The Actantial Scheme and Functional Structure 16

tells Connor that Ayshe is outside serving another guest and Connor goes outside to find her. The Qualifying Test of Transformation: Ayshe is not surprise when Connor returns to the hotel as Ayshe has already known from the coffee weeks ago that Connor will be back for her. The Main Test of Transformation: Cornnor seats on the table, then, Ayshe looks at him and make him a cup of coffee. Connor drinks the coffee. He surprised for the taste of the coffee is very sweet. Connor : Am I welcome here? Ayshe : All are welcome here. Connor : You don’t seem surprised that I’m back. Ayshe : It was in your cofee, weeks ago before you left. I told you. Everythings in the coffee. 01:44:09 – 01:44:20 The Glorifying Test of Transformation: Then, he faces towards Ayshe and smiles. The Ending Situation: The very sweet coffee means that Ayshe wants Connor to marry her. Based on the result of the analysis above, the writer finds 17 actantial schemes and functional structures in The Water Diviner film. Those all actantial schemes consists 8 senders, 4 receivers, 5 subjects, 15 objects, 14 helpers, and 9 opponents. Furthermore, the six actants is not always placed by human Connor, Ayshe, Major Hasan, but it can be a non-human, such as a certain events go to Istanbul, tell Connor about the myth of coffee, a thing diary, a cup of coffee, sixth-sense and a feeling love.

2. The Correlation Between the Actantial and Functional Model

On this second part, the writer correlates the actantial scheme and the functional structure to find the main narrative structure. There is an underlying structure of The Water Diviner film. To find the underlying structure in this film, the writer makes the correlation scheme between each character which play a role as the subject in the actantial scheme and the subject in another scheme. Suwondo says that, “The actantial and the functional models which proposed by A.J. Greimas have a causal relationship as each actant is related to one another. The relationship between the actants was determined by their functions to build the structure particular narrative.” 36 Therefore, the actant and the function are all interconnected to form the narrative structure, that is the main narrative structure or the central narrative structure. The writer discovers 8 correlations between the actantial scheme and the functional structure in The Water Diviner film, as follows:

a. The Correlation 1

The actantial scheme 1 correlates to the actantial scheme 2 and 3. Actant 1 tells about Connor succeeds to dig a well and find a water to supply his family because in his land, North Western Victoria, sometimes it does not rain for three or four years at a time. The actantial scheme 1 has a causal relationship to the actantial scheme 2. Connor tells Lizzie that he found the water, but it was not a good news for her. She starts to blame Connor for the lost of their children. She 36 Tirto Suwondo, Nilai-Nilai Budaya Susastra Jawa, Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1994 p.6. The Actantial Scheme 1 Connor Subject The Actantial Scheme 2 Lizzie Subject The Actantial Scheme 3 Connor Subject Correlates