapes not only one’s language but also the situation.



Code is a term which refers to a variety. Variety is a sociolinguistics tern of specific set of ‘linguistic item’ or human speech patterns which we can uniquely associate with some external factor (presumably, a geographical area or social group). It is refer to language or a variety of language as a code, being by definition a variation and some other perhaps more standard language. In contrast, the ‘natural’ term ‘code’ can be used to refer to any kind of system that two or more people employ for communication (Wardhaugh; 1986:22).

In this case a code is the particular language one chooses to use in any occasion, a system used for communication between two or more parties. When people are about to speak, they have to choose a particular code to express their minds of feeling. The particular code in this case can be a particular language,


dialect, style, register, or variety. Therefore, in daily situation, people may use different code I different situation.

The term code cannot be separated from two phenomenon terms namely code mixing and code switching. Those are term in bilingualism for language and especially speech that draws to deferring extents at least two languages combined in different ways.

2.3.1 Code Switching

Code switching is a historical process and is used by monolinguals as well as bilingual. Hymes (1974:103) defines code switching is a term for alternate use of two or more languages varieties of language or even speech style. It occurs when a bilingual alternates between two languages, moves from one to another.

Switching occurs when individual who bilingual alternates between two languages during his speech with another person. A person who is bilingual may be said to be one who is able to communicate, to vary extents, in a second language. This includes those who make irregular use of the second language, but have not for sometime or those who have considerable skill in a second language. For example, an Indonesia student who studies in Australia will use English language in this daily conversation. However when he meets other students there, hi language will be switched to Indonesia language. After he backs home, his language is also switched from English to Batak language because his family uses it.

The speaker does switching because the situation of the conversation also changes. These are some reasons why code switching takes place as


1) A speaker is unable to express him/herself in one language so he switches to other to compensate for the deficiency.

2) Switching commonly occurs when an individual wishes to express solidarity with particular social group. Motivated by the identity or relationship of the speaker that is the different relationship among the participants or more formal relationship of the participants that sometimes involves the different status.

3) The alternation hat occurs when the speaker wants to convey his/her attitude to the listener. Where monolingual speakers can communicate these attitudes by means of variation in the level of formality in their speech, bilingual speakers can convey the same by code switching.

2.3.2 Code Mixing

Code mixing is the mixing of a word or phrase from a language into another language in a bilingualism or multilingualism. Wardough (1998:103) argues that code mixing occurs when conversant uses both languages together to the extent which they change from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance. Thus if someone mixes two codes in one sentence by inserting other elements of language, it means that he uses code mixing. And according to Holmes (1992:50), ‘the speaker is mixing up codes indiscriminately or perhaps because of incompetence. Chaer and Agustina (2005:115) says that “campur code adalah digunakannya serpihan-serpihan dari bahasa lain dalam menggunakan suatu bahasa yang mungkin diperlukan denagn tanpa disadari, sehingga tidak dianggap suatu kesalahan atau penyimpangan” (code mixing is using pieces of another language maybe needed unconsciously, so that it is not accepted as a mistake).


Nababan (1993:33) says that “bilamana orang mencampur dua atau lebih bahasa atau ragam bahasa dalam suatu tindak bahasa (speech act atau discourse) tanpa ada sesuatu dalam situasi berbahasa itu yang menuntut percampuran bahasa itu.

Moreover their mixing language may be also be caused by some factors such as lack of vocabulary in a language, the lack of knowledge of vocabulary if there is no concept to describe an object.

There are some factors, that cause people do code mixing according to Breadsmore (1982: 38). Some of them are:

1) Bilingualism

It cannot be avoided that the ability to use to speak more than one language is a basic factor of code mixing. Most of the world’s population is bilingual or multilingual.

2) Speaker and partner speaking

Communication is the process of expressing ideas between two participants of conversation. Speaker needs partner speaking to communicate and code mixing could appear if both use and understand t well.

3) Social community

An individual lives and cooperates in one community either in monolingual or bilingual community. Now most communities are bilingual that use two languages in their interactions. In this case, an individual will be influenced by social community directly.


4) Situation

Usually code mixing occurs in relax or informal situation. This situation is closer with daily conversation and for writers is also describe as their habitual communication.

5) Vocabulary

There is not appropriate word or when there is a lack of vocabulary in one language. The inability to find an appropriate word or expression in one language makes people change the word or phrase from one to another language and it can be combined together.

6) Prestige

Globalization era has lad people must able to speak more than one language, especially English. For many young people code mixing becomes awn style which is hoped to be modern and educational one. They mix language because of prestige.

Bilingual speakers may utilize code mixing as a marker in group identity in various intra-group bilingual communities. It may occur because speakers want to show their solidarity and familiarity each other. And in principle, code mixing is the mixing from one language into the structure of other language such as word, phrase, clause, and even sentence from a cooperative activity where the participants in order to infer what is intended. In this case code mixing involves components of language such as word, phrase, clause, and even sentence in the same utterance.

(26) Type of Code Mixing

According to Siregar (1996:50), code mixing divided into two types, intra-sentential mixing and extra-intra-sentential mixing.

1) Intra-sentential mixing

Intra-sentential mixing may range from the alternation of single words or phrases to clauses within a single sentence or utterance. Some examples of code mixing in English- Indonesia language will be described as follow:

a) Siang ini sampai nati sore saya meeting di hotel mulia. (Meeting as code mixing of word in the sentence)

b) Saya tahu, sulit memaafkan saya atas kejadian semalam, but give me chance to show my best.

(but give me chance to show my best as code mixing of clause) c) Tinggal follows up di dalam nanti.

(Follow up as code mixing of phrase in the sentence).

Based on the example above, it can be seen that those are code mixing sentences with single word, single clause, and single phrase.

2) Extra-sentential mixing

Normally extra-sentential mixing occurs between sentences. Because it occurs at sentence boundaries, it requires less complex syntactic interaction between two languages involved in code mixing.

Suwito also devides code mixing into two types, they are:

1) “Campur kode kedalam adalah campur code yang bersumber dari bahasa asli dengan variasinya”. (Inner code mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts


the elements of their own language into national language, the element of dialect into own language).

2) “Campur code kluar adalah campur code yang bersumber dari bahasa asing” (outer code mixing, it occurs if the speaker inserts the element of their own language into foreign language).


Similarity and Difference between Code Mixing and Code


Code mixing and code switching are well-known traits in the speech pattern of the average bilingual in any human society. Both occur in bilingual communication by using more than one language. In sociolinguistics study, code mixing and code switching are often discussed inseparably although those are hard to differentiate.

