The Influence Of Using Short Story Towards Students’ Mastery Of Simple Past Tense (A Quasi Experimental Study At The Second Grade Students Of Junior High School Puspita Bangsa Ciputat Tangerang Selatan In The Academic Year Of 2012/2013)



DHITA FRADINA NIM. 109014000182







ii Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini,

Nama : Dhita Fradina

Tempat/Tgl.Lahir : Jambi, 22 Maret 1991

NIM : 109014000182

Jurusan/Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi :The Influence of Using Short Story towards Students’

Mastery of Simple Past Tense

Dosen Pembimbing : 1. Drs. A.M Zainuri, M.Pd

2. Siti Nurul Azkiyah, Ph.D

dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya sendiri dan saya bertanggung jawab secara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis.

Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh Ujian Munaqasah.

Jakarta, 6 Desember 2013 Mahasiswa Ybs.

Dhita Fradina

NIM. 109014000182





Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds for His blessing, help and guidance, so the “Skripsi” can be finished properly. Peace and blessing be upon our Prophet Muhammad SAW, the last messenger of Allah, and to all His family, His companions and His followers, Amen.

The writer is profoundly grateful to Allah SWT. He has blessed her with patience and strength, so that she can accomplish this paper. She knows that it needs a lot of effort to write this paper, and she realizes that without His blessing, she cannot complete it.

She would like to wholeheartedly thank her parents, Effendi, S.Pd and Rosmalena, S.Pd, for their unwavering support and pray as she pursued her bachelor degree. They are the most important part of her life and while this paper was a high priority, it did not supersede the value of family. Every time she was down and reluctant to carry on writing, they pushing her so hard and made her realize to keep going. They inspired her to keep working hard and not to give up easily. They are her inspiration to be strong to overcome every obstacle that she found when she was working on this paper.

She would like to acknowledge academically first and foremost, Drs. A.M Zainuri, M.Pd., and St. Nurul Azkiyah, Ph.D., the advisors, for having the patience to guide, to advise, and to provide her wealth of knowledge in making her paper better.

She offers her gratitude to all of people who have contributed to her study at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. So in this opportunity the writer would like to convey her great gratitude particularly to:

1. All of the lectures of English Education Department.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd, the Head of English Education Department.



School Ciputat for permitting the writer in doing the research.

6. Setiana SW Sitepu, S.Pd, as the English teacher at Puspita Bangsa Junior High

School Ciputat, for sincere help, time, and guidance.

7. Thanks for her lovely brothers and sister who gave endorsement, love, and

greatest spirit for me.

8. All of her friends at State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

especially Amien Tohari, Masuda Nizan, Nerfi Istianti, Siti Fatimah, Anisa U.J, Lia Maretnowati, Heni Wahyuni and English Education Department Students 2009 - E Class Never Dies, for brotherhood and sisterhood for giving her support and help. Also thanks a lot to Inu Kirana, her best friend in UNPAD, who always give her special support from Bandung.

The writer realizes there are still some mistakes in this skripsi and it is not proper to be said “perfect”. It is because the writer still has limited ability and knowledge. However, it is really expected that this skripsi will give advantage for the writer, and also for other people in general. Therefore, critics and suggestions are needed to make this thesis better. The writer hopes that it will be useful for the writer in correcting the mistakes and the weakness of this writing.

Jakarta, 6 December 2013 The writer

Dhita Fradina NIM. 109014000182



towards Students’ Mastery of Simple Past Tense; A Quasi Experimental Research

at the Second Grade of SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat. Skripsi of English Education

Department at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher’s Training of State Islamic University

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2013. The Advisor (1) Drs. A.M Zainuri, M.Pd. and The Advisor (2) Siti Nurul Azkiyah, Ph.D.

Keywords:Short Story, Simple Past Tense

This research has conducted to investigate the influence of the use of short

story technique in teaching simple past tense at the second grade student of SMP

Puspita Bangsa Ciputat in academic year 2012/2013. The subject of this research was 70 second-grade students (35 as a control class and 35 as an experimental class). The method used in this research was quasi experimental research. The quasi experimental research design used in this study was pre-test and post-test control group. It meant that the writer conducted pre-test for both controlled and experimental classes before doing the treatment, and then post-test was administered after the treatment applied. The finding of this research showed that there was

significant difference in the use of short story for students’ mastery of simple past

tense. It can be seen from the comparison of calculation of t-test and t-table. The

score of t-test (t0) was higher than t-table. The result of t0 was 2.10, while t-table for

degree of significance 5% was 1.65. It showed that the comparison of t0 and t-table

was 2.10< 1.65. In conclusion, t-test was higher than t-table so short story technique



2012/2013). Skripsi S1. Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Pembimbing (1) Drs. A.M Zainuri, M.Pd. dan Pembimbing (2) Siti Nurul Azkiyah, Ph.D.

Kata kunci : Short Story, Simple Past Tense

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan short story technique memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap kemampuan simple past tense siswa kelas VIII SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat Tangerang Selatan tahun akademik

2013/2014. Menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, penulis mengambil 70 siswa

sebagai sampel (35 siswa di kelas eksperimen dan 35 siswa di kelas kontrol). Sampel tersebut dibagi menjadi dua kelompok; kelompok eksperimental yang diajarkan

menggunakan short story technique dan kelompok kontrol yang tidak menggunakan

teknik tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi

eksperimental study. Metode ini menggunakan pre-test dan post-test untuk kelas experimental dan juga kelas komtrol. Penulis melakukan pre-test untuk kelas eksperimental dan kelas kontrol sebelum melakukan pengajaran, dan post-test dilakukan setelah selesai melaksanakan pengajaran. Data hasi penelitian

menunjukkan bahawa terdapat tingkat signifikansi pada penggunaan short story

technique terhadap kemampuan siswa mengenai simple past tense. Hal ini dapat

dilihat dari perbandingan perhitungan dari t-test dan t-table. Nilai t-test (t0) lebih besar dari nilai t-table (tt). Hasil dari t0 adalah 2.10, dimana hasil dari tt dengan derajat kebebasan (68) dan pada tingkat signifikansi 5% adalah 1.65. ini menunjukkan bahwa

perbandingan t0 dan t-table is 2.10 < 1.65. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa t-test lebih besar

dari t-table sehinngga short story technique memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap







ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii




CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study ... 1

B. Research Questions ... 4

C. Objective of the Study ... 4

D. Significance of the Study ... 4

CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. The Definition of Tense ... 5

B. Simple Past Tense 1. Definition of Simple Past Tense ... 6

2. The Form of Simple Past Tense ... 7

3. The Use of Simple Past Tense ... 12

C. The Short Story 1. Definition of Short Story ... 13



E. The Method of Teaching in the Control Class ... 22

F. Previous Study ... 23

G. The Implication for this Study ... 23

H. The Hypothesis ... 24


B. The Objective of Study ... 25

C. The Time and Place of Study ... 25

D. The Population and Sample ... 25

E. The Technique of Data Collection ... 26

F. The Content of Intervantion ... 28

G. The Technique of Data Analysis ... 29

H. The Statistic Hypothesis ... 31

CHAPTER IV A. Data Description ... 32

B. Data Analysis ... 39

C. Testing of Hypothesis ... 46

D. Data Interpretation ... 47

CHAPTER V A. Conclusion ... 48

B. Suggestion ... 49




Table 4.2 The Students’ Score of Post-Test ... 37

Table 4.3 The Gained Score ... 40

Table 4.4 The t-test of Pre-Test in the Experimental and the Controlled Classes ... 41

Table 4.5 The t-test of Post-Tets in the Experimental and the Controlled Classes ... 42

Table 4.6 The t-tets of Gained Score in the Experimental and The Controlled Classes ... 43

Table 4.7 The Comparison Score of Each Student in Experimental and Controlled Classes ... 44



Appendix 3: Lesson Plans ... 65

Appendix 4: Short Story Texts ... 109

Appendix 5: Intruments of Pre-Test and Post-Test ... 117

Appendix 6: The Key of Instrument ... 120

Appendix 7: The Students’ Lower Scores (The Experimental Class and Controlled Class) ... 121

Appendix 8: The Students’s Median Scores (The Experimental Class and Controlled Class) ... 123

Appendix 9: The Students’ Higher Scores (The Experimental Class and Controlled Class) ... 125





This chapter consists of four topics. The first is a background of study that

bridges the writer’s reason to do this study. Then, research questions addressed

the study. The third is the objective of the study. The last is significances of the study, which are expected to be useful for the teacher, the students and the writer.


