The Implementation of Drama Technique in Teaching English Speaking Class at The Second Grade of SAM Negeri 3 Metro

(A Script)

Ayu Rosyada



The Implementation of Drama Technique in English Speaking class at
The Second Grade of SMA Negeri 3 Metro.


According to School Based Curriculum (KTSP 2006), the students are expected to
master four language skills in English subject. They are listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. The students were enthusiastic to communicate each other in English.
However, they feel disappointed when they know that they are unable to speak in
English well. They rarely practice English in oral communication and there is gap in
the language knowledge.
The objectives of this research are (1)To find out how is drama implemented in teaching
English speaking at the second grade of SMA 3 Metro, (2)To find out students’ perception
about drama as a technique in English speaking class at secon year of SMA Negeri 3 Metro,
(3) to find out what are students’ problems in speaking class using drama technique. The
research design is qualitative. One of the creative activities that can be done by the

teachers is applying drama.
The qualitative research in implemented drama technique, some of the students involved in
the learning process, and respond to the teacher's question based on the script. A few of them
could not focus in learning process. Some of students liked to do drama as a technique in
speaking class at second grade of SMA Negeri 3 Metro. The problems faced by students are
pronunciation and comprehensibility, they were afraid to explore their skill, so they did some
mistakes in pronunciation and also in comprehensibility.



This script is dedicated to:
My beloved parents, Hi. Hamzah Arusin and Hj. Zarmiyati
My lovely husband, Briptu Rio Putra Dewa
My Lovely Daughter, Malika Rayya Zulfa
My lovely brother, Bambang Irfani, M.Pd
My lovely sisters : Muslimah Aini, Lely Triana, S.Pd., Ana Lathofiana,S.Pd
My beloved Almamater
My dear friends ED08’
My advisers



When you have never made a mistake, it means you have not tried anything.
(Rio Putra Dewa)


Prise is only rendered to ALLAH SWT for giving me strength, blessing and capacity
to complete this work entitled “The Effectiveness of Drama Technique in English
Speaking Class at the Second Year of SMA Negeri 3 Metro”. This script is presented
to the Language and Arts Education Department and Education Faculty Lampung
University as a partial fulfilment of the requirements for S-1 degree in English

It is necessary to acknowledge that this script would never have come into existence
without help, support, and encouragement by several persons. Her gratitude should be
expressed to all of them for their contribution. First of all the writer would like to
express her sincere gratitude to my first advisor, Drs. Hery Yufrizal, M.A., Ph.D. who
has been willing to spend his time in giving his uncountable guidance including ideas,
support, help, patience and suggestion during the process of writing this script. The
writer would like to express her open-hearted gratitude and respect to my second
advisor, Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd., for his guidance and precious advice too. The best
regard ought to be sent to Prof. Ag. Bambang Setiyadi, M.A., Ph.D., who has been

willing to examine the writer’s research work and for his warm welcome and
innovative ideas in completion of this script as well as his forthcoming suggestion.


The writer would like to give special thanks to all of lecturers of English Education
Study Program for their konowledge.

She also wants to extand her great apreciation to Drs. Hi. Jumadi as the headmaster of
SMA Negeri 3 Metro, Dra. Sihombing as the teacher of class XI Science 2 who gave
the writer permission to get the data in her class and her apreciation is expressed to all
the students of class XI Science 2, for their willingness to cooperate during the
research. The writer also wishes to thank Desy for recording the video to support this
The writer would like to thank for her entire classmate 08’ and my senior 07’ for the
nice times that we spent together helping each other. Appreciations also go to all who
helped me in one way or another to realize this work.

The greatest appreciation finally goes to her beloved parents, Hamzah Arusin and
Zarmiyati, her husban, Rio Putra Dewa, and her sisters and brother, Muslimah Aini,

Lely Triana, Ana Lathofiana and Bambang Irfani, including her big family. The
writer is very much indebted to them for the support and prayer given to finish her
study successfully.
Bandar Lampung, December 23, 2014
The writer





ABSTRACT ...........................................................................................
APPROVAL ... ......................................................................................
CURRICULUM VITAE…………………………………………….. .
DEDICATION ………………………………………………………..
MOTTO ……………………………………………………………….

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………...
CONTENT …………………………………………………………….


1.1 Background of the Problem ......................................................
1.2 Formulation of the Problem ......................................................
1.3 Objective of the Research .........................................................
1.4 Uses of the Research .................................................................
1.5 Scope of the Research ……………………………………….
1.6 Definition of Terms ...................................................................



