Discussion Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:E:European Journal of Agronomy:Vol11.Issue3-4.Nov1999:

173 D.W. Lucero et al. European Journal of Agronomy 11 1999 167–177 action, but was due more to a decrease in shoot Increasing soil water deficit had a much greater effect on secondary LAR than on primary LAR growth than to an increase in root growth, as soil volume in this experiment was restricted. [Fig. 2b]. White clover subjected to no soil water deficit and grown in no interaction had twice as high a secondary LAR as the other two interaction 3.5. Stolon growth and relative growth rate treatments. Total LAR was highest for white clover grown in no interaction at no soil water deficit, Average stolon and stolon internodal length decreased as soil water deficit increased [Fig. 1a almost twice as much as the other interaction treatments and soil water deficits [Fig. 2c]. At and b]. At no and moderate soil water deficit, average stolon and stolon internodal length was moderate soil water deficit a similar total LAR was observed for each interaction treatment; how- highest in white clover grown in shoot+root inter- action, followed by plants grown in no interaction ever, the total LAR of white clover grown in shoot+root interaction was the most severely and then by plants grown in shoot interaction. At severe soil water deficit, white clover grown in reduced when soil water deficit was severe. shoot+root interaction had shorter stolons than white clover grown in either no interaction or in shoot interaction. For average stolon internodal

4. Discussion

length this same relationship was true for white clover grown at each soil water deficit level. Van Loo 1992 observed that root growth of ryegrass plants grown individually was reduced Stolon RGR decreased as soil water deficit increased [Fig. 1c]. The RGR of stolons was more than shoot growth at similar soil water deficit levels to those used in this study. In our study, substantially higher at no and moderate soil water deficit than at severe soil water deficit for white increased soil water deficit decreased root DM yield for ryegrass grown in no interaction. Plant clover grown in shoot+root interaction. Stolon RGR for white clover grown in shoot+root inter- interaction shoot or shoot+root lessened the effects of reduced ryegrass root DM yield that was action at moderate soil water deficit was as high as that observed for white clover grown in shoot observed in ryegrass grown in no interaction. That white clover root DM yield was only slightly interaction at no soil water deficit. At no and moderate soil water deficit, the order of white clover affected by increased soil water deficit could be attributed to the smaller root system of white stolon RGR was: shoot+root interactionno interactionshoot interaction; however, at severe clover compared with grasses Thomas, 1984. In a restricted soil area, such as that used in this soil water deficit this trend was: no interaction shoot interactionshoot+root interaction. study, the degree to which white clover root sys- tems could have been reduced by soil water deficit was thus less than for ryegrass. 3.6. Leaf appearance rate Wilson 1988 reported that root competition had a greater effect than shoot competition in 70 Highest primary LAR was observed for white clover grown in no interaction at no soil water of 47 cases found in the literature and concluded that root competition is usually more important deficit [Fig. 2a]. White clover grown in no inter- action had higher primary LAR at each soil water than shoot competition in determining competitive balance, the intensity of competition, and resource deficit level than white clover grown in shoot interaction. The highest primary LAR observed at use. Root DM yield of ryegrass was double that of white clover in this experiment Table 1. Jupp moderate soil water deficit level was for white clover grown in shoot+root interaction. White and Newman 1987 observed that water-stressed ryegrass plants had three to five times more lateral clover grown in shoot+root interaction at moder- ate soil water deficit had as high a primary LAR root initiation and growth than controls at severe soil water deficit. The ability of one plant to extract as white clover grown in either no interaction or in shoot interaction at no soil water deficit. soil water compared with another plant can be 174 D.W. Lucero et al. European Journal of Agronomy 11 1999 167–177 enhanced by greater root densities. In this study, shoot or shoot+root, offset the propensity of white clover to flower under water stress Table 2. ryegrass grown in shoot+root interaction at severe soil water deficit was more competitive for soil Generally, white clover spreads vegetatively by the growth of stolons and, therefore, is continually water than white clover. Burch and Johns 1978 have also observed that white clover grown in establishing new, adventitious root systems from stolon nodes. The long-term sustainability of white competition with Festuca had poorer control of leaf transpiration, which resulted in low leaf water clover in mixed swards subjected to soil water deficits could, however, still be compromised by potentials and increased leaf senescence. Grasses, on the other hand, have better stomatal control the reduction in inflorescence caused by plant interaction observed in this study. and higher leaf water potential, which increased and prolonged grass growth in drought conditions The increased DM yield observed at no and moderate soil water deficits for ryegrass grown in Johns and Lazenby, 1973; Thomas, 1984. This may further explain why, in this study, reductions shoot+root interaction compared with shoot inter- action with white clover could be attributed to in the shoot DM yield of white