Coverage observation types republish om1.0.0extensions as omx1.0.0 in the OGC schema repository

10 Copyright © 2008 OGC – All rights reserved sch:rule sch:pattern appinfo documentation Specialized Observation, in which the result is a geometry documentation annotation element -- ====================================================================== -- element name= TemporalObservation type= om:ObservationType substitutionGroup= om:Observation annotation appinfo sch:pattern name= result must contain a gml:_TimeObject and nothing else sch:rule context= omx:TemporalObservation assert test= om:resultxsi:type=gml:TimePrimitivePropertyType xsi:Type of the result element must be gml:TimePrimitivePropertyType assert sch:assert test= countom:result = 1 one and only one child element must be present sch:assert sch:rule sch:pattern appinfo documentation Specialized Observation, in which the result is a temporal object documentation annotation element -- ====================================================================== -- -- ===== Observation with constant complex result ====== -- -- ====================================================================== -- element name= ComplexObservation type= om:ObservationType substitutionGroup= om:Observation annotation appinfo sch:pattern name= result must contain a swe:Record and nothing else sch:rule context= omx:ComplexObservation sch:assert test= om:resultswe:DataRecord swe:DataRecord must be present as child of om:result sch:assert sch:assert test= countom:result = 1 one and only one child element must be present sch:assert sch:rule sch:pattern appinfo documentation Specialized Observation, in which the result is a record representing a multi-component phenomenon documentation annotation element -- ====================================================================== -- schema

