Arrange the paragraphs below into a good text. Then, listen what your teacher says and repeat Read the text above and answer the questions correctly 1. What is hobby? Language Focus Pay attention to example below ROLE PLAY Example: Reflection Answer the q

A B 1. A. He works in hospital, He cures sick people, He usually wears white shirt. 2. Mechanic 3. C. He works in school, his work teaches students in class, He is smart. 4. Policeman 5. E. He is skillful to make chair or table, he uses wood to make something 6. waiter 7. G. His work to help doctor cure people, he works in hospital, He usually wears white shirt. 8. barber 9. I. His work is to entertain people, He usually sings a song, and he works in stage. 10. Violinist

B. Reflection Answer the questions below by crossing the picture expressing your feeling

Name: ____________ Unit : ____________ Date : ____________ 1 I liked reading in English 2 I could understand the text 3 I did the task 4 I liked the task 5 I didn’t have problem with the lesson 6 I liked the situation during the lesson Complete the chart below with name of animals

B. Reflecti A. Listen to your teacher and repeat what the teacher says about the

brochure below Gembira Loka Zoo WHAT CAN YOU SEE?  Over 1,000 animals – with fur, feathers, and scales – from all over the world  The penguins underwater in the world’s biggest penguin pool  The penguin parade every day at 2.00 p.m.  The new animals: a family of meerkats. WHAT CAN YOU DO?  Get really close to big animals such as tigers, and elephants.  Meet the keepers and learn about interesting and endangered animals  Find out more about animals: touch their bones, horns, teeth, and skins SPECIAL EVENTS Easter Treasure Trail March 30 - 31 Follow the animals’ clue and find a chocolate surprise Rhino Week May 17 – 26 Games and fun to help raise money for wild rhinos ‘Into Africa’ summer school July21 - August 15 For children aged 6-14. Go on a safari round Africa in the zoo Art at the zoo July 27-September 5 Colourful and exciting paintings of animals Enquiries For details of all events and our education programme, please telephone: 0131 334 9171 Taken from: Assessing your learners, 2003 B. Read the text above and answer the questions below correctly 1. Give the name of one special event at the zoo. 2. How many animals are there at the zoo? 3. What’s happening between 17 th and 26 th May? 4. What is the telephone number for enquiries? 5. What time can you watch the penguin parade? PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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