Code switching occurs by each language which has its own function from two distinct grammatical systems across sentence boundaries and it does purposely. While code mixing is mixing two language where there is main code used in its function but contrastive condition with another one involved which is only as pieces in the utterance of code mixing. Furthermore, Fasold (1984) added that if someone utters as word or phrase from one language when he is speaking in certain language, it is code mixing. But if he utters sentence from one language and clearly it has grammatical construction so the code switching occurs, for example a bilingual two uses two languages alternately toward his partner speaking.


2.5 Components of Language

According to Zyegintsev 1976 (Anggita, 2011:18) a machine that processes natural language must first be able to categorize, the wide variety of language components which are morpheme/word, phrase, clause, and sentence.

2.5.1 Word

Word is the smallest unit of language that can exist on its own in either written or spoken language. It is also constituents of sentence that due to their order, their suffices, prefixes, and differentiating signs give some meaning. Givon (1984: 44) defines that word or morpheme is smallest code units in language. The term ‘morpheme’ is used refers to the smallest (indivisible) units of semantic content which words mode up (Katamba, 199:20). It means that morphemes cannot be decomposed into smaller units which are either meaningful or mark such singular or plural.

There are two kinds of morpheme. First, free morpheme also called as simple word which is capable of standing independently. For example: book, study, pencil, learn, sad, old, happy, etc. second, bound morpheme always attaches with other word, such as -s, -er, -ed, pre-, mis-, un-, etc. For example: play (play + -er), unclear (un- + clear). Here are some examples of code-mixing in English and Indonesia language in word:

a) Semua pekerja pada happy. (All worker at happy).

b) Selain sakit, otak saya langsung down membayangkan bulu-bulu mata saya tercabut dengan cara tidak hormat. (in addition to pain, my brain directly down to imagined my eyelashes be plucked disrespectful


c) Sebagian barang-barang branded yang ada di kamar saya dibelikan sama Asikin. (Something of branded which in my room be bought from Asikin).

The example above it can be seen that word happy, down, and branded are taken from English and they are mixed in Indonesia language as component language of word.

2.5.2 Phrase

A phrase is group of word acting as single part of speech and not containing both a subject and verb, a part of a sentence and does not express a complete thought (

a) Kebetulan saya lagi butuh press release tentang acara tahun baru kemaren. (Incidentally, I need a press realize about the new year event last year again).

. In other word, phrase is a group of words that go together but do not build a complete sentence. For examples: press release, up to date, debt collector, off air, inner beauty, etc. here some of code mixing in English and Indonesia language in phrase:

b) Menarik karena dia cantik dan berpenampilan up to date. (Interesting because she was pretty and dressed up to date).

c) Takut di teror debt collector kartu kredit. (Afraid with debt collector of kredit card).


The example above it can be seen that press release, up to date, and debt collector are taken from English and they are mixed in Indonesia language as component language of phrase.

2.5.3 Clause

Clause is a group of related words containing a subject and verb ( A clause consists of subject and predicate. The subject is typically a noun phrase, though other kinds of phrase (such as gerund phrase) work as well, and some languages allow subjects to be omitted. The predicate is a finite verb phrase: a finite verb together with zero or more objects, zero or more complement, and zero or more adverbials. Clause in general classified as independent and dependent clause. An independent clause is the mean idea of sentence. It can stand alone by itself or make sense by itself. While a dependent clause it the subordinate idea of sentence. It must be combined with an independent clause in other to be a part of sentence. It is also created by a subordinating conjunction. Another of dependent clause is subordinate clause.

For example:

The Lady Gaga was cancelled because the Indonesian was not true. The Lady Gaga was cancelled is independent clause.

Because the Indonesian was not true is dependent clause.

Here some examples of code mixing in English and Indonesia language in clause:


c) Have a nice dream, mimpiin saya dong,,, (hve nice dream, wish you dream of me).

d) Saya masih biasa turun di jalan dan mengucapkan good bay forever.(I am still usual down to street and say good bay forever).

The example above it can be seen in the sentences that you are so sexy, it happens by natural, have nice dream, good bay forever are taken from English and they are mixed in Indonesia language as component language of clause.

2.5.4 Sentence

Based on the meaning, a sentence is a ‘complete though’ by seeing or nearing a statement. Based on the function becomes a sentence consist of subject and a predicate (Frank, 1972:220).

Here are some examples of code mixing in English and Indonesia language in sentence:

a) Berkas-berkas di meja dengan prasaan mual. It’s time to find the right man. Now! (the files on the table with nausea of filling. It’s time to find the right man. Now!).

b)You are really beautiful in black and white!. Ia mengulurkan lehernya. (you are really beautiful in black and white!. She reached her neck).

c) Saya Arintha mohon diri dari kamu-kamu. Be smart and fanny, girls. See you tomorrow…! (I am Arintha leave of you, be smart and fanny girls. See you tomorrow).


2.6 Novel

Novel is a book of l are typically defined as a series of events described in a sequence. The novel has been a part of human culture for over a thousand years, although its origins are somewhat debated. Regardless of how it began, the novel has risen to prominence and remained one of the most popular and treasured examples of human culture and writing.

From Indonesian Wikipedia explained that the novel is a work of prose fiction and narrative written, usually in story form. The novel is longer (at least 40,000 words) and more complex than short stories, and not limited structural constraints and metrical plays or poems. Generally, the novel tells the story of the characters and their behavior in everyday life, with emphasis on the odd sides of the narrative. And contains the story of life, an intrinsic element, element extrinsic, and have values such as the value of social norm, values ethic.

Limitation or definition that they give different points of view the definition, among other, according to experts in the field is as follows:

1) The novel is the most popular form of literature in the world. This literary form most widely printed and circulated most widely, because of the broad community to community (Jakop sumarjo Drs).

2) The novel is a literary form in which there is the cultural values of social, moral, and education (Dr. Nurhadi, Dr. Dawud, Dra. Yuni Pratiwi, M Ed, Dra. Abdul Roni, M.Pd).


3) The novel is a literary work that has two elements: a retreat of intrinsic and extrinsic elements that are related because both are very influential in the presence of a literary work (Drs. Rostamaji,M Ed, Agus Priantoro,S.Pd).

4) The novel is a prose literary form that has intrinsic elements (Paul Tukam, S.Pd).

5) In Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) (1995: 694) explained that the novel is a long prose contains a series of one's life story with those around him to accentuate the character and nature of each offender.