2.1 Concept English Speaking..........................................................
2.1.1 Speaking........................... .......................................... .
2.1.2 Definition of Speaking.....................................................
2.1.3 Components of Speaking............................................. ..
2.1.4 Charachteristic of Successful Speaking Activities.........
2.2 Concept of Drama.......................................................................
2.3 Procedure of Implementing Drama in English speaking Class..



3.1 Research Design........................................................................
3.2 Subject of the Research .............................................................
3.3 Data Collectionon Techniques ..................................................
3.4 Data Analysis ............................................................................
3.5 Research Procedure ...................................................................


4.1 Result of the Research.................................................................
4.1.1. Implementation................................................................. learning Process..................................................

1. Student Activities....................................................
4.1.2. Student Perception.......................................................... Interview............................................................
4.1.3 Students’ Problems................................................


4.2 Discussion of the findings........................................................


5.1 Conclusions ................................................................................
5.2 Suggestions ................................................................................


Table 4.1...........................................................................................
Table 4.2...........................................................................................
Table 4.3 ..........................................................................................





The writer’s name is Ayu Rosyada. She was born in Totokaton Centre Lampung, January 6th,
1990. She is the youngest child of a harmonius couple Hi. Hamzah Arusin and Hj. Zarmiyati.
She has one brother and three sisters : Bambang Irfani, M.Pd., Muslimah Aini, Lely Triana,
S.Pd., and Ana Lathofiana, S.Pd.
She started her education at SD Negeri 1 Totokaton Centre Lampung, and graduated from
elementary school in 2002. Then she continued her study to SMP negeri 6 Metro, and
graduated in 2005. She finished her study from High School at SMA Negeri 3 Metro in 2008.
In 2008, through SNMPTN she was registered as an S-1 student of English Education Study
Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Lampung University. In 20011 she
carried out Teaching Practice Programe (PPL) at SMP N2 Bahuga, Way Kanan from July to
September 2011, and did the research from 8 January to 17 January 2013.



1. Appendix 1 lesson Plan....................................................................60
2. Appendix 2 Lesson Plan 2.................................................................64
3. Appendix 3 Script of Jack and the Beanstalk....................................68
4. Appendix 4 Script of Snow White.....................................................72
5. Appendix 5 Kuisioner Penerapan Teknik Drama Dalam Teaching
6. Appendix 6 Tabel of Students’ Score................................................78
7. Appendix 7 Tabel of Students’ Perceptions........................................79
8. Appendix 8 Transcribe Recording 1 of Snow White.........................80
9. Appendix 9 Transcribe Recording 2 of Jack and the Beanstalk.......84


This chapter discusses some point, they are: background of the problem,
formulation of the problem, objective of the research, scope of the research,
definitioin of term.

1.1 Background of the Problem
English as a foreign language consists of four skills namely : writing, listening,
reading and speaking. These four skills are usually considered as integrated
system each other. To most people, speaking is the most difficult part in learning a
foreign language because it used sense involves the manifestation of either the
phonological system or the gramatical system of the language.

Learner are often hesitatate to speak because they are afraid of pronouncing the
words correctly or the students feel really shy about talking in front of other
student, although everyone knows that the best way to speak a language as
knowing the language and therefore view learning the language is learning how to
speak the language, because success is measured in terms of ability to carry out
conversation in the target language. Therefore if the students do not learn how to
speak in the language classroom, they may soon get booring and lost interested in
learning foreign language. On the other hand, if the right activities are taught in


the right way, speaking in the class can be a lot fun, raising general motivation
and making the english languge classroom a fun and dynamic place to be.

Language is the most important medium of human communication and it cannot
be separated from human’s daily life. Every human has an ability to learn
language, both native and foreign language. The term native language refers to
language that has been learned by human since first time he / she can produce the
language. In the other hand, the term foreign language refers to language that is
learned by human with the assumption that the language has not been learned by
those human before. In our country, one of the language that belong to foreign
language is English. Nowadays, English becomes closer to society’s everyday life.
That is the reason why English becomes the first foreign language that is taught at
kindergarten up to university level. The English teaching-learning process is
aimed as having some goals; one of them is to enable the students to us language
as a means of communication.

In gaining the goal, it is necessary for the teachers to us some various teaching
methods and techniques. It is aimed at improving the students’ achievement in
English and enrich their knowledge, or even it will widen students’ view of the
world. The way the teacher delivers the material about English will affect the way
the students learn the language. Hence the creativity of the teachers is needed
inorder to avoid dullness in teaching-learning process. The teacher has a very
important role in creating a more attractive activity in the classroom in order to
attract students’ attention in learning English.