Background of Study

Learning a new language, such as English, learners have to master the four basic language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. Besides those skills, there are English components, namely grammar, vocabulary, and sound. One of the components that should be mastered in learning English by learners is grammar because it is inseparable aspect from the four skills above.

Grammar can be defined as the way how the words are combined together to make meaningful and understandable language. It means that having a good

knowledge of grammar, learners’ language development will be constructed. In

addition, mastering grammatical rules is indispensable. It enables learners to use the words, not only in writing but also in speaking because they know how the words should be put together in the right rules.

Moreover, the students will be easier to understand English when they understand grammatical line with the statement above, if learners have many descriptive and knowledge of grammar, their point of view about language learning will be better because grammar rules also help learners easier in

mastering English.1 From this statement, it can be concluded that grammar keeps

important position in acquiring the four language skills and should be learned well. In other words, grammar should not be ignored while learners are studying a foreign language. They must obey at all rules to construct the right sentences.


Don Snow, More Than a Native Speaker: An introduction to Teaching English Abroad,


One aspect discussed in the grammar is tense. By tense, the students can know when the action or event done, and understand the correlation between the form of the verb and the concept of time. Hence, the learners have to be aware about the time and the verb forms. Tense is divided into some types, which one of them is simple past tense.

Simple past tense is one of tenses which is necessary to be learned. Simple past tense refers to an activity that occurs in definite time in the past. However, the problem now is to what extent the students understand and apply the grammatical rules. Although English lesson has been taught since elementary level, there are many students of Junior High School who consider that English is a difficult subject to be learnt especially grammatical rules including simple past tense.

The difficulties may arise from the nature of the system itself or from difference between English and the learners’ mother tongue. Based on the writer’s experience when observing the process of language teaching and learning of the simple past tense in second grade of Junior High School, there are some reasons why simple past tense becomes the problems for students.

First, many students are lack of knowledge about regular and irregular

verbs which are different in use. In this case, the students do not know whether the verbs belong to regular or irregular one. As the result, the students feel difficult when they are asked to write the examples of simple past tense by using irregular verbs. This problem appears because there is no tense in Indonesian language. Therefore, it makes learners have considerable difficulty with English tenses, especially simple past tense.

Second, the learning activity is not interesting. For example, the teacher

rarely stimulates the students to be active in learning simple past tense. The teacher only explains the rules and the use of simple past tense. After that, the teacher asks them to memorize the rules and to do exercise in the textbook or to make sentences using simple past tense. Therefore, the students just memorize the rule of simple past tense in the classroom and forget it outside the class. That is


why the students get less practice and once they practice, they make a sentence which is not meaningful.

Consequently, the students’ motivation decreases and they feel hard to apply the rules of simple past tense, especially in determining the past form of an irregular and a regular verb. In summary, the students are faced with two problems. The first problem is lack of knowledge about regular and irregular verbs. The second is not interesting activities in the learning process.

Related to the above cases, young students have shorter attention span and need a fun situation when they are learning, especially in learning a new language. It is necessary to apply more suitable technique, which enable the learning and teaching activities more effective because the problem is not only the disability of

the students but also the teacher’s technique and creativity in teaching process.

Hence, the writer attempts to find a technique to make the teaching and learning process become fun, attractive and enjoyable for the students.

To solve those students’ problems in learning simple past tense, the writer considers that the short story can help the students to easily understand it. First, short story is a kind of narrative text that is typically associated with past tense. It means that the students will be familiar with the forms of Verb 2 (both regular and irregular verbs). Besides, the students also see the form of simple past tense (positive, negative or interrogative). It is expected that the students can identify

and memorize the verb forms easily. Referring to Indina Furnama’s research,

learning simple past tense by using short story can improve students’ participation

and their achievement.2

Second, the students are expected to be more interested and excited in learning English, especially, simple past tense because they do not only read the short story but also watch and listen to it. In addition, short story also entertains


Indina Furnama. Unpublish Thesis: Solving Students’ Difficulty in Learning Simple Past Tense by Using Short Story, 2011, p. 90.


and deals with various experiences in different way because it is immediately interesting. Usually it is “realistic,” and the students are familiar with its setting.3

Referring to the above problems of simple past tense and the usefulness of short story, the writer interested to further study, The Influence of Using the Short Story towards Students’ Mastery of Simple Past Tense.


Research Questions

Based on the background above the writer formulates the research questions as follows:

1. To what extent do the students master the simple past tense?

2. Can short story influence students’ participation in learning simple past


3. Does short story influence the students’ mastery of simple past tense?


Objective of the Study

Based on the research question above, the objective of the study is to find

whether short story can give positive influence on students’ mastery of simple

past tense.


Significance of Study

The writer hopes that after this study is completed, the result will give some contributions for the teacher, for the students and for the writer. First, for the teacher, the study is expected to provide alternative solution in teaching grammar, in this case is simple past tense. Second, for the students, the study is expected to solve the students’ problems in learning simple past tense. Then, the finding will also contribute for the writer to gain more knowledge and understanding on teaching simple past tense.


Philip Applemant., et al, On Teaching Literature, (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1979), p. 38–39.



This chapter discusses five topics. The first is simple past tense. Then, definition addressed the short story. The third is previous study. The fourth is implication for this study. The last is the hypothesis. These topics are aimed to

strengthening the writer’s research and guide relevant theories. In addition, these

topics introduce and describe theories that explain the research problem under this study.


The Definition of Tense

Before discussing simple past tense, it is better to know what tense means in English. By tense, the students can know the time when the actions occur, and understand the correlation between the form of the verb and their concept of time. Tense is defined as the time at which the verb’s action occurs. The action can occur now (present tense), before (past tense), or after (future tense). 1 It can be

known by looking at the verb of a sentence. For example, the verb writes can be

identified as a present tense form while the verb wrote is known as a past tense form. In this case, tense is different from time, which refers to a point in real life

at which something occurs, and tense refers to the grammatical form of a verb.2

Moreover, In addition, tense classifies verb in some categories. There are

simple present, simple past and simple future based on the time that verb is used.3

Therefore, tense is divided into four groups namely, simple tenses, continuous tenses, perfect tenses, and perfect continuous tenses. Each of them consists of present, past, and future tenses which have their own function.


Penelope Choy. et, al., Basic Grammar and Usage for Canadians, (Ontario: Nelson, a division of Thomson Canada Limited, 2007), 2nd Edition, p. 5.


Evelyn P. Altenberg and Robert M. Vago, English Grammar, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), p. 156.


Graham Lock, Functional English Grammar: An Introduction for Second Language Teachers, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 149.


Related to the above definition, tense is a way to know when the action is happened, it can be at past, present or future. In tense, there are simple tenses, which are classified into simple past, simple present and simple future tense.