3.1 Research Design

This study was conducted by using library research in which a number of books about linguistics, sociolinguistic, and code choice. As Nawawi (1993:30) says “ Penelitian kepustakaa dilakukan dengan menghimpun data dari berbagai literature baik di perpustakaan maupun ditempat- tempat lain”. (Library research is carried out by accumulating all the data from various literatures either in library or in other places).

This study is intended to analyze the components of language are used in code mixing and to find out the component of language which is dominantly used in code mixing found in the novel story.


Source of Data

The writer in case took an Indonesia novel “Cewek Matre” by Alberthiene Endah is used as the population, has an 1-16 chapters. Then the sample was taken randomly sampling by applying lottery technique. States that random sampling the best single way to obtain a representative sample Guy (1987:104). The sample was selected by writing chapters of Indonesia novel on a slip was of paper and places all in a container then it was shaken. After that, the slip was taken from the container until the desired numbers of sample were gained. Here are the chapters of Indonesia novel will be used as the sample: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 8, Chapter 10, Chapter 12, Chapter 14, and Chapter 15


3.3 Data Collection Procedures

The data of this research were taken the Indonesia novel “Cewek Matre” by Alberthiene Endah was publish PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta, 2012. Kompas Gramedia. The data will be taken randomly which is representative from all the chapters in the novel and there are 8 chapters.

There are some ways to get the data:

1) Collecting whole of the sample f chapters in the novel.

2) Identifying 8 of 16 chapters from whole of the classes which is representative.

3) Tabulating data in to the table.

4) Finding out the code-mixing that use.

3.4 Step of the Research

After collecting all the data which was needed for the continuity of the research, next step was to analyze the collected data. To analyze the data, some steps were taken as the following:

1)Underline code-mixing that were found in in Indonesia novel “Cewek Matre” by Alberthiene Endah.

2)Classifying code-mixing were found in those chapters of novel based on the components of language.

3)Counting the number of components of language used in code-mixing from each chapter.

4)Converting to percentages the data, to find out the dominant percentage.


3.5 Data Analysis

For this research, the writer chooses distribution frequency in calculating the data. Bungin states distributive frequency is “perhitungan data dengan distribusi frekuensi ini dapat dilakukan dengan menghitung frekuensi data tersebut kemudia frekuensi itu dipersentesikan” calculating data with distributive frequency is calculating the frequency is percentaged. Converting to percentage by using this formula from Bungin (2005:171-172)

n =

x 100%


n : total frequency of code mixing in percent.

Fx : total code mixing frequency of the sub-categories. 100% : standard percentage.

N : Total all code mixing of categories.

Here are the chapters of novel “Cewek Matre” will be used as the sample to analyze: chapter 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, and chapter 15.




4.1 Analysis

The data for this research was collected from the indonesia novel “Cewek Matre” by Alberthine Endah was published PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta, 2012. Kompas Gramedia. There are 16 chapters, but data will be taken randomly which is representative from all the chapters in the novel and there are 8 chapters. The data were limited only on code mixing in English and Indonesia language in this story of “Cewek Matre” novel. So, the data used in this study are 327 utterances of code mixing.

The data which analyzed based on components of language which consist of word, phrase, clause, and sentence. The following are the examples of code mixing based on components of language about 10% from the all of data and all data can be seen in appendixes. Some of the data can be shown as follows:

1) Code Mixing of Word

1) Kalo mood sama satu atasan tapi gak ada setelan yang cocok bagaimana? (chap.1)

2) Gadis itu pasti mengalami hipertensi yang berkompliksi dengan stroke dan biang keringat setiap kali akhir bulan. (Chap. 2)

3) Dia membahas soal image.(Chap. 2)

4) Liburan dan shopping di akhir pekan. (Chap. 2) 5) Gue masih dalam keadaan fresh pagi ini. (Chap.10)


6) Clubbing sama model-model seksi. (Chap.12)

7) Anggara nampak cute dengan kemeja putih susu dan pantolan krim mudanya. (Chap. 4)

8) Sebenarnya ini bukan masalah nervous atau apa.(Chap.4)

9) Karena saya tidak tahu setting acara puncak didalam sana.(Chap.8) 10)Pilihan lagu-lagu yang kurang pas, bahkan nggak smart.(Chap.10) 11)Ini warning, agar saya lebih giat menabung.(Chap.12)

12)Dari situ Chift merasa mendapatkan angel terbaik untuk mengabaikan mobil yang meleset.(Chap.12)

13)Dia selalu begitu kalo sedang exited. (Chap.12)

14)Datang ke pesta untuk menunjukkan jati diri yang funky habis.(Chap.12)

15)Tumben nggak dandan glam!(Chap.14)

16) Rupanya ada hidangan dissert tambahan yang siap dibagikan.(Chap.15)

17)Mereka sepakat membuat janji hunting foto.(Chap.15) 18)Fhilip kelihatan shock melihat saya.(Chap.15)


From the utterance above, some bold utterances from the novel above is found as a word of English which show code mixing in English Indonesia language. The utterances such as, mood, stroke, Image, shopping, fresh, clubbing, cute, nervous, setting, smart, warning, angel, exited, funky, glam, dissert, hunting, and shock are the code mixing of word because these


language as gadis itu pasti menalami hipertensi yang berkompliksi denagn dan biang kringat setiap kali akhir bulan, act.

2) Code Mixing of Phrase

a) Jadi langsung check out keesokan harinya.(Chap.14)

b) Pakai long dress putih di tengah matahari sore yang terik, di sirkuit pula! Ini gila.(chap.12)

c) Saya langsung teringat lirikan kasihan Evieta pada tas tangan saya made in Tajur.(Chap.1)

d) Ia menenteng travel bag khusus kamera.(Chap.12)

e) Menarik karena dia memang cantik dan berpenampilan up to date.(Chap.2)

f) Saya memang benar-benar melakukan window shopping dalam artian harfiah. (Chap.1)

g) Teori inner beauty gak ada dalam kamusnya.(Chap.1) h) Saya tahu, office boy sudah menyerah. (Chap.10)

i) Gue bingung, bagaimana kalau mereka making love.(Chap.12)


The utterance above is found as phrase of English in bold. The utterances such as, check out, long dress, made in, travel bag, up to date, window shopping, inner beauty, office boy, and making love are the code mixing of phrase because these utterances are the phrase taken from English mixing in Indonesia language as menarik karena dia memang cantik dan berpenampilan …, Ia menenteng khusus kamera.