English is the language consisting of many communicative aspects including four

listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Every skill has it’s own

difficulties that commonly make the students think that learning English is
difficult and boring especially in learning speaking. In speaking, the students are
expected to be able to us English as a means of communication because they have
to express what they want to say in English. Nevertheless, it is not an easy job for
the teacher to enable the students to speak in Englishbecause they usually feel
ashamed, afraid, or even lazy in using English as their daily language. They are
afraid in taking a risk when they use English.

The choosing of certain method used in class should be suited with the goal of
teaching the learning process based on the curriculum, as the right methode will
result the better achievment. Nowadays, curriculem used by most school is
Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) or School Level Based Curriculum
in which the basic language are skill taught and trained intensively based on
genres and functional speeches. Genre is a division of particular form of art or
utterance according to criteria particular to that form (http:/en. Wikipedia .

Nowadays, in so much of the teaching learning process, the teachers sometimes
fail to realize the importance of providing the students with direct experience.
The teachers present the students with only the surface reality then wonder why
the students forget the lesson easily. They also only give a kind of evaluation that
measure whether or not the students have mastered the structural items of English,


without considering whether or not the students have been able to use English as a
means of communication.The students will easily gain the lesson only when they
are being involved in the actual experience, and would probably satisfy them not
only intellectually but also emotionally as well, and possibly inspire in their
feelings of empathy. They would be more likely to remember the meaning of the
word as a result of the moment of direct experience. Hence, it is necessary for the
teacher to provide such kind of activities that can attract the students to be
involved in the direct experience.

One of the creative activities that can be done by the teachers is applying drama.
Wessels (1987: 41) found that using drama activities helped to bring written
materials to life by infusing the lifeless print with feeling, imagination and
thought for the learner, who became an active participant in the learning process.

Drama is about talking and acting. That is why drama can be used as one of the
many teaching tecniques that commonly used in a classroom activities. Drama can
help the students easier to acquire English because by following drama class,
students have to be able to deliver the dialogues clearly in order to convey the
message of the story. According to Curriculum based KTSP (2006), components
of speaking that are going to be emphasized by using drama in the classroom are
pronunciation, fluency, and comprehension. Drama will be useful in the process
of acquiring English as the foreign language, especially in improving students’
speaking ability. By conducting drama, it makes the students have a responsibility


in delivering the messaga of the story. Hence, they have to speak to each other,
even for the students who have not ever spoken English before.

Based on the explanation above, it is understood that drama is a unique technique
used in the classroom activities in order to avoid students’ boredom for the
students. This is because drama has five element known as Freytag’s pyramid
that can help to encourage the students to speak. The five element are exposition,
rising action, climax, falling action, and catastrophe. After the teacher introduced
those five element, the students framed the strories into five parts and then they
use the frame to speak. In this research, however, only four element are applied.

Drama is more than the representation of life and character throug action and
dialogue, for drama is also entertainment. That is why drama can be an interesting
activity done in the classroom and can help to encourage the students to speake.
From those previous researches, it can be said that drama deals with students’
speaking ability. In short, in relation with those previous researches, the
researcher, then, tries to conduct the research in the same topic focused on the
process and the problems of implementing drama in English speaking class.

Since speaking in one skill in English which is the most difficult to access, the
teachers have to think hard about the way how it can be easier to do.
Implementing drama is the solution. By providing some dialogues and ask the
students to read then deliver the dialogues, the teachers can observe students’


speaking ability. Drama can make the students have fun during the learning
process and can avoid boredom.

Based on the background above, the researcher did the research entitled “ The
Implementation of Drama Technique in English Speaking Class at The Second
Year Students of SMA Negeri 3 Metro".

1.2 Formulation of the Problems
Based on the background above, the research problems are formulated below :
1. How is drama technique implemented in speaking class at the second
grade of SMA Negeri 3 Metro ?
2. What is students’ perception about drama technique in speaking class?
3. What problems are faced by the students during applying drama as a
technique in speaking at second grade of SMA Negeri 3 Metro?

1.3 Objectives of the Research
The objective of the research is:
1. To find out how the drama is implemented in speaking class at the second
grade of SMA Negeri 3 Metro?
2. To find out the students’ perception about drama technique in speaking
3. To identify the problems of the students in speaking skill while
implementing drama in the classroom at the second grade of SMA Negeri
3 Metro.


1.4 Uses of the Research
The Uses of the Research hopefully can:
1. Theoretically, this research tried to give contribution and verify the








logicalconsideration for the next researcher who is going to concentarte
onteaching speaking ability.
2. Practically, as information to the reader how was drama implement in
speaking skill, what isproblem of
students during applying drama as a technique in speaking class and what
is students’ perception about drama technique in speaking class.

