Data Analysis Analysis An Analysis Of The Code Mixing Found In “Cewek Matre” Novel


3.5 Data Analysis

For this research, the writer chooses distribution frequency in calculating the data. Bungin states distributive frequency is “perhitungan data dengan distribusi frekuensi ini dapat dilakukan dengan menghitung frekuensi data tersebut kemudia frekuensi itu dipersentesikan” calculating data with distributive frequency is calculating the frequency is percentaged. Converting to percentage by using this formula from Bungin 2005:171-172 n = x 100 Where: n : total frequency of code mixing in percent. Fx : total code mixing frequency of the sub-categories. 100 : standard percentage. N : Total all code mixing of categories. Here are the chapters of novel “Cewek Matre” will be used as the sample to analyze: chapter 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, and chapter 15. Universitas Sumatera Utara 25 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDING

4.1 Analysis

The data for this research was collected from the indonesia novel “Cewek Matre” by Alberthine Endah was published PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta, 2012. Kompas Gramedia. There are 16 chapters, but data will be taken randomly which is representative from all the chapters in the novel and there are 8 chapters. The data were limited only on code mixing in English and Indonesia language in this story of “Cewek Matre” novel. So, the data used in this study are 327 utterances of code mixing. The data which analyzed based on components of language which consist of word, phrase, clause, and sentence. The following are the examples of code mixing based on components of language about 10 from the all of data and all data can be seen in appendixes. Some of the data can be shown as follows: 1 Code Mixing of Word 1 Kalo mood sama satu atasan tapi gak ada setelan yang cocok bagaimana? chap.1 2 Gadis itu pasti mengalami hipertensi yang berkompliksi dengan stroke dan biang keringat setiap kali akhir bulan. Chap. 2 3 Dia membahas soal image.Chap. 2 4 Liburan dan shopping di akhir pekan. Chap. 2 5 Gue masih dalam keadaan fresh pagi ini. Chap.10 Universitas Sumatera Utara 26 6 Clubbing sama model-model seksi. Chap.12 7 Anggara nampak cute dengan kemeja putih susu dan pantolan krim mudanya. Chap. 4 8 Sebenarnya ini bukan masalah nervous atau apa.Chap.4 9 Karena saya tidak tahu setting acara puncak didalam sana.Chap.8 10 Pilihan lagu-lagu yang kurang pas, bahkan nggak smart.Chap.10 11 Ini warning, agar saya lebih giat menabung.Chap.12 12 Dari situ Chift merasa mendapatkan angel terbaik untuk mengabaikan mobil yang meleset.Chap.12 13 Dia selalu begitu kalo sedang exited. Chap.12 14 Datang ke pesta untuk menunjukkan jati diri yang funky habis.Chap.12 15 Tumben nggak dandan glamChap.14 16 Rupanya ada hidangan dissert tambahan yang siap dibagikan.Chap.15 17 Mereka sepakat membuat janji hunting foto.Chap.15 18 Fhilip kelihatan shock melihat saya.Chap.15 Analysis: From the utterance above, some bold utterances from the novel above is found as a word of English which show code mixing in English Indonesia language. The utterances such as, mood, stroke, Image, shopping, fresh, clubbing, cute, nervous, setting, smart, warning , angel, exited, funky, glam, dissert, hunting, and shock are the code mixing of word because these eighteen utterances are the word taken from English mixing in Indonesia Universitas Sumatera Utara 27 language as gadis itu pasti menalami hipertensi yang berkompliksi denagn … dan biang kringat setiap kali akhir bulan, act. 2 Code Mixing of Phrase a Jadi langsung check out keesokan harinya.Chap.14 b Pakai long dress putih di tengah matahari sore yang terik, di sirkuit pula Ini gila.chap.12 c Saya langsung teringat lirikan kasihan Evieta pada tas tangan saya made in Tajur.Chap.1 d Ia menenteng travel bag khusus kamera.Chap.12 e Menarik karena dia memang cantik dan berpenampilan up to date.Chap.2 f Saya memang benar-benar melakukan window shopping dalam artian harfiah. Chap.1 g Teori inner beauty gak ada dalam kamusnya.Chap.1 h Saya tahu, office boy sudah menyerah. Chap.10 i Gue bingung, bagaimana kalau mereka making love.Chap.12 Analysis: The utterance above is found as phrase of English in bold. The utterances such as, check out, long dress, made in, travel bag, up to date, window shopping, inner beauty, office boy, and making love are the code mixing of phrase because these utterances are the phrase taken from English mixing in Indonesia language as menarik karena dia memang cantik dan berpenampilan …, Ia menenteng … khusus kamera. Universitas Sumatera Utara 28 3 Code Mixing of Clause a Just call me back, atau kirim SMS kalo emosimu sudah stabil kembali. Chap.14 b Ok good morning city girl, gimana suasana hati kamu pagi ini? Chap.2 c Oh my God, dari tadi saya ngapain saja, bisa kecolongan waktu segini banyak. Chap.1 d Oh by the way, saya belum memuji penampilanmu. Chap.4 e So sorry, belakangan ini saya menyebalkan ya? Chap.10 Analysis: From the utterances above, the statement started in Indonesia, than continues in English or started in English and continues in Indonesia. The utterances such as just call me back, ok good morning city girl, oh my God, oh by the way, and so sorry are the code mixing of clause because these utterances are taken from English mixing in Indonesia language as …, atau kirim SMS kalo emosimu sudah stabil kembali., …, gimana suasana hati kamu pagi ini? 4 Code Mixing of Sentence a Saya Aritha mohon diri dari kamu- kamu. Be smart and funny girls. See you tomorrow. Chap.2 b Dan seperti biasa saya gombal. I can’t believe too, last night I met a wonderful man like you. Chap.8 c Ok, istrahan dan minum kopi. Have a nice work. Chap.8 d “Long time no see”. Sambutnya dengan tawa nyembur. Chap.4 e Are you happy, Pi?. Saya membalas tatapannya.Chap.2 Universitas Sumatera Utara 29 f You look very nice in gray. Pujinya. Chap.4 g Dari anggara. Hi dear, just to confirm. Chap.4 Analysis: From the utterances above, the statement started in Indonesia, than continues in English or started in English and continues in Indonesia. Some bold utterances are English, the utterances such as, Be smart and funny girls., See you tomorrow., I can’t believe too, Are you happy, Pi?. , last night I met a wonderful man like you., have a nice work., long time no see., Hi dear, just to confirm, and you look very nice in gray are the code mixing of sentence because those utterances are taken from English and Indonesia language.

4.2 Finding