3) Code Mixing of Clause

a) Just call me back, atau kirim SMS kalo emosimu sudah stabil kembali. (Chap.14)

b) Ok good morning city girl, gimana suasana hati kamu pagi ini? (Chap.2)

c) Oh my God, dari tadi saya ngapain saja, bisa kecolongan waktu segini banyak. (Chap.1)

d) Oh by the way, saya belum memuji penampilanmu. (Chap.4) e) So sorry, belakangan ini saya menyebalkan ya? (Chap.10)


From the utterances above, the statement started in Indonesia, than continues in English or started in English and continues in Indonesia. The utterances such as just call me back, ok good morning city girl, oh my God, oh by the way, and so sorry are the code mixing of clause because these utterances are taken from English mixing in Indonesia language as …, atau kirim SMS kalo emosimu sudah stabil kembali., …, gimana suasana hati kamu pagi ini?

4) Code Mixing of Sentence

a) Saya Aritha mohon diri dari kamu- kamu. Be smart and funny girls. See you tomorrow. (Chap.2)

b) Dan seperti biasa saya gombal. I can’t believe too, last night I met a wonderful man like you. (Chap.8)

c) Ok, istrahan dan minum kopi. Have a nice work. (Chap.8) d) “Long time no see”. Sambutnya dengan tawa nyembur. (Chap.4)


f) You look very nice in gray!. Pujinya. (Chap.4) g) Dari anggara. Hi dear, just to confirm. (Chap.4)


From the utterances above, the statement started in Indonesia, than continues in English or started in English and continues in Indonesia. Some bold utterances are English, the utterances such as, Be smart and funny girls., See you tomorrow., I can’t believe too, Are you happy, Pi?., last night I met a wonderful man like you., have a nice work., long time no see.,Hi dear, just to confirm, and you look very nice in gray are the code mixing of sentence because those utterances are taken from English and Indonesia language.

4.2 Finding

The data were analyzed based on components of language which consist of Word, Phrase, Clause, and Sentence. From the research, the percentages of code mixing from chapters of novel shown on tables are:

Table 4.2.1 chapter 1




1 Word 39 64%%

2 Phrase 20 32,8%

3 Clause 1 1,6%

4 Sentence 1 1,6%


Table 4.2.2 chapter 2




1 Word 27 49,1%

2 Phrase 17 30,9%

3 Clause 4 7,3%

4 Sentence 7 12,7%

TOTAL 55 100%

Table 4.2.3 chapter 4




1 Word 28 60,9%

2 Phrase 9 19,5%

3 Clause 5 10,9

4 Sentence 4 8,7%

TOTAL 46 100%

Table 4.2.4 chapter 8




1 Word 17 40,5%

2 Phrase 13 30,9%

3 Clause 0 0%

4 Sentence 12 28,6%


Table 4.2.5 chapter 10




1 Word 23 53,5%

2 Phrase 8 18,6%

3 Clause 4 9,3%

4 Sentence 8 18,6%

TOTAL 43 100%

Table 4.2.6 chapter 12




1 Word 29 69%

2 Phrase 10 23,8%

3 Clause 2 4,8%

4 Sentence 1 2,4%

TOTAL 42 100%

Table 4.2.7 chapter 14




1 Word 10 45,5%

2 Phrase 7 31,8%

3 Clause 2 9,1%

4 Sentence 3 13,6%


Table 4.2.8 chapter 15




1 Word 12 75 %

2 Phrase 3 18,7 %

3 Clause 0 0%

4 Sentence 1 6,3 %

TOTAL 16 100%

From all the data of code mixing in the appendixes, the percentages of each component of language in code mixing is drawn as following by using Bungin (2005:171-172).

Table 4.2.9

The Classification of Components of Language

In Code Mixing and the Percentage



PERCENTAGE n = x 100%

1 Word 185 56,6%

2 Phrase 87 26,6 %

3 Clause 18 5,5%

4 Sentence 37 11,3%


The table above shows that code mixing in word is 56,6 %, than code mixing in phrase is 26,6 %, code mixing in clause 5,5 %, and following by code mixing in sentence is 11,3 %.

The following are the findings of analyses:

1) There are 327 utterances of code mixing in Cewek Matre novel by Alberthiene Endah were analyzed based on the components of language namely word, phrase, clause, and sentence.

2) The most dominantly occurred was in word (56,6 %) which was followed by phrase (26,6 %), clause (5,5 %), and sentence (11,3 %),






After analyzing all the data in thesis, the conclusion can be drawn, as in the following:

1) The number of occurrences of code mixing in components language is 327, which was found 8 chapters from 16 chapters on the Cewek Matre novel.

2) There are four components of language found in Cewek Matre novel by Alberthiene Endah and the result of the percentages of code mixing in word 56,6 % which was followed by phrase 26,6 %, clause 5,5 %, and sentence 11,3 %.

3) The most dominant components of language used in code mixing on Cewek Matre novel by Alberthiene Endah is Word (56,6 %).

Base on the results above, it can be seen that the code mixing of word is the most dominant component of language is used code mixing in Cewek Matre novel by Alberthiene Endah, code mixing of clause is the less dominant of code mixing and the component of language which are used in code mixing in Cewek Matre novel is code mixing of word, phrase, Clause, and sentence.


5.2 Suggestion

Related to the conclusions above, the suggestions are formulated as the following:

1) It is suggested to the students of English literature to analyze code mixing which are happen in Indonesia. It is because code mixing is happen in Indonesia that varieties and shown in many aspects, hopefully the vocabulary of the readers can be added.

2) It is suggested to conduct further research above code mixing using other media such as magazine, newspaper, television and many others in different ways to give a valuable contribution for people in understanding the use of code mixing among bilingual societies.

3) It is suggested to readers in using Indonesia and English language as well as possible without mixing both languages. There are many Indonesian novels which have used code mixing between Indonesia language and English, it will interfere the integrity of using Indonesia language itself.



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No Code Mixing English Indonesia Word Phrase Clause Sentence

1. Pakai baju gak matching adalah prestasi paling buruk kaum perempuan.

2. Kalo mood sama satu atasan tapi gak ada setelan yang cocok bagaimana?

3. Melek belum, problem sudah meneror.

4. Meeting dengan tim promosi Anna Body Spray.

5. sebelum melulur, belum scrub, belum bilas, belum mengeringkan tubuh.

6. Barby bekerja di perusaan advertising yang punya jadwal selalu mundur.

7. Saat seisi rumah masih meringkuk di tempat tidur, Barbi sudah ngos-ngosan di treadmill.

8. Wong semua pekerja pada happy!  9. Kerja di perusaan recording di daerah

pondok indah.

