




Sigit Prasetiyo

Teaching English stated in KTSP is particularly to enable the students to master the

four language skills; listening, reading, speaking and writing. The ability to

communicate is the primary goal of foreign language instruction that speaking is put

ahead on the other skills.

This Classroom Action Research was conducted to find out how the implementation

of Simulation Technique (ST) can increase the students’ speaking achievement and

improve the teaching learning process. The subject of the research was the first grade

students of SMAN 2 Metro consist of 32 students.

The result of the research shows that Simulation Technique (ST) improves the

students’ speaking ability. The indicators of the research concern with the learning

product and learning process. It was shown from the result in the learning product is

80% of the students pass the passing grade which is 65 while the learning process is

80% of the students active during the lesson and the teacher can get score 80 for

teaching performance. In the first cycle, students did not achieve the indicator

because the results were 17 students or 46.87% who achieved speaking score target

and 24 students or 75% for the students’ involvement, while the teaching

performance got 70. While in the second cycle, both of the indicators of the research

that were for learning product and learning process were achieved. In students’

speaking score, there were 27 or 84.37% students passed the passing grade. In

teaching learning process, there were 28 or 87.50% students were actively involved

and the teacher got 82 for teaching performance.


can be seen from the gain in the both cycle. Therefore, ST is recommended to be used

by teachers to improve their students speaking ability.





(A Classroom Action Research)

( A Script)

By Sigit Prasetiyo



1. Hery Yufrizal, M.A., Ph.D. 2. Budi Kadaryanto, S.Pd., M.A.

English Education Study Program

Language and Arts Department

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Lampung University



The name of the researcher is Sigit Prasetiyo. He was born in Adijaya village, East Lampung on November 15, 1987. He is the last child of Bapak Mukijan and Ibu Warni. He has three older brothers and one older sister. He was so obsessed with traditional arts and military since he was a four-year old child.

He entered TK Pertiwi in 1992 and then continued his study in SD Negeri 1 Adijaya East Lampung in 1994. Having graduated from the elementary school in 2000, He entered SLTP Negeri 3 Metro, Kodya Metro and graduated in 2003. After that, He finished his high school at SMA Negeri 2 Metro in 2006.

After finishing his school, he followed the SMPTN (A National Selection

Entrance to the State University) and he entered the S1 regular program at English Department, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University in 2006. In 2007, he moved on to the Lampung University and became an English Departement student there. He conducted Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) at SMP Negeri 7 Bandar Lampung in 2010. Currently, he is active as a member of Paguyuban Onthel Ria Metro (POTRET), also teach the students of English Club at SMA Negeri 2 Metro. Not only in English subject, but he also good in Vespa reparation. Now, he lives with his parents at Dusun 10, Adijaya Pekalongan, Lampung Timur.




“The glory of evilness will be destroyed by goodness”




TITLE ... i



MOTTO ... iv








A. Background of the Problem ... 1

B. Research Problem ... 4

C. Objectives of the Research ... 4

D. Uses of the Research ... 5

E. Scope of the Research ... 5

F. Definition of Terms ... 6


A. Concept of Simulation ... 7

B. Concept of Speaking ... 10

C. Concept of Teaching Speaking ... 13

D. Teaching Speaking Through Simulation ... 14

E. Procedures of Teaching Speaking through Simulation ... 16

F. Advantages and Disadvantages of Simulation ... 17


A. Setting of the Research ... 20

B. General description of the research ... 21

C. Research Procedures ... 22

D. Indicator of the research ... 24

E. Instrument of the Research ... 28

F. Data Analysis ... 29



1. Cycle 1 ... 32

a. Planning ... 33

b. Implementing ... 33

c. Observing ... 35

d. Reflection ... 40

e. Recommendation for cycle 2 ... 42

2. Cycle 2 ... 43

a. Planning ... 43

b. Implementing ... 44

c. Observing ... 46

d. Reflection ... 52

B. Discussion ... 53


1. Conclusions ... 61

2. Suggestions ... 62




This script is dedicated to:

My Father and Mother My Grandfather and Grandmother My Great grandfather and Great grandmother

My best friends who had assisted me My Almamater



A. Background of the Problem

English is a foreign language taught in Indonesian schools. It has become a compulsory subject from elementary schools up to university level. There are four skills of English to be mastered, namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Speaking is one of the central elements of communication. It is one of the important skills that students have to master. By speaking, we can deliver our ideas, information, and also maintain social relationship by communicating with others. The primary goal of foreign language instruction is to be able to communicate. That is why speaking is put ahead on the other skills. In addition, a large percentage of the world’s language learners study English in order to be able to communicate fluently.

Many language learners regard speaking ability as the measure of knowing a language. That is why the main purpose of language learning is to develop proficiency in speaking and communicative efficiency. They regard speaking as the most important skill they can acquire and asses their progress in terms of their accomplishment in spoken communication. For most students, speaking is the most difficult part when they learn a foreign language. Based on


at SMP Negeri 7 Bandar Lampung, many students could not speak, or expressing their ideas into spoken language. English students tend to have difficulty to speak in English in a simple form of dialogue or even to tell their ideas, utterances in English. It could be seen from their score when the teacher did the speaking test.

