Research Design Source of Data Data Collection Procedures Step of the Research


3.1 Research Design

This study was conducted by using library research in which a number of books about linguistics, sociolinguistic, and code choice. As Nawawi 1993:30 says “ Penelitian kepustakaa dilakukan dengan menghimpun data dari berbagai literature baik di perpustakaan maupun ditempat- tempat lain”. Library research is carried out by accumulating all the data from various literatures either in library or in other places. This study is intended to analyze the components of language are used in code mixing and to find out the component of language which is dominantly used in code mixing found in the novel story.

3.2 Source of Data

The writer in case took an Indonesia novel “Cewek Matre” by Alberthiene Endah is used as the population, has an 1-16 chapters. Then the sample was taken randomly sampling by applying lottery technique. States that random sampling the best single way to obtain a representative sample Guy 1987:104. The sample was selected by writing chapters of Indonesia novel on a slip was of paper and places all in a container then it was shaken. After that, the slip was taken from the container until the desired numbers of sample were gained. Here are the chapters of Indonesia novel will be used as the sample: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 8, Chapter 10, Chapter 12, Chapter 14, and Chapter 15 Universitas Sumatera Utara 23

3.3 Data Collection Procedures

The data of this research were taken the Indonesia novel “Cewek Matre” by Alberthiene Endah was publish PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta, 2012. Kompas Gramedia. The data will be taken randomly which is representative from all the chapters in the novel and there are 8 chapters. There are some ways to get the data: 1 Collecting whole of the sample f chapters in the novel. 2 Identifying 8 of 16 chapters from whole of the classes which is representative. 3 Tabulating data in to the table. 4 Finding out the code-mixing that use.

3.4 Step of the Research

After collecting all the data which was needed for the continuity of the research, next step was to analyze the collected data. To analyze the data, some steps were taken as the following: 1 Underline code-mixing that were found in in Indonesia novel “Cewek Matre” by Alberthiene Endah. 2 Classifying code-mixing were found in those chapters of novel based on the components of language. 3 Counting the number of components of language used in code- mixing from each chapter. 4 Converting to percentages the data, to find out the dominant percentage. Universitas Sumatera Utara 24

3.5 Data Analysis