1.5 Scope of the Research
The qualitative research focused on the problems that is investigated in speaking
ability through drama. The researcher used observation in order to find out how
drama is implemented in speaking class, to find out the students’ perception about
drama technique which is implemented in speaking class, and to identify the
problems faced by the students during the process of the applying drama in
speaking class. The topic that is used is focused on narative text; in this case the
researcher used a kind of fairy tales. The consideration of choosing those stories
of fairy tales are more interesting than other stories, so the students can
comprehend them easily.


1.6 Definition of the Terms
Along the defination above, the researcher formulates some terms that are useful
in the research. The terms bellow guide the readers
in reading and understanding the research.
a) Speaking is a complex skill requiring the simultaneous use of a number of
different abilities which often develop at different rates (Harris, 1974:8182).
b) Drama is a story, which is supposed to be performed in front of the
audiences (Harcourt: 1968: 349).
time searching for the language items needed to express the
message (Brown, 1997 :4).


This chapter discusses some points, they are concept of speaking, definition of
speaking, component of speaking, characteristic of succesful speaking activities,
concept of drama, procedure of implementing drama in english speaking class.


Concept of Speaking

2.1.1 Speaking
Speaking is making use of words in an ordinary voice, uttering words, knowing
and being able to use language; expressing oneself in words; making speech.
While skill is the ability to do something well. Therefore, the researcher can infer
that speaking is the ability to make use of words or language to express oneself in
an ordinary voice. In short speaking is the ability to perform the linguistic
knowledge in actual communication in oral form.

Byrne (1948:8) clarifies that speaking or oral communication is a two way process
between speaker and listener and involves productive and receptive skill or
understanding. It means that betwen speaker and listener have a feedback. The
speaker transfers her/his idea and produces utterances for listener so that he/she
receivesthe message from that he/she listens. Therefore, speaking process need at
least two people because it cannot be done individually. One as a speaker who


produces information and the other functions as a listener who receives

2.1.2 Definition of Speaking
According to Harris (1974:81-82), speaking is a complex skill requiring the
simultaneous use of a number of different abilities which often develop at
defferent rates.

The fundamental concern in speaking is the ability to

communicate informally on everyday subjects with sufficient ease and fluency to
hold the attention of the listener.
Speaking has important role in human beings life.

Speaking is used for

communication among people in society in order to keep the relationship going
well. Rivers (1987 :162) states that tgrough speaking; someone can axpress their
ideas, emotions, attentions, reactions to other person and situation; and influence
other person. In short, through speaking, some can communicate or express what
he wants from other and responds to thespeaker.

Byrne in Sari (2008:7) states that speaking or oral communication is two ways of
process between speaker and listener involving the productive skill and receptive
skill as well. The skills in language learning are divided into productive and
receptive skill. Productive skills include speaking and writing, while receptive
skills include reading and listening.
Byrne futher says that speaking is an activity involving two or more participants
as heares and speakers howreact to what they hear and they contributions. Each
participant has an attention or a set of intentions goal that he wants to achieved by


the speaker. As stated by Byre, speaking should, a least, involve two participants
in the some language. In this chase, one can be speaker who delivers information,
and other can be listener who receives the information.
In short, speaking can be defined as one way to communicate with other people by
using certain language. Speaking should involve two participants at least, one can
be a speaker and others can be listeners. In speaking, speaker should use good
sentences in order to make the listener understand the information that is going to
be delivered. Delivery of ideas, opinions or feelings is some important aspectsof
the process of speaking which a speaker’s idea become real to him and his

Studying English without practice speaking is useless. Through speaking, one can
express their minds, ideas and throught freely and spontaneously.

To most

people, mastering the art of speaking is the single most important aspect of
learning a second or foreign language, and success is measured in terms of the
ability to carry out a conversation in the language.

2.1.3 Components of Speaking
Speaking is significant to an individual’s living processes and experiences as are
the ability of seeing and walking. Speaking is also the most natural way to
communicate. Without speaking, people must remain in almost total isolation
from any kind of society. For most people, the ability to speak a language is the
same with knowing a language since the speech is the most basic means of human
communication. Speaking is not just making sound. Birds, animals, babies make


sound and though it may be communication of sorts, it is not speaking. Speaking
is also one of the language arts that are most frequently used by people all over
the world. The art of speaking is very complex. It requires the simultaneous us of
the number of abilities which often develop at different rates. Generally, there are
at least four components of speaking skill concerned with comprehension,
grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency (Syakur, 1987):

a. Comprehension
Comprehensibility focused on the students’ understanding of the conversation .
comprehensibility measures how much interpretations is required to understand
students’ responses. In other words, it means that if a person can answer or
express well and correctly, it shows that she or he comprehends well .
b. Grammar
It is needed for students to arrange a correct sentence in conversation. It is in line
with explanation suggested by Heaton (1978:5) that studen’s ability to manipulate
structureand to distinguish appropriate grammatical form in appropriate aones.
The utility of grammar is also to learn the correct way to gain expertise in a
language in a language in oral and written form.
c. Vocabulary
One cannot communicative effectively or express their ideas both oral and written
form if they do not have sufficient vocabulary.
appropriate diction which is used in communication.