Simple Past Tense


The Definition of Simple Past Tense

Concerning the simple past tense, it refers to an event, an activity or situation began and ended at a particular time in the past. If a sentence contains

conjunction when and has the simple past in both clauses, the action in the when

clause happens first.4

Referring the definition above, it is concluded that simple past tense is a sentence which is used to talk about complete activities, events, actions or states that occur and end or that is true at a certain period of time in the past, without any connection with present. It is often accompanied with such expression yesterday, last week, last year, two days ago, etc. Moreover, simple past tense can be used in two clauses which the activity first happen is a clause which contains a conjunction like when.

Meanwhile, the addition of –ed to the base form to produce a verb’s past

and past participle is can be defined as regular verb, whereas irregular verbs is not produced with the regular inflections.5 It means that irregular verbs do not form their past tense predictably. Therefore, in using simple past tense learners need to remember the past form of verbs whether they belongs to regular or irregular verbs by looking them up in a dictionary.


Betty Schrampfer Azar, Fundamental of English Grammar, 3rd Edition, (New York: Pearson Education., 2002), p. 25.


Martha Kolln and Loretta Gray, Rhetorical Grammar, (Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2010), p. 10.


Moreover, regular verbs have some rules. Regular verbs have some

different pronunciation although they have same adding –ed in the past tense. The

following are three pronunciation of regular verb with adding -ed:6

1. /ɪ d/ after bases ending in /d/ and /t/, eg:

Pad → padded /-dɪ d/ pat patted /-tɪ d/

2. /d/ after bases ending in voiced sounds other than /d/, including vowels, eg:

Buzz → buzzed /-zd/ budge → budged /-dƷd/ Call → called /-ld/ tow → towed /-ǝ ʊd/

3. /t/ after bases ending in voiceless sounds other than /t/, eg:

Pass → passsed /-st/ pack → packed /-kt/

Another resource also stated that most verbs in English are regular, but

many common verbs have irregular past forms.7 Therefore, regular verbs are more

than irregular verbs, but a small number of verbs which are also commonly used are irregular verbs that have different forms from regular one. The irregular verbs

do not take an –ed ending in the simple past and past participle.

In summary, it can be said that irregular verbs form of the past and the past participle is unpredictable. In other words, irregular verbs do not have certain rules of their changing. However, a regular verb is usually added an –ed or d inflection to form both its simple past and past participle without any changing of the vowel. Therefore, it is necessary for the English learners to memorize the irregular verbs by looking them up in a dictionary.


The Form of Simple Past Tense

There are three forms of simple past tense which have their own rules. Each of forms is divided into positive and negative forms. Commonly, the form of simple past tense is divided into three parts; statements, yes or no question and

informative question. They are as following:8


Sidney Greenbaum and Randolph Quirk, A Student’s Grammar of the English Language, (Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited, 2003), p. 27.


Azar, op.cit., p. 29.


Marcel Danesi, Basic American Grammar and Usage, (Hauppauge: Barron’s


a. Statements

Statements in English are divided into two, affirmative and negative statements. An affirmative statement is a sentence that state something in a straightforward way. Meanwhile, a negative statement is to denay, contradict, or refuse something. Each of them is different formed.

1. An affirmative statement is formed with:

Example: I played tennis yesterday.

We went to the movies last night.

Example: The weather was nice last week. You were late yesterday.

2. A negative statement is formed with:

Example: I did not play tennis yesterday.

We did not go to the movies last night.

Example: The weather was not nice last week. You were not late yesterday.

b. Yes/No Questions

Another kind of simple past tense is Yes/No question. Like form of statement, Yes/No questions in English are also divided into two parts, affirmative

and negative questions.9


Kirn, op. cit., p. 110.

Subject + Verb 2 +….

Subject + did not + Verb 1 + …

Subject + be (was or were) + ….


1. An affirmative is formed with:

Example: “Did it rain on last Sunday?” “Yes, it did.”

“Did your parents have a good trip?” “Yes, they did.”

Example: “Was Felix at work yesterday?” “Yes, he was.” “Were Amy and Matt at the party?” “Yes, they were.”

2. A negative question is formed with:

Example: “Did not it rain on last Sunday?” “No, it did not.”

“Did not your parents have a good trip?” “No, they did not.”

Example: “Was not Felix at work yesterday?” “No, he was not.”

“Were not Amy and Matt at the party?” “No, they were not.”

c. Informative Questions

In simple past tense, there is an informative question, which is usually used to get full information about activities, events or situation that do in the past.

Informative questions use interrogative words, such as why, where, when, who,

what, or who to elicit specific details.10 Besides, many simple past tense

informative questions use did before the subject; why can also have did not

before the subject. When who or what is the subject of the sentence, the main


Martha Kolln and Robert Funk, Understanding English Grammar, Eighth Edition,

(Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. 2010), p. 56. Did + Subject + Verb 1 +

Was/were + subject + adjective…

Did not + Subject + Verb 1 + …


verb is in the simple past tense and did is not used before the subject. The

following is the example of informative questions: 11

1. The positive form:

Example: “Where did your relatives stay?”

“They stayed in the upstairs bedroom.

2. The negative form:

Example: “Why did not you order in pizza?”

“I wanted a home-cooked meal.”

From the description above, each form of simple past tense is different whether it is affirmative or negative forms. The positive form of simple past tense

is formed by –ed (regular verbs) and many different changes for irregular verbs

based on the verbs. For negative, it is formed by did not (for infinitive) and

was/were not (for -be). Then, interrogative sentence, it is also formed by did/did

not (for infinitive) and was/were or was/were not (for -be).


The Use of Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense has some uses or functions. The central use of simple past tense is to locate the situation, or the part of it under consideration, in past

time.12 It means that the use of simple past tense is to express a repeated action or

event in the past, and a completed action in the past. There are several expressions of past time such as yesterday, last week, last night, the day before yesterday, a year ago, two weeks ago, yesterday morning, a few minutes ago, a month ago,


Eline Kirn and Darcy Jack, Interaction 1 Grammar, 4th Edition, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002), p. 107–111.


Rodney Huddleston, A Student’s Introduction to English Grammar, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), p. 46.


etc., to make it clear that the period of time is finished.13 According to Slamet

Riyanto, the simple past tense is a verb form that is used to express: 14

1.) One action which happen or take place at a particular time in the past:

 She was a teacher in 1975.

 She ate an apple a few minutes ago.

2.) Repeated, habitual actions in the past:

 I always went to mosque at night.

 My mother cooked fried rice every morning.

Referring the definition of the simple past tense in previous statements, simple past tense describes actions or situations that began and ended in the past. Therefore, there are two uses of simple past tense, namely to describe past actions and past situation. Time expressions often used with this tense include yesterday,

last week (mont, year, Monday, weekend, etc). 15

1.) Past actions, for example:

 I studied at a Japanese University for three years.

 They bought a beautiful house a week ago.

2.) Past situations, for example:

 He enjoyed his classes.

 We were happy for the party.

Moreover, the use of simple past tense is not always signed by the time

signal like, yesterday, last night, two years ago and others. The past tense can

sometimes be used when no definite time then is easily apparent. Hello, how are

you? They told me you were ill. In this situation, the speaker is thinking of a


Betty Schrampfer Azzar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (New York: Pearson Education, 1999), 3rd Edition, p. 27.


Slamet Riyanto, A Handbook of English Grammar, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2007), p. 136-137.


