A study of questions in the subtitle of the jungle book film




A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN RESEARCH PAPER Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education


Yasinta Osy Petriana Student Number: 121214108







A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN RESEARCH PAPER Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education


Yasinta Osy Petriana Student Number: 121214108








Let all that you do be done in love. (I Corinthians 16:14)

Have not I commanded you? Be strong and courageous.

Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged,

for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you may go. (Joshua 1:9)

Maybe I do not know how to reach success quickly, but I learn how to struggle consistently.


I dedicate this research paper to: My beloved parents My beloved brother My beloved man and all my beloved friends




I honestly declare this research paper, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 10 July 2017 The Writer

Yasinta Osy Petriana 121214108





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Nomor Mahasiswa : 121214108

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Petriana, Yasinta Osy. (2017). A Study of Questions in the Subtitle of The Jungle Book film. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

This paper analyzes the questions in the subtitle of The Jungle Book film which is written by Justin Marks and directed by Jon Favrearu. The main focus of this study is to find out the types of question from all the characters in this film.

The purpose of this study is to describe the types of questions which are typically found and the atypical questions which are found in this film. There are two research problems in this study, namely 1) what types of questions are typically found in The Jungle Book film subtitle, and 2) whether there are any atypical questions found in The Jungle Book film subtitle or not.

This paper used document analysis and mixed-methods study. The writer used typology of questions from Biber, Johansson, Leech, Conrad, and Finegan (1999), Downing and Locke (2002), Quirk, Greenbaum, Leech, and Svartvik (1972), and Lock (1996). Then, the writer compared and synthesized all the types of questions into five types. The five types are wh-questions, yes/no questions, tag questions, declarative questions, and alternative questions. The questions which are not included in the five types of questions are included into atypical questions.

Based on the data analysis, there are three conclusions. First, the types of questions typically found in the subtitle of The Jungle Book film were wh-questions with 73 wh-questions (40.78%), yes/no wh-questions with 40 wh-questions (22.35%), atypical questions with 35 questions (19.56%), declarative question with 24 questions (13.41%), alternative questions with 4 questions (2.23%), and the least type is tag questions with 3 questions (1.67%). Second, there were atypical questions in the subtitle of The Jungle Book film. Atypical questions have 35 questions (19.56%). This type is divided into one word questions (15), two words questions (4), and ≥ 3 words questions (16). Third, there are 73 questions (40.78%) which are used to request information, 69 questions (38.56%) to provide information, 23 questions (12.84%) to find out whether the listener knows the answer or not, and 14 questions (7.82%) to induce the respondent to act.

Hopefully, through this study, the English teachers teach not only three types of question (wh-questions, yes/no questions, and tag questions), but also the other types of question that appear in the daily activity. This is also recommended for the ELESP lecturers that The Jungle Book film could be used as a material for Structure and Vocabulary courses.

Keywords: question, typical, atypical .



Petriana, Yasinta Osy. (2017). A Study of Questions in the Subtitle of The Jungle Book film. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Makalah ini menganalisir pertanyaan-pertanyaan dalam teks film The Jungle Book yang ditulis oleh Justin Marks dan disutradarai oleh Jon Favrearu. Focus utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan jenis-jenis pertanyaan dari semua tokoh dalam film ini.

Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis pertanyaan yang sering muncul dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan tidak biasa yang muncul dalam film ini. Dalam studi ini ada 2 masalah yang diangkat, yaitu 1) jenis-jenis pertanyaan apa yang sering muncul dalam teks film The Jungle Book, dan 2) ada atau tidak atypical questions yang muncul dalam teks film The Jungle Book.