So, vocabulary means tha


d. Pronunciation
Pronunciation was the way for students’ to produce clearer language when they
speak. It deals with the phonological process that refers to the component of a
grammar made up of the elements and principles that determine how sounds vary
and pattern in a language.

According to O’Connor (1967:24), in producting the sounds, there are two terms
that have to be focused on, they are consonant and vowel. O’Connor stated that
there are several kinds of consonants in English as follow:
1. Friction Consonants : / f, v, θ, ð, s, z, ∫, З/
2. Stop Consonants

:/p. b/, /t, d/, /k, g/, /t∫, dЗ

3. Nasal Consonants

:/m, n, ŋ/

4. Lateral Consonants


5. Gliding Consonants

: / J,w, r/

Besides, the term vowels can be defined as the sounds made by voiced air passing
through different mouth-shapes. The differences in the shape of the mouth are
caused by different positions of the tongue and of the lips.

According to

O’Connor (1967:79), there are kinds of vowels, they are:
1. Simple vowels

: /I, I, e/, /e, æ, ^/, /I:, I, e, æ,^/, /^, a:, Þ/, /Þ, э:, u,
u:/,/э:, α:/, /∂/,

2. Diphthongs

: /∂u, a∂/, /eI, ai, эI/, /Iэ, e∂, u∂

3. Vowel Sequences

: the most common sequences are formed by
addingto a diphthong, especially to / aI / and / au.


Furthermore, according to hewings (2004:3), there are also some other aspects of
pronunciation in relation with production of the sounds. Those other aspects can
be defined as follow :
a). Syllables

: vowel and consonant sounds combine into

syllable. It can be help ful to think of the structure of English syllables as [
consonant (s) ] + vowel + [consonant (s)].
b). Consonant Cluster: the combination of consonant is often refered to as
consonant cluster. For example as in the consonant / str-/, /spl-/, /-mpst/, /ksts/.
c). Connected speech: when words come into contact in connected speech,
certain common changes take place, mainly as a consequence of the speed
of speaking and in order to make the production of sequences of sounds
d). Intonation

: essentially, intonation refers to the way the pitch

of the voice falls or rises.
e. Fluency
Fluency can be defiened as the ability to speak fluently and accurately. Fluency in
speaking is the aim of many language learners.

Signs of fluency include a

reasonably fast speed of speaking and only a small number off pauses and :ums”
or “ers”. These signs indicate that the speaker does not have spend a lot of time
searching for the language items needed to express the message (Brown, 1997:4).
In this research, components of speaking that are observed while using drama in
the process of teaching were pronunciation, fluency, and comprehension.


2.1.4 Characteristic of Successful Speaking Activities
Again, sometimes spoken language is easy to perform, but in some cases it is
difficult (Brown, 2001:270). This statement is supported by Munjayanah
(2004:16) that when people want to speak fluently, sometime they get difficulties
to do it. In order that they can carry out the successful speaking, they have to fulfit
some characteristics of succesful speaking activity such as:
a). Learners talk a lot. As much as possible of the period of time allocated to
the activity is in fact occupied by learners talk. This may be obvious, but
often most time is taken up with teacher talk or pauses.
b). Participant is even. Classroom discussion is not dominated by a minority of
talk active participants. All get a chance to speak and contributiaon are
fairly evenly distributed.
c). Motivation is high. Learners are eager to speak because they are interested
in the topic and have sometime new to say about it, or they want to
contribute to achieve a task objective.
d). Languege is of an acceptable level. Learners expres themselves in
utterances that are relevant, easy comprehensible to each other and of
accepatable level of languege accuracy.

2.2 Concept of Drama
Drama differes from role play is a type of drama activities. Harmer (1983) states
that role play activities are those where students are asked to imagine that they are
in different situations and act accordingly. While wessels (1967) say:


Drama comes from Greek words meaning "to do" or "to act." A play is a story
acted out. It shows people going through some eventful period in their lives,
seriously or humorously. The speech and action of a play recreate the flow of
human life. A play comes fully to life only on the stage. On the stage it combines
many arts those of the author, director, actor, designer, and others. Dramatic
performance involves an intricate process of rehearsal based upon imagery
inherent in the dramatic text. A playwright first invents a drama out of mental
imagery. The dramatic text presents the drama as a range of verbal imagery.