Patricia K. Werner, Interaction2, (New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2002), 4th Edition, p. 20.


definite time in the past. 16 In general, past tenses often replace the corresponding

present tenses in such contexts.17

1.) Reported speech

In keeping with the sequence of tense requirement of reported speech,

when speech is reported, the simple present is succedded to the simple past. Thus,

the verb be –am in simple present tense becomes verb be –was in simple past

tense. The requirement for reported speech is followed especially in writing, for


 John said, “I am a doctor.” (quoted speech)

 John said that he was a doctor. (reported speech)

2.) Unreal Conditionals

In clauses introduced by if, the simple past expresses an unreal condition,

for example:

 If I made many mistakes in TOEFL test, I would get bad score.

3.) Polite Requests and Questions

Particularly with requests and questions, the simple past is often used instead of the simple present to express a more deferential, polite one, for example:

 I want to ask you a favor.

 I wanted to ask you a favor. (more polite)

 Do you want to see me now?

 Did you want to see me now? (more polite)

According to the explanation above, it can be concluded that the use of simple past tense is no matter how long ago the event is, it can be a few minutes or hours in the past, and or million years in the past. Simple past tense is also used when the event is in the past and is completely finished. In addition, simple


Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik, A Communicative Grammar of English, (London: Pearson Education Limited, 2002), p. 69.


Ron Cowan, The Techer’s Grammar of English, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), p. 359.


past tense can be used in reported speech and unreal conditionals, and polite requests and questions.


Short Story


The Definition of Short Story

According to Natalie Hess in Literature in Language Teaching and

Learning, “short story serves the purpose of language learning well because it is

intense universaly in message and meaning; and best of all, truly a very short

story, taking up about four pages.”18 The return of literature as a rich and

worthwhile source for language study has been observed and appreciated over the last 20 years by the English as Second Language/English as Foreign Language community. It means that in a foreign language class, literary text can be used as a way for the teacher in explaining the material and giving the activities to the students.

Moreover, second language was taught by using Grammar Translation Method (GTM) where the literature became one of its characteristics in the nineteenth century. The goal of foreign language study is to learn a language in order to read its literature or in order to benefit from the mental discipline and

intellectual development that result from foreign language study.19 Based on that

statement, it can be said that literature had been used long time ago in foreign language teaching.

Literature consists of poetry and prose and short story, which is a brief fictional narrative in prose. Edgar Allan Poe popularized the idea that a short story could be read in one sitting and would primarily focus on creating one effect. Then, it tells one event in a very concentrated way and describes something at a moment of crisis. It is about people who do not really exist and has a plot and


Jill Burton, Literature in Language Teaching and Learning, (Alexandria: TESOL, Inc., 2006), p. 28.


Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approach and Methods in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 3.


characters that are somehow connected with each other.20 It means that short story is a work of fiction, so it involves the imagination. In other words, short story is not really happen in life and it can be read in a short time.

Moreover, short story typically shows character in dramatic scenes, in moments of action, and in exchanges of dialoges. The short story has traditionally been more concerned with revelation of character through flashes of insight and

shocks of recognition than early fictional forms.21

Considering the statements above, short story is defined as a short fictional narrative in prose about life which concentrates on a simple problem and an effect. In addition, the short story is a fiction that can be read in short time which aims to entertain readers as a part of pleasure.


Types of Short Story

According Dr. Henry Guntur Tarigan, types of short story are divided into

two types as the following: 22

1. Types of short story based on total of words:

a. Short-Short Story

It is the story consists of fewer than 5000 words or consist about 16 pages which can be read in 15 minutes.

b. Long-Short Story

It is the short story which has 5.000 until 10.000 words: the minimum word is 5.000 words and the maximum word is 10.000 words. This type of short story consist about 33 pages and can be read in 30 minutes.

2. Based on the value of literature, short story can be divided as the following:

a. Literature Short Story

b. Funny Short Story


Gillian Lazar, Literature and Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 73.


Robert DiYanni, Literature, Approaches to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama, (New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004), p. 41.



In line with those definitions, short story is a story of about two thousand words or fewer. The reader usualy reads a short story in a single sitting, and though it has an immediate and concentrated impact and the reader pauses a moment and savor its emotional and intellectual effect, they can rarely recall all its detail.23

Resuming the statement above, it can be said that short story is divided into two categories, according the total of words and the value. Therefore, it can be concluded that short-short story is more suitable for students because its word is not too much. Therefore, the students are assumed not to be stressful to find the idea of the story. In addition, short story can be read in one sitting, which means the reader only needs a short time to finish their reading.


The Elements of Short Story

As mentioned on the previous definition, short story is kind of fictional narrative in prose. This that means short story is not real story and tells the events in the past. All the elements of a story work together to convey feeling and embody meaning. Generally, in the short story, there are six elements. Typical features of short story include the following:

a. Plot

Plot is the arrangment of events that make up a story. A story’s plot keeps

the readers turning pages: we read to find out what will happen next. For a plot to be effective, it must include a sequence of incidents that bear a significant causal relationship to each other. In other word, a plot refers to a series of interrelated events, during which some conflict or problems are resolved. Plot can be looked at for purposes of discussion as if isolated from the people concerned with those

events and that conflict or problem.24

Referring the statement above, plot is a sequence of events in a story that is correlated to each other. Then, the plot should has sequences to make the reader


Jerome Beaty, et al.,The Norton Introduction to Literature, Eight Edition, (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2002), p. 401.



know where is the part of introduction, problems and resolution of the story. Therefore, the reader can understand the story easily.

b. Character

Character is someone who acts, appears, or is referred to as a playing a part in a literary work. The most common term for the character with the leading

male role is hero or good guy. The leading female character is the heroine. A

character is sometimes called antihero because she is not heroic in stature or perfection. An older and more neutral term than hero for the leading character, a term that does not imply either the presence or the absence of outstanding virtue is

protagonist, whose opponent is the antagonist. The major or main character is a

person who takes more part in the story. This character also becomes the reader’s

focus – everything story about him. Then, minor character is no longer takes part

in the story. This character is not as important as a mean character.25

According the statements above, it shows that a character is the feature of an actor in the story or moral quality of person. In the short story an actor just has one character that is major character, and the supporting character is minor character. The character can be known through what an actor does in the story.

c. Point of View

An author’s decisions about who is to tell the story and how it is to be told are among the most important he or she makes. In a story with an objective point of view, the writer shows what happens without directly stating more than readers can infer from its action and dialogue. It is the method of narration that

determines the position, or angle of vision, from which the story is told.26

In conclusion, point of view is important for the writer and the reader because the reader can be known who is telling the story. Moreover, it is an attempt to understand the relationships that exist between the narrator and the


Beaty, op. cit., p. 102–103. 26

Beety Mattix Dietsch, Reasoning and Writing Weel (A. Rethoric, Research Guide, Reader and Handbook), (Ohio: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2003), p. 429.


characters and events in the story. Therefore, it will make the reading more rewarding. Furthermore, the story can be seen more logically and can be easier interpreted.

d. Setting

Setting is also defined as the location of the story occurs. Basically, setting is an environment for the action and the characters. Setting is sometime minimized by the writer to emphasize other elements of the story. In certain stories the reader will not be aware of all setting, because the writer has never

specified the time or place of the story.27

In summary, setting is the place that the actions in the story happen. Seting is also important thing in a story since it make reader easily to know where the places and the times are taken for the story.

e. Symbol

One of the chief devices for bridging the gap between the writer and the reader is the symbol. It is something that stands for something else: a flower, for example, may be seen as symbol of a particular state. Symbols are generally figurative. We must remember that symbol do not disappear from the story, our

memory, or our response once their meaning has been sucked out of them.28

From the above statement, it can be defined that symbol is another important element of short story. It can enable the reader to interpret easily the meaning of the story. Symbols also help the reader to solve the gap with what the writer means from the story.

f. Theme

Theme is related to the other elements of fiction that are plot, character, point of view, setting, symbol, more as a consequence than as a parallel element


Larry M. Sutton, Journeys: an introduction to Literature, (Boston: Holdbrook Press, Inc., 1971), p. 6.



that can be separately. In other words, a story’s theme is its idea or poin (formulated as a generalization) of the story. The theme of short story is its implied view of life and conduct. To be clear about theme, the readers should

distinguish it from plot and from subject, what the story is generally about.29

In conclusion, theme should illustrate what attitude should take toward any statements of the story. Theme can be as a general idea of story. However, this generalization should have relation with all the features of the story.