Makalah ini menggunakan analisis dokumen dan mixed-method study. Penulis menggunakan tipologi pertanyaan menurut Biber, Johansson, Leech, Conrad, and Finegan (1999), Downing and Locke (2002), Quirk, Greenbaum, Leech, and Svartvik (1972), and Lock (1996). Lalu penulis membandingkan dan menggabungkan semua jenis-jenis pertanyaan menjadi lima jenis. Lima jenis pertanyaan tersebut adalah wh-questions, yes/no questions, tag questions, declarative questions, dan alternative question. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang tidak termasuk dalam lima jenis tersebut masuk dalam jenis atypical questions.

Berdasarkan analisis data, ada tiga kesimpulan. Pertama, jenis-jenis pertanyaan yang paling sering muncul adalah wh-questions dengan 73 pertanyaan (40.87%), lalu yes/no questions dengan 40 pertanyaan (22.35%), atypical questions dengan 35 pertanyaan (19.56%), declarative question dengan 24 pertanyaan (13.41%), alternative questions dengan 4 pertanyaan (2.23%), dan yang paling jarang adalah tag questions dengan 3 pertanyaan (1.67%). Kedua, ada atypical questions dalam teks film The Jungle Book. Atypical questions mempunyai 35 pertanyaan (19.56%). Jenis pertanyaan ini dibagi menjadi one word questions (15), two words questions (4), dan ≥ 3 words questions (16). Ketiga, ada 73 pertanyaan (40.78%) yang digunakan untuk meminta informasi, 69 pertanyaan (38.56%) untuk menyediakan informasi, 23 pertanyaan (12.84%) untuk mengetahui apakah pendengar mengetahui informasi yang dimaksud atau tidak, dan 14 pertanyaan (7.82%) untuk membujuk responden melakukan sebuah tindakan.

Diharapkan melalui studi ini, para guru bahasa Inggris tidak hanya mengajarkan tiga jenis pertanyaan (wh-questions, yes/no questions, dan tag questions), tetapi juga jenis-jenis pertanyaan lainnya yang muncul dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Direkomendasikan juga untuk para dosen PBI bahwa film The Jungle Book dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembelajaran dalam mata kuliah Structure dan Vocabulary.




It has been a long journey to finish my research paper. Fortunately, there were many people who accompanied me to pass this long journey. I would like to sincerely express my gratitude to those kind-hearted people.

My very first gratitude goes to Jesus Christ and Mother Mary who had guided me until I could finally finish my research paper. They guided me and gave me all of the inspirations and all of the references. I am really grateful of Their blessing.

My deep appreciation is addressed to my sponsor, Dr. Emanuel Sunarto, M.Hum. for his patience in guiding me. I thank him for his valuable time encouraging, suggesting, and advising me for my better writing.

My next gratitude goes to all English Language Education Study Program lecturers for the knowledge and experiences during my study in Sanata Dharma University. Special gratitude goes to my academic advisors, Agustinus Hardi Prasetyo, S.Pd., M.A. and Carla Sih Prabandari, S.Pd., M.Hum. for being very kind and patient taking care of Class B 2012.

I would like to give my endless gratitude to my family in Pati, especially to my beloved late father Aloysius Agus Priyono and my mother Maryannah Yoanna Fransisca, S.Ag. I thank them for their endless love, countless prayers, and faithful hard work along this time. Next, I would like to give my gratitude to



my brother Dionisius Johan Primananda and my sister Vincencia Sari Wulaningtyas. They are my reason and my strength to finish my study.

My deepest gratitude goes to Phillipus Apriliyanto Tri Sadmoko and his family, for their love, prayer and patience in accompanying me.They also always support me all the time.

My next gratitude goes to my very best friends Maria Ignasia Prilaherti, Angela Merici Reni, Maulina Dewi Agustika, Tiara Agnesya, Rakel Dara Kusuma Dewi, Dwi Hariyani, Ernik Oktavia. They always support me in every condition. They are my second family.

Finally, I appreciate all people whose names have not been mentioned. I thank all of my friends in ELESP Sanata Dharma University, especially for Penguin Kejam Class 2012. They have already helped me in completing my final paper.










ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii




A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Methodology of the Study ... 3

C. Review of Related Literature ... 4

1. The Functions of Questions ... 4

2. The Types of Questions ... 5


A.Typical Questions ... 14

1. WH-Questions ... 14

2. Yes/No Questions ... 22

3. Tag Questions ... 25

4. Declarative Questions ... 26

5. Alternative Questions ... 27

B. Atypical Questions ... 28

1. One Word Questions ... 29

2. Two Words Questions ... 29

3. 3 ≥ Words Questions ... 30




B. Recommendations ... 34 REFERENCES ... 36 APPENDIX ... 38





Chapter I presents background of the study, research problems, the objectives of the study, and benefits of the study. This chapter also states the methodology and theories that are used in this study.

A. Background of The Study

People use question to know about a new thing. When they find a new thing, they will ask more information by questions. The examples are a child asks their parents about cheese because they never eat it and a man asks his partner about his new job. People also ask a question when they face a problem. The example is students ask questions to their teacher when they do not understand about the lesson. The examples show that people ask many questions in their life (Browne & Keeley, 2012, p. 2).

Questions are used to ask the listener to provide the information in spoken form (Quirk, Greenbaum, Leech, and Svartvik, 1972, p. 386). The answer of a question could be a sentence with detailed information or a phrase like “Yes, it is” or “No, it is not”. They are the examples of the answer of yes/no and tag questions. In order to ask a question, people could use question words. The question words are who/whom/whose, what, which, when, where, how, and why (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 394). They could be found on the beginning of the question.


Based on the writer experience as a student, asking questions is too difficult. The writer needs to think about the content, the question words, operator or modals, and subject. It could be an embarrassing situation when a student asks a question with the wrong structure or the wrong vocabulary in the English class. That is why the writer chooses to keep silent than ask a question. It is the reason why the writer chose questions as the topic of this paper.

The purpose of this study is to describe the types of questions which are typically found and the atypical questions which are found in The Jungle Book film. There are two research problems in this study, namely 1) what types of questions are typically found in The Jungle Book film subtitle, and 2) whether there are any atypical questions found in The Jungle Book film subtitle or not.

The writer chose The Jungle Book film as the data source in this study because it contains many questions with different types. This film tells about the importance of courage, teamwork, family, and friendship. This film inspires people to learn about peace. It tells that human and animal could live together. They could help each other to create a peaceful life. The Jungle Book is a mix of live-action and photo-realistic computer-generated effects (Baehr, 2016, https://www.movieguide.org/reviews/the-jungle-book-2016.html). This film is allowed for all ages. The Jungle Book shows the new vocabularies for the viewers. It also tells that every creature has their own language to communicate to each other.

The criteria of data collection are based on phonology and orthography. The phonology criterion focuses on falling and rising intonation. When people


hear a sentence, they could differentiate it as a statement or a question based on the intonation. Question is spoken with rising intonation (Curme, 1966, p. 97). The other criterion is orthography criterion. The main characteristic of question is the sentences should use a question mark (?) at the end (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 7).

There are four benefits that could be taken out from this study. First, the English Language Education Study Program lecturers could be used The Jungle Book film as a material for Structure and Vocabulary courses. The students could learn what the questions which are typically found and atypical questions which are found in the daily activity. They also could learn new vocabulary. The second is the English teacher could teach how to ask a question with many types of questions. The third, this study is valuable for everyone who reads it and wants to analyze the same topic. The last is the writer could improve the knowledge about questions.

B. Methodology of The Study

This paper used document analysis as the method. Document analysis is an organized procedure for reviewing or evaluating documents, both printed and electronic (computer-based and Internet-transmitted) material (Bowen, 2009, p. 27). This paper also used mixed-methods study which combines quantitative and qualitative research techniques. Bowen (2009) states that mixed-methods study includes document analysis (p. 28).

