Background of Study INTRODUCTION

political distinctions between men and women are rooted in biology and anatomy” Heywood, 2003:248. Another definition of patriarchy based on the book “Believing Women” in Islam , it is stated, “two definitions of patriarchy as a tradition of father-rule, and as a politics of gender inequality based in theories of sexual differentiation .” Barlas, 2002:2. Based on that assumption, the writer also quoted an explanation from the Qur’an in QS Al-Baqarah 228 stated that And their husbands have more right to take them back in this [period] if they want reconciliation. And due to the wives is similar to what is expected of them, according to what is reasonable. But the men have a degree over them [in responsibility and authority]. And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. It means, though women have equal rights but the decision of matters is depend on man or the husband as the leader of the family. Thus, in particular or important decisions for any occasions are depending on men not women. 6


This chapter consists of three basic points. The first point is the review of related studies that use by people who apply the idea of feminism in their study. The second point is the review of related theories, describing the theories used to analyze the work. The third point or the last point is theoretical framework that will explain the contribution of the theories in solving the problems formulated in this study

A. Review of Related Studies

Literary works are open for everyone to analyze. A study, which is related, from the undergraduate thesis of Rosalina Dau from Sanata Dharma University; the title of her thesis is “Ideas of Feminism Revealed Through the Main Character in Clewlow’s Not Married Not Bothered”. She emphasized the idea of feminism through a strong female character named Riley. The analysis part can be seen in the quotation below, Unlike women around her, Riley never let men of her society control her life. Riley loves her freedom as an independent woman very much and values it highly so that she does not want to sacrifice her freedom to anything including relationships with men. Dau, 2003:38. Riley wants to show herself as independent woman by not allowing men around her oppress her life. Her persistence in reaching freedom and declaring herself as independent woman reveals the idea of feminism. The other study, which also related to this study, is the undergraduate thesis by Desy Pramusiwi from Sanata Dharma University in her undergraduate thesis entitled “Revealing Consequences of Practicing Liberal Feminist Ideas as Experienced by The Main Character Noe Ito in Harumi Setouchi’s Beauty in Disarray ”, she stated on her undergraduate thesis as seen in quotation below, Noe Ito was the courageous woman who devoted her life for the sake of emancipation of woman, attempting to resolve social problems, struggling for women movement, and anarchist movement. As the culmination of all of her actions, the consequence she had to bear was that those led her to the end of her life. Pramusiwi, 2005:82. It means, the study is about to reveal the consequences that the main character had as the result of practicing feminist ideas. Unlike the previous studies, this study does not only analyze the ideas of feminism but also the patriarchal practice reflected through the characters in the play.

B. Review of Related Theories

Theories are needed as the tool to analyze the work or to become the basic thought of the analysis. There are two theories used in this undergraduate thesis, the first is theory of characters in drama, the second is theory of feminism.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

Character is one of the important parts in the play. Characters in fiction do the interacting like in the real life. They show specific character ’s traits from one to another in the story. Abrams stated in A Glossary of Literary Terms , Characters are the persons in a dramatic or narrative work, endowed with moral and disposition qualities that are expressed in what they say i.e. the dialogue, and what they do i.e. the action. The grounds in a character’s