





Meyrisda Mifta Indah Sari

Three – Step Interview is one of techniques which is expected to able to reduce students’ bored and can also improve students speaking ability. It consists of three components: ( 1 ) Student A interviews student B; ( 2 ) student B interviews student A; ( 3 ) Students make round robin format to share what has been done. The objectives of this research are to find out whether there is a significant difference of students’ performance after applying Three – Step Interview technique in 3 different topics in second grade of SMA N 1 Raman Utara and to find out the effect of students’ speaking achievement in every aspect of speaking. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Raman Utara Lampung Timur and the subject of the research was students of eleventh grade (class X1 IPA 2) in the academic year 2013/2014. This reserach was a quantitative research and the method was time series design. The data collecting technique was tests of speaking. There were two raters to judge students speaking performance. Repeated Measures T-test was used to analyze data and the hypothesis testing was computed using SPSS version 17.0 at the level significant 0.05.

After anlyzing the data, the result shows that : (1)Three – Step Interview is applicable to increase the students speaking achievement in 3 different topics, especially in terms of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,fluency, and comprehension. It can be seen from the finding of the research in every post test. In post test 1 students mean score is 45.40 while in post test 2 it increases to 61.60; its gain is 16.2 and in post test 3 it increases up to 81.20 ; its gain is 19.6. The analysis of SPSS 17.0 shows that there is significant increase of students speaking achievement after applying Three – Step Interview in 3 different topics ; ( 2 ) Three – Step Interview technique gives good effect for the students’ speaking


Based on the result of post test, and relating to the hypothesis, looking at the result and graphic line, it can be said that Three – Step Interview technique can be applied in teaching speaking in order to improve students speaking ability.






Appendix Page

1. Lesson Plan 1 ... 68

2. Lesson Plan II ... 73

3. Lesson Plan III ... 78

4. Result of Students’ Post – Test 1 ... 83

5. Result of Students’ Post – Test 2 ... 84

6. Result of Students’ Post – Test 3 ... 85

7. Frequencies Statistic of Post – Test 1 ... 86

8. Frequencies Statistic of Post – Test 2 ... 87

9. Frequencies Statistic of Post – Test 3 ... 88

10. Descriptive of Pair 1 ... 89

11. Descriptive of Pair 2 ... 90

12. Inter – Rater Reliability of Post – Test 1 ... 91

13. Inter – Rater Reliability of Post – Test 2 ... 92

14. Inter – Rater Reliability of Post – Test 3 ... 93

15. t – Test of Pronunciation ... 94

16. t – Test of Grammar ... 95

17. t – Test of Vocabulary ... 96

18. t – Test of Fluency ... 97

19. t – Test of Comprehension ... 98

20. Students’ Voice Transcription in Post – Test 1 ... 99

21. Students’ Voice Transcription in Post – Test 2 ... 103

22. Students’ Voice Transcription in Post – Test 3 ... 106

23. Table of Students’ Mispronounce in Post – Test 1 ... 110

24. Table of Students’ Mispronounce in Post – Test 2 ... 111



Figure Page



Table Page

1. Result of students’ speaking score in post – test………....45

2. Paired Sample I and II ( Topic 1 and Topic 2, Topic 2 and Topic 3 ) ………...46

3. Students’ Speaking Aspect……….49




This chapter discusses several points that deal with the reasons for conducting the research ; introduction deals with background of the problem, identification of the problems, limitation of the problem, formulation of the problem, objectives of the research, uses of the research, scope of the research, and definition of terms.

1.1 Background of the Problem

English, as an international language, is very important to be learned by which the students can help themselves to face their future. It is also a top requirement of those seeking for job because applicants who master either active or passive English are more favourable than those who do not. Hence, from the facts, it is obvious for the students to pay more attention in learning English.

In learning English, there are four basic language skills namely, speaking, reading, listening, and writing that must be mastered by the students. One of the skills that the students have to master is speaking because it is seen as the most crucial means of communication. For most people, the success in learning a language can be seen from how far the students can speak and communicate in the language learning. But in fact, speaking is often neglected in the class room. It means that students seldom to practice English in learning process.


Moreover speaking is the most difficult ability required by the students when learning a language. Many English teachers try to gain speaking as the main goal of learning English. The students are expected to speak the target language well. And it is not easy thing for the students, especially to make the students able to communicate or share their ideas in English orally ( delivering speech ) . Therefore, It is important to make the students enjoy studying English by making an interesting condition in the class.

Speaking is one of the most important skills for students in learning a language. It should be acquired by students of Senior High School in many aspects of modern life. Based on the researcher’s interview with the English teacher and the researcher’s experience in the Field Practice Program ( PPL ) at SMA N 1 Marga Tiga from July to September 2012, it can be concluded that the students have low ability in speaking. Most of them were not actively involved in the learning process and they had low self-confidence in producing their sentence so they can not speak English fluently. Furthermore, their average score in speaking is only 55.

Some problems in speaking are still experienced by the students in SMA N 1 Raman Utara. It can be seen from researcher’s interview with the English teacher that students often got difficulties to interact with others. They also looked reluctant to learn in the class. They felt uncomfortable in using English because they lack vocabulary and confidence. Most of them also felt nervous and reluctant to express their ideas with their partner. They did not want to practice and communicate in English to their partner because they were afraid of making mistakes.The students lacked confidence to speak English. Students also lacked


the mastery of vocabulary and grammar. They also could not comprehend the sentences in English. They still made mistakes to arrange words by words into the sentences in English.

Considering the problem stated above, it seems necessary to take an action by using appropriate technique which gives opportunity to the students to practice their English in the classroom. An interesting technique can give the challenges and opportunities for students to practice English in the classroom. By giving the appropriate technique, the students are expected to have the opportunity to use English among themselves in the classroom during teaching-learning process. Three – Step Interview is one technique that can be applied in teaching speaking.

By using Three - Step Interview technique, students may enjoy speaking, because they can express their opinion by asking their partner, and they can improve their speaking ability. Three Step Interview is a cooperative structure that helps students personalize their learning and listen to and appreciate the ideas and thinking of others. Active listening and paraphrasing by the interviewer develops understanding and empathy for the thinking of the interviewee. And it is defined as a cooperative learning technique which unables and motivates members of the group to acquire certain concept deeply by students role. It is an adaptable process in the classroom. The aim of this technique is to gather students in a conversation for analysis purpose and new information synthesis ( Kagan, 1994 ). It means that Three – Step Interview purposes to engage students in conversation for the purpose of analyzing and synthesizing new information.


The researcher tries to use Three-Step Interview technique to teach English at second year student of SMA N 1 Raman Utara because it has not been implemented in SMA N 1 Raman Utara. By using Three – Step Interview , each students will try to speak English by asking questions for their partner in class. The English teacher of the school also mentions that most of students of SMA N 1 Raman Utara have low speaking ability.

Therefore by using Three-Step Interview, the researcher hopes that she can conduct the speaking class effectively. Moreover, the researcher also can find out whether three step - interview can be used to increase the students’ speaking achievement significantly, to know which aspect is the most increase in students’ speaking achievement , and find out which topic is the most effective topic for utterance production in implementing in Three – Step Interview technique in teaching speaking.