This condition may be caused by two reasons. Firstly, it is caused by the minimal participation of students during teaching learning process in the classroom. The classroom activity is teacher centered and directed. Students here tended to be silent unless they are called upon to answer the question. This created discouraging environment for language learners. As a consequence, most students could not participate in speaking English since they did not get enough exposure to the language.

Secondly, the way teacher delivers the materials in the classroom. Teacher depends on the textbook and it became the only source in the classroom. Commonly, oral test was done in written task rather than oral activity. Learning speaking became a matter of book-based activities and emphasized largely on grammar rules instead of giving speaking practice. As a result, speaking target would not be accomplised and the students would not learn to commincate orally because language is solely from a book and written task. To solve this problem we need techniques.


3 According to Kayi (2006, 6), there are many techniques that can be apllied in teaching English speaking skill such as role play, games, problem solving, song, disscussion, and simulation. These techniques can be implemented in any grade. Thus, the researcher here implemented a good technique of teaching speaking by using simulation technique. By implementing this technique, the researcher hopes to give new experience in learning English and have a fun situation in the classroom.

In this paper, the research was conducted as a classroom action research. Action research is classroom-based research conducted by teachers in order to reflect upon and evolve their teaching (Kevorkian,1998). While according to Arikunto (2006), classroom action research is overview from learning activity that rise consciously in the classroom.

From the researcher’s pre observation in the SMA Negeri 2 Metro on January 2011, most of the students were not able to speak, reluctant to speak and have low ability in speaking, because they thoght that speaking is difficult. That was why their speaking scores have not been achieved the standard (KKM) in the school yet. This problem made the writer interested in doing the classroom action research to improve the students speaking ability.

Based on the phenomena above, the writer tries to find the solution to improve the speaking ability of the first grade of SMA Negeri 2 Metro by employing simulation as a technique of teaching speaking. According to Harmer (1999:


274), simulation can be students’ simulation a real-life situation (such as a business meeting, on aeroplane cabin, or an interview) as if they are doing so in the real world, either as themselves in that meeting or aeroplane, or taking on the role of a character different from themselves or with thought and feeling they do not necessarily share. Simulation encourages the students to be actively participate in teaching learning process because this technique provided a way of creating a rich communicative environment where students actively become a part of some real word system and function according to predetermined role as members of that group. It did not only make the students active but also creative and critical. It stimulated real life situations and realistic environment. In it also, students can bring any item to the class to create a real environment. For example, if a student is a football player, he brings a ball to play it, or bring a weapon toy if he roles as a soldier. Threfore, it was appropriate to use

simulation in teaching speaking skill. That is the reason of why this research was focus on the simulation.

B. Research Problems

Based on the background above, the writer formulated the problem as follow:  How can the implementation of simulation technique increase the

students’ speaking score achievement?

 How can the implementation of simulation technique increase the students’ involvement during teaching learning process?

 How can the implementation of simulation technique improve the teacher’s performance in teaching learning process?


5 C. Objectives of the Research

In relation to the formulation of the problems above, the objectives of this classroom action research is to find out how the implementation of simulation technique can improve the students’ speaking achievement and students’ participation in teaching learning process.

D. Uses of the Research The uses of this research are: 1. Theoretically

a. The result of the research can be used as the reference for those who want to conduct a reseacrh in English teaching learning process.

b. The result of the research can be useful for English teacher in their teaching learning process, especially in teaching speaking.

2. Practically,

This research can be useful for English teachers to implement simulation to improve their students’ speaking achievement.

E. Scope of the Research

This classroom action research was conducted in the first grade of SMA N 2 Metro with one class as subject of the research. The class was X6 choosen by random sampling technique by using lottery. The reason why the researcher used this technique because it is the good way to find representing class. It purposed that we can find the class which represents the population.


The focus of the research was teaching learning process within the

implementation of simulation technique. The researcher conducted the research on the “on going” process by analyzing how the teaching learning process occured in the implementation of Simulation technique in teaching speaking. The research was limited only in particular themes taken from the 2006 English Curriculum of senior high school.

F. Definition of Terms

There are some definition of terms presented in order to avoid misunderstading, they are:

1. Speaking is the process of transferring knowledge of converse and how to express one idea, thought, desires, and willingness into good pattern and ordinary speech use to talk or recognize another.

2. Simulation is acting out or mimicking out an actual or probable real life condition.

3. Simulation technique is one of the ways for teaching and promotes speaking activity.

4. Teaching speaking means teaching how to use language for communication, for transferring ideas, thought or even feeling to other people.

5. Classroom Action Research is an activity undertaken by teachers to improve their performance and teaching skills in the classroom



A. Concept of Simulation

The major problem of our students in schools are not able to make

connections between what they are learning and how that knowledge to be used. This is because the way they process information and their motivation for learning are touched by the traditional methods or techniques of classroom teaching. Therefore, the English teacher should make an effort on searching and creating a new model in presenting materials in order to reinforce, expand and apply students’ academic knowledge and skills in a variety of in-school and out-school settings in order to solve simulated or real-world problems.