10. Alis tinggi sebelah, eyeliner menyolong ke jalur terlarang, …

11. … foundation terlalu tebal disuatu area.

12. Selain sakit, otak saya langsung down membayangkan bulu-bulu mata saya tercabut denagan cara tidak hormat.

13. Saya, sekali lagi, melakukan sprint menuju kamar.

14. Blus putih dengan detail pulkodat di bahu dan rok A-line sewarna dengan motif polkadot.

15. Saya memerhatikan cewek itu denagn seksama, karena body-nya yang seksi sekali.

16. Jangan lupa hairspray. 

17. Volum energy, sedikit … 

18. sedikit styling foam. 

19. Biar lebih bervolume dan tahan lama, saya juga membubuhkan foam.

20. Lumayan, not bad. 

21. Eye shadow dan pemerah pipi.  



23. Tanynya dengan paras innocent.  24. Kalo kuning namanya bkan blue. 

25. Oh God. Untung di dunia ini ada yang amanya figur ibu.

26. Maaf kalo ada cukup waktu saya bias beberkan file-file peristiwa yang membuktikan bahwa saya memang perempuan keren

27. Saya langsung teringat lirikan kasihan Eviete pada tas tangan saya made in Tajur.

28. Pada hari pertama menerima gaji, saya harus isi pulsa handphone,

29. No, honey. Sesuai hukum ekonomi, pengeluaran harus dicek dengan teratur.

30. Siap go. 

31. Dari kaca fiberglass ruang rapa, saya …

32. Sudah begitu, seketaris Jendral menejer, menata kursi rapat dengan layout yang …

33. Welehh welehh, dia bawa birkin bag Harmes ke ruang rapat.

34. selebriti jadi bintang tamu di program talkshow.

35. Teori inner beauty nggak ada dalam kamusnya.

36. sampai yang kadar tekanan mentalnya cukup tinggi seperti memaksa cowok itu stay di kantor setelah siaran

37. Peduli setan kayak dia gay.  38. Dia sering dijuluki miss ngelantur di

kantor ini.

39. Kebetula saya lagi butuh fress release tentang acara Tahun Baru kemaren.

 40. Habis itu dia nanyain voucher belanja

tentang butik yang pernah saya janjikan.

41. Dengan tone wartawan sejati.  42. Yahh, tentang berbagai kabar baru

seputar dunia fishion.

 43. saya minta fress release, di kasihnya

fact sheet berpuluh-puluh lembar.

 44. So selamat lah Palupi.


meng-install pogram daya ingat. 46. Atasan halter neck Prada, blazer

Armani, baju- baju mango.

 47. Tapi ini lah kurang ajarnya kantor-

kantor lifestyle masa kini.

48. Mango sale lagi, La. 

49. Sebab kepala dan seluruh

perhatiannya tertancap pada game karti layar computer.

50. Koleksi kardigen dan switer yang multicolor.

 51. Rok-rok mini military look yang


 52. Kalo ada tanktop yang lucu-lucu

boleh deh titip beli.

 53. nonto konser music, clubbing di


 54. dilihat dari penampilan luar, style

belanja kami tak ubahnya ibu-ibu kaya

55. Mandi free. 

56. Pembantu ready. 

57. Silvia meneguk lemon tea-nya  58. Kalimat yang baru saja meluncur dari

bibirnya merupakan statement langka dari perempuan

59. Banyak cowok sekarang yang juga rela mengasih cash buat cewek-cewek

60. Lu piker Siska bisa pakai baju branded paling anyar setiap hari dari honor siaran dia?

61. Lu piker minum wine itu sangat murah.


Chapter 2

No Code Mixing English Indonesia Word Phrase Clause Sentence 1. Sebab bulan ini banyak event. 

2. Si Ceking punya bakat kuat sebagai debt collector itu pasti akan

melakukan serangkaian ...

3. Tapi jika dilakukan general check up dan dironsen, terlihat penyakit yang mengkwatirkan.

4. Barbie sudah bisa membeli mobil Zafira warna silver.

5. Setirnya yang enak, joknya yang empuk, panelnya yang stylish, detail-deteil yang enak disentuh, dia membahas soal kenyamanan.

6. Dia membahas soal image.  7. Sampai-sampai berpikir kalau dealer

Zafira mendengar, pasti Barbie akan dibagi sepion gratis.

8. Menarik karena dia memang cantik dan berpenampilan up to date.

9. Gadis itu pasti menalami hipertensi yang berkomplikasi dengan stroke dan biang keringat setiap kali akhir bulan.

10. Liburan dn shopping di akhir pekan.  11. Kenapa Verena masih betah ngendom

di kantor high image-low profit ini?

12. Kita jadi trendsetter untuk ulasan …  13. Lu nerima dengan enjoy apa yang lu


14. Saya masih shock dengan perasaan saya sendiri.

15. Are you happy, Pi?. Saya membalas tatapannya.

16. Are you really happy with it? Pi… kita nggak jujur sama diri sendiri.

17. Oh, my God, ada apa dengan hidup saya.

 18. Bukan karena saya seorang socialite. 

19. Rok mini motif army, ikat pinggang maskulin warna senada

 20. Hi girl…!. Sapanya dengan

keramahan diarahkan pada kami yang perempuan-perempuan ini,

21. Maksud saya geng saya, kelompok bokek forever itu.


kantor ini.

23. Nge- blow rambut di salon. 

24. At least lu dapat ilmunya.  25. Yes mam. Menurut gue sih kita cukup

mewakuli wanita kota yang canggih dan terkini

26. kemarennya lagi bahkan pink.  27. Saya memang benar-benar

melakukan window shopping dalam artian harfiah.

28. Liburan saya dengan resort-resort mahal.

 29. Radio transistor dua band yang


 30. nggak ada gengsi-gengsinya sama

sekali, plus beberapa hiasan meja tanpa taste.

31. Padahal dia bisa terima job sedikitnya dua kali seminggu.

 32. Ok good morning city girl, gimana

suasana hati kamu pagi ini?

 33. Of course, sebagai gadis kota kita

yang cantik, mandiri, …

34. Work hard, …

35. dan Play hard oke. 

36. Kantor ini yang kebanyakan

bermental alien, Palupi pun tampak tak peduli pada sekitarnya.

37. Dua minggu lagi saya akan gelar press converse di kafe Magenta.

 38. Mengatur flow acara, mengundang

bintang tamu, dan …

 39. Itu sangat cocok diajukan sebagai

miss Delegator.

