Literature Review Implementation of Teachers Pedagogy Competence to Optimizing Learners Development in Public Primary School in Indonesia - Institutional Repository of IAIN Tulungagung

3 of the challenges that teachers face is the fulfillment of their potential. Good and Broppy 1987:3 believe that many teachers fail to fullfil their potential, ....., not because of they do not know the subject matter, but because they do not understand students or classrooms. This is a reasonable opinion as Leinhard and Smith 1984 distinguish between two kinds of knowledge, which are, action system knowledge and subject matter knowledge. The first concerns with skills for planning lessons, making decisions about lesson pace, explaining materials clearly, and responding to individual differences in how students learn. Whereas, the second concerns with specific information teachers need to present content Good and Bropphy, 1987:3. Understanding content and context of teaching and learning is very important for teachers in order to help learners succeed their learning with the contextualized classroom activities Johnson, 2002. Considering the above discussion, it is important for teachers to be competent. Efforts to improve their competencies can be advised to conduct. This research was conducted in three area: 1. Public Primary School in Yogyakarta, Middle Java, Indonesia, 2. Public primary School in Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia, 3. Public Primary School in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. The focus of research is elaborated into: 1. How the implementation of teachers pedagogical competence in optimizing the learners development of the intellectual aspects in public primary school in Indonesia ? 2. How the implementation of teachers pedagogical competence in optimizing the learners development of the emotional aspects in public primary school in Indonesia? 3. How the implementation of teachers pedagogical competence in optimizing the learners development of the moral aspects in public primary school in Indonesia?

2. Literature Review

Ahmad and Setyaningsih 2012 have researched about Teacher Professionalism: A Study on Teachers Professional and Pedagogic Competencies at Junior, Senior, and Vocational High Schools in Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. This paper discusses teachers professionalism. These teachers competencies are summarized in four competencies, namely professional competency, pedagogical competence, personal comperencies, and social competensies. This study focused on both teachers professional and pedagogic sompetencies. This study was carried out to research teachers of Junior, Senior, and Vocational High Schools in Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. Setyarahajoe and Irtanto 2013 have researched similar matter entitled The Competency of Teachers as Human Resourses at Senior High School, in Kediri, East Java, Indonesia. The result of this research shows that the rate of teachers competencies has satisfactorily in line with standard categories, especially the pedagogic, personal, professional, and social competencies. Off the four competencies stated previously, the weakness existed especially in professional competency that concerns an indicator of scientific writing. According to Law No 14, 2005 about Teachers and Lecturers, Article 10 paragraph 1, teacher competency includes pedagogical competency, personal competency, social competency, and professional competency that is acquired through professional education. Pedagogical competence is the ability of learners to manage learning. This competency can be seen from the ability to plan teaching and learning program, the ability to execute the interaction or manage the learning process, and the ability to make an assessment. Teachers personal competency as educators is their main task in teaching. They are to have good personal characteristics highly influencing the success of people development. Steady personality of the teacher will well exemplify learners and community.Therefore, teachers will perform as a figure necessarily followed in advice, words, and commands. Teachers personality is an important factors for the success of students learning. Professional competence is the ability to master the subject matter broadly and deeply. Professional competence include expertise in their fields of expertise or mastery of the materials to be taught along with the method, a sense of responsibility and sense of duty to the other teacher colleagues. Whereas, Social competency is the ability of teachers to communicate and interact effectively and efficiently with students, fellow teachers, parentsguardians of students, and the surrounding community. In this social competency includes skills in social interaction and social responsibilities. In order to be able to teach effectively, teachers must be able to provide more learning opportunities for students both in the quality and quantity. These can be done by involving students actively in learning. Teachers must be able to show seriousness in teaching so that they can encourage students interest and motivation to learn. To increase the 4 quality of teaching, teachers are advised to professionally develop teaching program planning, deliver instruction in terms of teaching and learning interactions by using the arts of teaching that are satisfactory, full of confidence and high spirit of teaching. They have then to conduct process and result learning evaluation. These will show a part of professional teacher attitude needed in the globalization era. Teachers are to make efforts that what they deliver to students are acceptable and applicable to learners or students. According to Subroto 1983, factors attached to teachers affecting the teaching and learning programs are personality, material mastery, classroom management, ways of teacher talk, ways of creating classroom situation, concerns for individual principles, openness, collaboration, responsiveness to innovation, willingness and ability to carry out learning experiments. That teachers have the ability to manage learning well, teachers need to have professional skills to meet the 10 competencies of teachers, namely: 1. Mastering the materials, 2. Managing the teaching and learning programs, 3. Managing the class, 4. Using media or source, 5. Mastering the foundations of education, 6. Managing the teaching and learning interactions, 7. Assessing students achievement for the benefit of lessons, 8. Knowing the functions of guidance and counseling services in schools, 9. Understanding the principles of learning, 10. Interpreting the results of educational research for teaching purposes Subroto, 1983. Peadagogical Competence: a. Teaching Plan Competency. Efforts made to empower teacher competency in this area were done by directing and enabling teachers to have the ability of 1 describing objectives, 2 selecting materials, 3 organizing materials, 4 determining learning methods and strategies, 5 determining learning sources, media, and tools,6 designing assessment and evaluation tools, 7 determining assessment and evaluation technique, and 8 allocating time. b. Learning and Teaching Process Competency: Improved Learning and Teaching Process Competency were 1 openning lesson, 2 delivering materials, 3 using media and method, 4 using teaching media, 5 using communicative language, 6 motivating students, 7 organizing activities, 8 interacting with students communicatively, 9 concluding lessons, 10 providing feedback, 11 conducting assessment and evaluation, and 12 using time effectively. c. Learning and Teaching Assessment and Evaluation Competency. The teacher empowerment in terms of this compertency turned out to directed to the ability of: 1 choosing questions based on the level of difficulty, 2 selecting questions based on the level of differentiation, 3 repairing the problem is not valid, 4 checking the answer, 5 classifying the results of the assessment, 6 processing and analyzing. assessment results, 7 making interpretation of the trend assessment results, 8 determining the correlation problem based on the assessment results, 9 assessing to identify the level of variation in the results, 10 infering from the results of the assessment clearly and logically, 11 arranging follow-up program assessment results, 12 classifying students, 13 identifying the need for follow-up assessment results, 14 carrying out follow-up, 15 evaluating the results of follow- up, and 16 analyzing the results of evaluation. 3. Research Methods 3.1.