Background Agustin Soesiloningtyas C9308080


A. Background

Language is such a crucial thing in the daily life. Based on Wikipedia language refers to “The specifically human capacity for acquiring and using complex system of communication. The use of language has become deeply entrenched in human culture, it is used to communicate and share information, and it is as a system of communication that enables humans to cooperate each other’s”. Wikipedia.orgLanguage, accessed at October 20 th 2011 Many countries have their own language, even their traditional language. Therefore, there are thousand different languages in the world. For this reason then people need a language that unites the differences, and English becomes the only language that is used in worldwide. As an international language, English has to be mastered because mastering English is very useful in every place and in every aspect.English is one of the main languages when people communicate with others from different nations, and different cultures and habits. English makes people communicate with foreign people. Moreover, now we are living in globalization era where almost all of the aspects in our life, such as education, knowledge, economy, or institutions, need employers who have English competency, they are not only professional but also communicative in English, both oral and written expression fluently. 1 commit to user 2 The ability to speak and write English properly has been one essential skill in the professional world. The world has become a global village and English language has become a part of everyone’s life as the ability to speak English fluently and understand it is almost a necessity. In some countries, English becomes one of the important lessons, which is taught. For this reason, the government of Indonesia pays attention to English lesson seriously. Government has decided that English is one subject that should be taught in every level of education starting from elementary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools, until universities. The purposes are to motivate and to prepare the students, in order to make them ready and confident in studying English in the higher level. For students of junior high schools, English is not a new thing, because English has been given for three years at elementary school. However, students often still get difficulties to study English. In order to make the students easy in understanding the materials, the materials given to the students in junior high school must be organized from the easier to the more difficult. The materials should cover four skills; writing, listening, reading, and speaking.The teacher should consider the way to integrate listening and speaking or writing and reading. Almost in junior high schools, students are taught about the grammar, so when students are asked to write a simple text commit to user 3 about describing things, for example, they do not know how to start their writing. Therefore, the writer tries to teach descriptive text, so it can help the student to improve their skills, especially in writing. Finally, in this final project, the writer makes this final project entitled “The Process of Teaching Descriptive Text to 7 th Grade Students in SMP Negeri 4 Karanganyar”

B. Objective