 40. Positive thinking, tarik napas, embus.  41. Ok girl! Nice morning!, sampai disini

dulu pertemuan kita.

 42. Saya Aritha mohon diri dari kamu-

kamu. Be smart and funny girls. See you tomorrow.

43. Miranda dan Bianca bukan tipe perempuan kaya yang gemar go public.

44. tapi yang menggarap rambut, stylist bule yang langsung diimpor dari Inggris dan Australia.


telinga saya,

47. Gue pas dapat hairstylist cowok yang asal Australia.

 48. Ikut gue yok. Dress code merah.  49. Sambil menyampirkan saddle bag

DIOR-nya yang berwarna coklat.

 50. So sorry to stay. kata abang gue,

nasib kita ini ditentuin teman.

 51. Siapa tau gue bias melakukan side

job dari hobi gue.

 52. Pagi nge-drop anak di sekolah, terus

ka salon, ...

 53. Nonton infotainment pagi.  54. Gimana kalo dibawa fan aja, Ran.  55. By the way, emang baru gue sadari

sangkin midernya

Total Code-Mixing = 55 27 17 4 7


Chapter 4

No Code Mixing English Indonesia Word Phrase Clause sentence 1. Cantik, body ada, berwawasan, aktif,

elit deh.

2. Linda yang minta tolong mengecek barang-barang kiriman sponsor yang akan dijadikan hadiah doorprize.

3. label sponsor di kupon berhadia yang akan di salah satu acara off air kami.

4. saya mengecek spanduk dan banner sponsor di loby.

5. Dari Anggara. Hi dear, just to confirm.

6. besok jadi nge-date kan? 

7. Ndag, honey. 

8. Besok semua harus sudah clean. 

9. Dibeliin Kelly bag yang keren banget.  10. katanya sih creative director di biro

iklan apa gitu.

11. sebenarnya ini bukan masalah nervous atau apa.

12. tapi dia menggantinya dengan pesan intranet.

13. “Long time no see”. Sambutnya dengan tawa nyembur.

 14. Anggra nampak cute dengan kemeja

putih susu dan pantolan krim mudanya

15. kami memang terhalang jam 3 in 1.  16. Basically, kita sama sekali nggak

pernah telpon-telponan seperti ini.

17. seperti hendak mengespresikan rasa surprise-nya.

18. well, saya nggak pernah mengertikan percakapan kerja sebagai sesuatu yang pantas dimasukkan ke memori.

19. kalo boleh jujur, saya kaget campur senang, so bones …

20. God. So soon. Cepat benar reaksinya.

21. Angga. Nice. 

22. Oh by the way, saya belum memuji penampilanmu.

23. You look very nice in gray!. Pujinya.  24. kami bisa bikin sedikitnya dua video

clip untuk si penyanyi.

25. bisnis yang bikin sport jantung, katanya.


berat juga.

27. kuis berhadiah voucher makan di kafe-kafe romantis.

28. saya nggak bakalan bisa enjoy.  29. saya yakin banget kamu orang yang

well-manage”, pujiannya.

30. saya pencet tombol off, sehingga HP tak berkutik lagi.

31. Sorry bercanda.  32. Pingin juga sih kayak kamu gitu,

punya chemistry sama benda kesayangan.

33. really! Kominikator seharga hamper Sembilan juta rupiah ?

34. good! Inlah tindakan sempurna korban cewek matre.

35. Saya atur blocking sikap.  36. Ia juga bicara tentang para music

director radio-radio ibu kota yang kerap tak sejalan dengan konsep …

37. Aduhh,,, thanks banget. 

38. Benar-bener surprise menyenangkan. 

39. Merek minded, sudah pasti. 

40. pertemuan perusaan- perusahan recording.

41. Biasanya dihindari menejer marketing dan humas.

42. Dan, terus terang saja, siluet Aminoto yang agak tambun dengan uden selalu show off, sama sekali bukan pemandangan yang menghibur di pagi yang begini menjemukan

43. Dear Asikin, saya memerlukan kabar terbaru mengenai artis-artis ADENA

44. Oh my God, apa gaji bisa

mempengaruhi kualitas obrolan ?

45. saya dibuat shock setengah mati 

46. Ups sorry salah kirim. Total code mixing = 46 28 9 5 4


Chapter 8

No Code Mixing English Indonesia Word Phrase Clause Sentence 1. Lagi pula, mereka punya general

manager baru.

2. mereka memakai JHCC. Dress Code, Evening Gown.

 3. Saya menggunakan tube dress dari

satin warna hitam.

4. silvia meminjam gaun hitam dari bahan crape

5. … berpotongan halter neck. 

6. Saya mengantri di gerai steak.  7. Sekilas saya melihat mata pak Steven

tertancap pada theda bag Vuitton warna keemasan di tangan saya.

8. Rambutnya dicukur model crewcut.  9. Tapi juga sangat macho.  10. “Good. Mereka adalah uang berjalan.  11. Mereka datang dari kalangan the

haves, kan?

12. Apalagi kalo media yang

bersangkutan memiliki image yang baik

13. karena saya tidak tahu setting acara puncak didalam sana.

14. Di situ ada stand handphone paling benar.

15. “Thanks. Seluruh staf saya mengatakan.

16. Ia tertawa.”saya melihat busway.”  17. Ah, ya! Kita ke stand minuman. 

18. Display minuman ditata seperti meja jamuan mewah kerajaan Romawi.

19. dia sendiri memilih wine. 

20. “What?. Dia terlontak. 

21. Okey, see you ! Dia melambaikan tangan.

 22. Saya dibangunkan SMS-ya. Morning.

I can’t believe, last night I met a wonderful girl like you.

23. Dan seperti biasa saya gombal. I can’t believe too, last night I met a wonderful man like you.

24. I’m very happy to hear it.  25. I really miss you now.  26. Kita sudah kepalang membuat

konsep bed of roses supaya


mereka yang identik dengan bunga-bunga.

27. mendingan buat konsep bad of sex gimana?

28. Welcome drink-nya minuman penambah tenaga

29. Sponsor utama dicari lagi, yang memiliki brand image tak jauh-jauh dari bunga.

30. mereka kebetulan akan stay di kantor pukul sepuluh!

31. Hallo honey. Nggak perlu gelisah lagi.

32. Dibalas. well.Now? 

33. After 19 pm, I can.

34. Good! Burgandi is perfect.  35. Ok, istrahan dan minum kopi. Have a

nice work.

 36. Pihak Zelvia langsung menyetujui

bunyi proposal, berikut bugget-nya.

