Background of Analysis An Analysis of Diction Used in Magazine Advertisements


1.1 Background of Analysis

Language is something that cannot be separated from human’s life. In the process of communication, as its functions convey information, maintains social relationship, and as an aesthetic function. So in the process we try to persuade people or make people understand what we are saying about and on the contrary the people are too. So the good and harmonious two way communication will be gained. Sapir 1921: 8 states, “Language is a purely human and non distinctive method communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols.” Based on this statement, language here means as a tool in conveying ideas, emotions, desires, which are produced by speech organs. The language we utter consist of words, used to form sentence since, words is the smallest unit of language. As Keraf 2004: 24 states, “Word is the smallest unit of language consists of concept or idea. In communication activity, words combined into larger construction based on syntax rule in language. Words in a language are very important, because each word expresses an idea. It means that the more words we acquire, the more idea and the concept we have that we can utter.” Universitas Sumatera Utara In expressing the idea, we have to know the meaning of the words and to get the meaning it is not only by using the lexical meaning but also trough synonym and paraphrase. Palmer 1976: 29 states, “Knowing the meaning of a word means that we do a number of things we can use it properly, we can explain it to others in terms of paraphrase or synonyms.” Words are often reflecting the interests of the people who speak it. Language is not only used for communication but also for business especially in advertisement. Language of advertisements is one of the journalistic varieties, language variety is used by the creative person, or a person works in advertisements. Advertisement is a kind of information and media of communication. Advertisement consisting of persuasive informative should be creative, simple, attractive, and communicative, so that the readers can understand the meaning of advertisement is. When arranging the words, they should think the irresistible words and can stimulate people to read, see, and act upon them. That is why they should be creative in playing the words by finding the provocative words but acceptable for many kinds of people too. Thus, some principles of a good advertising style such as simplicity, clearness, vividness, and a sense of action and urgency are needed. It means that we should talk about the appropriateness of the choice of words in language of advertisements which is often called diction. The meaning of diction is wider than what the words combination reflected. Keraf 1991:22-23 states, Universitas Sumatera Utara “Istilah ini diksi- red bukan saja dipergunakan untuk menyatakan kata- kata mana yang dipakai untuk mengungkapkan suatu ide atau gagasan, tetapi juga meliputi persoalan fraseologi, gaya bahasa, dan ungkapan.” Diction is not simply as the choice of words, but includes phraseology, style of language, and other aspect that can make the words more artistic.” Diction is the use of appropriate and harmony choice of words to utter idea in order to give the influence as it is hoped. It means that the mastery of words of someone will influence the communication activity including in making the advertisements. The choices of words used are in accordance with the meaning and norm can represent an idea. The speaker has to think the appropriate words in order to utter the idea. The diction or choice of words not only embrace the meaning of words used to deliver an idea, but also the choice of acceptable words and that can influence someone that can change the situation. In making the advertisements; we need to think the appropriate words whether they are related to the context in order to utter the particular meaning. In this case, style is one of the main points. Style is a way to use the language. Style is part of diction which is related to the utterances individually or characteristics, or having artistic value. Keraf 2004; 23 states, “It is possible for us to value personality, characteristics, and ability of human that use the language from the style. We can use diction and style in strategy logic and script planning, especially advertisements script.” Universitas Sumatera Utara We can find the implementation of the influence of choice of words in advertisements. Advertisements is a small part of the day life of business, governments and of the people who work in and with it endless excitement, fascination, and frustration. Advertising is the only one of several selling products such as goods, services, etc. It is also said as the keystone in the arch of sales. Nowadays, advertisements play a great role in business which can be the best way in getting the consumers attention. This thesis is focused on the analysis of diction used in advertisements. We find many advertisements of various kinds of product in magazine. It still needs choice of words to communicate the messages from the product. They motivate the readers confronted with shelves of front covers competing for their attention to buy or magazine rather than another. So every single word with the appropriate words is very significant and influencing. Finally, realizing the existence of words in advertisement is very crucial; I would like to analyze the diction or choice of words used in advertisements in magazine. The main concern is whether the advertisement uses literal or non literal language to convey the intended message.

1.2 Problem of the Analysis