1.2 Identification of the Problems

a. Students have low speaking ability . b. Students lack practice in speaking.

c. The frequency in learning speaking is not enough. d. Students have low self-confidence.

e. Teacher technique in teaching speaking is not appropriate.

1.3 Limitation of the Problems

Based on the identification of the problems above, the writer limits her research as follows :


The implementation of Three – Step Interview technique in teaching speaking to increase the students’ speaking achievement.

1.4 Formulation of the Problems

Based on the background discussed above, the writer would like to take the main problem as follow :

1. Is there any significant difference of students’ performance after applying Three – Step Interview technique in 3 different topics at second year of SMA N 1 Raman Utara?

2. Is there any effect of students’ speaking achievement in every aspects of speaking ?

1.5 Objectives of the Research

Concerning the research problems, the objectives of this research are:

1. To find out whether there is a significant difference of students’ performance after applying Three – Step Interview technique in 3 different topics.

2. To find out the effect of students’ speaking achievement in every aspects of speaking.


1.6 Uses of the Research

The uses of this research are :

1. Theoretically , the result of this research is expected to be used to support the theory which will be explained in the next chapter. Moreover, this research also to be used as a reference for the next researcher who will concentrate on the similar scope of research.

2. Practically, this research hopefully can be the consideration in teaching speaking and can inform the teacher about the process and benefit of Three-Step Interview technique.

1.7 Scope of the Research

This research focused on the implementation of teaching learning speaking ( pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension ) through

Three-Step Interview technique. This research will be conducted at second grade of SMA N 1 Raman Utara and the subject is class XI science 2 which consists of 30 students. In this research, the reserarcher takes material from School-Based Curriculum ( KTSP ). There are three topics: (1) School Uniform ; ( 2 ) Home Schooling ; ( 3 ) Mobile phone in school. The score of the test is based on five aspects to be tested that are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. The test is conducted orally and the students’ voice will be recorded.


1.8 Definition of Terms

In order to make the same perceptions dealing with the research, the researcher lists the terms which are important to know:


Speaking is oral communication that happens between at least two people, speaker and listener who deliver or express their idea, message, information or opinion.

Three – Step Interview

Three – Step Interview is a technique where the students work in pair and they interview each other and introduces teammates to each other in some depth and classmates to each other superficially. It gives students the opportunity to feel welcome in the group and it helps overcome initial resistances some students when participating in groups.

Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory Exposition is a kind of texts which purpose to argue a case for or against a particular position or point of view and it proposes a suggestion at the end of the argumentation.



This chapter discusses several points : literature review that deals with review of previous research, concept of speaking, types of speaking, function of speaking, concept of teaching speaking, concept of students’ learning activities, concept of cooperative learning, principles of cooperative learning, concept of three-step interview, procedure of three-step interview, procedure of applying three-step interview, advantages and disadvantaged of three-step interview, theoretical assumption, and hypothesis.

2.1Review of Previous Researches

In a social life, speaking is an effective way to interact and communicate. Byrne (1984:9) defines speaking as a two way process between a speaker and listener and it involves productive and receptive skill of understanding. It can be inferred that in speaking process, one tries to communicate with and send out his/her message to the others. In this case, the communication needs at least two people, a speaker who produces a message and a listener who receives the message.

Utami ( 2010 ) finds out whether the use of three-step interview can improve the speaking skill of the first grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Ngawi in the academic year of 2009/2010 and to find out the advantages of applying


three-step interview in the teaching speaking of the first grade students of SMA NEGERI 1 Ngawi in the academic year of 2009/2010. The data are analyzed using the constant comparative method and descriptive statistics. The research proves that three-step interview can improve the students’ speaking skill and there are more advantages when three-step interview is applied in the teaching learning process. The improvement of the students’ speaking skill includes 1) the students’ speaking difficulty in using grammar decreased, 2) the students’ vocabulary mastery increased, 3) the students’ speaking difficulty in pronouncing words decreased, 4) the students’ fluency improved. Besides, the improvement of the students’ speaking skill can be seen from the improvement of the mean score of the pre-test and the second post-test, that is from 8.68 to 14.06. The advantages of applying three-step interview include: 1) the students got adequate opportunities to practice speaking, 2) all of the students got chances to practice speaking in the class, 3) all of the students were more active and more cooperative during the speaking class, and 4) the teacher taught speaking in real situation. Three-step interview can be applied in teaching learning process.

Mutmainah ( 2012 ) investigates whether there is a positive influence of three –step interview technique on students’ speaking ability by using experimental method. The population of this research is all of students of SMA N 1 Monojaya. Sample is taken by using cluster random sampling technique. The data shows that there is a positive influence of using three – step interview technique on students’ speaking ability.


Irawati ( 2012 ) investigates that Three-Step Interview technique is more effective than Dialogue Memorization technique to teach speaking to the first semester students of Public Sector Accounting of Pontianak State Polytechnic in the academic year of 2011/2012 , the students having low language anxiety have better speaking skill than those having high language anxiety, and there is an interaction between teaching techniques and students’ language anxiety. The result of data analysis shows that: (1) Three-Step Interview technique is more effective than Dialogue Memorization to teach speaking because Fo > Ft and qo (between A1 and A2) > qt; (2) students having low language anxiety differ significantly from those having high language anxiety because Fo > Ft and qo (between B1 and B2) > qt and the students having low language anxiety have better speaking ability than the students having high language anxiety because the mean of B1 > B2; and (3) there is an interaction between teaching techniques and students’ language anxiety in teaching speaking Analising the statement above, it can be inferred that Three – Step Interview is a effective to improve the students speaking skill. It is a technique which is appropriate to teach speaking for the students. The students feel enjoy in speaking class. So that, the students’ score will be increase. Thus, three – step interview can be an alternative technique instead of classical teaching model.

2.2Concept of Speaking

Speaking is very important skill to perform daily activities. People can react to other person and situation and express ideas, thought, and feeling through spoken language. Oral language is a foundation of all language development


and, therefore, the foundation of all learning. When students express their ideas, they clarify their thinking. It means that the students can make their ideas easier to be understood by others.

Haris ( 1974 : 9 ) says that speaking is encoding process whereby, we communicate our ideas, thought, and feeling through, one or other forms of language. So we can produce spoken massage to someone. Spoken massage is our ideas, thought, and feeling that we want to share, influences, or interact to other people. So , here , speaking situation a speaker who put a massage with words or sentence that has content and a listener.

According to Byrne ( 1984 ) speaking is oral communication. It is two ways process between speaker and listener and involve productive and reactive skill of understanding. Based on this idea it is understood that through speaking someone can communicate or express what she or he wants in order to understand one another.

Lado ( 1961 : 240 ) points out that speaking is described as an ability to converse or to express a sequence of idea fluently. It is the main skill in communication. So that , speaking can be an important aspect from our language skills that should be a priority in language learning.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that speaking is two-way process between speaker and listener and it involves both encoding and decoding proccess. The former leads to the process of giving idea or making the listener understand, while the latter leads to the process of getting the idea of the speaker. Through these processes, people interact with other.


