Introduction Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:E:European Journal of Agronomy:Vol11.Issue3-4.Nov1999:

168 D.W. Lucero et al. European Journal of Agronomy 11 1999 167–177

1. Introduction

Preference at the Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires White clover Trifolium repens L. is commonly ENSAIA, Nancy, France. In March of 1995 used as a perennial forage legume in the temperate seedlings were grown in specially constructed PVC zones of both hemispheres. Usually, white clover is tubes and boxes described below. Three composi- grown with one or more grass companions, the most tions of white clover and ryegrass plant interaction common being perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne were combined with three levels of soil water L. Hill and Michaelson-Yates, 1987. Grown deficit in a randomized complete block experiment together, white clover and ryegrass are major contrib- with four replications. White clover was inoculated utors to the productivity and quality of pastures. with Rhizobium triflii SB116 on day 10. From In mixture, grasses and legumes compete for week four to nine a complete nutrient fertilizer water, light and nutrients and may also compete for solution Robin et al., 1992 was applied once per O 2 , CO 2 and space Haynes, 1980. Mixture studies week. This nutrient solution was slightly modified have often looked at the effects of cutting and in order to supply both white clover and ryegrass grazing Wilman and Asiegbu, 1982; Evans and with N, P, and K at rates equivalent to Williams, 1987; Woledge et al., 1992a, inorganic N 165 kg ha−1, 60 kg ha−1 and 60 kg ha−1, respec- and temperature Davidson and Robson, 1986; tively. Average daily maximum and minimum air Ledgard, 1991; Nesheim and Boller, 1991 and light temperatures were 26±4°C and 13±3°C, and photosynthesis Dennis and Woledge, 1985; respectively. Thompson and Harper, 1988; Woledge et al., 1992b, as well as competition Martin and Field, 1984; 2.2. Plant interaction treatments Menchaca and Connolly, 1990; Lu¨scher et al., 1992. The dynamics of water availability and use are White clover and ryegrass were grown as fol- essential factors differentiating plant survival in a lows: 1 individually no interaction; 2 shoot pasture. Little, however, is known concerning only interaction shoot interaction; and 3 both white clover and ryegrass response to water deficit root and shoot interaction shoot+root inter- in a mixed pasture. Reduced white clover growth action. White clover and ryegrass grown in no in pasture mixtures under drought has been attrib- uted to its less extensive rooting system Thomas, interaction were seeded into plastic PVC tubes 1984; Guobin and Kemp, 1992. Yet the capacity 5 cm in diameter and 30 cm in depth filled with of white clover to extract water from deep soil soil made of a quartz sand filtered to pass a 2 cm reserves has also been reported Guckert et al., sieve added to a potting mix at a weight propor- 1993. Therefore, the results concerning white tion of 70:30 and packed to simulate a bulk density clover are conflicting. This greenhouse study was of 1.25±0.10 g cm−3. Individual PVC tubes were conducted to determine the effects of soil water spaced at intervals of 20 cm. For shoot interaction, deficit and interspecific plant interaction on the 20 PVC tubes 10 white clover and 10 ryegrass dry matter DM yield of white clover and ryegrass plants, identical in nature to those containing no and on the morphogenesis of white clover. White interaction plants, were placed in a 5×4 grid in an clover and ryegrass were grown in a shallow soil, alternative pattern in specially constructed crates either individually no interaction or in mixtures 30 cm×24 cm×30 cm. The 14 plants on the of equal numbers with just shoot interaction or outer edge of the 5×4 grid were defined as border with both shoot+root interaction. plants and were not included in experimental meas- urements. Each PVC tube was placed in a drilled hole of diameter slightly larger than the PVC tube

2. Methods and materials