3.4 Coverage observation types

Listing 4 and Listing 5 implement the specialized observation types with coverage results described in and Figure 3. The Observation result is constrained to be from the Discrete Coverages schema OGC 06-188r1. Listing 4. observationCoverage.xsd ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? schema xmlns= http:www.w3.org2001XMLSchema xmlns:sch= http:purl.oclc.orgdsdlschematron xmlns:xlink= http:www.w3.org1999xlink xmlns:om= http:www.opengis.netom1.0 xmlns:omx= http:www.opengis.netomx1.0 xmlns:cv= http:www.opengis.netcv0.2.1 targetNamespace= http:www.opengis.netomx1.0 elementFormDefault= qualified attributeFormDefault= unqualified version= 1.0.0 annotation appinfo source= urn:ogc:specification:om:doc-is07-022r3:1.0.0 sch:title Schematron validation sch:title sch:ns prefix= omx uri= http:www.opengis.netomx1.0 sch:ns prefix= om uri= http:www.opengis.netom1.0 sch:ns prefix= cv uri= http:www.opengis.netcv0.2.1 appinfo documentation observationCoverage.xsd An implementation of the OandM model for SWE This document contains specializations of the basic observation pattern, fixing the type of the result to be various discrete Copyright © 2007 OGC – All rights reserved 11 documentation annotation -- ====================================================================== -- -- bring in other schemas -- import namespace= http:www.opengis.netcv0.2.1 schemaLocation= http:bp.schemas.opengis.net06- 188r1cv0.2.1cv.xsd import namespace= http:www.opengis.netom1.0 schemaLocation= http:schemas.opengis.netom1.0.0om.xsd -- ====================================================================== -- -- ====================================================================== -- -- ===== Coverage Observations = sampling a phenomenon that varies on the feature of interest ====== -- -- ====================================================================== -- -- ====================================================================== -- element name= DiscreteCoverageObservation type= om:ObservationType substitutionGroup= om:Observation annotation appinfo sch:pattern name= result must contain a cv:CV_DiscreteCoverage and nothing else sch:rule context= omx:DiscreteCoverageObservation sch:assert test= om:resultcv:CV_DiscreteCoverage cv:CV_DiscreteCoverage must be present as child of om:result sch:assert sch:assert test= countom:result = 1 one and only one child element must be present sch:assert sch:rule sch:pattern appinfo documentation Specialized Observation, in which the result is a generalized discrete coverage documentation annotation element -- ====================================================================== -- element name= PointCoverageObservation type= om:ObservationType substitutionGroup= om:Observation annotation appinfo sch:pattern name= result must contain a cv:CV_DiscretePointCoverage and nothing else sch:rule context= omx:PointCoverageObservation sch:assert test= om:resultcv:CV_DiscretePointCoverage cv:CV_DiscretePointCoverage must be present as child of om:result sch:assert sch:assert test= countom:result = 1 one and only one child element must be present sch:assert sch:rule sch:pattern appinfo documentation Specialized Observation, in which the result is a point coverage which samples a property at points in the feature of interest documentation annotation element -- ====================================================================== -- element name= TimeSeriesObservation type= om:ObservationType substitutionGroup= om:Observation annotation appinfo sch:pattern name= result must contain a cv:CV_DiscreteTimeInstantCoverage and nothing else sch:rule context= omx:TimeSeriesObservation sch:assert test= om:resultcv:CV_DiscreteTimeInstantCoverage cv:CV_DiscreteTimeInstantCoverage must be present as child of om:result sch:assert sch:assert test= countom:result = 1 one and only one child element must be present sch:assert sch:rule sch:pattern appinfo documentation Specialized Observation, in which the result is a time-instant coverage which samples a property of the feature of interest at different times documentation annotation element -- ====================================================================== -- element name= ElementCoverageObservation type= om:ObservationType substitutionGroup= om:Observation annotation appinfo sch:pattern name= result must contain a cv:CV_DiscreteElementCoverage and nothing else sch:rule context= omx:ElementCoverageObservation sch:assert test= om:resultcv:CV_DiscreteElementCoverage cv:CV_DiscreteElementCoverage must be present as child of om:result sch:assert sch:assert test= countom:result = 1 one and only one child element must be present sch:assert sch:rule sch:pattern appinfo documentation Specialized Observation, in which the result is a coverage whose domain elements contain references to objects encoded elsewhere, which provide the sampling geometry of the feature of 12 Copyright © 2008 OGC – All rights reserved element -- ====================================================================== -- schema Listing 5. observationCoverageCompact.xsd ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? schema xmlns= http:www.w3.org2001XMLSchema xmlns:sch= http:purl.oclc.orgdsdlschematron xmlns:om= http:www.opengis.netom1.0 xmlns:omx= http:www.opengis.netomx1.0 xmlns:cv= http:www.opengis.netcv0.2.1 targetNamespace= http:www.opengis.netomx1.0 elementFormDefault= qualified attributeFormDefault= unqualified version= 1.0.0 annotation appinfo source= urn:ogc:specification:om:doc-is07-022r3:1.0.0 sch:title Schematron validation sch:title sch:ns prefix= omx uri= http:www.opengis.netomx1.0 sch:ns prefix= om uri= http:www.opengis.netom1.0 sch:ns prefix= cv uri= http:www.opengis.netcv0.2.1 appinfo documentation observationCoverageCompact.xsd An implementation of the OandM model for SWE This document contains specializations of the basic observation pattern, fixing the type of the result to be various discrete coverage types compact version. In this schema, the derivation model is restriction Copyright c 2007 Open Geospatial Consortium - see http:www.opengeospatial.orgogcsoftware documentation annotation -- ====================================================================== -- -- bring in other schemas -- import namespace= http:www.opengis.netcv0.2.1 schemaLocation= http:bp.schemas.opengis.net06- 188r1cv0.2.1cv.xsd import namespace= http:www.opengis.netom1.0 schemaLocation= http:schemas.opengis.netom1.0.0om.xsd -- ====================================================================== -- -- ====================================================================== -- -- === Compact coverage observations = implement the geometry element in the result in compact form === -- -- ====================================================================== -- element name= DiscreteCoverageObs type= om:ObservationType substitutionGroup= om:Observation annotation appinfo sch:pattern name= result must contain a cv:CompactDiscreteCoverage and nothing else sch:rule context= omx:DiscreteCoverageObs sch:assert test= om:resultcv:CompactDiscreteCoverage cv:CompactDiscreteCoverage must be present as child of om:result sch:assert sch:assert test= countom:result = 1 one and only one child element must be present sch:assert sch:rule sch:pattern appinfo documentation Specialized Observation, in which the result is a compact representation of a generalized discrete coverage documentation annotation element -- ====================================================================== -- element name= PointCoverageObs type= om:ObservationType substitutionGroup= om:Observation annotation appinfo sch:pattern name= result must contain a cv:CompactDiscretePointCoverage and nothing else sch:rule context= omx:PointCoverageObs sch:assert test= om:resultcv:CompactDiscretePointCoverage cv:CompactDiscretePointCoverage must be present as child of om:result sch:assert sch:assert test= countom:result = 1 one and only one child element must be present sch:assert sch:rule sch:pattern appinfo documentation Observation event documentation Copyright © 2007 OGC – All rights reserved 13 -- ====================================================================== -- element name= TimeSeriesObs type= om:ObservationType substitutionGroup= om:Observation annotation appinfo sch:pattern name= result must contain a cv:CompactDiscreteTimeCoverage and nothing else sch:rule context= omx:TimeSeriesObs sch:assert test= om:resultcv:CompactDiscreteTimeCoverage cv:CompactDiscreteTimeCoverage must be present as child of om:result sch:assert sch:assert test= countom:result = 1 one and only one child element must be present sch:assert sch:rule sch:pattern appinfo documentation Specialized Observation, in which the result is a compact representation of a time-instant coverage which samples a property of the feature of interest at different times documentation annotation element -- ====================================================================== -- schema

3.5 Observation processes