clover subjected to severe soil water deficit were considerably increases in N availability through N fixed by white clover, though this was not measured in greater than for ryegrass, and especially when the two plants were grown in shoot+root interaction. our study. The transfer of N fixed atmospheri- cally from white clover to companion grasses is Stolon growth and RGR and LAR of white clover were markedly reduced by increased soil well documented and can amount to about 70 kg ha−1 per year Ledgard, 1991; this may water deficit Turner, 1991; Belaygue et al., 1996. In our study, shoot+root interaction lessened the explain why ryegrass grown in shoot+root inter- action with white clover produced more shoot DM reduction in stolon growth due to soil water deficit that was observed for white clover grown in shoot than when grown in just shoot interaction with white clover. Shamsun-Noor et al. 1989 studied interaction. Beinhart 1963 has shown that the most marked effect of shading on white clover was the effects of drought on white clover and reported that N fixation rates were maximum at soil water the reduction in the formation of stolons from auxiliary buds. In this study, stolon length and deficits of between 60 and 70 , a level quite similar to that used in this study to define moderate soil RGR were markedly reduced by shoot interaction compared with plants grown in no interaction, water deficit. The optimization of N fixation by white clover at this level of soil water deficit has yet at no and moderate soil water deficit levels stolon length, internodal length and RGR were also been observed for white clover grown in sandy soil by Laperrie`re 1984 and Holter 1978 and highest for plants grown in shoot+root interaction [Fig. 1a–c]. by Wahab and Zahran 1983 for red clover and alfalfa. In our experiment, the removal of soil For white clover grown in no interaction or in shoot interaction, increased soil water deficit did inorganic N by the roots of ryegrass grown in interaction with white clover would have led the not change the percentage of stolon as part of shoot DM yield Table 2. However, increased soil companion white clover plant to increase N fixa- tion in order to obtain sufficient N for growth. water deficit did change leaf as a percentage of shoot DM yield in white clover plants grown in Inorganic N can inhibit many phases of the N fixing process Postgate, 1982. However, Morris no interaction or in shoot+root interaction. For plants grown in no interaction, flowers as a percen- and Weaver 1987 have observed that N fertilizer rates did not significantly reduce the amount of N tage of shoot DM doubled at each increase in soil water deficit — this increase was at the expense of fixed by clover in clover and ryegrass mixtures due to grass removal of soil inorganic N. leaf DM yield. It has been observed that soil water deficit can affect the balance between vegetative Additionally, at no and moderate soil water deficit, the shoot DM yield of white clover grown and reproductive growth in white clover plants Turner, 1991 and that long-term soil water deficit in shoot+root interaction was higher than when grown in just shoot interaction Table 1. This promotes the production of inflorescences Turner, 1993. In our study, plant interaction, whether increased shoot DM yield was in the form of leaf, 175 D.W. Lucero et al. European Journal of Agronomy 11 1999 167–177 especially petiole. Also, white clover grown in soil water deficit Burch and Johns, 1978. Burch shoot+root interaction at no and moderate soil and Johns 1978 have also shown that, owing to water deficit had the highest percentage of shoot white clover poor stomatal control during a severe growth in the form of leaf 69 and 68.5 and the drought, leaf senescence is a mechanism used by lowest in the form of stolon 28 and 31 white clover to balance rate of transpiration rate Table 2. Though stolon, as a percentage of and water uptake. In our experiment, white clover above-ground DM, was the lowest of all treat- drought avoidance in response to severe soil water ments, it must be noted that stolon length, inter- deficit can explain the low shoot DM yield nodal length and RGR were still the highest of all Table 1 and more importantly the low leaf DM treatments [Fig. 1a–c]. As mentioned pre- yield as a percentage of shoot DM yield observed viously, the moderate soil water deficit level used for white clover grown in shoot+root interaction in this experiment has been shown to optimize Table 3. The more efficient control of stomatal white clover N fixation Laperrie`re, 1984; closure and ability to reduce transpiration by leaf Shamsun-Noor et al., 1989, which would have rolling in response to severe soil water deficit favored white clover DM yield. Additionally, allowed ryegrass to prolong its growth period and Tomm et al. 1994, in a short-term N-transfer furthered ryegrass competitiveness for limited soil experiment, showed that N is transferred from water when grown in shoot+root interaction in both the N-fixing legume to an associated non- our experiment. legume and also from the non-legume to the Though no N fixation parameters were mea- N-fixing legume. In this manner, where there was sured in our experiment, the reduction in shoot shoot+root interaction in our experiment between DM yield observed for white clover grown in ryegrass and white clover, increased N from white shoot+root interaction at severe soil water deficit clover fixation that benefited ryegrass DM yield level might have been due to a reduction in atmo- could also have benefited white clover growth. The spherically fixed N by white clover nodules. Wilson question of ryegrass shoot+root interaction 1931 first reported that drought adversely increasing the soil mineral uptake by white clover