2.3Types of Speaking

Brown (2001 : 250) has said that much of our language teaching is devoted to instruction in mastering English conversation. He classifies the types of oral languages as the figure below:

1. Monologue

Planned Unplanned

2. Dialogue

Interpersonal Transactional

In monologues, when one speaker uses spoken language, as in speeches, lectures, reading, news broadcast, and the listener must process long stretches of speech without interruption-the stream of the speech will go on whether or not the hearer understands. In planned, as it opposed to unplanned, monologue differs considerably in their discourse structures. While dialogues involve two or more speakers and can be subdivided into those exchanges that promote social relationship ( interpersonal ) and those for which the purpose is to convey proportional or factual information ( transactional ) . Brown also provides type of classroom speaking performance, they are :


a. Imitative

A very limited portion of classroom speaking time may legitimately be spent generating “Human tape-recorder” speech, for the instance , learner practice an intonation contour or try to pinpoint a certain vowel sound. Imitation of this kind is carried out not for the purpose of meaning full inetraction, but for focusing on some particular element of language form.

b. Intensive

Intensive speaking goes one-step beyond imitative to include any speaking performance that is design to practice some phonological or grammatical aspect of the language. Intensive can be self-imitated or it can even from part of some pair work activity, where learners are “ going over” certain forms of language.

c. Responsive

A good deal of student speech in the classroom is responsive short replies to teacher-or students-initiated questions or comment. These replies are usually sufficient and do not extend into dialogues. Such speech can be meaningful and authentic :

A : How are you today ? B : Fine, thanks, and you ?

A : What is the main idea of the first paragraph of this text ? B : The United Nations should have more authority.


B : Well, I was not sure, so I left it blank.

d. Transactional ( dialogue )

Transactional dialogue, which is carried out for the purpose of conveying or Exchanging specific information is extend form of responsive language. Conversation , for example , may have more of a negotiate nature to them than does responsive speech e.g.

A : What is the main idea of the first paragraph of this text ? B : The United Nations should have more authority.

A : More authority than what ? B : Than it does right now A : What do you mean ?

B : Well, for example, the United Nation should have the power to force a country like Iraq to destroy its nuclear weapons.

A : You don’t think the United Nations has that power now ?

B : Obviously not. Iraq is still manufacturing nuclear bombs.

e. Interpersonal ( dialogue )

interpersonal dialogue carried out more for maintaining social relationship than for the transmission of the facts and information. The conversation are little trickier for learners because they can involve some or all of the

following factors : - A causal register - Colloquial language


- Slang - Ellipsis - Sarcasm

- A covert “agenda” For example :

Jane : Hello, John, How’s it going ? John : Oh, so-so.

Jane : Not a great weekend, huh ?

John : Well, far be it form me to critize, but I’m pretty miffed about last week.

Jane : oh, wow , this great, wonderful. Back to square one. For crying

out , loud, John, I though we’d settled this before. Well, what more

can I say ?

f. Extensive ( monologue )

Finally, students at intermediate to advanced level are called on to give

Extended monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries, or perhaps short speeches. In this, the register is more formal and deliberative. This

monologue can be planned or impromptu.

2.4 Functions of Speaking

In speaking, there are numerous attempts that have been made to classify the functions of speaking in human interaction. Brown and Yule ( 1983 ) make a usefull distinction between the interactional function of speaking, in which it


serves to establish and maintain social relation, and the transactional functions, which focus on the exchange of information. Three functions of speaking according to Brown and Yule ( 1983 ) which each of those speech activities is quite distinct it terms of form and function, and requires different teaching approach, as follow :

1. Speaking as Interaction

Speaking as interaction refers to what we normally mean by “ conversation „ and describes interaction that serves a primarily social function. When people meet, they exchange greetings, engaged in small talk, recount recent experiences, and soon because they wish to be friendly and to establish a comfortable zone of interaction with others. The focus is more on the speakers and how they wish to present themselves to each other than on than message. Such exchange may be either casual or more formal, depending on circumstances and their nature.

The main characteristics of speaking as interaction can be summarized as follow :

a. Has a primarily social function b. Reflects role relationships c. Reflects speakers’ identity d. May be formal and casual

e. Uses conversational conventions f. Reflects degrees of politness g. Employs many generic words h. Uses conversational register


i. Is jointly constructed

Speaking as interaction is perhaps the most difficult skill to teach since interactional talk is very complex and subtle phenomenon that take place under the control of unspoken rules.

2. Speaking as Transaction

Speaking as transactions refers to situation where the focus is on what is said or done. The message and making oneself understood clearly and accurately is the central focus, rather than the participants and how they interact socially each other. In such transaction, speaking is associated with other activities. For example, students may be engaged in hands-on activities ( e.g., in English lesson ) to explore concepts associated between speaking and other skills like listening, reading, or writing. In this type of spoken language, students, and teacher ussualy focus on meaning or on talking their way to understanding. Burns ( 1998 ) distinguishes between two different types of speaking as transaction. The first types involves situations where the focus in on giving and receiving information and where the participants are focus primarily on what is said and achieved. Accuracy may not be a priority, as long as information is successfully communicated or understood. The second type is transaction that focus on obtaining goods or services. The main characteristics of speaking as transaction are :

a. It has primarily information


c. Participants employ communication strategies to make themselves understood

d. There may be frequent questions, repetition, and comprehension check, for example is the proceeding of classroom lesson

e. There may be negotiation and digression f. Linguistic accuracy is not always imoportant

Speaking as transaction is more easily planned since current communicative materials are a rich resource of group activities, interview practices, or role play that can provide a source for practicing how to use talk for sharing and obtaining information.

3. Speaking as Performance

The third type of speaking that can be usefully distinguished has been called speaking as performance. This refers to public talk, that is, talk that transmits information before an audience, such as classroom presentation, public announcement, and speeches. Speaking as performance tends to be in the form of monologue rather than dialogue, often follows a recognizable format ( e.g., a speech of welcome, telling the story, the presentation of chart), and it also closer to written language than conversational language. The main characteristics of speaking as performance are :

a. A focus on both message and audience b. Predictable organization and sequencing c. Importance of both form and accuracy d. Language is more like written language


e. Often monologue

Teaching speaking as performance requires a different teaching strategy. Jones ( 1996 : 17 0 ) comments that initially speaking as performance needs to be prepared for and scaffold in much the way as written text, and many of the teaching strategies used to make understanding of written text accessible can be applied to the formal uses of spoken language.

Based on the explanation above, the writer assumes that speaking process in this research is based on the second functions of speaking which emphasize the teaching learning process on the students’ understanding.

2.5Concept of Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking means teaching how to use language for communication, to transfer ideas, thought or even feeling to other people. Rivers (1978:6) states that speaking is developed from the first context with the language. For this reason, in teaching speaking skill it is necessary to have clear understanding involved in discussion.