There are four steps to conduct this study. The first step was observing and collecting. The writer found the subtitle script of The Jungle Book film from the


internet. After that, the writer observed and collected the questions in the subtitle of The Jungle Book film as the research data.

The second step was analyzing and classifying the questions according to the types and the functions. There were many questions in the subtitle of The Jungle Book film. Each question has different type and function.

The third step was counting the percentage and frequency of the questions in the subtitle of The Jungle Book film by the types and the functions.

The last step was making conclusion and recommendations. Based on the data analysis, there were two conclusions in this paper.

C.Review of Related Literature 1. The Functions of Questions

There are some functions of questions. The first, as the main function, people use question to request information. The speaker wants to know the identity of some element in the content, e.g. “Who will you take as your partner? Where has my little dog gone?” (Halliday, 1985, p. 101). When people want to find new information, they ask questions to get it. The questions are used as information elicitations (Leech, 1983, p. 166). The second is question to provide information. Athanasiadou (1991) adds the questions which have this function called rhetorical questions (p. 108). Rhetorical question is a question which is expressing an opinion than asking a question (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 206). Rhetorical questions have four sub-functions. The functions are to give emphasis to some particular point, to consider the propositional content, to give emphatic


prominence and to express wonder in an exclamative way (Athanasiadou, 1991, pp. 108 - 109).

The third is question to find out whether the listener knows the answer or not (Athanasiadou, 1991, p. 109). The questions are used to make sure or confirm about the information. Actually, the speaker has known the answer, but he/she is not sure if the listener knows it or not. The speaker asks questions to know the answer is yes or no (Halliday, 1985, p.101).

Sometimes, people do not have a certain topic to make a conversation. The fourth function is a question helps people to make a longer conversation (Browne and Keeley, 2012, pp. 20-22). The examples are “Hello, my name is sinta. What is your name?” “Where do you come from?” People use questions to make longer conversation.

The last is question to induce the respondent to act (Athanasiadou, 1991, pp. 110 - 111). The speaker asks question to request an action from the listener. This function could be as polite request, indirect suggestions, and invitations. Questions makes an offer more polite (Leech, 1983, p. 122). The examples are “Can you help me?” (polite request), “Would you mind not making so much noise?” (indirect suggestion), and “Would you like to come and have some wine?” (invitation) (Athanasiadou, 1991, p. 111).

2. The Types of Questions

Biber et al (1999) state that question are divided into four types (p. 204). They are wh-questions, yes/no questions, alternative question, and tag questions. They also explained that in conversation or fictional dialogue,


declarative clauses could be used (with the right intonation) to show questions, but they did not say that it is a types of question (Biber et al, 1999, p. 203). Downing and Locke (2003) also state that questions are divided into four types, but they used different names for the questions. The types are polar interrogative (yes/no questions), alternative questions, non-polar interrogative (wh-questions or information (wh-questions), and tag (wh-questions (pp. 186 - 189 and pp. 202 - 206). Quirk et al (1972) state that question are divided into five types. They are yes/no questions, tag questions, declarative questions, wh-questions, and alternative questions (pp. 387 - 400). Lock (1996) states that the types of question are yes/no interrogative questions, wh-interrogative questions, tag questions, and declarative mood questions (pp. 181 - 185).

The writer compares and synthesizes all the types of question into five types. They are wh-questions, yes/no questions, tag questions, declarative questions, and alternative questions. The questions which are not included in the five types of questions are included into atypical question.

a. WH-Questions

WH-question is a question which uses a question word to begin the question. Quirk et al (1972) state that question words are what, who, when, where, why, how, whom, whose, and which (pp. 394 - 395). There are also abbreviated questions which consist of question word + final preposition such as Where from/to? What for/with? Who with/by?. Besides, there are abbreviated questions that consist of a question word only such as What? Who? Where? Why? (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 396). On the other hand, Biber et al (1999) state that


wh-questions which missing one or more parts of the sentence called elliptical questions (p. 205). These are the examples of wh-questions:

