53 promoted the integration of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The materials contain eight units. The time allocation for each unit was 3 x 40 minutes 120 minutes.


This step was dealing with the teaching and learning activities and instructional resources that were appropriate to accomplish the basic competence and indicator. The teaching and learning activities and instructional resources were presented in the syllabus in Appendix D.


The writer planned to evaluate the materials since the writer realized that the designed material needed to be improved. To do this, the writer distributed the materials and the questionnaires to the respondents. There were five respondents that were chosen by the writer. They were two English lecturers of Sanata Dharma University and three English teachers of Junior High School. The writer hoped that the respondents could give feedback and evaluation of the materials so that the writer could revise the materials and present the final designed materials. Evaluation consisted of three parts. They were the description of respondents, data presentation, and the Respondents’ Comments and Suggestions on the Materials Design. 54

1. The Description of Respondents

The English teachers of Junior High School and the English lecturers of Sanata Dharma University were involved as the respondents of Product evaluation survey. They gave feedback, evaluations, and some comments about the designed materials. They were also considered as inputs to revise the materials so that the writer could present the final design.

2. Data Presentation

The writer distributed questionnaires to the respondents to obtain the evaluation on the designed material. The purpose of the questionnaire was to gain feedback about the designed material so that the writer could gain the materials which were appropriate for the students of Pangudi Luhur I Junior High School Yogyakarta. The likert scale was used by the writer to show the respondents’ opinions on the designed materials. The degrees of agreement from the respondents were expressed in number. The number ranged from 1 to 5. There were five degrees of agreement. The five degrees of agreement are as follows: 1 : strongly disagree with the statement 2 : disagree with the statement 3 : undecided with the statement 4 : agree with the statement 5 : strongly agree with the statement 55 Then, the evaluation data were presented in the following table: Table 4.4. The Results of the Evaluation Questionnaire No Respondents’ opinion on Central Tendencies N Mean 1 The Indicators are well formulated 5 4.2 2 The Indicators are able to support the attainment of the basic competency. 5 4.2 3 The content is suitable and appropriate for the seventh grade students of Junior High School. 5 4.2

4 The topics are well arranged.

5 4.4

5 The instructions are clear.

5 3.8 6 Generally, the exercises provided can help the students understand the lesson taught. 5 4.4 7 Generally, the exercises are varied and interesting. 5 3.8 8 The activities are able to support the attainment of the indicators 5 4.2 9 The materials are closely related with the students’ real life. 5 4.4 10 There are seven pillars from CTL that are: Constructivism The activities make the students active and become the center of the activity to obtain knowledge 5 3.8 Inquiry The activities not only make the students memorize the knowledge but also find the knowledge by themselves 5 4 Questioning There is an answer and question activity 5 3.6 Learning community There is cooperation with another person 5 4 Modeling There is a model that can be imitated 5 4.2 Reflection There is a reflection activity 5 4.4 Authentic Assessment There are some assessment techniques that are taken from real life 5 4 56 11 The number of activities in each unit has been sufficient for the time given 5 3.8 N : Number of respondents Mean : Indicators of central tendency of the sources set. The Mean was counted using the formulation below: X = Σ X N Based on the results of the questionnaires, generally, the designed materials were good and acceptable. From the data from table presentation, 11 statements stated in the questionnaires were above 3.5. Thus, based on the results, the writer concluded that the respondents agreed that the designed materials were appropriate and acceptable, although there were some revisions that should be done.

3. Respondents’ Comments and Suggestions on the Materials Design

In addition, the writer also distributed open-ended questionnaires to obtain the respondents’ comments, criticism, and feedback on the designed materials. There were two questions asked. The questions asked about the comments or opinions and suggestions or expectations about the designed materials. There were five points of feedback and suggestions from the respondents. a. The reading materials were good and helpful for both students and teachers to practise their reading abilities, especially in differentiating sounds and pronunciations. 57 b. The reading materials were interesting for the students of Junior High School because there were many colorful pictures. c. There were some grammatical mistakes and instructions that need to be revised. d. The time allocation was not appropriate for the reading materials. e. The pictures from pre reading in unit 1 one and 2 two were not related to the topic.


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