The goal of teaching speaking skills is to train the students so that they are able to communicate efficiently. Learners should be able to make themselves understood, using their current proficiency to the fullest. They should try to avoid confusion in the message due to faulty pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary and to observe the social and cultural rules that apply in each communication situation.


2.6Concept of Students’ Learning Activities

In this research, the researcher tries to find out the students’ learning activities in teaching speaking by using three - step interview. According to Biggs ( 2003 ), learning activities can be defined as what students do in order to learn in teaching sessions, courses, or programs. Learning activities are supported by what we do as educators, what we encourage or require the students to do as learners, to help them in increasing their outcomes.

In this teaching learning process, the students much actively engage in the “ learning “, whether it is of information a skill, an understanding, an interest, or the nature of task”.

Because of the large number of learning activities that can be done by the students, Dierich in Hamalik ( 2001 : 172 ) classifies the learning activities into eight groups, they are as follow :

1. Visual Activities

Visual activities are activities which use visual equipment as an aid in teaching learning process. Examples : looking at pictures , reading, etc. 2. Oral Activities

This activity more emphasizes the students to speak or share their ideas orally. Examples : discussing, making presentation, retelling, interview etc.

3. Listening Activities

This activity enables the students to acquired insight and information. Examples : Listening to the conversation , a speech , etc.


By doing this activity , the students are expected to be able to make some written form. Examples : writing an essay, summarizing the study, etc.

5. Drawing Activities

Examples : drawaing maps, graphics, charts, etc. 6. Motor Activities

The students are able to perform themselves by doing this activity. Examples : the students, walking, or clapping their hands in drama class.

7. Mental Activities

Examples : analyzing, taking a decision, memorizing, etc. 8. Emotional Activities

Examples : feeling happy, impressive, nervous, etc.

In this case, the students was done several activities in one teaching learning process like doing visual activities, oral activities, listening activities integrated.

In view of the description above, learning activities mean any activity that done by the students in teaching learning process. The result of the activities will be determined by what the teacher does gives to the students. During the teaching learning process, the teacher must provide the activities that must be done by they themselves because the students will learn something if they are given an opportunity to do the activities themselves. By doing many activities, they will get


knowledge and comprehension. They will also be able to develop their language skills, especially speaking skills.

2.7Concept of Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is a teaching involving children participation in small group learning activities. That promote positive ineraction ( Lyman, Lawrence : 1988 ). Moreover Brown ( 2001:47 ) adds that as students work together in pairs or groups, they share information and come to each others’ said. They are “ a team “ whose players must work together in order to achieve goals successfully. So it can be said that through those kinds of interaction, the students try to help each other to develop their knowledge. In the cooperative learning, the students who have higher ability may help the lower students. By cooperation, they share their idea and develop their social skill. Therefore, cooperative learning promotes them self esteem, higher achievement and greater productivity, more caring, supportive, and committed relationship. Meanwhile Johnson and Johnson ( 1989 ) define cooperative learning is to actively involve students in the learning process. It can be said that, learning takes place through dialogue among students in social setting. The knowledge is then reconstructed and expanded through new learning experiences. The individual and the social setting are active dynamics in the learning process. By combining teamwork and individual accountability, students work toward acquiring both knowledge and social skills.

Cooperative learning is a teaching strategy which allows students to work together in small groups with individuals of various talents, abilities and


backgrounds to accomplish a common goal. Each individual team member is responsible for learning the material and also for helping the other members of the team learn. Students work until each group member successfully understand and completes the assignment, thus creating an ” atmosphere of achievement “. As a result, they frame new concepts by basing their conclusions on prior knowledge. Cooperative learning involves students in interaction in which they try to negotiate, give and take information; it unconsciously compels them to communicate. Students’ hesitation and shyness to speak may lesson since they try to share it privately to their friends. It is may be strength that can force the students to improve their speaking ability. It is in line with Brown’s ( 2001 : 48 ) statement that as learners interacts with each other through oral or written discourse, their communicative abilities are enhanced.

In line with the description of the theories above, it can be concluded that cooperative learning is instructional use of small groups in which students help other students within group to develop their own mind one another. In the learning process, the individual and the social setting are active dynamics; as a result, they make a new concepts and get deeper understanding of the material , more potential to retain it and enhanced their communicative abilities.

2.8Principles of Cooperative Learning

It is not cooperative learning if students sit together in groups and work on problems individually. It is not cooperative learning if students sit together in


groups and let one person does all the work. Johnson , Johnson and Smith in Lie 2004:31 state that not all of groups work can be regarded as cooperative learning. Therefore, there are five principles of cooperative learning.

1. Positive interdependence: This will be achieved only when all individuals of the group feel that they cannot succeed unless everyone succeeds. “If there is no positive interdependence, there is no cooperation.

2. Promotive interaction: Student’s need to do work where they help each other understand by encouraging, supporting and helping one another. 3. Individual and group accountability: The group should be responsible for

achieving its goal and each student should be responsible for his or her share of work.

4. Teaching students the required interpersonal and small group skills: Social skills must be taught . “ Leadership, decision-making, trust-building, communication, and conflict-management skills empower students to manage both teamwork and task work successfully”.

5. Group processing: Group members can discuss between each other how well or how bad they are achieving their goals within their group. Groups need to describe what proceedings can be changed in order to have a successful working relationship.

2.9Concept of Three-Step Interview

According to Kagan ( 1994 ) three – Step interview is a cooperative structure in which members of a team interview one another on a particular topic. This


structure can be used both as an ice-breaker which introduces students to one another and to provide students with a venue for soliciting opinions, positions, or ideas from their peers. Students are first paired and take turns interviewing each other using a series of questions provided by the instructor. Pairs then match up and students introduce their original partner. At the end of the exercise, all two students have had their position or viewpoints on an issue heard, digested, and described by their peers.

Wessler ( 2003 ) states that respect grows when teachers value the emotions of students and their lives beyond the classroom walls. By conveying respect for students, teachers create invitations to learn, enhancing student engagement, motivation, and achievement (Tomlinson, 2002). The students can be used as an introduction to an activity or a way to explore ideas and concepts more deeply. By using three - step interview. Students also have an opportunity to develop active listening skills and understand others’ viewpoint.

According to Gardner, the structure of three step interview not only promotes inter personal (Social Skills) but intra personal as well as logical intelligence. For example, once the student has answered a particular question the interviewer can demand for further explanation and the interviewee will have to provide logical answers. It means that three step interview is a great structure for practicing a range of social skills, including listening and communication skill. Also, it helps to construct knowledge, as each student has his/her own point of view and there is a scope for divers thinking.


2.10 Procedure of Three-Step Interview

There are three steps considered important in the implementation of the three step interview classroom ( Kagan, 1994 ) :

1. Students work in pairs. Student A interviews students B . 2. Partners reverse roles, repeating the interview process.

3. Each pair then joins another pair to form groups of four. Then, in Round Robin Format, introduce the original partner and interview each pair what they have learned from their interviews.

2.11 Procedure of Applying Three Step Interview

In line with the principles according to Kagan ( 1994 ), the researcher modifies the procedure of teaching speaking through three - step interview technique in the class as follows :

Pre activity :

The teacher greets the students.