The language of drama can range between great extremes: on the one hand, an
intensely theatrical and ritualistic manner; and on the other, an almost exact
reproduction of real life. A dramatic monologue is a type of lyrical poem or
narrative piece that has a person speaking to a select listener and revealing his
character in a dramatic situation.

Harcourt (1968:349) defines drama as a story, which is supposed to be performed
in front of the audience. Thornly and Roberts (1987:199) describe drama as any
kind of written work to be performed on stage. In short, daram can be defined as a
kind of tehnique to deliver the information stated in the story based on a written
text (commonly called as script) and usually performed in front of the audience.

Drama in education uses the same tools employed by actors in the theatre. In
particular, it uses improvisation and mime. But when in the theatre everything is
contrived for the benefit of the audience, in the classroom drama is contrived for


the benefit of the learners (Wessels 1967:8) the goal of drama it self is not for the
satisfaction of the audience but more on the growth and development of the

Ulas (2008) states in his research that the aplication of drama activities using
native language intruction improved development of pronunciation skill when
contrasted with traditional, teacher-centered couse-book methods. The scope of
creative drama may be briefly explained six learning principles.
a. A studen lears meaningful content better than other content.
b. Learning occurs as a result of a student’s interaction with his evironment.
c. The more sensory organs a student uses while learning, the greater


retention of the lessons.
d. A student learns best by doing and expriencing.
e. Effective participation is important in leraning emotional conduct
f. Learning becomes easier and more permanent in educational environments
where there is more than one stimulus.
Several scientific investigation have demontrated that creative, intructional and
educational drama activities have positive contributions to the general education
procces and that these improve speaking skill.

According to Ulas (2008), dramatic and role-playing avtivities are valuable
classroom techniques that encourge students to participate actively in the learning
process. It is important to note that dramatic activity takes several differen forms
and that the teacher can provide students with a variety of learning expriences by


deploying different methodologies accorfing to individual needs, interest and
learning levels. In addition, these role-playing activities enable the teacher to
create a supportive, enjoyable classroom environment in which students are
encouraged and motivated to effectively ;earn the target language.
Wessel in Ulas (2008) found that using drama activities helped to bering written
materials to live by infusing the lifeless print with feeling, imagination andthought
for the learner, who became an active participant in the learning process.
Providing students the oppurtunity to place themselves directly in the learning
experience greatly improves their comprehension.

It cannot be ignore that creative/educational drama activities have an effect on
developing language skills, as well as contributing more generally to the
education process, Maley and Duff’in Ulas (2008) explian some characteristics of
drama activities that may be considered advantageoud in developimh language
skills. Drama can help the teacher achieve reality in several ways: by making
learning the language an enjoyable experience, by setting realistic targets for the
students, by creatively slowing down real expriences and by linking the languagelearning experience witha the studen’s own life experience.

Drama can also create a need to leran the langueage, their through use creative
tension (situations requiring urgent solutions), or by putting more reponsibility on
the learner, as opposed to the teacher. In addition, drama allows for activitycentered immersion (Genesee, 1987), which can give language learners optimun
exposure to a target language.


Drama has

a significant funtion especially in specifically improving

acquired/improved speaking skill among the basic language skills. Smith in Ulas
applicability as a language learning tecnique to improve oral skill has come to the
forefront, speaking is not only about words, structure and pronunciation, but also
feelings, motivations and meaning that are valuable benefits for bringing drama to
the language learner. Drama techniques and activities function to develop
communication skills-through fluency, pronunciation, co-operative learning,
confidence-building and intercultural awareness-may be added to the abovementioned elements.

In this regard, Pietro in Ulas (2008) say that students who are not naturally
talkative often appear more willing to join in the discourse when they realize that
they are not dominated by a teacher figure. Sam in Ulas (2008) agrees by stating,
drama activities can be used to provide oppurtunities for the student to be
involved actively. Drama techniques are defined as stragtegies to communicate or
convey the intended meaning which involves a wide range of activities (Via,
1987). Drama refers to a work of art which will be exployted as a resource for
language learning in the present study.

