Problem of the Study Objective of the Study Scope of the Study Sociology of Literature

5 attitude of the female figures also reflect an effort to address and find solutions to the problems posed by gender and cultural social injustice around the figures are. Because of the condition which makes women being pressured, the writer interested in doing further analysis about struggle women againts patriarchal culture, especially which is reflected in Perempuan Berkalung Sorban and the reasons why women always talk about patriarchal. In addition, because of Perempuan Berkalung Sorban is an Indonesian novel, it definitely talks about the struggle of the main character againts patriarchal culture and the writer becomes more interested in analyzing it. This analysis will discuss about what women feel and ambition to reject the patriarchal system. Hence, the writer entitled her thesis “The Stuggle of Annisa Againts Patriarchal Culture in novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban by Abidah El-Khalieqy.

1.2 Problem of the Study

Problems that the writer would like to analyze are: 1. What are the isuue related patriarchal culture in Perempuan Berkalung Sorban by Abidah el khalieqy? 2. How are the struggle of Annisa to reject the patriarchal culture in Perempuan Berkalung Sorban by bidah El khalieqy? Universitas Sumatera Utara 6

1.3 Objective of the Study

The objectives are arranged based on the problems of the study. The objectives lead to something that should be found out and solved. In lines with the problem above, this thesis tries to find out the answers of those questions, they are: 1. To describe the isuue related patriarchal culture in Perempuan Berkalung Sorban 2. To explain the struggle of Annisa to reject the patriarchal culture in Perempuan Berkalung Sorban

1.4 Scope of the Study

To limit the field which is going to be analyzed in order to focus to the problem, the writer chooses to analyze how the main character, named Annisa, struggle to reject the patriarchal culture . In addition, this analysis would like to describe feminism ideology that supports the struggle of Annisa. 1.5 Significace of the Study The significances of this analysis are; 1. This analysis theoretically will be useful as the reference for the readers who want to enrich their knowledge and analyze life concerned with feminism. 2. This analysis will find out the kinds of struggle annisa to reject patriarchal culture. Universitas Sumatera Utara 7 3. This analysis practically could be used as a reference for the readers who are interested in learning about feminism. They may make this analysis as their review of related literature. . Universitas Sumatera Utara 8


2.1 Sociology of Literature

Sociology is the objective study of human being in society. It tries to find out how a society goes on and how it could be still exist. Like sociology does, Literature also concerned with human being in society. In this case, sociology and literature share the same problem. The difference between sociology and literature: sociology analyzes a phenomenon objectively, while a novel, which includes in one kind of literary works show how human comprehend society and show their feelings. Literature is related to some social problems which can help us in understanding its content. Sociology of literature refers to observation and it does not refer to the theory. It is appropriate to be considered if we would like to know how important the social problems concerned with literature. The factors are as follow: type and economic level of the society where the writer lived, class or social group which has connection directly or indirectly with the writer, the characteristic of the readers, the tradition of literature which has influenced the writer works, and the psychological condition of the writer. Damono: 1979 Wellek and Warren 1949: 89 stated, “Since every writer is a member of society, he can be studied as a social being. Though his biography is the main source, such a study can easily widen into one of the whole milieu from which he lived. It will be possible to accumulate information about the social provenience, the family background, the economic position of writers.” From the theories and explanation Universitas Sumatera Utara 9 above, it can be concluded that literature discusses about the problem which was happened in society. The problems are regarded as uncommon things. This theory can help the process of this analysis because it does not only discuss about the society in the novel, but also the society where the writer of this novel lived. The society of the writers can be an inspiration for the novelist in creating the novel and mixing it with her imagination and also her brilliant ideas. The novelist has done feminism movement by creating this novel which criticizes how men can dominate their wife’s right and why women have to receive everything which men want their wife to do. It means that men has been already broken women’s basic right, even though the women are their wife. This kind of problems can be taken as a data to make a novel, therefore it is clear that the story which is told in the novel was taken from the realities which are happening in the society.

2.2 Dynamic Structuralism