The teacher checks the students’ attendance list.

Teacher gives leading questions or brainstorms the students related to the materials that they are going to learn.

While activity :

The teacher gives the topic about hortatory exposition to the students. Students make in pair.

Students discuss with their partner about the posible focus question to interview practices.


Student come in front of the class. Then, interview their partner and they reverse roles.

Teacher asks the students to join another pair. Then, in Round Robin Format, introduce the original partner and interview each pair what they have learned from their interviews..

The teacher examines from pair to pair in order to observe the process.

Post activity :

The teacher gives evaluation to the students about the material that has given.

The teacher closes the meeting.

2.12 Advantages and Disadvantages of Three Step Interview

The advantages of three step interview are :

a. The students get adequate opportunities to practice speaking.

b. All of students are more active and more cooperative during the speaking class

c. The teacher teaches speaking in real situation. d. Creates simultaneous accountability

e. The students share and apply different questioning strategies

There are some disadvantages of using three - step interview. They are : a. Students might be using to much time for interviews


2.13 Theoretical Assumption

In teaching speaking , there are some techniques that can help the teacher to reach the aim of teaching learning process. In this case, three - step interview is chosen as a technique in teaching speaking.

Three - Step Interview is a technique that may be used to teach speaking. It is an activity that encourages them to use the target language and allows them to say what they want to say : an activity that is cognitively challenging. In addition, interview practices will build self-confidence in the students. Therefore, three - step interview may be an effective technique in teaching speaking.

2.14 Hypothesis

Based on the theoretical assumption above, the researcher formulates the hypothesis :

There is a significant difference of students’ performance after applying Three – Step Interview Technique in 3 different topic .

There is an effect of students’ speaking achievement in every aspect of speaking.



This research is intended to find out whether Three-Step Interview can be used to increase students’ speaking achievement or not. This chapter includes the research design, the population and sample, data collecting technique, research procedure, criteria for evaluating students’ speaking, reliability, and validity of the instrument, speaking test, data analysis, and hypothesis testing.

3.1Research Design

This research is quantitative research. It was carried out to see and find out the result of implementing three-step interview in increasing students speaking achievement. In conducting the research, the researcher used time series design by giving different topics in every treatment and every test. The researcher used one class where the students gave three times treatment and three times post-test. The research design can be represented as follows :

XIT1X2T2X3T3 In which:

T1 : Post test 1 (first topic is School Uniform, Another Good Lesson ) T2 : Post test 2 (Second topic is Home Schooling)

T3 : Post test 3(Third topic is Mobile Phone in School ) X1 : Treatment 1


X2 : Treatment 2 X3 : Treatment 3

( Hatch and Farhady, 1982:24).

3.2Population and Sample

The population of the research was the students of the second year students at SMA N 1 Raman Utara that consisted of six classes, and class XI science 2 was taken as the sample. The sample of the research was choosen randomly from five classes by using lottery because the participant have similar chance to be chosen and in order to avoid the subjectivity in this research.

3.3Data Collecting Technique

In collecting the data, the researcher used : a. Treatment

The treatment was conducted in three times. One treatment was 2 x 45 minutes of each meeting. The researcher presented the topics of hortatory exposition. There are three topic. First, school uniform, another good lesson. Second, home schooling. Third, mobile phone in school. The topic was based on second semester of the second year students.

b. Posttest

The researcher administered the post test was taken 90 minutes. The purpose of this test was to know the students’ increase in speaking after the research gave the treatment through three-step interview.


3.4Research Procedure

The procedure of the research as followed : 1. Selecting Speaking material

In selecting the speaking material the researcher used the syllabus of the second years of Senior High School Raman Utara based on school curriculum or KTSP ( an English Operational Curriculum which is arranged and applied by each education unit).

2. Determining the Instruments of the Research

The instrument in this research is speaking test. The writer conducted the speaking test for posttest, this test aimed at gaining the data was the students’ speaking achievement score after the treatment in performing interview. In achieving the reliability test, inter rater reliability was used in this research. The first rater was the researcher and the second rater was the English teacher. Both of them discussed and shared ideas of the speaking criteria in order to obtain the reliable result of the test. Construct validity, in this research the writer focused on speaking ability in three-step interview. Those topic were the representative of speaking materials of School Based Curriculum or KTSP.

3. Determining the Population and Sample

The population of this research was the second grade of SMA N 1 Raman Utara. There are five classes and XI science 2 was taken as sample. The sample was selected using sample probably sampling through lottery. The class chosen was science class consisting of 30 students.


4. Conducting Treatment

The researcher gave the treatments using three step interview technique. The treatment was done in three meetings in which 90 that conducted three different topics in every meeting. In selecting the material the researcher used the syllabus of the second year student of Senior High School students Based on Curriculum or KTSP. And the next, the researcher asked the students for doing cooperatively with their partner. The procedure of teaching speaking through three-step interview technique as follows :

a. Pre – Activities b. While – Activities c. Post – Activities

5. Conducting the Posttest

The researcher administered the post – test after treatment. It aimed to know the progress of students’ speaking achievement after being given the treatment using the three-step interview. Based on the design of this research that is time series design, post – test conducted in three times, after each meeting or after each treatment. The researcher used a subjunctive test in oral test. Furthermore, the researcher gave different topics in every test. The test was done orally and directly. The researcher asked the students to make some questions related to the topic, after that the students shared their arguments by using interview practices . The teacher called each pair one by one in front of the class to perform their


interview. The researcher asked the students to speak clearly since their voice will be recorded during the test.

6. Analyzing the Data

After conducting the final test, the researcher analyzed the data. After collecting the data, the students’ worksheet was analyzed subjectively by both researcher and teacher.

First, the data, in form of score, gained from post test were tabulated and calculate inter-rater reliability. Then, calculate minimal score, maximal score, and mean of the post test and its standard deviation. Repeated Measures T-test (statistical package for social science) or paired sample T-test was used to draw the conclusion. The comparison of two means counted using Repeated Measures T-test would tell us whether students speaking ability can improve significantly. Finally, The data were compute through SPSS version 17.0 that shown two tail significance for equal variances as the value of significance.

3.5 Criteria for Evaluating Students’ Speaking

The form of the test is subjuctive test since there is no exact answer. In this test the researcher used inter rater to assess students’ performance. The performance were given score and recorded together by the researcher and the English teacher. The rater gave the score by record the students’ performance. The researcher recorded the students utterances because it helped the raters to evaluate more objective. The test of speaking was measured based on two principles, reliability and validity.


3.6 Reliability

Reliability refers to extend to which test is consistent in its score and gives us an indication of how accurate the score test are. The concept of reliability stems from the ideas that no measurement is perfect even if we go to the same scale there will always be differences.

To be ensure the reliability of score and to avoid the subjectively of the researcher, inter rater reliability applied in this research. Inter-rater reliability was used when score independently of estimated by two or judge. To achieve such reliability, in judging the students’ speaking performance. The researcher, uses a speaking criteria based on Harris ( 1974 : 84 ) . The focus of speaking skills that have been asses are : pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension. And second rater in using the profile to give judgment for each students’ speaking performance. The second rater is English teacher who has experience in rating students’ speaking. This is means to provide consistent and fair judgment.

