SYLLABUS School : SMP Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta Class semester : VII I Subject : English Standard Competency : Understand the meaning from short and simple functional texts related to nearest environments. Basic Competency Topic Main Materials Learning Activities Indicators Assessments Time Sources Technique Instrument Example of instrument’s question 1. Read aloud words, phrases and sentences related to the environment with the correct pronunciation, stresses, and intonations. 1. Introduction  Pronunciation of word using i: and I  Short functional text 1. Questioning and answering related to the sound i: and I 2. Reading the word using i: and I and answer questions in pair 3. Listening to the model when he gives example. 4. Imitating reading aloud like the model with the correct. Pronunciation. 5. Doing an exercise about sounds i: and I. 6. Making a letter about introducing him self using sounds i: and I 7. Doing the reflection 4. Differentiate the sound i: and I 5. Produce the sound i: and I correctly 6. Read the sentence in the letter using i: and I correctly. Performance Written test Read aloud the letter Differentiate the sounds i: and I Read the letter aloud Fill in the blank and differentiate whether the word using long or short i Make a letter to introduce yourself and read it to your friend 3 x 40 minutes  Letter  Song lyric  Visual aids 2. School Life  Pronunciation of word using u and u:  Short functional text 1. Questioning and answering related to the sound u and u: 2. Reading the word using u and u: and answer the questions in pair 3. Listening to the model when he gives example 4. Imitating reading aloud like the model with the correct pronunciation 5. Doing the exercise about sounds u and u: 6. Playing a game about the sound u and u: 7. Doing the reflection 1. Differentiate the sound u and u: 2. Produce the sound u and u: correctly 3. Read the sentence in the letter using u and u: correctly. Performance Written test Read aloud the pamphlet Complete the words Arrange the letters Listen and read the information Fill the missing letters and read the words to your friend Arrange the letters below and read the words to your friend 3 x 40 Minutes  Pamphlet  Visual aids 3. Family  Pronunciation of word using ǽ and  Short text 1. questioning and answering related to the sound ǽ and 2. Reading the word using ǽ and answer the question in pair 3. Listening to model when he gives example 4. Imitating reading aloud like the model 1. Differentiate the sound ǽ and 2. Produce the sound ǽ and correctly 3. Read the sentence in the letter using ǽ and correctly. Performance Written test Read aloud one’s family Complete the sentence Find the best answer Listen and read the sam’s family Look at the picture, Fill in the blank, and read it to your friend Read and choose the best answer 3 x 40 Minutes  Textbook  Visual aids

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