affected legume root nodules. Engin and Sprent must also be asked. Whatever the reason, the 1973 attributed the initial effect of drought on response of white clover grown in shoot+root interaction to produce more petiole leaf material would have favored white clover photosynthetic Table 3 Variance ratios for plant interaction PI , soil water deficit activity by positioning a maximum amount of leaf WD and plant interaction by soil water deficit PI×WD for lamina to receive sunlight. A higher efficiency of ryegrass and white clover plant part dry matter yield white clover to intercept light has been observed in mixed swards Dennis and Woledge, 1985; Dry matter F association F water F interaction Woledge, 1988. Increased light interception leads yield deficit to increased plant photosynthetic activity, which Ryegrass would affect C assimilation as well as other plant Below ground 77.50 37.90 24.25 metabolic processes such as water use, mineral Above ground 7.99 23.02 2.16 uptake and N fixation. Total 21.71 35.03 6.61 The severe reduction in DM yield, especially White clover leaf growth, observed for white clover grown in Below ground 31.00 12.24 2.00 shoot+root interaction treatment at severe soil Above ground 1.19 71.14 4.19 water deficit compared with shoot interaction treat- Total 2.20 69.52 4.13 Petriole 8.49 72.48 3.09 ment Table 1 may be due to several factors. Leaf lamina 1.03 50.09 4.02 First, at severe soil water deficit, white clover is Leaf total 1.55 16.87 3.28 unable to reduce either relative canopy conduc- Stolon 6.78 45.45 1.70 tance or rate of leaf transpiration as efficiently as ryegrass and, therefore, is not as well adapted as Significant at P=0.01. Significant at P=0.001. the grass companion to avoid the effects of severe 176 D.W. Lucero et al. European Journal of Agronomy 11 1999 167–177 white clover to reduction in the N fixing capacity in shoot+root interaction. Ryegrass increased of nodules and noted that the severity of nodule shoot biomass yield can be attributed to benefits response depended on the length and degree of the from white clover’s N fixing ability, whereas the water stress. In our study, the 37 day period of causes for increased white clover biomass yield water stress at the plant level would have been of need to be studied further. However, at severe soil sufficient length to have led to the reduction in the water deficit, ryegrass had a competitive advantage N fixing capacity of white clover nodules. Butler over white clover when grown in shoot+root inter- and Ladd 1985 found a direct decrease in action. This was due to the larger root system of Medicago N fixation due to ryegrass competition ryegrass and its ability to control transpirational and indicated that N fixation was directly related losses more efficiently, thus prolonging its growth to legume weight. In our study, the DM yield of period compared with white clover. white clover grown in shoot+root interaction with To explain these findings more fully, studies are ryegrass at severe soil water deficit was 60 of needed that look at the influence of white that when grown in shoot interaction with ryegrass. cloverryegrass root interaction on 1 plant soil In addition, the increased DM yields observed in carbon allocation, and 2 the plant use of soil ryegrass grown in shoot+root interaction with resources other than water. white clover at no and moderate soil water deficit levels was not observed at severe soil water deficit, Acknowledgements which further indicates that N fixation by white clover was most probably reduced by severe soil The first author was supported as an American water deficit. Butler and Ladd 1985 additionally Fulbright Scholar in France by the Franco– noted that during plant competition the observed American Commission for Educational Exchange, increases in the DM yield of ryegrass were directly to whom thanks are due. Additional appreciation related to an equal percentage decrease in the is extended for funding received from the Integrated amounts of fixed N by the companion clover. The Program GALILEE, a Franco–Italian collabora- reduced DM yield of white clover observed in our tion partially funded by the Ministe`re Franc¸ais des experiment at severe soil water deficit would not Affaires Etrange`res. The authors are very grateful only have decreased the capacity of white clover for the tremendous help given by all Ph.D. students to fix N, but further allowed ryegrass to become and technical staff of the Laboratoire Agronomie much more aggressive for limited available soil et Environnement, ENSAIA, Nancy, France, as water. In our experiment at severe soil water well as innumerable others who helped in the deficit, white clover made up only 31 of the measurements and harvests. shoot canopy DM yield at harvest when grown in shoot+root interaction with ryegrass, whereas when grown in no interaction or in just shoot References interaction these percentages were 49 and 43 , respectively. Thus, as soil water deficit increased, Beinhart, C., 1963. Effects of environment on meristematic the RGR of white clover decreased compared with development, leaf area and growth of white clover. Crop Sci. 3, 209–213. ryegrass. This has not been observed under non- Belaygue, C., Wery, J., Cowan, A.A., Tardieu, F., 1996. Contri- water limiting conditions for white clover and bution of leaf expansion, rate of leaf appearance, and stolon ryegrass subjected to various cutting regimes branching to growth of plant leaf area under water deficit Woledge, 1988; Woledge et al., 1992a,b. in white clover. Crop Sci. 36, 1240–1246. Burch, G.J., Johns, G.G., 1978. Root absorption of water and physiological responses to water deficits by Festuca arundi- nacea Screb. and Trifolium repens L.. Aust. J. Plant Phys.

5. Conclusion