According to Kayi (2006) simulations are very similar to role-plays but what makes simulations different than role plays is that they are more elaborate. In simulations, students can bring items to the class to create a realistic

environment. For instance, if a student is acting as a singer, she brings a microphone to sing and so on. Role plays and simulations have many advantages. First, since they are entertaining, they motivate the students. Second, as Harmer (1984) suggests, they increase the self-confidence of hesitant students, because in role play and simulation activities, they would have a different role and do not have to speak for themselves, which means


they do not have to take the same responsibility. While, according to Lynn (2006) simulation is a structured, preplanned activity designed to stimulate the real world that has rules, scoring, and defined procedures.

Simulation is the imitation of some real thing, state of affairs, or process. The act of simulating something generally entails representing certain key

characteristics or behaviors of a selected physical or abstract system (Smith: 1999). Simulation can be used to show the eventual real effects of alternative conditions and courses of action. Simulation is also used when the real system cannot be engaged, because it may not be accessible, or it may be dangerous or unacceptable to engage, or it is being designed but not yet built, or it may simply not exist.

According to the simulation theory by Fraenkel (2007, 451), simulation is a good and valuable method for second language learning. It can encourage the student’s thinking and creativity, lets students develop and practice new experience in a relatively no threatening setting, and can create the motivation and involvement which are needed in learning process. In this research, the researcher will describe this technique in detail. There is little consensus on the terms used in the role playing and simulation literature. In role playing students pretend they are in various social contexts and have a variety of social roles. While simulations similar to role playing but what makes different is in simulation students can bring real item to the class. There does not seem to be some agreement, however, that simulation is a broader concept


9 than role playing. For example, views simulations as complex, lengthy and relatively inflexible, but role playing as quite simple, brief and flexible. Simulation simulates real life situations, while in role playing the participant is representing and experiencing some character type known in everyday life. Simulation always includes an element of role play.

While, Jones (1982:113), Simulation clearly promotes effective interpersonal relations and social transactions among participants. In order for a simulation to occur the participants must accept the duties and responsibilities of their roles and functions, and do the best they can in the situation in which they find themselves. To fulfill their role responsibilities, students must relate to others in the simulation, utilizing effective social skills.

Thus, it can be concluded that simulation is one of the activities which can be used to promote speaking activity, since simulation is very similar to role plays. What makes different is in simulation can bring the real items into the situation, so it is entertaining for student. Simulation can also be said the imitation of real thing, state of fair, or process. It has design, rules, scoring, and procedures. Therefore, this technique could increase the students’ activity, creativity, and their motivation. In simulation, students have their own duty for the roles in the situation. It gives the students not threatening setting, and can create the motivation and involvement that needed in the teaching learning process.


B. Concept of Speaking

Speaking is an essential tool for communicating, thinking, and learning. Oral language is powerful learning tool. It shapes, modifies, extends, and organizes thought. Oral language is foundation of all language development and,

therefore, the foundation of all learning (Hayriye, 2006, 1).

Speaking skills in learning is a priority for many second language or foreign language learners. English learners often evaluate their success in language learning as well as the effectiveness of their English course on the basis of how much they feel they have improved in their spoken language proficiency (Richards, 1990: 21).

Johnson & Morrow (1981) typifies speaking as an activity involving two (or more) people, in which the participants are both hearers and speakers having to react to what they hear, and make the contributions at high speed. In other words, each participant must have an intention or set of intentions he wants to achieve in the interaction. Each participant has to be able to interpret what is said to him, and reply with the language he has which reflects his own intention.

Speaking is the instrument of language and primary aim of speaking is for communication (Tarigan, 1987: 5). From this definition, it is clear that the students learn to speak in order to be able to communicate. Language is for


11 communication, and in communication, a speaker has a choice not only about what to say but also how to say it (Freeman, 1986: 130).

Byrne (1984: 81) says that speaking or oral communication is a two-way process between speaker and listener and involves productive and receptive skills of understanding. It means that we try to communicate with each other and use our language to send our message to others (listeners). Hornby (1995: 826) speaking skill is the ability to perform the linguistic knowledge in actual communication. The ability functions to express our ideas, feeling, thoughts, and need orally.

Meanwhile, Lado (1961: 240) describes speaking as the ability to express oneself in life situation, or the ability to report acts or situations in precise words, or the ability to converse, or to express a sequence of ideas fluently. This idea means that, speaking emphasizes more to the ability of an individual to convey something whether it is in the form of expression, report, etc with the language he has.

From the definition above, it could be concluded that speaking is two-way process between speaker and listener and it involves both encoding and

decoding process. The former leads to the process of giving idea or making the listener understand, while the latter leads to the process of getting the idea of the speaker. Through these processes, people interact with other.


Speaking must fulfill these following aspects, they are: 1. Fluency

Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately. Signs of fluency include a reasonable fast speed of speaking and only a small numbers of pauses. Fluency refers to the ease and speed of the flow of the speech (Harris, 1974: 81). Fluency is the smoothness or flow with which sounds, syllables, words and phrases are joined to other when speaking. It means that when a person makes a dialogue with another person, the other person can give respond well without difficulty.

2. Grammar

Heaton (1978: 5) defines grammar as the students’ ability to manipulate structure and to distinguish appropriate grammatical form in appropriate ones. Meanwhile, Syakur (1987) defines grammar as a correct arrangement sentence in conversation.

