Pre-test Homogeneity Test Post-test Homogeneity Test

H 1 : There is an effect of using Question Generation Strategy on the students’ reading comprehension of narrative text.

4 Effect Size Test

The researcher would calculate the effect size of the study to find a more extended result in a research, such as to find how well a strategy works in a research does. The researcher used Cohen’s d with the manual formula: Mean post test score of experiment group M1 = 85.10 Mean post test score of control group M2 = 81.70 Standard deviation post test score of exp group SD1 = 6.656 Standard deviation post test score of control group SD2 = 6.398 Before calculating the cohen’s d, firstly the researcher calculating the SDpooled. √ √ √ √ √ = 6.5 So, the SDpooled score was 6.5 The effect size score in this study was 0.52. Based on the criteria in chapter III, 0.52 score of effect size meant that it had a moderate effect. Therefore, the result of effect size test was that there was a moderate difference in students’ reading comprehension on experimental class when using Question Generation Strategy compared with students on control class without using Question Generation Strategy.

B. Interpretation

Based on the result of the data analysis, it was found that there was a moderate difference between students’ achievement in reading comprehension of narrative text in the experimental class after given Question Generation Strategy and the control class which were not. It could be seen from students’ pre-test and post-test score in both classes. The pre-test mean score of students in experimental class was 62.40, while the post-test mean score of students in experimental class was 85.10, so the score gained in experimental class is 22.7. Meanwhile, the pretest score in control class was 63.70, and the post-test mean score in control class was 81.70, so the score gained in control class was 18. From the gained score of both classes, the t-test result showed 0.012 which was significance degree 0.05 meant that there was a difference between students’ comprehension in experimental class and control Moreover, from post- test score of both classes, the t-test result showed 0.022 which was also 0.05 and also meant that there was a difference between students’ comprehension in experimental class and control class. The calculation of Cohen’s d effect size showed 0.52 which meant that Question Generation Strategy had a moderate effect in students’ reading comprehension in narrative text. Therefore, it can be concluded that teaching reading using Question Generation Strategy had a moderate influence on students’ reading comprehension of narrative text. Thus, the results of this study supportted the idea that Question Generation Strategy had an effect on students’ reading comprehension after teaching and learning processes for reading comprehension in Junior High School students. Moreover, it was in line with one of the previous studies of this research, Dorkchandra found that there was a significant increase of students’ reading comprehension achievement after being taught using Question Generation Strategy. That previous study strengthen and support this research result that Question Generation Strategy had effects in enhancing students’ reading comprehension. In other words, it was found that Question Generation Strategy was effective to improve the students’ achievement in reading comprehension on narrative text, especially for students of SMPN 1 Tambun Selatan. 49


This chapter explains the conclusion of the research, and also explains some suggestions gotten from the research result.

A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the data analysis, the researcher drew a major conclusion that there was an effect on students’ reading comprehension after being taught by using Question Generation Strategy. This could be seen from the research finding which showed that the stu dents’ mean post-test score in experimental class 85.10 was higher than the students’ mean post-test score in control class 81.70. The t-test from post-test score revealed that the result was determined by the significance of t-test 0.05, 0.022 0.05 and t-test result from gained score revealed that the result was 0.012, so 0.012 0.05. Therefore, it meant that H 1 was accepted and H was rejected. In addition, the Cohen’s d effect size test that aimed to find out how well that Question Generation Strategy affected stu dents’ reading comprehension showed 0.52 which meant Question Generation Strategy had a moderate effect in increasing students’ reading comprehension. Therefore, the researcher drew the conclusion that Question Generation Strategy gave an effect in increasing students’ reading comprehension achievement in narrative text moderately.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, it could be delivered some suggestions as follows: - Because the result of implementing Question Generation Strategy on reading comprehension of narrative text in this research had moderate effect, it was suggested for the teachers that this strategy could be applied with some considerations. First, the students should understand how to create questions and second, students should be able to identify some important information in the text which would be turned into questions. - The teachers should be well prepared. It meant that before entering the classroom, they should prepare the materials that were going to be taught to the students and some prerequisite skill to apply Question Generation Strategy. - The students needed to realize that learning two way process, not only teacher-center but also student-center. It meant that the students had their significant roles in achieving their success in study. - The students had to read more reading text in order to build their reading habit and extend their knowledge.

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