37. Hanya butuh waktu dua jam untuk mendapatkan deal.

38. Telah saya atur blocking kedatangannya

39. Dia big bos. 

40. Crazy. Hanya dalam semalam. “katanya panjng’

41. Fair game. Ia meraih tangan saya.  42. Bersamaan dengan presaan itu, rasa

lapang memenuhi prasaan saya. Welcome, new money!


Chapter 10

No Code Mixing English Indonesia Word Phrase Clause Sentence 1. Besok saya telpon lagi. “Oke, good


2. So sorry, belakangan ini saya menyebalkan ya?

3. Selop khaki dari Mark dan Spencer.  4. Kamu sudah cek papsmear?  5. please, saya pasti melakukannya.  6. Sudah lama saya tidak mencermati

majalah, kecuali melihat foto bareng yang sedang in.

7. Ia masuk dengan kostum khasnya, kemeja kedodoran, celana baggy, dan tas slempang

8. Saya tahu, office boy sudah menyerah  9. Gue masih dalam keadaan fresh pagi


10. Lu sekarang sudah katagori cewek untouchable.

11. Bercanda darling. 

12. Saya sudah jadi orang kaya. Am I ? 

13. “Are you oke?”suaranya membuat saya seperti kesetrum.

 14. Barusa habis foto cover majalah


15. “I miss you….” Katanya tiba-tiba. 

16. Saya lebih suka kafe-kafe yang down to earth

17. Well…. Jadi kamu mau kapan? 

18. “Company profile kita bagus.  19. yang lebih dulu mencapai Pak Steven

untuk melihat dummy company profile.

20. acara City Girl lama-lama berkesan old fashion.

21. pilihan lagu-lagu yang kurang pas, bahkan nggak smart.

22. Tadi malam saya pasti

menjengkelkan kamu, Honey.. God.. itulah jeleknya mabuk.

23. Istri saya perempuan yang tidak membuat saya ingin pulang, you know ….

24. “you….” Dia tertawa kecil.  25. No! jawaban Philip cepat muncul. 


27. “Promise,,, promise… I promise.  28. Telepon ditutup dengan ending


29. next time, pertemuan kita akan lebih indah

30. Merapikan rambut, sekalian creambath.

31. Atau scrubing. 

32. Saya memutuskan mengenakan shift dress Prada warna putih.

33. Dengan motif print tulisan Prada dalam ukuran kecil-kecil.

34. Prada memang pembuat sepatu paling sophisticated.

35. apalagi kalo bukan tote bag Celine warna putih.

36. lulur bahkan juga facial!  37. “You are really beautiful in black

and white!

 38. Really? Peretama kali ketemu kamu. 

39. Kamu pasti enjoy dengan pekerjaan kamu.

40. Saya kira kalimat ini bisa menyelamatkan keadaan supaya bergulir di truck yang benar.

41. Ia mengajak mahasiswa-mahasiswa itu hunting foto.

42. “It’s too beautiful! Cetusnya. 

43. “For someone too specil! 


Chapter 12

No Code Mixing English Indonesia Word Phrase Clause Sentence 1. itu baru body camera, belum lagi


2. Good! Tak sangka kamu punya gairah untuk melihat saya memotret.

3. Matahari pagi paling bagus untuk foto outdoor.

4. Silvia mengibas-ngibaskan rabutnya yang baru saja di-rebonding.

5. Gue bingung, bagaimana kalo mereka making love.

6. what? Leher silvia mundur cepat.  7. itu lagu lama darling.  8. Polo shirt warna putih dan bermuda

9. meskipun saya sudah pakai fire were.  10. Mereka minta gambar mobil dalam

kecepatan tinggi, dengan efek panning, tp …

11. tanpa perlu photoshop,” lanjutnya pelan.

12. Ini warning, agar saya lebih giat menabung.

13. job-job selanjutnya akan megalir.  14. Yah, agak-agak akrobat dikitlah. But

it’s okay.

15. God! Jangan sampai terjadi.  16. well, sekarang dia berani

menyebutkan itu pada saya.

17. Mirip ending bahagia sebuah film.  18. Saya mau beli lensa itu cash,  19. Saya mau kasi dia surprise tiga hari


20. kamu pasti membelikan saya kemeja baru lagi. What color is it?

 21. Sorry, saya terlalu bermimpi

memiliki benda ini.

22. oh, no! ini pasti mimpi.  23. Dari situ Clift merasa mendapatkan

angel terbaik untuk mengabaikan mobil yang meleset.

24. Chift menggenakan T-shirt putih dan jins biru muda.

25. Sementara tak jauh dari saya, Glen, stylist yang biasa bekerja sama dengan chift …


cukup menor.

27. menggenakan kaos ketat dan celana capri motif kotak-kotak.

28. punya taste art yang bagus.  29. saya belum pernah melihat anak

orang kaya se-down to earth dia.

30. Clubbing sama model-model seksi,

31. Datang ke pesta-pesta untuk

menunjukin jati diri yang funky habis.

32. Gila man! 

33. ia menenteng travel bag khusus kamera.

34. Heru sang asisten berlari kecil membawa tas laptop dan tripod.

35. Break setengaj jam!  36. By the way, … Glen setelah berbisik

ketelinga Clift.

37. mood-nya hilang begitu aja.

38. Dengan digital, semua bisa!” 

39. Ada yang membuat poster, klender, billboard.

40. Dia selalu begitu kalo sedang excited,”

41. Saya sudah mengenakan tube dress warna putih,

42. Pakai long dress putih di tengah matahari sore yang terik,



Chapter 12

No Code Mixing English Indonesia Word Phrase Clause Sentence 1. itu baru body camera, belum lagi


2. Good! Tak sangka kamu punya

gairah untuk melihat saya memotret.

 3. Matahari pagi paling bagus untuk

foto outdoor.

 4. Silvia mengibas-ngibaskan rabutnya

yang baru saja di-rebonding.

 5. Gue bingung, bagaimana kalo mereka

making love.

6. what? Leher silvia mundur cepat.

7. itu lagu lama darling.  8. Polo shirt warna putih dan bermuda

9. meskipun saya sudah pakai fire were.  10. Mereka minta gambar mobil dalam

kecepatan tinggi, dengan efek panning, tp …

11. tanpa perlu photoshop,” lanjutnya pelan.

 12. Ini warning, agar saya lebih giat


13. job-job selanjutnya akan megalir.

14. Yah, agak-agak akrobat dikitlah. But it’s okay.

15. God! Jangan sampai terjadi.

16. well, sekarang dia berani menyebutkan itu pada saya.

