Test Result of Analysis Method

64 Figure 4.5 Characteristic of Respondents based on time as a taxpayer Based on the time as a taxpayer respondents in this research within 1-5 years there are 23 people or 40.3, within 6-10 years there are 18 people or 31.5, within 11-15 years there are 8 people or 14, 03, and 15 years there are 8 people or 14.03. Table 4.8 TIME AS A TAXPAYER Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1-5 YEAR 23 40,4 40,4 40,4 6-10 YEAR 18 31,6 31,6 71,9 11-15 YEAR 8 14,0 14,0 86,0 15 YEAR 8 14,0 14,0 100,0 Total 57 100,0 100,0 Source: Data are processed

B. Test Result of Analysis Method

1. Descriptive Statistic Descriptive statistics were used to provide information about the research variables and demographic characteristics of respondents. Descriptive 1-5 year 40,4 6-10 year 31,6 11-15 year 14 15 year 14 Time as a taxpayer 65 statistics to describe the scale of the respondents answered to any of the variables measured minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation. The variables used in this research include tax consciousness, service tax authorities, tax sanction and tax compliance will be examined using descriptive statistics as shown in table 4.9. Table 4.9 Source: Data are processed Table 4.4 explains that the number of respondents N from 57 respondents which valid. The minimum value indicates the lowest accumulated value of each respondents answers to each variable, while the maximum value indicates the highest accumulated value of each respondent answered to each variable. Mean indicates the average value of each element in the overall response variables, and the standard deviation in this research used to assess the degree of dispersion or spread of response average of all respondents. Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation TAX CONSCIOUSNESS 57 17 25 20,96 2,053 SERVICE TAX AUTHORITIES 57 7 35 26,26 5,576 TAX SANCTION 57 9 25 18,74 2,900 TAX COMPLIANCE 57 26 40 32,60 2,846 Valid N listwise 57 66 Based on the processing of SPSS 20 descriptive statistics in the table above shows that the application of tax consciousness X 1 of the respondents has a minimum value 17 and a maximum value 25, with an average 20.96 and a total answer of the standard deviation 2.053. Variable service tax authorities X 2 respondent has a minimum value 7 and a maximum value 35, with an average 26.26 and a total answer of the standard deviation 5.576. Variable tax sanction X 3 respondent has a minimum value 9 and a maximum value 25, with an average 18.74 and a total answer of standard deviation 2.900. Meanwhile, variable tax compliance Y respondent has minimum value 26 and a maximum value 40, with an average 32.60 and a total answer of standard deviation 2.846. 2. Data Quality Test a. Validity Test Validity test is a test used to measure valid or not valid statements in the questionnaires. A statement is considered valid if the statement is able to demonstrate the extent to which the gauges can be measured. Testing the validity used the Pearson Correlation by calculating the correlation between the score of each question and a total score. Criteria used to see data is valid or invalid as follows: 1. The item stated to be valid, if the probability value of Sig 0.05. 2. The item stated to be invalid, if the probability value of Sig 0.05. 67 The following table shows the results of testing the validity of the four variables used in this research, tax consciousness, service tax authorities, tax sanctions and tax compliance. From the testing that has been done, the results will be presented in detail in the table below for each of the variables in this study. Table 4.10 Tax Consciousness Question Number Pearson Correlation Sig2-Tailed Remark 1X 1 .1 0,748 0,001 Valid 2X 1 .2 0,677 0,006 Valid 3X 1 .3 0,820 0,000 Valid 4X 1 .4 0,615 0,015 Valid 5X 1 .5 0,677 0,006 Valid Source: Data are processed Table 4.10 shows the variable tax consciousness have valid criteria for all items of question with a significance value less than 0.05. Table 4.11 Services Tax Authorities Question Number Pearson Correlation Sig2-Tailed Remark 1X 1 .1 0,772 0,001 Valid 2X 1 .2 0,864 0.000 Valid 3X 1 .3 0,852 0.000 Valid 4X 1 .4 0,528 0,043 Valid 5X 1 .5 0,941 0.000 Valid 6X 1 .6 0,887 0.000 Valid 7X 1 .7 0,916 0.000 Valid Source: Data are processed 68 Table 4.11 shows the variables of service tax authorities have a valid criteria for all items of question with a significance value less than 0.05. Table 4.12 Tax Sanctions Question Number Pearson Correlation Sig2-Tailed Remark 1X 1 .1 0,524 0,045 Valid 2X 1 .2 0,740 0,002 