57 b. The reading materials were interesting for the students of Junior High School because there were many colorful pictures. c. There were some grammatical mistakes and instructions that need to be revised. d. The time allocation was not appropriate for the reading materials. e. The pictures from pre reading in unit 1 one and 2 two were not related to the topic.


After obtaining the evaluation from the respondents on the designed materials, the writer revised the materials. The revision was made based on the feedback and suggestions from the respondents. After revising the designed materials, the writer presented the final version of reading instructional materials.

1. Response to the Respondents’ Evaluation

After obtaining the data from the questionnaire in evaluation the writer adapted some suggestions which were suitable in improving the reading materials. Next, the feedbacks and suggestions which were accepted were as follows: a. After discussing the reading materials with the teacher, the writer added some exercises and changed the time allocation of each unit from 2 x 40 minutes and 4 x 40 minutes into 3 x 40 minutes. b. The writer checked the grammar and instructions for each unit. Thus, the teacher and students would not be confused with the reading materials. c. The writer changed the picture in Unit one and two with the new pictures which were related to the topics. 58

2. The Presentation of the Designed Materials

After conducting some revisions and improvements towards the designed materials, the writer presented the final version of the English listening instructional materials. There are eight units developed in this materials design. The time allocation for each unit was revised into 3 x 40 minutes 120 minutes since the previous time allocation was too long for the meeting. Furthermore, each unit has three sections, namely pre-reading, whilst-reading, and post-reading. The topics and subsections can be seen in the table 4.5. below: Table 4.5. The Topics, the Sections and Subsections of the Designed Materials Units Topics Sections with the sub-sections 1 Introduction 1. Pre reading  Pictures  Discussion of the picture 1. Whilst Reading  Reading the text  Exercise about the text and pronunciation 2. Post Reading  Sing a song  Reflection 2. School Life 1. Pre reading  Pictures  Discussion of the picture 2. Whilst reading  Reading the text  Exercise about the text and pronunciation 3. Post reading  Games  Reflection 3. Family 1. Pre reading  Pictures  Discussion of the picture 2. Whilst reading  Reading the text  Exercise about the text and pronunciation 3. Post reading  Games  Reflection 59 4. Shopping 1. Pre reading  Pictures  Discussion of the picture 2. Whilst reading  Reading the text  Exercise about the text and pronunciation 3. Post reading  Games  Reflection 5. Food and Drink 1. Pre reading  Pictures  Discussion of the picture 2. Whilst reading  Reading the text  Exercise about the text  Language focus  Discussion about the language focus 3. Post reading  Role play  Reflection 6. Hobbies 1. Pre reading  Pictures  Discussion of the picture 2. Whilst reading  Reading the text  Exercise about the text  Language focus  Discussion about the language focus 3. Post reading  Role play  Reflection 7. Professions 1. Pre reading  Pictures  Discussion of the picture 2. Whilst reading  Reading the text  Exercise about the text  Language focus  Discussion about the language focus 3. Post reading  Role play  Reflection 60 8. Animals 1. Pre reading  Pictures  Discussion of the picture 2. Whilst reading  Reading the text  Exercise about the text  Language focus  Discussion about the language focus 3. Post reading  Role play  Reflection 61


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