C Background of the Study

10 CHAPTER V........................................................................................................................................... 42 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................................................................................. 42

A. C

ONCLUSION ................................................................................................... 42 B. S UGGESTION ................................................................................................... 42 BIBILIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………………... .32 APPENDIX……………………………………………………………………… ….34 11


A. Background of the Study

English has already become an International language for communication. English is used in daily life in terms of education and as a means of transferring knowledge whether orally or written. In Indonesia, English has become an obligatory subject beginning from Junior High School up to the University. That is why the students are expected to master English, including the ability of using the simple present tense as a part of English Grammar. However, in reality students are not able to use the simple present tense. This can be proved by the fact that the students’ English score are still categorized low under six. Beside, the low level of English students’ score, the writer also experienced that most students still make mistake in using the simple present tense. They often continue to make mistake because the lack of knowledge of using the -s, -es morpheme on the third singular person and using auxiliary present do and does that constitutes an asset of mastering the simple present tense. The students are also confused with the forms of present tense and their usage and they have difficulty in using them. On the other hand, one of the easiest rules to explain is the use of the -s morpheme on the third person of the simple present. We always add –s and -es with the pronoun he, she, and it. This is a straightforward rule, but it needs qualifying immediately. Simple Present can restate it by saying that we add -s to all verbs for third person singular of the simple present unless they are modal verbs must, can, will, should, etc., so simple rule has become slightly less simple. 1 The low level of students’ ability in using the simple present tense is caused by many factors internally as well as externally. Internally, the ability in using the simple present tense is affected by motivation in learning, interest in learning, students learning styles and so on. Externally, is including teachers, methodology in teaching English. In teaching English, method can influence the students’ ability in using the simple present tense. Because, methodology can help students to acquire the lesson easily, so teacher can choose the best methodology to be used in teaching simple present. Therefore, he took this factor to be proven whether it is true or no in influencing student when they learn simple present tense in the classroom. The writer would like to make a research about the simple present tense that is taught using the Accelerated Learning. It is necessary to look for a new way in teaching English grammar especially the simple present tense in order to make teaching effective, efficiencies and find out 1 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, England: Longman, 2002, third edition, p. 15. the suitable approach that can increase motivation and interest of the student in studying grammar. It depends on the technique of the teachers used in the classroom. One of the learning and teaching approach is Accelerated learning trying to give a new style for learning approach and offer the better result. It would like the students to be more motivated and successful. One way of doing this is to encourage the students to participate more in the learning process. Based on the background above, he will try to make a research about “TEACHING SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE THROUGH ACCELERATED LEARNING APPROACH”. A Pre- Experimental Study of ninth grade of Junior High School at Sony Sugema College Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang. Why the writer chooses Sony Sugema College BSD as his object of research, because, the score of the students was generally under average when they were following Try Out that was held once in two month. Most of them got score under six. Therefore, that is why this institution will be used as a place of his field research.

B. Identification of the Problem.

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