1.1 What are you doing? 1.2 Who came to visit you? 1.3 When did they arrive? 1.4 Where can I find a pen?

1.5 Why aren‟t you coming with us? 1.6 How does he drive?

(Azar and Hagen, 1981, p. 443)

b. Yes/No Questions

Yes/no questions expect that the answer of the question is yes or no. Besides, there are other answer which is indicating various degrees of certainty (definitely, certainly, perhaps, etc) (Biber et al, 1999, p. 206). The example is, A: Do you think this dress will good for me? B: Maybe (Biber et al, 1999, p. 206). Yes/no questions are formed by placing the operator before the subject and using question intonation (rise or fall + rise) (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 387). In this study, the writer divided yes/no questions by the operators and the orientation. There are four different operators. They are to be, do/does/did, modals, and have/has. The yes/no questions have positive and negative orientation.

The yes/no questions have two functions. The first function is clarifying about the information (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 389). When the speaker does not understand a statement, the speaker asks a question. There are some examples of yes/no question:

2.1 Is Frank writing a book? 2.2 Has the boat left? 2.3 Was our team beaten?

2.4 Could he have broken his leg? 2.5 Will you be waiting for me?


2.6 Do his methods bring success? 2.7 Does he like Dickens?

2.8 Did the bus arrive late?

(Quirk et al, 1972, pp. 387-388) The eight questions above are the examples of yes/no questions which are used to clarify the unclear information. Questions numbers 2.1 until 2.5 consist of operator +subject + predication and the speaker only needs yes or no as the answer. Besides, questions number 2.6 until 2.8 helped by do because the sentences do not use to be. The second function of yes/no question is asking permission or obligation (Quirk et all, 1972, p. 393).

2.9 Can I leave now? 2.10 May I leave now? 2.11 Must I leave now? 2.12 Do I have to leave now? 2.13 Does no one understand me? 2.14 Isn‟t you computer working? 2.15 Didn‟t someone come last week?

(Quirk et all, 1972, p. 393) Yes/no questions have also negative orientation. The negative orientation often express disappointment or annoyance (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 389). Quirk et al also state that the negative questions could order as the full or enclitic negative particle (p. 390).

c. Tag Questions

Tag question is a question which added to a statement and it takes positive or negative orientation (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 390). Quirk et all (1972) also state that tag questions consist of operator + subject, the operator and the subject are the same as the operator of the preceding statement (if the statement without operator, it helped by do/does/did) (pp. 390-391). If the statement is positive, the


tag is negative, and vice versa. This question has a function to make sure that the information is correct or to get agreement. Tag questions could be spoken with rising or falling intonation. Rising intonation is used if the speaker was sure that the information is correct and falling intonation is used if the speaker did not sure that he/she will get agreement from the information (Azar and Hagen, 2009, p. 446). According to Azar and Hagen (2009) and Quirk et al (1972), the examples of tag questions are:

3.1 That is your book, isn‟t it? 3.2 Jack can come, can‟t he?

3.3 I am supposed to be here, am I not? 3.4 I am supposed to be here, aren‟t I? 3.5 Nothing is wrong, is it?

3.6 Your car is outside, is it?

(Azar and Hagen, 2009, p. 446) & (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 392) Question number 3.1 until 3.4 have a positive statement and negative tag question. The different is the question number 3.3 is the formal English and the question number 3.4 is more common in spoken English (Azar and Hagen, 2009, p. 446). Besides, the question number 3.5 has a positive tag because the statement has a negative word, such as nothing. The question number 3.6 is the less common question which is both statement and the tag question are positive (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 392).

