Cek_login.php Menu.php Media.php

12. Cek_login.php

?php include ..configkoneksi.php; function antiinjectiondata{ filter_sql = mysql_real_escape_stringstripslashesstrip_tagshtmlspecialchars data,ENT_QUOTES; return filter_sql;} username = antiinjection_POST[username]; pass = antiinjectionmd5_POST[password]; login=mysql_querySELECT FROM admins WHERE username=username AND password=pass AND blokir=N; ketemu=mysql_num_rowslogin; r=mysql_fetch_arraylogin; Apabila username dan password ditemukan if ketemu 0{ session_start; _SESSION[namauser] = r[username]; _SESSION[namalengkap] = r[nama_lengkap]; _SESSION[passuser] = r[password]; _SESSION[leveluser] = r[level]; headerlocation:media.php?module=home; } else{ echo link href=..configadminstyle.css rel=stylesheet type=textcss; echo centerLOGIN GAGAL br Username atau Password Anda tidak benar.br Atau account Anda sedang diblokir.br; echo a href=index.phpbULANGI LAGIbacenter; } ?

13. Menu.php

?php include ..configkoneksi.php; if _SESSION[leveluser]==admin{ sql=mysql_queryselect from modul where aktif=Y order by urutan; } else{ sql=mysql_queryselect from modul where status=user and aktif=Y order by urutan; } while m=mysql_fetch_arraysql{ echo lia href=m[link]187; m[nama_modul]ali; } ?

14. Media.php

?php error_reporting0; session_start; Universitas Sumatera Utara if empty_SESSION[username] AND empty_SESSION[passuser] { echo link href=style.css rel=stylesheet type=textcss centerUntuk mengakses modul, Anda harus login br; echo a href=index.phpbLOGINbacenter; }else{ ? htmlhead titletitlescript language=javascript type=textjavascript tinyMCE_GZ.init{ plugins : style,layer,table,save,advhr,advimage, ..., themes : simple,advanced, languages : en, disk_cache : true, debug : false}; script script language=javascript type=textjavascript src=..tinymcpuktiny_mce_src.jsscript script type=textjavascript tinyMCE.init{ mode : textareas, theme : advanced, plugins : table,youtube,advhr,advimage,advlink,emotions,flash,searchreplace ,paste,directionality,noneditable,contextmenu, theme_advanced_buttons1_add : fontselect,fontsizeselect, theme_advanced_buttons2_add : separator,preview,zoom,separator,forecolor,backcolor,liststyle, theme_advanced_buttons2_add_before: cut,copy,paste,separator,search,replace,separator, theme_advanced_buttons3_add_before : tablecontrols,separator,youtube,separator, theme_advanced_buttons3_add : emotions,flash, theme_advanced_toolbar_location : top, theme_advanced_toolbar_align : left, theme_advanced_statusbar_location : bottom, extended_valid_elements : hr[class|width|size|noshade], file_browser_callback : fileBrowserCallBack, paste_use_dialog : false, theme_advanced_resizing : true, theme_advanced_resize_horizontal : false, theme_advanced_link_targets : _something=My somthing;_something2=My somthing2;_something3=My somthing3;, apply_source_formatting : true}; function fileBrowserCallBackfield_name, url, type, win {var connector = ....filemanagerbrowser.html?Connector=connectorsphpconnector .php; var enableAutoTypeSelection = true; var cType; tinymcpuk_field = field_name; tinymcpuk = win; switch type { case image: cType = Image; break; case flash: cType = Flash; Universitas Sumatera Utara break; case file: cType = File; break; } if enableAutoTypeSelection cType { connector += Type= + cType; } window.openconnector, tinymcpuk, modal,width=600,height=400; } scriptlink href=style.css rel=stylesheet type=textcss head body div id=header div id=menu ul lia href=?module=home187; Homeali ?php include menu.php; ? lia href=logout.php187; Logoutali ul pnbsp;p div div id=content ?php include content.php; ? div div id=footer Copyright copy; 2014 by Swyzhi Winingrum. All rights reserved.div div bodyhtml ?php } ?

15. Style.css