The Advantages of Using Short Story in Learning

There are many advantages of using short story in learning activities. Its practical length means they can usually be read entirely within one or two class sessions. It is also less daunting for a foreign reader to tackle or to reread on his or her own, and are more suitable when set as home tasks. Students get that feeling of achievement at having come to the end of a whole work, much sooner. Moreover, it offers greater variety than longer texts. A teacher can choose very different short stories, so that there is a greater chance of finding something to appeal to each individual’s tastes and interests.30

According to Mary Alice Burgan, the short story is interesting. Usually it is “realistic,” and usually its setting is the modern world which the students know. And the modernity of the short story as a form which has only recently been accepted in its own right not only makes it interesing, but make it interesting in a certain way. The readers are all relatively familiar with the idea that the most important experiences of life occur on the inside; heroic action, painted on a grand scale, is interesting to us only so long as it gives us intimations for hero’s inner action goes. Furthermore, a hypothesis about the essential nature of the short story

does not pretend to be completely definitive, but it is suggestive.31


DiYanni, op. cit., p. 85.


Joanne Collie and Stephen Slater, Literature in the Language Classroom, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), p. 196.


Philip Applemant, et al., On Teaching Literature, (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1979), p. 38–39.


In addition, a form of short story is more realistic than the tale, and the main event is written in greater fullness. According to William Faulkner, he has

put the case well in an interview with students at the University of Virginia: “In a

short story that’s next to poem, almost every word has got to be almost exactly right. In the novel you can be careless but in the short story you can’t. You have less room to be slovenly and careless. There’s less room in it for trash. It’s got to

be absolutly impeccable, absolutly perfect.32

Therefore, short story is stronger. The readers can remember almost all, the details. Yet, if the readers are strongly impressed, they may read the story again immediately. Other advantages in teaching the short story is because it has no strict conventions and it is short enough to be talked about in terms of its organic, natural and formal principles.

Concerning teaching and learning, Penny Ur suggested some procedures in teaching simple past tense by using short story. First, it can be used for listening comprehension and slot-filling; oral. The teacher should tell the students a story which has plenty of action and be easily comprehensible to the students. Get them focus on past forms by asking occasionally for a translation of an irregular form, or by stopping and getting them supply the verb. After that the teacher has to finish, ask the students recalling some of the sentences in the past that were

mentioned in the story.33

In line with the statement above, teaching short story has also allowed the teacher to integrate the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), produce a lot of interesting language activity. In this case, the teacher reads aloud a short story and the students listen to it. After that, the students are asked to retell the story and write down the answers of the questions about that story.


X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia, Literature : An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing, (San Francisco: Longman, 2010), p. 15.


Penny Ur, Grammar Practice Activities: A Practical Guide for Teachers, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988), p. 213.


Furthermore, it is also stimulate reflection, bring out different opinions, and

energize absorbing thought process.34

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that through the short story students will enjoy because the story has a sensible and practical idea of what can be expected. Then the setting of story is familiar with the students. Thus, the setting makes interesting for them and easy to understand what the story about. Meanwhile, a good story offers elasticity for evocative stretching that moves students toward interesting language use. Thus, good literature, while promoting language learning, also inspires emotion, provides models and materilas for teaching foreign language.

Besides, almost every word needs the students’ care to find the meaning of

the short story. So, the students also care with the sentences that use simple past tense because short story often uses it. Therefore, it make students more familiar with the formula or rules of simple past tense. Moreover, the short story can be used to retain students’ vocabulary of regular and irregular verbs because the students will find many past verbs in the short story.


The Disadvantage of Using Short Story in Learning

Short story has a disadvantage for students as the readers. As a fiction, short story tells many unreal characters and settings. When the short story tells a strange place, the students have to be hard to imagine it. Therefore, to make successful presentation of short story, care and preparation are needed. As this statement, short story is extremely compressed. This makes the students such a delight. When a short story writer is successful, he or she encapsulates experience with a masterly economy of language and imagery. The readers are invited to see the setting for example the universe in grain of sand. But this compression can make it difficult for foreign readers to appreciate the quality of the work, even when they understand its surface meaning. When the readers look at a grain of



sand, they must be helped to see universe within it, and to respond to it on an

emotional level.35

Based on the statements above, it can be conclude that the students can be difficult to imagine the characters or settings if the writer uses the strange words that can be understand for the students but it is hard to convey. Therefore, when the students asked to retell the short story, they are confused to select the appropriate verb.


The Method of Teaching in the Experimental Class

A method is the way for teacher to deliver the material in teaching and learning process. There are some methods in teaching English as a Foreign Language. Some of those methods are Grammar Translation Method and Communicative Language Teaching. The writer uses those methods to convey the lesson about simple past tense by using short story in the experimental class. First, GTM as a method enable the teacher to teach the students by reading and translating the literature to achieve the learning goal.36 Therefore, in this study, the teacher asks the students to read the example of short story first, and translating the difficult words to make them easier undertanding the text. After that the students should change the verbs past to the verbs present in order to make them familiar with the verb past. In addition, they also asked to change the form of past tense like positive into negative or interrogative one. In this method, the students practice their reading and writing skills.

Second, the method of this study is CLT which aimed the students to

speak target language communicatively.37 In this case, the students are asked to

retell the short story which they have watched in a video. This activity enable the students to use simple past tense and practice it in speaking and listening skill.


Collie, op. cit.,


Diane Larsen-Freeman, Teaching and Principles in Language Teaching, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 11.



In summary, Grammar Translation Method and Communicative Language Teaching is appropriate for the teacher in teaching simple past tense by using short story as a teaching aid. The teacher can give the examples of simple past tense not only in a text of short story, but also in a video of short story to explain the form and the use of simple past tense. Moreover, the students also practice their four English skills namely listening, speaking reading and writing by those activities.


The Method of Teaching in the Control Class

Different with the experimental class, here the writer uses Conventional Method in teaching simple past tense in the control class. Conventional method is

traditional approaches to language teaching gave priority to grammatical

competence as the basis of language proficiency. They were based on the belief that grammar could be learned through direct instruction and through a

methodology that made much use of repetitive practice and drilling.38

Moreover, the approach to the teaching of grammar was a deductive, which the students are presented with grammar rules and then given opportunities to practice using them, as opposed to an inductive approach in which students are given examples of sentences containing a grammar rule and asked to work out the rule for themselves. Here, the teacher has important part and is really dominant in

the class. Therefore, the learning process is passive.39

Referring the definition above, this method is teacher centered, which the teacher gives the rules first, and then giving view examples about simple past tense. After that, the students are asked to memorize the rules and practice it. They are also asked to do the assignment in their textbook. Therefore, this method makes the students feel bored and hard to understand about simple past tense. It is


Jack C Richards, and Theodore Rodgers,Communicative Language Teaching,

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2006), p. 6.


Muhammad Ali, Guru dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar, (Bandung: Sinar Baru Algesindo, 2007), p. 59.


because the teacher does not preserve the interesting way in teaching simple past tense. Moreover, the students are not asked to be more active in the class.