d. Declarative Questions

Question is not only interrogative sentence (Curme, 1966, p. 97). The third type is declarative questions. It is a question which has a statement form. The sentence is a statement, but it uses question mark at the end of the sentence. It also uses rising intonation. Curme (1966) states that the question is asked in a tone of


surprise (p. 97). The function of declarative question is almost same with yes/no question. Declarative questions ask for yes/no answer, besides it also asks for a repetition of a statement that the speaker does not understand yet (Curme, 1966, p. 97) and (Downing and Locke, 2002, p. 185). The examples are:


4.1 I am going to bed now. You are going to bed now? 4.2 I cut my hair. You cut your hair?

4.3 He went there. He went where? 4.4 They are eating pizza. They are eating pizza?

e. Alternative Questions

Alternative question is a question which expects one of two or more alternative that mention in the question as the answer (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 387). These are the examples of alternative questions:

5.1 Do you want to stay a bit longer or would you prefer to go home? 5.2 Would you like chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?

5.3 Which ice-cream would you like? Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?

5.4 Are you staying or not? 5.5 Are you staying or aren‟t you?

(Downing and Locke, 2003, p. 187) & (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 399) Downing and Lokce (2003) state that alternative question consists of two yes/no questions joined by or (example no. 5.1) (p. 187). Besides, Quirk et al (1972) state that alternative questions could be form in a list of two or more alternative (example no. 5.3) and it also could be a wh-question followed by an elliptical alternative question (example no. 5.4) (p. 399). They (1972) also add that any positive yes/no question could be changed into an alternative question by adding or not? or a matching negative clause (example no. 5.4 and 5.5) (p. 399).


f. Atypical Questions

The questions which are not included in the five types of questions are included into atypical question. Atypical questions could consist of a phrase only, such as “Really?. There is no theory about atypical questions. Biber et al (1999) state there are questions which are expressed by a phrase rather than a clause, and it is impossible to reconstruct them with any certainty (p. 207). Atypical questions could also consist of wh-questions / yes/no questions or declarative questions which have one or more ellipsis. The example is “Got it?”. This question is the elliptical declarative question, “You got it?”. Atypical questions could also consist of the combination of wh-questions, yes/no questions or declarative questions. For example is “And where, may I ask, has he gone?”. This question consists of 1 elliptical wh-question and two yes/no questions.

The functions and six types of questions above are used to analyze the research data in this study.



Chapter II discusses about the types of question in The Jungle Book film subtitle. The types are wh-questions, yes/no questions, tag questions, declarative questions, alternative questions, and atypical questions. This chapter also contains the percentages and frequency of the questions. The data of this study is questions in the subtitle of The Jungle Book film. There are 179 questions as the research data. These questions are divided by the types and the functions.

Table 2.1: Questions by types and functions

No Types N

(%) Frequency


f1 f2 f3 f4

1 WH-questions 73 (40.78%) What: 36 (20.11%) Who: 6 (3.35%) Where: 6 (3.35%) When: 1 (0.56%) Why: 14 (7.82%) Which: 1 (0.56%) How: 9 (5.03%) 64 (35.76%) 8 (4.46%) 1 (0.56%) -

2 Yes/No questions 40 (22.35%) Using to be: 14 (7.82%) Using do/does/di d: 14 (7.82%) Using modals: 10

- 30


- 10


(5.59%) Using has/have: 2 (1.12%) 3 Tag


3 (1.67%)


(1.67%) - -


(1.67%) - 4 Declarativ

e questions

24 (13.41%)


(13.41%) -


(13.41%) - -

5 Alternative questions 4 (2.23%) 4 (2.23%) 4

(2.23%) - - -

6 Atypical questions 35 (19.56%) 1 word questions: 15 (8.38%) 2 words questions: 4 (2.23%) ≥ 3 words questions: 16 (8.93%) 5 (2.79%) 7 (3.93%) 19 (10.61%) 4 (2.23%)

Total 179

(100%) 179

73 (40.78%) 69 (38.56%) 23 (12.84%) 14 (7.82%)

Total of the data is 179 questions. There are six types of question. They are wh-questions, yes/no questions, tag questions, declarative questions, alternative questions, and atypical questions. The types of questions which are typically found are wh-questions with 73 questions (40.78%). Then yes/no questions with 40 questions (22.35%), atypical questions with 35 questions (19.56%), declarative question with 24 questions (13.41%), alternative questions with 4 questions (2.23%), and the least type is tag questions with 3 questions (1.67%).