The benefit of drama techniques or drama spaekaing development are extensively
acknowledget. According to Wessel (1987) adds that drama can reinforce a need
to speak by drawing learnes’ attention to focus on creating dramatic situation,
dialogues, role play, or problem solving exercesis. Other aspects that add to the
benefits of drama techniques in language learning are also clarified by Mattevi


(2005) And Makita-Discekici (1999). Furthermore, according to Dougil (1987)
and Taylor (2000), drama technique can statisfy primary needs of language
learning in that they can create motivation, enhance confidence, and provide
context in learning a language. It is also great fun. All these views seem to
confirm the benefit of drama in the enhancement of students’ speaking abilities
Reaske (1966: 27) states that one of the most dominating theories of tructure is
that which classicially pertained to tragedies. In any cases, the view of tragedy has
frequenly and consistently taken a dividing approach which separates the events
of the play into four large categories: (1) rising action, (2) climax, (turning point),
(3) falling action, and (4) catastrophe. However, the four large categories are
completed by adding exposition preceding the rising action, and then in is known
as “Freytag’s Pyramid”. The five elements proposed by Freytag are:
1. Exposition/introduction

: a short action direcly in the begining in

which we are made acquinted with certain facts, usually pertaining to
events which have occurred before the beginning of the time of the play.
2. Rising Action/complication : rising action in the entire firts part of the play
in which the forces creating cpnflict are delineated, enlarged, and prepared
for some disaster
3. Climax : the first major pause un the palay occours when the hero makes a
decision or makes some all-important discovery about either himself or
someone alse in the play.
4. Falling action : the fallling action follows the climax and usually presents
the way in which the hero in slowly overpowered and becomes
ancreasingly helpless.


5. Catastrophe/resulation : the catastrope is the main action of the palya and
is often a death, usually the death of the hero or the heroine. It is almost
always the logical result of the rising falling action.

Having known the five elemenst proposed by Wessels (1998), the students frame
the story into the five parts and then use the frame to speak or dramatize the story.
In short, using drama technique in teaching speaking is more beneficial that using
other techniques. As stated above, drama is a way to deliver the information stated
in the story in the form of dialogues that have to be spoken. In this case, the
students who are tought through drama are encouraget to speak in order to deliver
the information in the story. Applying drama in teaching spaeking is not only to
give a chance for the students to produce utterances they are performing the story,
but also to give a meaningful context productive process of learning.

2.3.Procedure of Implemanting Drama in English speaking Class
The following is the procedure of teaching speaking through drama:
1. Pre-activity
a. Teacher opens the class by greeting the students
b. Teacher asks the students related to the focus of the lesson that would
be lerant. In this case, students are asked about their experience during
learning speaking so far. Whether or not they have difficulties in
learning speaking and what the reasins couse the difficulties.


c. Teacher introduces about drama that this a technique which will be
applied in the class. Teacher explains what they will have to do during
the lesson.
d. Teacher explains the four elements in volved in drama; they are
exposition rising action, climax , and falling action.
e. Teacher trains the students to transfer those four elements by giving
them a model.
2. While-activity
a. Teacher divides the students into groups containing eight students in
each group.
b. Teacher distributes drama script for each group.
c. Teacher asks the students to read and comprehend the content of the
stories for about 30 minitues, then divides the dialogues for each
d. While reading the script, the students frame the story into their mind
using four elements of drama. They divided the story into four parts;
the are exposition, rising action, climax, and falling action
e. Teacher asks the students to practice the drama by performing it
directly in front of the class with their group. The group is chosen
based on the conformity between the matery and the subject.
f. While the students perform their play, the teacher observed the
production of the words including pronunciation and fluency of the
students by recording their performance using video


g. Teacher also observes their comprehension toward the stories by
watching how they deliver their dialogues to others.
3. Post-activity
a. Teacher ask the students about their difficulties during learning
b. Teacher discusses the way to solve the difficulties together with the
c. Teacher closes the clasaa by greeting.


This chapter discussed: type of reserach, subject of the research, data, data
collection technique, recording the data, interviewing, data analysis, transcribing
data, analyzing the data, and research procedure classified as follows:

3.1 Research Design
In her research, the researcher used the qualitative research because this research
is intented to analize the implementation of drama technique in teaching English
speaking class.and find out the students’ problems the learning process, by

the students’ speaking. The design of the research is based on :

Recording, Transcribing and Analyzing the students’conversation based on the
script given.
Qualitative research has the natural setting as the direct source if data and the
researcher is the key instrument. The data collected is in the form of word or
picture rather than number. The writen results of the research contain quotation
from the data to ilustrate and subtantiate the presentation. Qualitative researches
are concerned with process rather than simply with outcomes or products.
(Bodgan and Biklen, 1982: 27).
The statements above are supported by Fraenkel (1993:383) who states that in
data collection, the researches is continually observing people, events, and


occurrences, often supplementing his or her observation with in-dept interviews of
selected participants and the examination of various documents and records
relevant to the phenomenon of interest.