3. Vocabulary

One cannot communicate effectively or express ideas in oral form if they do not have sufficient vocabulary. Therefore, vocabulary means the appropriate diction which is used in communication as what is stated by Syakur (1987). 4. Pronunciation

Pronunciation refers to the ability to produce easily comprehensible articulation (Syakur: 1987). Meanwhile Harris (1974: 81) defines pronunciation as the intonation patterns.


13 5. Comprehension

Syakur (1987) defines comprehension for oral communication that requires a subject to respond to speech as well as to initiate it. Comprehensibility denotes the ability of understanding the speakers’ intention and general meaning (Heaton, 1991: 35). This idea means that if a person can answer or express well and correctly, it shows that he/she comprehends or understands well. C. Concept of Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking is the way for students to express their emotions,

communicative needs, interact to other person in any situation, and influence the others. For this reason, in teaching speaking skill it is necessary to have clear understanding involved in speech.

Teaching speaking means teaching how to use language for communication, for transferring ideas, thought or even feeling to other people. The goal of teaching speaking skills is to communicate efficiency. Learners should be able to make themselves understood, using their current proficiency to the fullest. They should try to avoid confusion in the message due to faulty pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary and to observe the social and cultural rules that apply in each communication situation (Burnkart. 1998:2).

Moreover, Japerson in Marians (1978) in Viviani (2010: 17) write that the essence of human language is human activity on the part of the individual to make him understand by another and activity on the part of other understands what was on the first. Then, he adds that the languages as an activity that


permits people to communicate with each other. Therefore, it is clear that language is very important. We cannot only teach what will be spoken but also the situation what we deal with. The teacher teaches speaking by carrying out the students in imitating of real situation when the topic is being talked about. The topic must be familiar with the students so what the ideas have an oral command of the language need to describe the topic.

D. Teaching Speaking Through Simulation

Teaching means give the order to a person or give a person knowledge skill, etc. While, speaking means use the words in an ordinary voice. Therefore, teaching speaking is giving instruction to a person in order to communicate. Speaking is a language skill that is developed in child life, which is preceded by listening skill, and at that period speaking skill is learned. It means that

speaking is the basic language. The process of speaking skill has happened or proceeded by listening skill. Increasing listening skill is very beneficial for speaking ability. Tarigan (1990: 3-4) stated that, the goal of teaching speaking skills is to communicate efficiency. Learners should be able to make

themselves understood, using their current proficiency to the fullest.

Dougill and Jones (1987) agreed that simulation is “mirror real life” and “reality of function in a simulated and structured environment”, which means that simulation is not real life; it is only a type of simulating real life in a simulated environment.


15 From the statements above, it could be concluded that teaching speaking through simulation is the way the teacher teaches the students how to

communicate by using simulated situation and environment. When teaching the students, the teacher tries to simulate the material in simulated situation

combined by role daily life simulation such as a singer, football player, or buyer. Teacher has a role as a director of this simulation and the way of teaching learning process. In teaching learning process hopes that this technique can motivate students to speak more because they can bring real-imitated things such as ball, microphone, or money.

In this research teacher have a few roles according Sam (2006), they are: 1. Controlling the class in order to make the situation run well and not off

from the design.

2. Teacher also become a model for the students usually in pre activity, in the while activity students act based on the role and situation from the dialogue given.

3. The teacher and the students can reflect what they have learnt in reflection. This activity usually occurs in post activity.

4. The last the teacher can describe the real competence of students through authentic assessment. Authentic assessment is not only done at the end of period but also integrated together with teaching learning activities.


E. Procedure of Teaching Speaking through Simulation

There are several procedures that should be done to implement simulation technique in teaching speaking. The steps are not really different with other steps in ordinary teaching steps. The difference is simulated situation during the class. Adapted from Sam (2006), the procedures of teaching speaking through simulation are as follows:

Activities: Pre activities:

 Teacher greets the students

 Teacher checks the students attendant list

 Teacher asks the students some questions about the topic being learnt at that day.

While activity

 Students write down their own information based on the topics learnt today.  Teacher gives the instruction to make a group consist of two or three students.  Students read the dialogue that given by the teacher with their friends in


 Teacher facilitates the students with the supported thing.  Students make their own dialogue with their friend in group.

 Students practice the dialogue in group by what the teacher already given the example for them.

 Students perform or simulate their own groups’ dialogue in front of the class in turn.


17 Post Activity

 Teacher gives feedback to the students of what being learnt.

 Teacher summarizes the materials by explaining what is being learnt today.  Teacher closes the meeting.

F. Advantages and Disadvantages of Simulation Technique

As stated before, simulation technique helps the teacher to relate the material to the students’ imagination or simulated situation. However, it also has some advantages and disadvantages. According to Sam (1990) there are several advantages and disadvantages of simulation. They will be as follows:

1. The Advantages of Simulation technique The advantages of simulation technique are: 1. Stimulates authentic conversations

Simulation activities stimulate authentic learner-to-learner conversational interaction. The activities also develop conversational competence among second language learners.

2. A fluency activity

It is where opportunities arise, the learner to use language freely and creatively.

3. Suitable for consolidation

Since simulation activities are more practice/revision activities than teaching activities, they are useful and more suitable for consolidating and practicing aspects of conversational proficiency than teaching new forms.


