Theory of Character and Characterization

resistance in the daily life and culture that are not simply about gender Rowbotham, 1992:6. Thus, feminism is not only about to signify the suppression upon women related to men because of gender but in any other inequality issues in society that cause suppression upon women. Liberal is also one of the feminist characteristics, the liberation of women is the chief goal of feminist theory, Humm states in her book The Dictionary of Feminist Theory , The liberation of women is the chief goal of feminist theory, contemporary women’s liberation, or feminist action, is consciously revolutionary. It breaks with reformism; it is internationalist and it simultaneously attacks the state, cultural ideology and the economy 1990:119 Andersen mentions in her book Thinking About Women: Sociological and Feminist Perspectives that feminism starts with the premise that the position of women and men in society are the result of social, not natural factors Andersen, 1997:9. The importance of feminism has been expanded and understood in some different ways, yet begins with the idea that the basis of women’s position in society are social institutions and social attitudes

C. Feminism and Patriarchy in Middle East

Margot Badran states in her book Feminism in Islam that feminism is a gender modernity in the Middle East countries, Feminism as a new consciousness of gender and womens subordination first emerged among the upper and middle classes in the crannies of unevenly gender modernity at different moments in various countries of the Middle East. Feminism, especially in stages of open activism, constituted uncomfortable challenges to masculinist scrambles to control the construction of modernity - its processes and its class and gender privileges. Badran, 2009:215 She also discusses that feminism in Middle East is a controversial issue, she states, In the 1990s, the notion of an Islamic feminism - and, indeed, the term itself - has been surfacing in parts of the Middle East. The term, however, is controversial and not necessarily well thought out, and there is no consensus about its meaning on the part of either advocates or adversaries. Badran, 2009:221 From both of the quotations above could be concluded that feminism actually appeared among classes in Middle East countries as a part of modernity thought. Feminism that is found in Middle East countries but this term is complicated enough to bring it in surface because feminism in Middle East is still a controversial and no support for this term. Women in Pakistan still treated unfair, most of women in Pakistan do not have much freedom. They live in a system that is far from equal and most of them cannot do anything to change the situation. Rachel Yasmin Baig appointed on her articles that country ’s legislation also treat Pakistani women unfairly, Even upper-class women feel the effects of such laws. Jehan Ara, who is over 40 years old and CEO of an IT company, complained that she needed written permission from her father to get a visa for Indonesia. Gender equality was guaranteed in the countrys constitution in 1973. But the implementation of that leaves much for want http:www.dw.depakistani-women-continue-to-fight-gender- inequalitya-16264593. Though Jehan Ara already earns her own money, she has to ask permission from her father. From that factual issue it could be concluding that women in Pakistan have no freedom to decide what they want, they have to ask permission first to their father though they are already not under the responsibility of their parents. Chaudhry and Rahman also state in the journal “The Impact of Gender Inequality in Education on Rural Poverty in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysi s ” , that Pakistan women in Pakistan is not same as women in western countries. The status of women in Pakistan is somehow different from that of western countries. Gender is one of the organizing principles of Pakistans society. Home has been defined as a women legitimate ideological and physical space where she performs her procreative role as a mother and wife while a man dominates the world outside the home and performs his productive role as a breadwinner. Men and women are conceptually divided into two separate worlds. The household resources are allocated in the favor of sons due to their productive role. Male members of the family are given better education and are equipped with skills to compete for resources in public arena, while female members are imparted domestic skills to be good mothers and wives 2009:174-175. The quotation above shows that gender is a fundamental arrangement in Pakistan society. It is clearly explained that women in Pakistan are conceptually divided into two separates positions. Moreover, education for women in Pakistan is not the priority but for men, education is a number one priority. Iqbal in her article entitled “Victims of Patriarchy, Save the Women of Pakistan” states about the relation between religion and gender inequality in Pakistan, Religion, it seems is the favorite appetite of us Pakistanis, and hence always runs high on demand. This demand becomes more apparent when an average citizen wants to seek refuge for his shortcomings under the huge umbrella of religion. Hence starts exploitation in the name of religion, where it becomes easy to embrace and easier to discard the rules if and when required. But there are other, even bigger ironies that we witness and experience on a daily basis – ugly practices in the name of culture which, after having been long embedded in us have now almost become a national identity, and a national crisis for gender equality I must say. These ugly practices, with their strong and tight-clipped jaws seem to have engulfed everything, taking by storm almost every aspect of social life, not sparing even the most vulnerable segment of population – women women-of-pakistan. The quotation above clearly shows that gender inequality still happens in Pakistan’s social-life. Women in Pakistan are treated unfairly than men in the society, and that is the critical issue in the country. Gender discrimination is still happening in Pakistan, there are many discrimination towards women as a second priority in social-practice and this situation is the most important thing to be noted. Dr. Farhat Jaben and Musarat Jaben in their journal entitled “Feminism and Society: Solidarity Amongst Pakistani Women Still a Distant Dream ” states, Though all fundamental rights concerning women are the key factors causing direct impact on the solidarity set-up of the women, there is no exclusive policy to that effect. Solidarity of women and the implication of feminist theory is not just a cliché . It is sorely needed in Pakistan’s context where gender inequalities and discrimination in all fields. Targeted action is needed for all areas of development. Many discriminatory are socio- practices prevalent in Pakistan. Feminist work confronts the power of naming and challenges both the use of male measures and the assumption that women fail by them if at times feminist appear contradictory arguing both for the right of women to be included and treated like men and for the right to have special treatment 2013:166. It clearly shows, that in Pakistan gender inequality happens in many aspects including women discrimination in social practice. Women in Pakistan do not have the same position and right as men have in the society.

D. Theoretical Framework

This part explains the contribution of the theories and review to answer the problems formulated in the study. Theory of character is needed to analyze the