17. Mirip ending bahagia sebuah film.  18. Saya mau beli lensa itu cash,  19. Saya mau kasi dia surprise tiga hari


 20. kamu pasti membelikan saya kemeja

baru lagi. What color is it?

 21. Sorry, saya terlalu bermimpi

memiliki benda ini.

 22. oh, no! ini pasti mimpi.  23. Dari situ Clift merasa mendapatkan

angel terbaik untuk mengabaikan mobil yang meleset.

24. Chift menggenakan T-shirt putih dan jins biru muda.

 25. Sementara tak jauh dari saya, Glen,

stylist yang biasa bekerja sama dengan chift …

26. Gita namanya, dengan make-up yang 


cukup menor.

27. menggenakan kaos ketat dan celana capri motif kotak-kotak.

28. punya taste art yang bagus.  29. saya belum pernah melihat anak

orang kaya se-down to earth dia.

30. Clubbing sama model-model seksi,

 31. Datang ke pesta-pesta untuk

menunjukin jati diri yang funky habis.

32. Gila man! 

33. ia menenteng travel bag khusus kamera.

 34. Heru sang asisten berlari kecil

membawa tas laptop dan tripod.

35. Break setengaj jam!

36. By the way, … Glen setelah berbisik ketelinga Clift.

37. mood-nya hilang begitu aja.

38. Dengan digital, semua bisa!” 

39. Ada yang membuat poster, klender, billboard.

40. Dia selalu begitu kalo sedang excited,”

41. Saya sudah mengenakan tube dress

warna putih,

42. Pakai long dress putih di tengah matahari sore yang terik,



Chapter 14

No Code Mixing English Indonesia Word Phrase Clause Sentence 1. Ia tampak rebut dengan busananya

yang multicolor, …

 2. Masih ditambah dengan syal warna

pink cerah di lehernya.

 3. Kalo lo sudah mati kutu pada materi,

go abead…!

 4. Tapi kalau lu tiba-tiba jadi drop

begini, gue jadi curiga

 5. Toh gue bisa survive!”  6. Tak jadi refreshing panjang?”  7. Jadi langsung check out keesokan


8. Chift..” “Hemmm? “I love you..” 

9. sedang on the way,” ujar Barbie. 

10. Adil, fair. 

11. Dess code smart chick dilanggar bebas.

 12. Ratusan humas yang datang masih

berkumpul berjejal di foyer sambil menikmati hi-tea.

13. sampai berbagai cake mungil. 

14. Ia dandan super chick sore ini.  15. bagian bawah mata dan shading

dengan pemakain sempurna di tulang pipi.

16. Tumben nggak dandan glam! 

17. mau sok down to earth nih… 

18. Mengurangi window shopping yang manjur merampok isi dompet saya.

19. “I miss you.” Saya menelan ludah


20. Oh my God!. Saya tidak mengira luka

kamu sempai sejauh ini.

 21. Maafkan saya, but kamu sekarang

masih emosi?

 22. Just call me back, atau kirim SMS

kalo emosimu sudah stabil kembali.

Total Code-Mixing = 22 10 7 2 3


Chapter 15

No Code Mixing English Indonesia Word Phrase Clause Sentence 1. Mereka sepakat membuat janji

hunting foto.

 2. seisi rumah menganggap kabar ini

sebagai surprise kata saya.

3. God! Untung kamu bilang sekarang

4. Please reply Urgent.

5. Ini benda unisex. 

6. polatak member jawaban,selana dalam pria yang seksi dalam vocer hotel untuk check in sesegera mungkin.

7. Di sisi kanan meja, ada perangkat khusus untuk barbeque.

 8. Silvia lebih agresif .Tergantung


 9. Philip kelihatan shock melihat saya!  10. Busananya tanktop warna putih

dengan rok lebar dengan motif bunga-bunga warna biru cerah.

11.Just… bikin saya tenang saja.

12. Tidak fair dong. 

13. Buat saya joke Tohir jauh lebih lucu,dan semua orang terbahak.

 14. Tentang pemuatan company profile

di kantor

 15.well, anggap saja ini imbalan atas

kebodohan saya,” ia tersenyum samar.

16. Rupanya ada hidangan dessert tambahan yang siap dibagikan.



Synopsis of Cewek Matre Novel

Cewek Matre is Indonesian novel which be published in Indonesia country. This novel was composed by Alberthiene Endah was published PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, October 2004,Agustus 2006, February 2009 and last on February 2012 which has 464 pages and 135 x 20 sizes. This novel is very popular in Indonesia people especially in youth and teenager genre to read the novel. It is easier to read and understand because used Indonesia language. But sometimes in the story novel there are mixtures with other languages besides Indonesia, for example like English, Java, Betawi, etc. This novel talks about style city of Indonesia. Lola City Girls FM radio publicist who pretty smart and sexy.. poor! Poor? Well of course! With a salary which Lola not afford expensive branded bag fancy dress & shoes simply cannot compete with my friends who go-go shopping in Singapore and Hong Kong. Tired of complaining Lola run a new tactic: material girl! Granted it's a function there are men rich and well-established in Jakarta this? Lola immediately rolling in happiness. Shoes & bags beautiful new dress & body care who makes the sleek look. But all was not without a price which is expensive. Tangled hearts. Complicated brain. And when true love comes Lola crying .. love & treasure equally interesting is the choice! Single Material Girls City.

Biography of Alberthiene Endah

Endah was born in interested in writing from a young age, and decided to become a journalist while in junior high school. Upon graduating senior high school she majored i


Endah received her first job working for the magazine Hidup in 1993. In 1996, she started at theWhile working at Femina, Endah interviewed many people, among them 2003 under the title Seribu Satu KD.

In 2004, Endah resigned from her position at Femina to focus on her career as Prodo magazine. During this time, she was approached by several public figures and asked to write their biography. She also released her first novel, Don't Give Me Drugs Jangan Beri Aku Narkoba), in 2004. Don't Give Me Drugs received an award from the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency for her "effort in combating drugs" and first place at the 2005 Adikarya Awards. In 2005, Don't Give Me Drugs wThe

Last Second Detik Terakhir). Her vovels : 2004 Jangan Beri Aku

Narkoba (Don’t Give Me Drugs), 2004 Cewek Matre (The Material Girl), 2004 Jodoh Monika (Monika’s Partner), 2005 Dicintai Jo (Lived by Jo), 2008 Selebriti (celebrity), 2009 Ojek Cantik ( the beautiful Motorbike Taxi Driver).