Previous Study

Referring the previous explanation, this study aims to find the influence of using short story in mastering simple past tense, it is necessary to strength the theory that correlated to this study. Therefore, this study can be done. The writer finds three previous studies that reflect to this study.

According to Indina Furnama’s research about “Solving Students’ Difficulty in Learning Simple Past Tense by Using Short Story” at the second year of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Hidayatullah Umam Cinere, Depok, she found that

learning simple past tense by using short story can improve students’ participation

and their achievement. The method in this study is Classroom Action Research by using Kurt Lewin’s design.

Furthermore, according to Hisbullah’s research about “Teaching Simple

Past Tense by Using Cooperative Learning” at Second Grade of MTs. Pembangunan UIN Jakarta, he found that there is significant different between students’ score in learning simple past tense by using Cooperative learning and by using Grammar Translation Method. The method in this study is an experimental study by using t-test.

The last, there is a previous study about “The Effectiveness of Story Based Approach in Learning the Simple Past Tense” at the eighth grade students of SMP N 3 South- Tangerang by Leni Mandasa. She found that there is significance influence in teaching the simple past tense by using Story Based Aproach. The method of this study is an experimental study.


The Implication for this Study

Based on the theory above, the researcher will research students’ mastery of simple past tense by using the short story at SMP Puspita Bangsa. The writer assumes that short story is one of many aids that can be used in teaching simple


past tense. After the researcher get the data and find out the problem, she will

analyze the implementation of the short story weather it influences students’

mastery of simple past tense.


The Hypothesis

The term hypothesis as used in research refers to a prediction of result made before a study commenced. In this study, the writer takes the hypothesis as follow:

Ha : there is a significant difference towards students’ mastery of simple past tense between the students who taught simple past tense by using short story and do not using short story.

Ho : there is no significant difference toward students’ mastery of simple past tense between the students who taught simple past tense by using short story and do not using short story.





This chapter consists of the design of the study, the objective of the study, the time and place of the study, the population and sample of the study. The other aspects are the instrument of the study, the technique of collecting data, the content of intervention, the technique of data analysis and the statistical hypothesis.


The Design of the Study

This study is a quasi-experimental design which is not random assignment of participants to groups.1 It consists of an experimental class and a controlled class. The experimental class uses short story as a teaching aids and the control class only uses the materials in the English book for second grade of Junior High school.


The Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to find out whether there is any influence of

short story towards students’ mastery of simple past tense at Junior High school of

Puspita Bangsa.


The Time and place of the study

The study is conducted at Puspita Bangsa Junior High School, Jl. Aria

Putra No. 2 Ciputat. The research was carried out for a month from May 2nd to

June 3rd 2013.


The Population and Sample

The population of the study is second grade students of junior high school which is divided into three classes and consists of 128 students. Because this


John W. Creswell, Educational Research, (Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2012), p. 309.


study is quasi-experimental, the researcher did not randomly assign participants to groups. The sample was collected by using purposive sampling because it has specific purpose. Commonly, this technique is used because of the limitation of time, energy and cost. Moreover, the subjects who are taken as a sample are the

subjects who have more characteristic in the key subjects. 2

Based on the explanation above, the writer took A and B classes as the sample of this study. In the preliminary study, when the writer interview the English teacher, she said that the English ability in A class and B class were not too different. Their English classes were also in the same day. Those factors could

save the writer’s time and energy. Therefore, the sample of the study was students

in A and B classes. The writer took A class as the experimental class and B class as the controlled class because the writer wants to know whether the ability of the A class will be higher than B class after the treatment given. The writer took all students from A class (N= 44) as an experiment class and B class (N= 41) as controlled class. However, in the end of the research, the writer only got 35 students from each class because the other students were absent.


The Technique of Collecting Data

The writer used the test to collect the data, namely Pre-test and Post-test. Pre-test was firstly administered in both classes- an experimental class and a controlled class- to know whether the two groups have the same background knowledge. After six times of meetings, the writer distributed Post-test also to both classes. The writer then compared the scores of pre-test and post-test of both experimental and control classes.

The questions in the test are the same in both Pre-test and Post-test since the gained score is easy to be measured. Moreover, because the limitation of time and cost, it is hard to make different questions for the Post-test. The test consists of 20 items of multiple choice, which validity and reliability are examined.

The validity of a test is the extent to which it measures what it is supposed to measure. This research uses content validity to check the validity of instrument.



A test is said to have content validity if its content constitutes a representative sample of the language skill, structure, etc. Content validity is concerned with

what goes into the test.3

A content of the test should be decided by considering the purpose of the assessment and then draw up a list known as a content specification. The content specification is important because it ensures as far as possible that the test reflects all the areas to be assessed in suitable proportion. The instrument is line with the syllabus, as an evidenced in the following examples:

Table 3.1

The Validity of the Instrument Standar


Kompetensi Dasar

Skill Indikator Nomor Soal

Mengungkap kan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk simple past tense untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar Mengungka pkan makna dan langkah retrotika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunak an ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat. lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar berbentuk simple past tense Grammar Writing Siswa mampu mengide ntifikasi keterang an waktu past tense berdasar kan konteks kalimat/p ercakapa n Siswa mampu membuat kalimat sederhan a dalam bentuk simple

15. When I came to Nina’s

house _________.

she was watching

Harry Potter.

a. tomorrow

b. last Sunday

c. next Sunday

d. now

11. My mother and I - in –

1 2 bought – the market – 3 4

some vegetables –


Yesterday morning. 6 7



past tense dengan benar.

a. 1-2-4-3-6-5-7

b. 1-2-4-5-3-6-7

c. 1-3-2-4-5-6-7

d. 1-3-5-2-4-6-7

This table is taken from the English syllabus for second grade of Junior High school

Furthermore, a test is reliable if it is administrated to the same group on

different occasions and produces the same results.4 In short, in order to be reliable,

a test must be consistent in its measurements. In this research, SPSS (Statistic Product and Statistic Solution) is used to find the reliability of the instrument. The

writer finds the reliability of 20 items in the test is .535. Because the

reliability is low, the writer deletes 2 items to make the instrument reliability with

only 18 items, the reliability is .630


The Content of the Intervention

This study is intended to the students’ mastery of simple past tense. The

writer designed six meetings in this study. In the first meeting, the students were given a pre-test to know their background knowledge before the treatment. In the next meetings, learning materials were specifically provided for the experimental group. In the second meeting, the students were taught about simple past tense by using short story. The students were asked to read a short story titled Frog Prince. After reading the text, the students were asked to find the past verbs in the text and replaced them into present verbs. Then, they were asked to make simple past tense by using those verbs.

In the third meeting, the students were given a short story again with different title and they were asked to find the example of simple past tense from the text. Then, they changed the form of simple past tense for example, from the positive sentence became the negative one or interrogative form. In the fourth

meeting, the students were showed a video of short story titled The Monkey

Referee. After that, they were asked to review the story in the video. In the next



meeting, the students were given a different video of short story and they were asked to review the story again. In the last meeting, the students in both the experimental and the control classes were given a post-test to check whether they improved their mastery of simple past tense whether it increased or decreased.

The teaching and learning processes above were done in the experimental class. Meanwhile, the control class was not taught by using short story but by using their book.


The Technique of Data Analysis

Data analysis is the last step of the research. After collecting the data, which is the score of Pre-test and Post-test, the writer then analyzed the data by

using statistic calculation of t-test formula, both in manual calculation and

software calculation using SPSS (Statistic Product and Statistic Solution) are performed.