The statistical formula for counting the reliability is as follow :

R = 1 –


R = Reliability

N = Number of Students


1-6 = Constant number (Shohamy, 1985)

After finding the coofecient between raters, researcher then analyzed the coefficient of reliability with the standard of reliability below :

a. A very low reliability ( range from 0.00 to 0.19 ) b. A low reliability ( range from 0.20 to 0.39 ) c. An average reliability ( range from 0.40 to 0.59 ) d. A high reliability ( range from 0.60 to 0.79 ) e. A very high reliability ( range from 0.80 to 0.100 )

Slameto ( 1998:147 )

After calculating the data, the result of the reliability can be sen following tables :

Raters Reliability

Reliability Pretest Posttest Criteria

0.86 0.99 Very high


From the criteria of the reliability and the calculating above, it can be concluded that the reliability of the rater is very high. It means that the first rater’s way of scoring was similar to the researcher’s. They had almost the same scoring system.


3.7 Validity

Validity refers to extent to which the test measures what was intended to measure. This means that it relates directly to the purpose of the test. Content validity, the test is a good reflection of what has been taught and the knowledge which the teacher wants his students to know. Content validity can best be examined by the table of specification ( Shohamy, 1957 : 74). Construct validity concerns with whether the test is actually in line with the theory of what it means to the language ( Shohamy : 74 ) that is being measured, it would be examined whether the test actually reflect what it means to know a language. it means that the test will measure certain aspect based on the indicator.

The researcher has to compare the test with table of specification to know whether the test is good reflection of what has been taught and the knowledge by the teacher wants the students to know. A table of specification is an instrument that helps the test constructor plans the test. The table of specification :

Aspect Theories

Pronunciation It refers to the ability to produce easily comprehensible articulation. ( Syakur, 1987 ). Pronuniation refers to the intonation patterns ( Harris, 1974 : 81 )

Vocabulary Vocbulary mans the appropriatee

diction which is usd in communicaion ( Syakur , 1987 ).

Vocabulary refers to the selection of words that suitable wih content ( Harris,


1974 : 68-69 )

Fluency Fluency refers to the ase and speed of he flow of the speech ( Harris, 1974 : 81 )

Comprehension It defines that comprehension or oral communication that requires a subject to respond to speech as well as o initiate it ( Syakur, 1987 ).

Grammar It is needed for students to arrange a correct sentence in conversation ( Syakur, 1987 ). It is students’ ability to manipulate ad to distinguish

appropriate grammatical form in appropriate ones ( Heaton, 1978 : 5 )

3.8 Speaking Test

The researcher conducted speaking test which lasted 90 minutes. In conducting the test the researcher provided a topic. Each group has to make some questions that the test was done orally, the teacher divided the students in pair. The teacher called the group one by one in front of the class to perform their interview. The researcher asked the students to speak clearly since the students’ performance is being recorded during the test. The material for test was taken from the questions given and their handbook. The form of the test was subjective test there is no exact answer. The teacher gave the score of the students’ speaking ability based on the oral rating sheet provide. The teacher assessed the students concern on three aspect namely, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. In the test the researcher


used the inter rater, that were the researcher and the English teacher. In evaluating the students’ speaking scores, the researcher, and another rater, which is the class teacher, listened to the students record and used the oral English. The researcher recorded the students’ utterance because it helps the raters to evaluate more objectively. Rating sheet modified from Haris ( 1974 ). Based on the oral rating sheet, there are five aspects to be tested namely, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Here the rating scales.


5. Has few traces of foreign accent.

4. Always intelligible though one is conscious of a definite accent.

3. pronunciation problems neccesiate concentrated listening and occasionally lead to misunderstanding.

2. very hard to understand because of pronunciation problems must frequently be asked to repeat.

1. pronunciation problems too serve as to make speech virtually unintelligible.


5.Make few ( if any ) noticeable errors of grammar or word order.

4.Occasionally makes grammatical and / or word order which do not, however, obscure meaning.


2.Grammar and word orders make comprehension difficult must often rephrase sentence and / or restrict him to basic pattern.

1. errors in grammar and word order to serve as to make speech virtually unintelligible.


5.Use of vocabulary and idioms is virtually that of narrative speaker.

4. Sometimes uses inappropriate terms and / or must rephrase ideas because of lexical inadequacies.

3. Frequently uses the wrong words, conversation somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary.

2. Misuses of words and very limited vocabulary make comprehension quite difficult.

1. vocabulary limitation to extreme as to make comprehension virtually impossible.


5.Speed as fluent and effortless as that of native speaker problems 4. Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by language problems. 3. Speed and fluency are rather strongly affected by language problems. 2. Usually hesitant, often forced into silence by language problems.

1. Speech is as halting and fragmentary as to make conversation virtually impossible.



5.Appears to understand everything without difficult.

4. understand nearly everything at normal speed although occasionally repetition maybe necessary.

3. understand most of what is said at lowers that normal speed with repetition. 2. Has great difficulty following what is said. The students can comprehend only “ social conversation” spoken with frequent repetition.

1. Can not be said to understand even simple conversation of English. The score of each point was multiplied by four, so the highest score is 100. Here is identification of the scores.

If the students get 5, so 5 x 4 = 20 4, so 4 x 4 = 16 3, so 3 x 4 = 12 2, so 2 x 4 = 8 1, so 1 x 4 = 4 For example :

A student gets 4 in pronunciation, 3 in vocabulary, 3 in fluency, 4 in comprehension, and 3 in grammar. Therefore, the students’ total score will be:

Pronunciation 4 x 4 = 16 Vocabulary 3 x 4 = 12 Fluency 3 x 4 = 12 Comprehension 4 x 4 = 16 Grammar 3 x 4 = 12


Total 68

It means that he / she gets 68 for speaking.

The score of speaking is based on the components that can be converted in the percentage.

3.9 Data Analysis

Data analysis is a process for organizing the data in order to get the explanation form. The researcher analyzed the data by using these following steps :

1. Transcribing the Students’ Speaking

The researcher recorded the students’ spoken, the researcher transcribed the record into written form.

2. Scoring Data

Each rater scored the students speaking performance in post test. Based on the scores between two raters are the researcher found the average and is analyzed statistically by using Repeated Measures t-test. 3. Drawing Conclusion

The researcher calculates the data such as the highest score, lowest score, mean score, and standard deviations are counted. To draw conclusion the means of students score in posttest is compared to see the value of significance by using Descriptive statistics of SPSS version 17.0.


3.10 Hypothesis Testing

The hypothesis is analyzed by using Repeated Measures T-Test which is also called as Paired Sample T-test of SPSS version 17.0 in order to know the significance of the treatment effect.

Hypothesis of this research:

H0 : There is no significant difference of students’ performance after applying Three – Step Interview technique in 3 different topics.

H1 : There is a significant difference of students’ performance after applying Three – Step Interview technique in 3 different topics.