Valid 3X 1 .3 0,716 0,003 Valid 4X 1 .4 0,674 0,006 Valid 5X 1 .5 0,653 0,008 Valid Source: Data are processed Table 4.12 shows the variable tax sanctions have valid criteria for all items of question with a significance value less than 0.05. Table 4.13 Tax Compliance Question Number Pearson Correlation Sig2-Tailed Remark 1X 1 .1 0,826 0,000 Valid 2X 1 .2 0,685 0,005 Valid 3X 1 .3 0,792 0,000 Valid 4X 1 .4 0,889 0,000 Valid 5X 1 .5 0,827 0,000 Valid 6X 1 .6 0,529 0,043 Valid 7X 1 .7 0,654 0,008 Valid 8X 1 .8 0,548 0,034 Valid Source: Data are processed 69 Table 4.13 shows the variable tax compliance has a valid criteria for all items of question with a significance value less than 0.05. b. Reliability Test Reliability test was conducted to assess the consistency of the research instrument. A research instrument can be stated to be reliable if the Cronbach Alpha value 0.60. Table 4.14 shows the reliability test results for the four research variables used in this research. Table 4.14 Reliability Test Variable Cronbach’s Alpha Remark Tax Consciousness X 1 0.730 Reliabel Service Tax Authorities X 2 0,921 Reliabel Tax Sanction X 3 0.674 Reliabel Tax Compliance Y 0,851 Reliabel Source: Data are processed Table 4.14 shows the value of Cronbachs alpha on the variable tax consciousness 0.730, variable service tax authorities 0,921, variable tax sanction 0.674, and variable tax compliance 0.851. Thus, we can conclude that the statement in the questionnaire is reliable because it has a Cronbach alpha values greater than 0.6. This indicates that each item statement will be able to obtain consistent data, which means when the statement is return; it will get the same answer relative to the previous answer. 70 3. Result of Classical Assumptions Test a. Result of Multicollinearity Test Multicollinearity test aims to determine whether the inter-variable symptom-free has a multicollinearity problem or not. To detect the presence of multico problem, it can be done by looking at the Tolerance and Variance Factor VIF and the magnitude of correlation among the independent variables. Based on the table 4.15 above shows that the tolerance value close to 1 and the value of the variance inflation factor VIF around the number 1 for each variable, as indicated by the value of tolerance consciousness tax 0,965, service tax authorities 0.956, and tax sanction 0,962, and VIF for tax consciousness 1.037, service tax authorities 1.046, and tax sanction 1.040. Thus, it can be concluded that the regression equation model there is no multicollinearity problem and can be used in this research. Table 4.15 Multicollinearity Test Coefficients a Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Collinearity Statistics B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF 1 Constant 5,523 3,062 1,804 ,077 TAX CONSCIOUSNESS ,820 ,123 ,591 6,669 ,000 ,965 1,037 SERVICE TAX AUTHORITIES ,128 ,045 ,251 2,818 ,007 ,956 1,046 TAX SANCTION ,348 ,087 ,355 3,995 ,000 ,962 1,040 a. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE 71 b. Result of Heteroscedasticity Test Heteroscedasticity test aims to test whether the regression model of the residual variance inequality occurred one observation to another observation. If the residual variance of an observation to other observations is fixed, so it is called homoskedastisitas. And if the variance is different it is called heteroscedasticity. A good regression model is occurred homokedatisitas in the model, or in other words do not occur heteroscedasticity. Graph 4.1 Scatterplot Graph Source: Data are processed Based on Graph 4.1, scatterplot graph indicates that the data are spread top and bottom the number 0 zero on the Y axis and there is a regular pattern to the spread of the data. This means that not occur heteroscedasticity in the regression equation model, so that the regression model can be used to predict tax compliance based on variables that 72 influence it, namely tax consciousness, service tax authorities and tax sanction. c. Results of Normality Test Normality test aims to test whether a regression model, the dependent variable and independent variable or both have a normal distribution or not. A good regression model is the distribution of normal or near-normal data. Normality test is to be important because one of the conditions testing parametic-test. Graph 4.2 Normality Test with P-Plot Graph Source: Data are processed Graph 4.2 show that the spread of data which is around the diagonal line and follow the direction of the diagonal line indicates that the regression model meets the assumption of normality. 73