4. Creates sensitivity and sense of awareness

Simulation brings the outside world into the classroom. This could have affective aspects in terms of social interaction and cultural awareness. 5. Increase motivation

A simulation prompts mental and bodily activity. The activities require active participation. Concentration is also often required and it is not easy for students to stay passive for long. Situations are created for the students to use the language meaningfully and this will motivate the students towards participation. The less motivated students will be gradually drawn into the activity when they see the rest of the group having a good time.

6. A break from routine

The use of simulation activities is a break from the usual text book teaching and the ‘chalk and talk’ method of the teacher. The students have

opportunities to mix around and to act out different roles. The atmosphere in the classroom is less formal and this can reduce tension

7. Prepare students for real life and unpredictability

Real life situations and communication are unpredictable. The students may learn all the correct forms of communication but may not know when to use them appropriately. Simulation provides opportunities to react to these situations and to give the students a taste of real life.

2. The Disadvantages of Simulation technique The disadvantages of simulation technique are: 1. Activity is artificial


19 The situations sometimes are artificial and not relevant to the needs of the


2. Activities are difficult to monitor

With so much activity both physical and verbal going on, it is sometimes difficult for the teacher to monitor a student’s performance. There is the fear among teachers that the students are having too much fun and that no learning is taking place.

3. Spontaneity is lost

Very often the students get too much caught up with what to say. They hesitate to choose their words and do not interact spontaneously. 4. Timing lessons is to difficult

The teacher has to spend a lot of time in preparation work especially for simulation. He is not able to predict the amount of class time that will be taken to carry out the activity since the ability of each class is varying.



A. Setting of the Research

This classroom action research was done at the first year students of SMA N 2 Metro. It was done based on the problem faced by the students and the teacher when they are learning in the class. In line with the problem found by the researcher, examining the cause of the problem and finding the solution for that problem. The major students’ problem was they could not express their idea well this is because they have very little chance to speak up.

The subject of this research was the students in first grade of SMA N 2 Metro that consist of 32 students. Students’ teaching learning at classroom was the focus in this research. The teacher (researcher) taught the students speaking through simulation technique. The students were taught with simulated environment and using daily activity material. Based on the researcher’s experience during pre research, most of the students had low ability in speaking especially in grammar, fluency, vocabulary and pronunciation. It could be seen from the result of oral test, when the teacher asked the students, many of them made error grammatical in speaking.


21 In this classroom action research, the researcher acted as a teacher and also as an observer, meanwhile the teacher of English at SMA N 2 Metro acted as collaborator. The researcher made the lesson plan based on the technique that was implemented and taught the students based on the lesson plan.

B. General Description of the Research

Classroom Action Research was developed by problems in the class and the actions done to solve problems. Based on the problem identified, the researcher examined the problem causes and tries to find the problem solution. The simulation technique was conducted in teaching speaking in the class. The researcher made lesson plan and taught the students. Thus, the collaborator observed the students’ activities in teaching learning process.

The observation result during teaching learning process such as (weaknesses and strength which has been done by the students using simulation technique) and speaking test was analyzed and discussed by the researcher and the collaborator.

The researcher and the collaborator also did reflection after knowing the result of the analysis. Based on the analysis and reflection, it was decided whether the next cycle would be held or not, and the next cycle would be focused on improving the weaknesses in the previous cycle.


C. Research Procedures

In conducting the research, the researcher used the procedure of classroom action research designed by Arikunto. According to him, the research procedure in a classroom action research consists of planning, implementing, observing and reflecting (2006: 16). Therefore, this research is designed as follows: 1. Planning

The researcher prepared the lesson plan and selected the material. In designing lesson plan, the researcher used the school syllabus as the basic of the lesson plan. The lesson plan was aimed to teach speaking skill. It contains the standard competence and the basic competence to achieve. It also contains the procedure of presenting lesson, activities, and assignment in each meeting. The material was correlated with daily activity. The researcher prepared observation sheet. It was purposed to analyze the process of teaching learning.

The researcher made the indicator of success which was aimed to assess the students’ ability in speaking correctly. The indicator of success was made to determine whether the action throughout the first cycle has been successful or not.

2. Implementing

The second step of Classroom action research was implementing the action. In this stage, the researcher taught speaking by using simulation technique with the material and lesson plan prepared.

3. Observing

Observation was done by the researcher and the collaborator. They observed the activities occured in the classroom in every cycle and write the result of the


23 observation in the observation sheets. When the teaching learning process occurred, the researcher and the collaborator interpreted the result of the observation.

4. Reflecting

Reflecting was a stage where the researcher together with the collaborator analyzed the result of the speaking of the students as the learning product. The researcher also analyzed everything occurred in the teaching learning process based on the observation sheets. The weaknesses and the strength of the cycle were discussed by the researcher and the collaborator. It purposed to determine what to do in the next cycle and to determine whether or the result of the cycle is satisfied or not.

The cycle of Classroom Action Research (Arikunto, 2006: 16) Planning

Implementing CYCLE 1

Observing Reflecting


Implementing Reflecting

? Observing


D. Indicator of the Research

To see whether the simulation technique can improve speaking skill of the students, the researcher used two indicators. They were learning product and learning process. The learning product was formed in students’ speaking test score, while learning process was in form of the observation report of the collaborator.

1. Learning Product

In learning product the indicator was based on Standard Goal for Student (KKM) stated that for speaking the standard goal is 65. Simulation technique is able to improve students’ speaking achievement if 80% students get the target score of speaking test, 65 (Diknas 2006).