3.2 Subject of the Research
The research was in conducted at SMAN 3 Metro. The subject was the
secondgrade (class X) of SMAN 3 Metro, in second semester of academic year
that consist of 28 students.

3.3Data Collection Technique
In this research, the researcher used two kinds of instruments in collecting the
data, they were observation and interviewing
1. Observation
The researcher observed the students’ performance by watching their
speaking class using drama as a technique in order to get the valid data
from the students the researcher observed the learning process and
drawing conclusion of whatever happens in learning process using drama,
the researcher observed whether or not the studentshave difficulties in
their pronunciation, fluency, and also their comprehension during the
process of speaking using drama.


2. Interviewing
The researcher did the interviewing in order to know whether the drama is
an interesting technique for speaking class for them or not.









Apafcah anda suka speaking
Apakah anda suka dengan teknik bermain peran
dalam speaking?
Teknik bermain peran membantu anda dalam
belajar speaking.
Anda mengalami kesulitan dalam bermain peran.
Teknik bermain peran memberikan kemudahan
dalam speaking
Saat bermain peran, sulit mengutarakan kata-kata
yang ada dalam pikiran.
Teknik bermain peran merangsang untuk dap at
aktif speaking

SS : sangat suka
S : suka
TS : tidak suka

Data Analysis

In this research, the researcher conducted descriptive qualitative research which
described the process of speaking through drama at the second year students of
SMAN 3 Metro. Hence in this case the researcher do not need statistic data. In
analyzing the data, the researcher did the following steps:
a. Transcribing the Data
After seeing students’ performance, the researcher transcribed what the
students have told or done during learning speaking using drama in order
to get the written form of the data.



b. Scoring the Speaking Performance
Having gotten the written form of the data, the researcher will analyze the

In this step the researcher interpreted the written form of the

recorded data, and than the researcher interviewed the students whether
there are problems during learning process using dramaor not.
According to Heaton (1997:99), there are some criteria for scoring oral ability as
Score Accuracy



Pronunciation is only Speaks without too Easy for the listener

slightly great an effort with a to




the fairly wide range of speaker’s



mother-tongue. Two expression. Searches and general meaning.


minor for

words Very few interruption

and occasionally but only or



one or two unnatural required.

lexical errors.



is Has to make an effort The


influenced at times to search for intention and general


mother- words. Nevertheless, meaning

tongue. A few minor smooth delivery on clear.






and the whole and only a interruptions by the


but few


unnatural listener for the sake

most utterances are pauses.

of clarification are





Pronunciation is still Although he has t Most of what the

search for the words, speaker says is easy

the there are not too to

mother-tongue but no many


unnatural intention is always

serious phonological pauses.


Fairly clear



few smooth


and mostly.

necessary to help him


but Occasionally





delivery interruptions


two fragmentary

in clarification.



but message or to seek

major errors causing succeeds








is Has to make an effort The






the for much of the time. understand a lot of
but Often has to search what is said, but he

serious for


phonological errors. meaning.

desired must constantly seek
Rather clarification. Cannot

Several grammatical halting delivery and understand many of
and lexical errors, fragmentary. Range the speaker’s more
some of which cause of expression often complex





Long pauses while Only






seriously influenced he searches for the (usually
by the mother-tongue desired

meaning. sentences

which errors causing Frequently










up effort


many Very




of long and Hardly anything of

pronunciation errors unnatural


times. Limited range listening
of expression.



and understood-and than

and making the effort at who

lexical errors.


deliver. with

‘basic’ Almost



in fragmentary



pauses. what is said can be


and understood.

‘basic’ grammatical fragmentary delivery. when



and lexical errors. At times gives up makes a great effort


of making the effort. or



having mastered any Very limited range of speaker is unable to
of the language skills expression.

clarify anything he

and areas practiced

seems to have said.

in the course.


3.5Research Procedure
In her research, researcher used these following steps :
a. Identifying the problems of the research.
In this steps, the researcher has to able to see and formulated the problems
that commonly appear in the process of speaking in the calssroom.
b. Determining a focus for the research
After identifying the problems, the researcher will determine where the
research will be emphasized. In this research, the researcher will focuse
on the process of speaking through drama.
c. Determining where and from whom data collected. In this research, the
researcher took the second grade of SMAN 3 Metro
as the source of the data. The researcher used the second grade as a sample
chosen by the conformity matery at that time.
d. Finding out any literatur reviews that are able to sup