The t-test was done for three times. First, the writer compared the results

of pre-test of the experimental class and the controlled class to check the students’

background knowledge before they were given any treatment. Second, the writer

compared the results of post-test of the experimental calss and the controlled class. It aims to know whether there is significant difference of post-test score

between the experimental and the control class. Third, the writer compared the

gained score in the experimental class and the controlled class. The t-test by using SPSS can be seen in the table 4.6 on page 41-42, meanwhile the manual formula

is stated as follow:5




Mx : Mean of the Difference of Experiment Class My : Mean of the Difference of Control Class

SEMx : Standard Error of Experiment Class


Anas Sudjono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta; PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2008), p. 32.


SEMy : Standard Error of Control Class

X : using short story in Experiment Class Y : do not using short story in Control Class

Prior the calculation of ttest, there are several steps to be taken, they are as


1. Determining mean of variable X the formulation is:




2. Determining mean of variable Y the formulation is:




3. Determining standard of deviation score of variable X the formulation is:




4. Determining standard of deviation score of variable Y the formulation is:




5. Determining standard error of mean of variable X the formulation is:




6. Determining standard error of mean of variable Y the formulation is:




7. Determining standard error of different mean of variable X and variable Y

the formulation is:


8. Determining to with formula:




9. Determining t-table in significance level 5 % with degree of freedom (df):

df = (N1 + N2) – 2


The Statistical Hypothesis

The hypothesis is a statement in quantitative research in which the investigator makes a prediction about the outcome of a relationship among

attributes or characteristic.6 This research is designed to find out the influence of

short story in learning simlpe past tense. To get the answer of that hypothesis, the

writer proposes alternative hypothesis (Ha) and null hypothesis (Ho) as the


Ha: there is a significant difference toward students’ mastery in simple past tense

between those who are taught simple past tense by using short story and conventional method.

Ho: there is no significant difference toward students’ mastery in simple past tense

between those who are taught simple past tense by using short story and conventional method.




description, the data analysis, the testing hypothesis and the data interpretation.


Data Description

This section will describe the scores of both the experimental class and the controlled class. The pre-test scores will be firstly presented and then the post-test scores and the last are gained scores.

1. The Pre-test Scores

Table 4.1 reports the test scores of the experimental class and the pre-test scores of the controlled class. There are 35 students in the experimental class and 35 students in the controlled class.

Table 4.1

The Students’ Scores of Pre-Test

Students (x) Pre-test Score of the Experimental Class Pre-test Score of the Controlled Class

1 75 50

2 65 45

3 75 20

4 70 35

5 65 55

6 65 65

7 55 50

8 75 35


Students (x) Pre-test Score of the Experimental Class Pre-test Score of the Controlled Class

10 25 50

11 75 50

12 45 60

13 75 70

14 65 65

15 60 45

16 55 70

17 50 40

18 65 55

19 70 45

20 65 45

21 60 35

22 65 45

23 65 75

24 70 45

25 60 50

26 75 65

27 70 45

28 45 65

29 30 50

30 90 50


Students (x) Pre-test Score of the Experimental Class Pre-test Score of the Controlled Class

32 60 45

33 65 50

34 55 45

35 60 45

∑ 2190 1755

Mean 62.57 50.14

The scores processed from student’s answer sheet

The above table is the score of pre-test for the experimental class and the controlled class. The test was given in the first meeting before the treatment. The lowest score in pre-test of the experimental class is 25 and the controlled class is 20. The median score in pre-test of experimental class is 60 and the controlled class is 45. Besides, the highest score of the experimental class is 90 and the controlled class is 75. Meanwhile, the mode score in pre-test of experimental class is 65 and the controlled class is 45. Furthermore, the mean score of the experimental class is 62.57 and the controlled class is 50.14. In order to check whether the scores of pre-test in both the experimental and the controlled class are statistically different, t-test was performed in the data analysis.

2. The Post-test Scores

Table 4.2 reports the post-test scores of the experimental class and the controlled class. There are 35 students in the experimental class and 35 students in the controlled class.


Table 4. 2

The Students’ Score of Post-test

Students (x) Post Test Score

of the Experimental Class

Post Test Score of the Controlled Class

1 95 70

2 90 80

3 85 70

4 90 40

5 95 60

6 75 75

7 90 65

8 80 80

9 95 60

10 70 60

11 90 80

12 70 50

13 90 40

14 85 75

15 85 75

16 90 65

17 95 75

18 95 60

19 80 65

20 90 80


Students (x) Post Test Score of the Experimental Class

Post Test Score of the Controlled Class

22 70 65

23 85 55

24 95 75

25 90 75

26 85 70

27 95 55

28 85 75

29 90 75

30 95 65

31 90 75

32 95 75

33 95 65

34 95 70

35 85 65

∑ 3070 2360

Mean 87.71 67.42

The scores processed from student’s answer sheet

In the post test, the lowest score of the experimental class is 70 and the controlled class is 40. Meanwhile, the medium score of the experimental class is 85 and the controlled class is 65. And then, the highest score of post-test in the experimental class is 95 and the controlled class is 80. Besides, the mode score of post-test in the experimental class is 95 and the control class is 75. Meanwhile, the mean score of post-test in the experimental class is 97.71 and the controlled class


is 67.42. The writer will do t-test to see whether the experimental class and the controlled class differ in their post-test.

3. The Gained Score

Table 4.3 reports the gained scores of the experimental class and the gained scores of the controlled class. There are 35 students in the experimental class and 35 students in the control class.

Table 4.3

The Gained Score in the Experimental Class and the Controlled Class

Students (x) Gained Score of the

Experimental Class

Gained Score of the Controlled Class

1 20 20

2 25 35

3 10 50

4 20 5

5 30 5

6 10 10

7 35 15

8 5 45

9 5 15

10 45 10

11 15 30

12 25 -10

13 15 -30

14 20 10


Students (x) Gained Score of the Experimental Class

Gained Score of the Controlled Class

16 35 -5

17 45 35

18 30 5

19 10 20

20 25 35

21 25 40

22 5 20

23 20 -20

24 25 30

25 30 25

26 10 5

27 25 10

28 40 10

29 60 25

30 5 15

31 55 25

32 35 30

33 30 15

34 40 25

35 25 20

∑ 880 605


In the gained scores, the lowest score of the experimental class is 5 and the controlled class is -30. Meanwhile, the medium score of the experimental class is

20 and the controlled class is 15. And then, the highest gained’s score in the

experimental class is 60 and the controlled class is 50. Besides, the mode gained’s

score in the experimental class is 25 and the controlled class is 10 and 20. Meanwhile, the mean of gained score in the experimental class is 25.14 and the controlled class is 17.29.


The Data Analysis

This section is intended to answer the research question Is there any

influence of using short story towards students’ mastery of simple past tense?

The statistical analysis done to answer the research question is t-test. Prior to this analysis, t-test was also conducted both the experimental class and the controlled class by using SPSS (Statistic Product and Statistic Solution):

a. t-test Analysis of Pre-Test

Table 4.4

The t-test of pre-test in the experimental and the controlled class

Mean Score t-test Score

The Experimental Class The Controlled Class

Mx= 62.57 My= 50.14 to= 4.026

The first, table 4.4 reports the t-test score of pre-test in the experimental

class and the controlled class. Using t-test it is known there was a significant

difference from measurement score in the experimental class and the controlled

class (Mx= 62.57, My= 50.14, SDx= 14.265 SDy= 11.407, t(68)= 4.026, p= 0.00).

It means that the mean of the experimental class is higher than the controlled class (Mx > My). Therefore, there is a possibility that the mean score of post-test in experimental class will be higher too than the controlled class.


danced and was obliged to go on dancing over field and meadow, in rain and sunshine, by night and by day - but by night it was most horrible.