Learning product focused on the production of sound, students’ speaking for certain aspect which students mostly has difficulty in speaking. Here, the teacher recorded the students when they are making a conversation, in group. There are some aspects that would be observed in the scoring system, promoted by Harris (1979: 68-69). The aspects as follows:


20 Speech is fluent and effortless as that of native speaker.

16 Always intelligible though one is conscious of s definite accent

12 Pronunciation problems necessitate concentrated listening and

occasionally lead to misunderstanding.

8 Very hard to understand because of pronunciation problem must



4 Pronunciation problems too severe as to make speech virtually

unintelligible Grammar

20 Make few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar or word order

16 Occasionally makes grammatical and/or word order errors which do

not, however, obscure meaning.

12 Make frequent errors of grammar and word order, which obscure


8 Grammar and word orders make comprehension difficult must often

rephrase sentences and/or restrict him to basic patterns.

4 Errors in grammar and word order to severe as to make speech

virtually unintelligible. Fluency

20 Speech is fluent and effortless as that of native speaker problems.

16 Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by language problems.

12 Speed and fluency are rather strongly affected by language problems.

8 Usually hesitant, often forced into silence by language problems.

4 Speech is as halting and fragmentary as to make conversation virtually

impossible. Vocabulary

20 Use of vocabulary and idiom is virtually that of native speaker.

16 Sometimes uses inappropriate terms and/or must rephrase ideas


12 Frequently uses the wrong words, conversation somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary.

8 Misuses of words and very limited vocabulary make comprehension

quite difficult.

4 Vocabulary limitation to extreme as to make virtually impossible.


20 Appear to understand everything without difficulty.

16 Understand nearly everything at normal speed

12 Understand what is said at slower than normal speed.

8 Has great difficult following what is said.

4 Can not be said to understand even simple conversation in English.

The researcher evaluated the aspects of speaking ability based on the table bellow. The lowest score is 4 and the highest score is 20. The total of the score is multiple 5.

Scoring sheet of Speaking Test Student’

name Pronun-ciation (4-20)


(4-20) Fluency (4-20) Vocabulary (4-20) Compre-hension (4-20)

Total Score (0-100) 1.

2. ………..

The score of speaking ability based on five elements can be shown in percentage as follows:



2. Grammar : 20%

3. Fluency : 20%

4. Vocabulary : 20%

5. Comprehension : 20%

The researcher and observer took the score of a student, and the score would be totalled and divided by the number of the teacher and the researcher to get the final score. The calculation as follows:

The standard of the score would be at level 12 (for each aspect) Harris’s rating scale. It refers to the ability of students in producing English speaking, in better way, hear able, understandable although with some different native speaker’s speaking.

2. Learning Process

In learning process, there was one aspect which becomes the focus of this research that is the students’ activities. The observation of the process of teaching would be based on the lesson plan which was made by the researcher and the real process in the classroom. It would cover pre activity, while activity, post activity. The target determined by the researcher concerning the students’ activities is 80% of students are active during the process. The researcher set 80% as the target since according to Arikunto (1993:210), if more than 75% of students are actively involved in teaching and learning activities, it could be categorized as a good level. Students’ activity would be measured through

Final score: Score researcher + score teacher


written report of the collaborator and researcher in observation sheet. While the researcher is teaching, collaborator and the researcher himself observed the teaching learning process in the classroom and focused on the participation and the involvement of students in the activity.

Besides observing the students’ activities, the researcher also observed the teacher’s teaching performance during the teaching and learning process. It was expected that the teacher could get score 80 in his teaching performance after implementing Simulation technique. So, if the teacher can reach that target, it means that the teacher’s teaching performance is very good. The scoring system for teaching performance was based on the standard teacher’s teaching

performance proposed by Departement Pendidikan Nasional (2006). For the teaching performance, there are some aspects scored, that is, the teacher’s activities in pre-activity, while-activity, and post-activity.

E. Instrument of the Research

The researcher used two kinds of instruments as the source of data. The instruments were speaking test and observation sheet. The instrument will be described as follow:

1. Speaking Test

The test was conducted by asking students to play a simulation that they have been created (for example playing as soccer player) and it was

recorded. The two observers, they were researcher and the teacher analyzed the result based on Harris’ rating scale/ the test was administered at the end


29 of every cycle in the learning process. The students performed it in front of the class as a speaking test. The students in his group was called in turn, while they were practicing their dialogue, the observer recorded it and analyzed their speaking based on Harris’ rating scale after the process.

2. Observation Sheet

In this part, observation was conducted in every cycle during the teaching learning process. When teaching and learning process was occurring, the researcher observed the process happened in the classroom. The researcher used structured observation to know the students’ activities in the classroom. So there was one kind observation sheets that is filled out by the researcher, it was the observation sheet for the students’ activities.

