Aspects of Writing skill

commit to user 11 drafting, and revising, so writing is not merely arrange the graphic symbols into a sentence.

2. Aspects of Writing skill

Writing skill can be defined as a skill to communicate all ideas or imaginations into form of structured pattern, so that the readers may understand what writers mean in their writing.In order to be able to produce a good written text, the researcher should require the range of knowledge. Nunan 1991:3 states that successful writing involves some criteria, these are listed below: a. Mastering the mechanics of letter formation; b. Obeying conventions of spelling and punctuation; c. Using grammatical system to convey one’s intended meaning d. Organizing content at the level of the paragraph and the complete text to reflect given new information; e. Selecting an appropriate style for one’s audience Hughes 1996:91 mentions that there are five aspect of writing as follows: a. Grammar, that is an element of writing, that is an element of writing which deals with a set of rules to construct sentences that make sense and acceptable in English; b. Vocabulary, it deals with a list of words and their meanings; c. Mechanics, that is convention in writing, which is related to punctuation, spelling, and capitalization; d. Fluency, which refers to the ease and the style of the composition; and commit to user 12 e. Form or organization that is the logical sequence and cohesion or the flow of the ideas being put into written language to make unified contribution to the whole paragraph. It is commonly called as generic structure. Brown 2000: 357 has scale for rating composition writing, they are: a. Organization introduction, body and conclusion; b. Logical development of ideas content; c. Punctuation, spelling and mechanics; d. Style and quality expression vocabulary, variety of structure, word choice Raimes 1983:6 describes what writers have to deal with as they produce a piece of writing, those are: a. Content: relevance, clarity, originality; b. Syntax : sentence structure and boundaries, stylistic choices; c. Grammar : rules for verbs, agreement, articles, pronouns; d. Mechanics : handwriting, spelling, punctuation; e. Organization: paragraphs, topic, and support, cohesion, and unity; f. Word choice: vocabulary, idiom, and tone; g. Purpose of writing; h. Audience or target readers; i. The writer’s process: getting ideas, getting started, writing drafts, revising; commit to user 13 j. The combination of the features is used to create clear, fluent and effective communication of ideas.

3. Macro and Micro skills of writing