She danced out into the open churchyard; but the dead there did not dance. They had something better to do than that. She wanted to sit down on the pauper's grave where the bitter fern grows; but for her there was neither peace nor rest. And as she danced past the open church door she saw an angel there in long white robes, with wings reaching from his shoulders down to the earth; his face was stern and grave, and in his hand he held a broad shining sword.

"Dance you shall," said he, "dance in your red shoes till you are pale and cold, till your skin shrivels up and you are a skeleton! Dance you shall, from door to door, and where proud and wicked children live you shall knock, so that they may hear you and fear you! Dance you shall, dance!"

"Mercy!" cried Karen. But she did not hear what the angel answered, for the shoes carried her through the gate into the fields, along highways and byways, and unceasingly she had to dance.

One morning she danced past a door that she knew well; they were singing a psalm inside, and a coffin was being carried out covered with flowers. Then she knew that she was forsaken by every one and damned by the angel of God.

She danced, and was obliged to go on dancing through the dark night. The shoes bore her away over thorns and stumps till she was all torn and bleeding; she danced away over the heath to a lonely little house. Here, she knew, lived the executioner; and she tapped with her finger at the window and said:

"Come out, come out! I cannot come in, for I must dance."

And the executioner said: "I don't suppose you know who I am. I strike off the heads of the wicked, and I notice that my axe is tingling to do so."

"Don't cut off my head!" said Karen, "for then I could not repent of my sin. But cut off my feet with the red shoes."

And then she confessed all her sin, and the executioner struck off her feet with the red shoes; but the shoes danced away with the little feet across the field into the deep forest.

And he carved her a pair of wooden feet and some crutches, and taught her a psalm which is always sung by sinners; she kissed the hand that guided the axe, and went away over the heath.

"Now, I have suffered enough for the red shoes," she said; "I will go to church, so that people can see me." And she went quickly up to the church-door; but when she came there, the red shoes were dancing before her, and she was frightened, and turned back.

During the whole week she was sad and wept many bitter tears, but when Sunday came again she said: "Now I have suffered and striven enough. I believe I am quite as good as many of those who sit in church and give themselves airs." And so she went boldly on; but she had not got farther than the churchyard gate when she saw the red shoes dancing along before her. Then she became terrified, and turned back and repented right heartily of her sin.

She went to the parsonage, and begged that she might be taken into service there. She would be industrious, she said, and do everything that she could; she did not mind about the wages as long as she had a roof over her, and was with


good people. The pastor's wife had pity on her, and took her into service. And she was industrious and thoughtful. She sat quiet and listened when the pastor read aloud from the Bible in the evening. All the children liked her very much, but when they spoke about dress and grandeur and beauty she would shake her head. On the following Sunday they all went to church, and she was asked whether she wished to go too; but, with tears in her eyes, she looked sadly at her crutches. And then the others went to hear God's Word, but she went alone into her little room; this was only large enough to hold the bed and a chair. Here she sat down with her hymn-book, and as she was reading it with a pious mind, the wind carried the notes of the organ over to her from the church, and in tears she lifted up her face and said: "O God! help me!"

Then the sun shone so brightly, and right before her stood an angel of God in white robes; it was the same one whom she had seen that night at the church-door. He no longer carried the sharp sword, but a beautiful green branch, full of roses; with this he touched the ceiling, which rose up very high, and where he had touched it there shone a golden star. He touched the walls, which opened wide apart, and she saw the organ which was pealing forth; she saw the pictures of the old pastors and their wives, and the congregation sitting in the polished chairs and singing from their hymn-books. The church itself had come to the poor girl in her narrow room, or the room had gone to the church. She sat in the pew with the rest of the pastor's household, and when they had finished the hymn and looked up, they nodded and said, "It was right of you to come, Karen."

"It was mercy," said she.

The organ played and the children's voices in the choir sounded soft and lovely. The bright warm sunshine streamed through the window into the pew where Karen sat, and her heart became so filled with it, so filled with peace and joy, that it broke. Her soul flew on the sunbeams to Heaven, and no one was there who asked after the Red Shoes.




(Pre-Test and Post-Test)

Name :

Class :

1. Galih : Have you ever been in Kawah Putih? Risa : Yes, I have.

Galih : When ________? Risa : Three years ago. a. are you going there? b. will you go there? c. have you go there? d. did you go there?

2. I ________ Roger at nine last night. a. am calling c. was calling b. calls d. called

3. It was a beautiful day when we ______ for a walk in the park yesterday a. go c. sleeps

b. went d. going

4. My brother and sister were arguing about something when I _________ into the room.

a. was walking c. is walking b. walked d. walks

5. She was not at home when I _______ to her house yesterday. a. come c. came

b. is coming d. will come 6. Where were you a week ago?

a. I am in Bandung b. I’m going to Bandung c. I were in Bandung d. I will be in Bandung

7. Lidya : What a lovely purse!

Anne : Thank you, I ________ it myself. Lidya : Did you?

Anne : Yes, I did.

a. made c. am making b. make d. was making

8. She _________ her grandfather last Saturday. a. didn’t visit c. isn’t visit


b. doesn’t visit d. won’t visit

9. Frans : I heard that Taufik Hidayat lost the match. Randy : Yes, he did.

Hilman : Who defeated him? Frans : Bao Chunlai __________ a. is c. did

b. was d. does

10. Dina : Did the boys study after class? Intan : No.

Dina : What did they do? Intan : They _________ football a. played c. play

b. plays d. will play.

11. Arrange these words into a good sentence.

My mother and I - in – bought – the 1 2 3

market – some vegetables – yesterday

4 5 6

morning. 7

a. 1-2-4-3-6-5 c. 1-3-2-4-5-6 b. 1-2-4-5-3-6 d. 1-3-5-2-4-6 12. Mirna ____________ pizza yesterday.

a. eat c. is eating b. ate d. eaten

13. Mary ___________ Mr. Syam at the restaurant last week a. meet c. met

b. is meeting d. will meet

14. My brother ____________ me many story books last month. a. gave c. will gave

b. gives d. given

15. When I came to Nina’ house _________, she was watching Harry Potter. a. tomorrow c. next Sunday

b. last Sunday d. now

Text for number 16-20

Buggy Races

Once upon a time there lives two best friends, the hare and the tortoise. They liked to race against each other, but the hare always won.


One day, the hare asked the tortoise to race down to the beach. The tortories refused, he said that he will loose anyway. The hare replied in a kind voice that he felt sorry about it.

But the next day, the hare found a way to race the tortoise that would be fair and lots of fun too. He asked the tortoise to come with him. The tortoise was slowly plodding over the sandhill towards the beach. Now the two friends can race against each other all day and something tells me that the tortoise might win this time.

16. Who were the two friends? a. the tortoise

b. the hare

c. the hare and the tortoise d. the hare and the turtle

17. What did the hare ask to the tortoise? a. to race down to the beach

b. to run down to the beach c. to race down to the sea d. to run down to the sea

18. What did the tortoise say when the hare asked him to race? a. he will win anyway

b. the hare will win any way c. the hare will lose anyway d. he will lose anyway

19. When did the hare find a way to race tortoise? a. today c. the last two days

b. the next day d. the last day

20. From the above text we can learn that _______.

a. if we have been a looser in a competition, we will always be a looser b. if there is a will, there is a way

c. if we have won in a competition, we will always win d. we always ask someone to race



The Answer of Test

1. D 11. D

2. D 12. B

3. B 13. C

4. B 14. A

5. C 15. B

6. C 16. C

7. A 17. A

8. A 18. D

9. C 19.B

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