Table 3.1. Table of the Observation Sheet for Students’ Activities

NO Students’ Activities Objectives

1 Pre-Activities

 Enthusiastic in the beginning of the class

 Responding to the topic and the class enthusiastically

 To make students interested in the lesson

 To build clarity about what is going to be learnt

2 While-Activities

 Following the teacher’s instruction (work in group)

 Paying attention to the teacher’s explanation

 Responding to the teacher’s questions

 Following teacher’s modelling enthusiastically

 Actively involved in the discussion of the task in group

 To make students work freer and enable fast learner help slow learners

 To built students understanding about the stages going to do in the lesson

 To check students understanding about the material

 To give clarity of the pronunciation

 To build students understanding about the material

3 Post-Activity

 Able to respond to the teacher’s

question  To built clarity of what have been learnt

Adapted from Haggard (1982) and Ruddel, M.R., & Shearer, B.A. (2002) in Ela (2010)


Table 3.2. Table of Specification for Teacher’s Performance

No Aspects Obeserved Score (by giving a tick) 1 2 3 4 1 Pre-activities

 Doing an apperception.

 Informing the competence that will be achieved to the students.

2 While-activities

A. The Mastery of Learning Material

 Correlating the material with other relevant knowledge.

 Correlating material with the real life.

 Achieving communicative competence.

 Using logical structure

 Using language components. B. The Learning Strategy

Doing a teaching & learning process which is suitable with the competence.

Doing a coordinated teaching learning process.

Doing a teaching learning process which can build the students’ imagination.

Doing a teaching & learning process which is suitable with the time allocation.

Emphasizing on using English in the teaching & learning process.

Emphasizing on teaching the language skills integratedly.

C. The Use of Learning Media

Showing the skill in using the learning media.

Producing an interesting message from the media.

Involving the students in making and using the media

D. The Students’ Involvement

Building the active participation of the students in the teaching & learning process.

Giving positive responds to the students’ opinion.

Facilitating the interaction between teacher-student and student-student.

Showing a conducive interpersonal relationship.

Growing the students’ enthusiasm in learning E. Evaluation

Monitoring the students’ improvement after the teacher explains the lesson.

Doing a final evaluation which is relevant to the competence.

3 Post-activities



involving the students’ participation.

Doing a follow-up by giving direction or tasks as a remedy.

Total Score Description of score

(Source: Dep. Pendidikan Nasional, 2006) Note:

1 = Poor 2 = Enough 3 = Good 4 = Very Good Description of Scores: 1. 40 – 59 : Poor 2. 60 – 69 : Enough 3. 70 – 79 : Good 4. 80 – 100 : Very Good

F. Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher classified the data into two categories: they were the data of learning product and the data of learning process. The data analysis was done during and after the data has been collected form every cycle. The data from the first cycle was analyzed by the researcher as an observer together with the teacher analyzed and did the reflection based on them. From the analysis and reflection, the researcher knew the weaknesses and the strengths of the first cycle. Therefore, the teacher and the researcher know what should be improved for the next cycle.

1. Learning Product

For speaking ability improvement was analyzed by comparing the mean of score from each cycle and the percentage of high score. If 80% of student has achieved 65 or more then it can be assumed that simulation can be used to


improve students speaking ability. To see the percentage of student who gets ≥ 65 the formula is:














2. Learning Process

In learning process, the researcher used observation sheets. The result of the observation sheet was analyzed after every cycle was conducted. The observation was done for observing the students’ activities.

2.1 Students’ Learning Activities

After gathering data from observing the students’ learning activities, the next step is counting the number of activities done by the students. A. Calculating the percentage of students’ activities

For calculating the percentage of the students’ activities, the following formula is:

% A = A Χ 100% n


% A : percentage of students’ activities

A : number of students’ activities observed

n : number of students in the class

B. Making a description from the data that had been analyzed

When the data have been gathered, the researcher described the data. For example, if the percentage of students’ activity is more than 80% means that the technique is good and increasing students’ participation.


33 2.2 Teacher’s Teaching Performance

In analyzing the data from observation of the teacher’s performance, the researcher made the description for the data that has been analyzed. It was similar to analyze the students’ activities, to analyze the teacher’s performance, the researcher made description from the collected data which can enrich and support the result of the analysis.



Having conducted his research at the first grade of SMA Negeri 2 Metro and analyzing the data, the researcher would like to state his conclusions and suggestions as follow:

A. Conclusions

In line with the result of the learning product and learning process in the research, it can be concluded that:

1. Simulation technique is applicable to improve the students’ English achievement especially in speaking ability. The problem faced by students can be solved after Simulation Technique was implemented.

2. Simulation technique can improve speaking score in learning product. It can be seen from the increase of the students scores from cycle 1 (53.12%) and cycle 2 (84.37%) after this technique was implemented.

3. In learning process, the improvement also occurs in students’

participation. By implementing Simulation technique, the students become more active to follow the class and they become more comfortable in learning speaking. Since Simulation technique provided a chance to the students to work in group and share their ideas by performing it to other friends, so that they enjoy the class during the teaching learning process.


79 Simulation technique also contributes a positive effect toward teacher’s performance.

B. Suggestion

Referring to the conclusion, the writer would like to propose some recommendations as follows:

1. English teachers are recommended to use Simulation technique in teaching their students since it can improve students’ speaking achievement and it can make the students involve in teaching learning process, enables the students to be more active in the classroom activities.

2. The teacher should motivate students to be active in the classroom by simulation, giving them the activity that can stimulate interaction because they can express their style and not afraid of making mistakes by indirectly correcting when they made mistake.

