38 1 : strongly disagree with the statement 2 : disagree with the statement 3 : undecided with the statement 4 : agree with the statement 5 : strongly agree with the statement


In this study, the writer discussed the instrument used in Research and Information Collecting survey and Product evaluation.

1. Research and Information Collecting

In the Research and Information Collecting, the writer distributed questionnaires and gathered the data for the survey research from the students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta. The data gathered were closed and open questionnaires. The purpose of distributing the questionnaires was to figure the learners’ needs, interests and difficulties in learning reading. The informal interview was also held to obtain information from the teachers of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta. The questionnaires were distributed in March, 27 2007 and the informal interview was conducted in October, 19 2006. The purpose of the informal interview was finding out the teachers’ experience and opinions in teaching English reading including their techniques, materials, strategies, topic choices and teaching media. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 39 The writer also did library study to find some sources that could be used to develop the designed materials. This activity was done by finding some books related to this study.

2. Product Evaluation

In the product evaluation, the writer also used questionnaires. In order to obtain final version of the materials, questionnaires on the developed materials were distributed to three English teachers of Junior High School Yogyakarta and two English lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. The questionnaire for the designed set of material evaluation was distributed in June 2007. The questionnaire was intended to figure out the respondents’ opinion and comments on the designed material. Besides, it was expected that the writer could obtain evaluation and feedback to improve the designed material so that the writer could obtain the best final version of the materials.

E. DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES 1. Research and Information Collecting

In the Research and Information Collecting, the analysis of the data was aimed at solving the problem of what the English reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning CTL for the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta looked like. The data here were used to find the learner’s needs which could be useful to determine whether they needed reading or not and determined the topics that were used for the materials. 40 In this research, a descriptive data analysis was chosen. The data to evaluate the proposed English reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning CTL for the seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta were gained from the questionnaire and interviews. The questionnaires were distributed to the students in the form of semi open ended questions. The data from the students in the seventh grade of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School were analyzed in Chapter IV. The data presented the respondents’ opinions about reading activity in class. Each respondent’s opinion of the questionnaires was calculated in percentage to find exactly what they needed. The data were calculated as follows: N X 100 ∑ N Where : N = the number of students who choose certain answer ∑ N = the total number of the students For the teacher in Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School, the writer used an interview. The interview tried to reveal the teachers’ opinion about techniques, strategies, media, the situation in the class and the students’ characteristics. The data from the questionnaires and interviews helped the writer to develop appropriate materials for students’ abilities and needs. 41

2. Product Evaluation

After obtaining the data from Research and Information Collecting survey, the writer finished designing the material. The material was given to the respondents during the product evaluation survey in order to obtain some feedback, suggestion, or evaluation. Here, the writer gave the questionnaires in the closed form or likert scale form and open ended question to the English teachers of Junior High School and some English lecturers in Sanata Dharma University. The obtained data were used to make improvement and revision to the material. Afterward, the writer revised and improved the material. The second one was about the descriptive statistic data about the participants’ statements. Here, the writer used five points of agreement. The data were measured by central tendency. The descriptive statistics would be presented as follows: Table 3.2. The Format of the Presentation of Product Evaluation Results No Respondents’ opinion on Central Tendencies Number Mean Median Mode The data gathered were interpreted using statistics to find the median, mode, and mean. Median Mdn is the midpoint of any ordered set of scores. Mode is the most frequent score in a distribution. The mean X is the average PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 42 point which is obtained by counting the sum of the score ∑X then it is divided by the number of the subjects N Brown, 1989:66. The formula is: X = Σ X N Where: X = the mean Σ X = the sum of the scores N = the number of scores The designed material would be good and acceptable if the score of the mean from the questionnaire was above 3.50. The designed material would need a revision for the designed material if the score of the mean is below 3.50.


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