The researcher used t-test in order to find out the significance of treatment effect. The hypothesis was analyzed at significant level of 0.05. It means that the

probability of error in the hypothesis is only 5% from 100% and the hypothesis was approved if p< 0.05.



5.1 Conclusions

Considering all the data gathered after finishing the research, which has been held in the second year of SMA N 1 Raman Utara, some conclusion can be drawn as follows:

1. Three – Step Interview is applicable and meaningful in speaking lesson. It can be seen from the finding of the research. Total gain score of students’ speaking achievement from post – test I, II, and III are ; the result of students’ mean score in post - test I is 45.40, post – test II is 61.60 (gain of 16.20), and post - test III is 81.20 (gain of 19.60). The result of this research shows that there is improvement of students’ speaking achievement in 3 different topics by comparing the mean scores of post-test. The significant improvement of students speaking ability is due to the Three – Step Interview is interesting for the students. It makes the students enjoy the learning speaking comprehension activity. It can be seen from the students’ enthusiasm in practicing interview in front of the class. Three – Step Interview technique also encourages students to express their idea by using their own sentences related to their topic they presented. 2. Three – Step Interview technique gives good effect for the students’ speaking

achievement in every aspect of speaking. It can be seen by the increasing score of each aspect of speaking in every test of speaking.


5.2 Suggestions

According to conducted research result concerned with Three – Step Interview technique, there are some recommended suggestion for the English teacher and the next research.

1. English Teacher

a. After having the research especially Three – Step Interview technique in helping the students to enhance their speaking ability, the researcher suggests the English

teachers to apply the technique in the classroom for teaching implication particularly teaching speaking.

b. The teacher should be careful in selecting the topic for implementing Three – Step Interview technique in teaching speaking. Enjoyable material is suggested to be used in the classroom activity in order the students are able to speak up and do not


c. Since it is quite difficult to handle a big class in applying this technique, the teacher should be able to manage the class by giving more attention to the students. It can be done by monitoring the students’ activity frequently, whether they are active or not during the teaching learning process and when they have group or pair working. The teacher should move around the class and then pay more attention to the group or partner.

2. The Next Research

If there is a research related to Three – Step Interview technique. It is recommended for the next research to do the following suggestions.

a. Investigate the Three – Step Interview technique toward other language skills such as writing, listening, and reading.


b. Investigate other types of cooperative learning in order to achieve more meaningful and applicable learning process to improve students’ skill. c. Find more theories related to cooperative learning especially Three – Step



Barkley, E.E., Cross, K.P,. and Major, H.M. 2005. Teknik – Teknik Pembelajaran kolaboratif. Diterjemahkan oleh Narulita Yusron. 2012. Bandung : Penerbit Nusa Media.

Biggs,J.B. ( 2003 ). Teaching for Quality Learning at University.

Buckingham : Open University Press / Society for Research into Higher Education. ( Second Edition ).

Bookman, B. 2001. Cooperative Learning. ( Online ),

(, accessed December 20 2012).

Brown, D.M. 1980. Principles of Language Teaching and Learning. Engle Wood Cliffs. New Jersey : Pretice – Hall Inc.

Brow,G., & Yule,G. ( 1983 ). Teaching the Spoken Language.

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

Brown, H.Douglas. 2001. Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. San Fransisco : State University.

Burns, A. ( 1998 ). Colaborative Action Research for English

Language Learners. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Byrne. 2001. Teaching by Principle: An Interactive Approach to

Language Pedagogy. New York: Longman.

Byrne,Don.1984. Teaching Oral English. New Jersey: Longman Group Ltd.

Departement Pendidikan Nasional.2006. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta : Depdiknas.

Doff, Andrian. 1998. Teaching English Trainer’s Handbook. Great Britain: Cambridge University Press.

Doff, Adrian. 1991. Teach English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Hamalik, O. 2001. Proses Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta : P.T. Bumi


Haridah, S. 2012. Increasing Students Speaking Ability By Using Jigsaw at the third grade of SMA N 9 Bandar Lampung. Bandar Lampung : Lampung University( Unpublished ). Harris,D.P.1974. Testing English as a Second Language. Newyork :

McGraw Hill Book Company.

Hatch, E. & Farhady, H. 1982. Research design and statistics for applied linguistic. California, Los Angles: New Bury Publisher, Inc.

Irawati.2012. The Effectiveness of Three – Step Interview Teachnique

to Teach speaking from the students’ Language Anxiety. (

Online ), (, accessed April 20th 2013 ).

Heaton, J.B. 1991 . Writing English Language Test. New York : Longman Inc.

Johnson,D.W., Johnson,R.T., & Smith,K.A. ( 2004 ). Cooperative Learning : Increasing College Faculty Instructional Productivity. ASHE – ERIC Higher Education Reports, No.4. Washington, DC : George Washington University.

Johson, D.W. and Johnson, R.T.,2001. Cooperative Learning.(online) (Http//, accessed December 21st 2012)

Jones, Pauline. 1996. Planning Oral Language Program. In Pauilne Jones ( Ed ). Talking to Learn. Melbourne : PETA 1996 12-26. Kagan,S ( 1994 ). The Structural Approach to Cooperative Learning.

Educational Leadership, 47 ( 4 ).

Lado, R. 1961. Language Testing. London: Longman.

Larsen – Freeman, D. 2000. Techniques and principles in language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Littlewood,T.W.1981. Communicative Language Testing. Melbourne. Cambridge : Cambridge university Press.

Mutmainah ( 2012 ). The Influence of Three – Step Interview

Technique on Students’ Speaking Ability. University of

Siliwangi ( Unpublished ).

Priyana, J., Riandi, . and Mumpuni, A.P. 2008. Interlanguage : English for Senior High School Students XI. Jakarta : Grasindo.


Rivers, Wilga, M. 1978. A Practical Guide to the Teaching of English as Second or Foreign Language. New York: Cambridge Language Teaching Library.

Sejnost, R. L. 2009. Tools for Teaching in the Block. United State of America : Acid-Free Paper.

Setiyadi, A.B.2006. Metode Penelitian Pengajaran Bahasa Asing. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Setiyadi, A.B.2006.Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu.

Shohamy, Elena.1985. A Practical Handbook in Language Testing for the Second Language Teacher. Tel Aviv University.

Sijabat, Silfarius. 2013 .The Cooperative learning; Three Step

Interview Technique towards Students’ Speaking Ability. (

Online ) ( – cooperative – learning – three-step.html. accessed February 12 nd 2013). Swain, M. 1985. Communication Competence : Some Roles of

Comprehensible Input and Comprehensible Output in Its Development. Cambridge : Newbury house.

Syakur. 1987. Language Testing and Evaluation. Surakarta : Sebelas Maret University Press.

Tomlinson, C. A. (2002). Invitations to learn. Educational Leadership, 60(1), 6-10.

Unila. 2012 . Format Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Universitas Lampung. Bandar Lampung : Unila Press.

Utami, R ( 2010 ). Improving Speaking Skill Using Three – Step Interview in the First Grade of SMA N 1 Ngawi. University of Semarang ( Unpublished ).