3. The teacher should be creative in creating media and using interesting topic for the material, since it can attract the students and make them easy to understand the content of the media itself. And also, the teacher should manage their timing lesson carefully because it is important to reach our purposes in teaching learning process. The teacher should make certain timing when he/she conduct the teaching and learning process in the classroom.


Table 3.2. Table of Specification for Teacher’s Performance

No Aspects Obeserved Score (by giving a tick)

1 2 3 4

1 Pre-activities

 Doing an apperception.

 Informing the competence that will be achieved to the students.

2 While-activities

A. The Mastery of Learning Material

 Correlating the material with other relevant knowledge.

 Correlating material with the real life.  Achieving communicative competence.  Using logical structure

 Using language components. B. The Learning Strategy

 Doing a teaching & learning process which is suitable with the competence.

 Doing a coordinated teaching learning process.  Doing a teaching learning process which can build

the students’ imagination.

 Doing a teaching & learning process which is suitable with the time allocation.

 Emphasizing on using English in the teaching & learning process.

 Emphasizing on teaching the language skills integratedly.

C. The Use of Learning Media

 Showing the skill in using the learning media.  Producing an interesting message from the media.  Involving the students in making and using the


D. The Students’ Involvement

 Building the active participation of the students in the teaching & learning process.

 Giving positive responds to the students’ opinion.  Facilitating the interaction between teacher-student

and student-student.

 Showing a conducive interpersonal relationship.  Growing the students’ enthusiasm in learning E. Evaluation

 Monitoring the students’ improvement after the teacher explains the lesson.

 Doing a final evaluation which is relevant to the competence.

3 Post-activities



involving the students’ participation.

 Doing a follow-up by giving direction or tasks as a remedy.

Total Score Description of score

(Source: Dep. Pendidikan Nasional, 2006) Note:

1 = Poor 2 = Enough 3 = Good 4 = Very Good Description of Scores: 1. 40 – 59 : Poor 2. 60 – 69 : Enough 3. 70 – 79 : Good 4. 80 – 100 : Very Good

F. Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher classified the data into two categories: they were the data of learning product and the data of learning process. The data analysis was done during and after the data has been collected form every cycle. The data from the first cycle was analyzed by the researcher as an observer together with the teacher analyzed and did the reflection based on them. From the analysis and reflection, the researcher knew the weaknesses and the strengths of the first cycle. Therefore, the teacher and the researcher know what should be improved for the next cycle.

1. Learning Product

For speaking ability improvement was analyzed by comparing the mean of score from each cycle and the percentage of high score. If 80% of student has achieved 65 or more then it can be assumed that simulation can be used to


improve students speaking ability. To see the percentage of student who gets ≥ 65 the formula is:














2. Learning Process

In learning process, the researcher used observation sheets. The result of the observation sheet was analyzed after every cycle was conducted. The observation was done for observing the students’ activities.

2.1 Students’ Learning Activities

After gathering data from observing the students’ learning activities, the next step is counting the number of activities done by the students. A. Calculating the percentage of students’ activities

For calculating the percentage of the students’ activities, the following formula is:

% A = A Χ 100% n


% A : percentage of students’ activities A : number of students’ activities observed n : number of students in the class

B. Making a description from the data that had been analyzed

When the data have been gathered, the researcher described the data. For example, if the percentage of students’ activity is more than 80% means that the technique is good and increasing students’ participation.



2.2 Teacher’s Teaching Performance

In analyzing the data from observation of the teacher’s performance, the researcher made the description for the data that has been analyzed. It was similar to analyze the students’ activities, to analyze the teacher’s performance, the researcher made description from the collected data which can enrich and support the result of the analysis.



Having conducted his research at the first grade of SMA Negeri 2 Metro and analyzing the data, the researcher would like to state his conclusions and suggestions as follow:

A. Conclusions

In line with the result of the learning product and learning process in the research, it can be concluded that:

1. Simulation technique is applicable to improve the students’ English achievement especially in speaking ability. The problem faced by students can be solved after Simulation Technique was implemented.

2. Simulation technique can improve speaking score in learning product. It can be seen from the increase of the students scores from cycle 1 (53.12%) and cycle 2 (84.37%) after this technique was implemented.

3. In learning process, the improvement also occurs in students’

participation. By implementing Simulation technique, the students become more active to follow the class and they become more comfortable in learning speaking. Since Simulation technique provided a chance to the students to work in group and share their ideas by performing it to other friends, so that they enjoy the class during the teaching learning process.


79 Simulation technique also contributes a positive effect toward teacher’s performance.

B. Suggestion

Referring to the conclusion, the writer would like to propose some recommendations as follows:

1. English teachers are recommended to use Simulation technique in teaching their students since it can improve students’ speaking achievement and it can make the students involve in teaching learning process, enables the students to be more active in the classroom activities.

2. The teacher should motivate students to be active in the classroom by simulation, giving them the activity that can stimulate interaction because they can express their style and not afraid of making mistakes by indirectly correcting when they made mistake.

3. The teacher should be creative in creating media and using interesting topic for the material, since it can attract the students and make them easy to understand the content of the media itself. And also, the teacher should manage their timing lesson carefully because it is important to reach our purposes in teaching learning process. The teacher should make certain timing when he/she conduct the teaching and learning process in the classroom.