Listing Subject Contents Developing Instructional Materials Evaluating the Designed Set of the Materials Revising the Designed Set of the Materials

6. Listing Subject Contents

This step, according to Kemp 1977: 45, is aimed at selecting and organizing specific knowledge information and facts that the students need to acquire. The objectives of the course and the selected topics are considered in the selection and organization of subject contents.

7. Developing Instructional Materials

In this step, the writer selects the teaching-learning activities and instructional resources that could support the learners’ to achieve the objectives and construct the instructional reading materials Kemp, 1977: 55. Cooperative learning is determined as the appropriate teaching approach to select. Therefore, it is important to refer to this approach in deciding which learning activities and resources to choose.

8. Evaluating the Designed Set of the Materials

After designing the reading materials, the writer conducts the evaluations to make some improvements on the designed set of the materials. Evaluation is conducted on the basis of the perspective of the English teachers and lecturers to give feedback and suggestions for the improvement of the designed set of the materials.

9. Revising the Designed Set of the Materials

According to Kemp’s instructional design model, revision is needed to improve the materials designed by the writer. In this step, the writer revises the designed set of the materials based on the data gathered in the evaluation step. 29


This chapter presents detailed discussion on the methodology used in this study. This includes the description of the research method, research participants, research instruments, and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedures.

A. Research Method

This research was conducted to obtain relevant data needed to achieve the objectives of the study. The data gathered from the research were then analyzed and employed to answer the questions stated in the problem formulation. There were two questions to answer. The first question is how a set of reading materials using short stories for the eleventh grade students of SMA Santo Bernardus is designed. The second question is what the designed materials based on cooperative learning looks like. To achieve the objectives of this study, the writer employed Educational Research and Development R D method. According to Borg and Gall 1983, Educational Research and Development R D is a process used to develop and validate educational products. R D method was developed by Walter R. Borg and aimed at developing the research knowledge and incorporating it into a product that combines educational research educational practice rather than finding out new knowledge Borg and Gall, 1983:771.

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