Wessler, S. L. (2003). It’s hard to Learn When You’re Scared.



5.1 Conclusions

Considering all the data gathered after finishing the research, which has been held in the second year of SMA N 1 Raman Utara, some conclusion can be drawn as follows:

1. Three – Step Interview is applicable and meaningful in speaking lesson. It can be seen from the finding of the research. Total gain score of students’ speaking achievement from post – test I, II, and III are ; the result of students’ mean score in post - test I is 45.40, post – test II is 61.60 (gain of 16.20), and post - test III is 81.20 (gain of 19.60). The result of this research shows that there is improvement of students’ speaking achievement in 3 different topics by comparing the mean scores of post-test. The significant improvement of students speaking ability is due to the Three – Step Interview is interesting for the students. It makes the students enjoy the learning speaking comprehension activity. It can be seen from the students’ enthusiasm in practicing interview in front of the class. Three – Step Interview technique also encourages students to express their idea by using their own sentences related to their topic they presented. 2. Three – Step Interview technique gives good effect for the students’ speaking

achievement in every aspect of speaking. It can be seen by the increasing score of each aspect of speaking in every test of speaking.


5.2 Suggestions

According to conducted research result concerned with Three – Step Interview technique, there are some recommended suggestion for the English teacher and the next research.

1. English Teacher

a. After having the research especially Three – Step Interview technique in helping the students to enhance their speaking ability, the researcher suggests the English

teachers to apply the technique in the classroom for teaching implication particularly teaching speaking.

b. The teacher should be careful in selecting the topic for implementing Three – Step Interview technique in teaching speaking. Enjoyable material is suggested to be used in the classroom activity in order the students are able to speak up and do not


c. Since it is quite difficult to handle a big class in applying this technique, the teacher should be able to manage the class by giving more attention to the students. It can be done by monitoring the students’ activity frequently, whether they are active or not during the teaching learning process and when they have group or pair working. The teacher should move around the class and then pay more attention to the group or partner.

2. The Next Research

If there is a research related to Three – Step Interview technique. It is recommended for the next research to do the following suggestions.

a. Investigate the Three – Step Interview technique toward other language skills such as writing, listening, and reading.


b. Investigate other types of cooperative learning in order to achieve more meaningful and applicable learning process to improve students’ skill. c. Find more theories related to cooperative learning especially Three – Step



Barkley, E.E., Cross, K.P,. and Major, H.M. 2005. Teknik – Teknik Pembelajaran kolaboratif. Diterjemahkan oleh Narulita Yusron. 2012. Bandung : Penerbit Nusa Media.

Biggs,J.B. ( 2003 ). Teaching for Quality Learning at University. Buckingham : Open University Press / Society for Research into Higher Education. ( Second Edition ).

Bookman, B. 2001. Cooperative Learning. ( Online ),

(, accessed December 20 2012).

Brown, D.M. 1980. Principles of Language Teaching and Learning. Engle Wood Cliffs. New Jersey : Pretice – Hall Inc.

Brow,G., & Yule,G. ( 1983 ). Teaching the Spoken Language. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

Brown, H.Douglas. 2001. Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. San Fransisco : State University.

Burns, A. ( 1998 ). Colaborative Action Research for English

Language Learners. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Byrne. 2001. Teaching by Principle: An Interactive Approach to

Language Pedagogy. New York: Longman.

Byrne,Don.1984. Teaching Oral English. New Jersey: Longman Group Ltd.

Departement Pendidikan Nasional.2006. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta : Depdiknas.

Doff, Andrian. 1998. Teaching English Trainer’s Handbook. Great Britain: Cambridge University Press.

Doff, Adrian. 1991. Teach English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Hamalik, O. 2001. Proses Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta : P.T. Bumi


Haridah, S. 2012. Increasing Students Speaking Ability By Using Jigsaw at the third grade of SMA N 9 Bandar Lampung. Bandar Lampung : Lampung University( Unpublished ). Harris,D.P.1974. Testing English as a Second Language. Newyork :

McGraw Hill Book Company.

Hatch, E. & Farhady, H. 1982. Research design and statistics for applied linguistic. California, Los Angles: New Bury Publisher, Inc.

Irawati.2012. The Effectiveness of Three – Step Interview Teachnique to Teach speaking from the students’ Language Anxiety. ( Online ), (, accessed April 20th 2013 ).

Heaton, J.B. 1991 . Writing English Language Test. New York : Longman Inc.

Johnson,D.W., Johnson,R.T., & Smith,K.A. ( 2004 ). Cooperative Learning : Increasing College Faculty Instructional Productivity. ASHE – ERIC Higher Education Reports, No.4. Washington, DC : George Washington University.

Johson, D.W. and Johnson, R.T.,2001. Cooperative Learning.(online) (Http//, accessed December 21st 2012)

Jones, Pauline. 1996. Planning Oral Language Program. In Pauilne Jones ( Ed ). Talking to Learn. Melbourne : PETA 1996 12-26. Kagan,S ( 1994 ). The Structural Approach to Cooperative Learning.

Educational Leadership, 47 ( 4 ).

Lado, R. 1961. Language Testing. London: Longman.

Larsen – Freeman, D. 2000. Techniques and principles in language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Littlewood,T.W.1981. Communicative Language Testing. Melbourne. Cambridge : Cambridge university Press.

Mutmainah ( 2012 ). The Influence of Three – Step Interview Technique on Students’ Speaking Ability. University of Siliwangi ( Unpublished ).

Priyana, J., Riandi, . and Mumpuni, A.P. 2008. Interlanguage : English for Senior High School Students XI. Jakarta : Grasindo.


Rivers, Wilga, M. 1978. A Practical Guide to the Teaching of English as Second or Foreign Language. New York: Cambridge Language Teaching Library.

Sejnost, R. L. 2009. Tools for Teaching in the Block. United State of America : Acid-Free Paper.

Setiyadi, A.B.2006. Metode Penelitian Pengajaran Bahasa Asing. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Setiyadi, A.B.2006.Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu.

Shohamy, Elena.1985. A Practical Handbook in Language Testing for the Second Language Teacher. Tel Aviv University.

Sijabat, Silfarius. 2013 .The Cooperative learning; Three Step Interview Technique towards Students’ Speaking Ability. ( Online ) ( – cooperative – learning – three-step.html. accessed February 12 nd 2013). Swain, M. 1985. Communication Competence : Some Roles of

Comprehensible Input and Comprehensible Output in Its Development. Cambridge : Newbury house.

Syakur. 1987. Language Testing and Evaluation. Surakarta : Sebelas Maret University Press.

Tomlinson, C. A. (2002). Invitations to learn. Educational Leadership, 60(1), 6-10.

Unila. 2012 . Format Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Universitas Lampung. Bandar Lampung : Unila Press.

Utami, R ( 2010 ). Improving Speaking Skill Using Three – Step Interview in the First Grade of SMA N 1 Ngawi. University of Semarang ( Unpublished ).

Wessler, S. L. (2003). It’s hard to Learn When You’re Scared. Educational Leadership, 61(1), 40-43

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