4. Hypothesis Testing

a. Multiple Regression Testing Regression analysis is the analysis used to measure the effect of the independent variable X on the dependent variable Y. This method can also be used as an estimate, so it can be expected between good or bad of a variable X to reduce the level of variable Y, and vice versa. Below is a table 4.16 of the results of multiple regression test : Table 4.16 Multiple Regression Test Source: Data are processed Based on the results obtained from Table 4.11 above, it can be made a regression equation as follows: From regression equation and table 4.11 above shows a constant value 5.523, t-count is 1.804 and significance value of 0.077. It states that if the Coefficients a Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Collinearity Statistics B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF 1 Constant 5,523 3,062 1,804 ,077 TAX CONSCIOUSNESS ,820 ,123 ,591 6,669 ,000 ,965 1,037 SERVICE TAX AUTHORITIES ,128 ,045 ,251 2,818 ,007 ,956 1,046 TAX SANCTION ,348 ,087 ,355 3,995 ,000 ,962 1,040 a. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE Y=5,523 + 0,820 X 1 + 0,128 X 2 + 0,348 X 3 + e 74 application of tax consciousness, service tax authorities and tax sanction are considered constant, then the tax compliance will be constant at 5.523. Regression coefficient in tax consciousness is 0.820 with significance level of 0.000, which means that if the variable raise the value-added, it will increase the application of tax consciousness to 0.820. Regression coefficient in service tax authorities is 0.128 with significance level of 0.007, which means that if the variable raise the value- added, it will increase the application of service tax authorities to 0.128. Regression coefficient in tax sanction is 0.348 with significance level of 0.000, which means that if the variable raise the value added, it will increase the application of tax sanction to 0.348. From the three independent variables included in the regression, H 1 accepted, H 2 accepted, H 3 accepted, then the three variables had a significant effect on the variable tax compliance. b. The Result of Coefficient Determination R² Table 4.17 Determination Coefficient Test R² Model Summary b Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 ,773 a ,598 ,575 1,855 a. Predictors: Constant, TAX SANCTION, TAX CONSCIOUSNESS, SERVICE TAX AUTHORITIES b. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE Source: Data are processed 75 Based on the table 4.17 above obtained a number R 2 Adjusted R Square is 0,575 or 57,5. This shows that the percentage contribution of the effect on independent variables tax consciousness, service tax authorities and tax sanction on the dependent variable tax compliance is 57.5. Or variations of the independent variables used in the model tax consciousness, service tax authorities and tax sanction could explain 57.5 of variation in the dependent variable tax compliance. While the remaining 42.5 100 - 57.5 influenced or explained by other variables which not included in this research model. Other variables that affect tax compliance such as knowledge and understanding of the tax regulations Fikriningrum,2012 explains that the knowledge and understanding of tax regulations have a significant effect on tax compliance, the other variable is tax administration system Anggraini, 2012 explains that tax administration system have positive effect on tax compliance, and the other variable is an understanding of self-assessment system Rustiyaningsih,2011 explains that the self-assessment system affect on tax compliance. 76 c. The Result of Statistic Fisher Test Simultaneous Test Table 4.18 Statistic F Test ANOVA a Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 271,427 3 90,476 26,305 ,000 b Residual 182,292 53 3,439 Total 453,719 56 a. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE b. Predictors: Constant, TAX SANCTION,TAX CONSCIOUSNESS,SERVICE TAX AUTHORITIES Source: Data are processed Basis for decision making for simultaneous testing between variables X and Y as follows: 1. If the probability value of sig is less than or equal to the probability value of 0.05 or sig ≤ 0.05, so Ha is accepted, that is significant there is a real effect. 2. If the probability of sig greater than the probability value of 0.05 or sig 0.05, so Ha is rejected, that is not significant no significant effect. Based on the analysis of SPSS 20 from the table 4.13 F value obtained 26.305 with a probability value sig 0,000. This means that the value significantly less than alpha 0.05 0.000 0.05. The conclusion that can be derived from the above results is variable tax consciousness, service tax authorities and tax sanction has simultaneous effect on tax compliance. 77 d. The Result of Statistic t Test Partial Test T test was done to see whether the independent variables individually have a significant effect on the dependent variable, and to ascertain which variables are the most dominant. Table 4.19 Statistic t Test Source: Data are processed Decision making to accept or reject the hypothesis of each independent variable as follows: 1. Ho accepted if –t table t count t table 2. Ho rejected if –t count - t table or t count t table With the results df n-k-1, the t table is 2.005 = tinv 0.05, 53 Based on the results of t-test statistics in the table 4.19 above , statistical tests of variable tax consciousness have t count 6.669, t count t table then Ho is rejected, which mean that there is a significant effect partially between tax consciousness with tax compliance. Statistical test variable service tax authorities have t count 2.818, then t count t table Coefficients a Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 Constant 5,523 3,062 1,804 ,077 TAX CONSCIOUSNESS ,820 ,123 ,591 6,669 ,000 SERVICE TAX AUTHORITIES ,128 ,045 ,251 2,818 ,007 TAX SANCTION ,348 ,087 ,355 3,995 ,000 a. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE 78 then Ho is rejected, which mean that there is a significant influence partially between the service tax authorities with tax compliance. Statistical test variable tax sanctions have t count 3.995, then t count t table then Ho is rejected, which mean that there is a significant influence partially between the tax sanction with tax compliance. It is means tax consciousness, service tax authorities and tax sanction had a significant influence partially on tax compliance.

C. Analysis