Aksi.php Item.php

document.writetd bgcolor=909090 align=centerStd; document.writetd bgcolor=909090 align=centerRtd; document.writetd bgcolor=909090 align=centerKtd; document.writetd bgcolor=909090 align=centerJtd; document.writetd bgcolor=909090 align=centerStd; document.writetr; if currentDate.getDay = 0 { document.writetr; for i = 0; i currentDate.getDay; i++ { document.writetdnbsp;td;} } while currentDate.getMonth == currentMonth { if currentDate.getDay == 0 { document.writetr; } if hariini==currentDate.getDate{ document.writetd align=center bgcolor=FF9900 font color=CC0000strong + currentDate.getDate + strongfonttd;} else{ document.writetd align=center + currentDate.getDate + td; } if currentDate.getDay == 6{ document.writetr; } currentDate.setDatecurrentDate.getDate + 1; } for i = currentDate.getDay; i = 6; i++ { document.writetdnbsp;td; } document.writefonttable; SCRIPT div

6. Aksi.php

?php session_start; error_reporting0; include configkoneksi.php; include configlibrary.php; module=_GET[module]; act=_GET[act]; if module==keranjang AND act==tambah{ sid = session_id; sql2 = mysql_querySELECT stok FROM produk WHERE id_produk=_GET[id]; r=mysql_fetch_arraysql2; stok=r[stok]; if stok == 0{ echo stok habis; } else{ check if the product is already in cart table for this session sql = mysql_querySELECT id_produk FROM orders_temp WHERE id_produk=_GET[id] AND id_session=sid; ketemu=mysql_num_rowssql; Universitas Sumatera Utara if ketemu==0{ put the product in cart table mysql_queryINSERT INTO orders_temp id_produk, jumlah, id_session, tgl_order_temp, jam_order_temp, stok_tempVALUES _GET[id], 1, sid, tgl_sekarang, jam_sekarang, stok; } else { update product quantity in cart table mysql_queryUPDATE orders_temp SET jumlah = jumlah + 1 WHERE id_session =sid AND id_produk=_GET[id]; } deleteAbandonedCart; headerLocation:keranjang-belanja.html; }} elseif module==keranjang AND act==hapus{ mysql_queryDELETE FROM orders_temp WHERE id_orders_temp=_GET[id]; headerLocation:keranjang-belanja.html;} elseif module==keranjang AND act==update{ id = _POST[id]; jml_data = countid; jumlah = _POST[jml]; quantity for i=1; i = jml_data; i++{ sql2 = mysql_querySELECT stok_temp FROM orders_temp WHERE id_orders_temp=.id[i].; whiler=mysql_fetch_arraysql2{ if jumlah[i] r[stok_temp]{ echo scriptwindow.alertJumlah yang dibeli melebihi stok yang ada; window.location=keranjang-belanja.htmlscript } else{ mysql_queryUPDATE orders_temp SET jumlah = .jumlah[i]. WHERE id_orders_temp = .id[i].; headerLocation:keranjang-belanja.html;} }}} Delete all cart entries older than one day function deleteAbandonedCart{ kemarin = dateY-m-d, mktime0,0,0, datem, dated - 1, dateY; mysql_queryDELETE FROM orders_temp WHERE tgl_order_temp kemarin;} ?

7. Item.php

?php sid = session_id; sql = mysql_querySELECT SUMjumlahharga as total, SUMjumlah as totaljumlah FROM orders_temp, produk WHERE id_session=sid AND orders_temp.id_produk= produk.id_produk ; whiler=mysql_fetch_arraysql{ if r[totaljumlah] = { total_rp = format_rupiahr[total]; echo ia href=keranjang-belanja.htmlr[totaljumlah] itemaibr span class=border_cartspan Total: span class=priceRp. total_rpspan; } else{ Universitas Sumatera Utara echo i0 itemibr span class=border_cartspan Total: span class=priceRp. 0span;} } ?

8. Media.php