The table also shows the frequency of the questions by the functions. The first function (f1) is to request information. This function has the highest percentage, 40.78% (73 questions). Then, the second function (f2) has 38.56% (69


questions). The third function (f3) has 12.84% (23 questions). The lowest is the fourth function (f4) with 7.82% (14 questions).

A.Typical Questions

The types of questions which are included in typical questions are wh-questions, yes/no wh-questions, tag wh-questions, declarative wh-questions, and alternative questions.

1. WH-question

WH-questions use question words to begin a sentence. This question has a function to ask information. WH-questions have 40.78% in the percentage and it consists of 73 questions. There are 7 kinds of question words that occur in The Jungle Book film. They are what, who, where, when, why, which, and how. What is the most common question in this film. There are 36 questions of what. Why gets 14 questions and how gets 9 questions. Who and where get 6 questions of each. The least are when and which because both of them only get 1 question.

a. What

What is a question word that uses to ask information about thing. There are 34 questions of what which are used to request information, 8 questions to provide information, and 1 question to find out whether the listener knows the answer or not. Here are the sample conversations, henceforth SC from the subtitle of The Jungle Book film.


(SC 1)

Porcupine: Sorry. My bad. It's involuntary. I could pee on it. Father‟s Rhinoceros: Watch yourself please.

Little Rhinoceros: Dad, what is that?

Father‟s Rhinoceros: Think that's a man cub.

The little rhinoceros asks her father about Mowgli. That question is the example of wh-questiona which uses question word of what. What refers to a thing / noun. This question uses what as the subject of the question. The function of this question is to request information. This question also uses a vocative (dad) to begin the sentence. The function of a vocative is to make sure the objectives of the question. The little rhinoceros wants to make sure that her question will answer by her father.

(SC 2)

Shere Khan: Well, let me remind you. A man cub becomes man. And man is forbidden!

Raksha: What do you know about law? Akeela: Raksha.

Raksha: Hunting for pleasure, killing for power. You've never known law. In this case, the question does not ask for information. The speaker uses wh-questions to show the strong anger. The function of this question is to provide information, especially to give emphatic prominence. The question of Raksha is a reaction for the statement of Shere Khan. Raksha does not agree if Shere Khan talks about law because Shere Khan likes to do everything does not based on the law. As Raksha said, Shere Khan likes to hunt for pleasure and kills for power. Biber et al (1999) called this question as rhetorical question (p. 206). Rhetorical question is a question which does not need an answer because it expresses opinion than asks question.


(SC 3)

Mowgli: What do you mean?

Bagheera: I'm bringing you to the man village. Mowgli: What? I don't know man.

Bagheera: You will.

In sample conversation 3, the speaker asks, “What?”. It means that the speaker wants to make sure about the information. It also shows that the speaker does not believe with the information. Biber et al (1999) called that question as elliptical question (p. 205). Elliptical question is a question which has missing part. In sample conversation 3, the question consists of a question word only. It called an elliptical wh-question.

b. Who

Who is a question word which is used as the subject of a question. The subject is usually for a person and followed by a singular verb even if the speaker asks about more than one person (Azar and Hagen, 1981, p. 443). The research data shows that there are 6 questions of who. The six questions have a function to request information.

(SC 4)

Kaa: I'll keep you safe. Just you and me. Sweet thing. Mowgli: Who are you?

Kaa: Kaa. Poor, sweet little cub.

This sample conversation is taken after three civets steal Mowgli‟s fruits. Mowgli uses question word who to request the information about person. Mowgli wants to know who talks to him, because he cannot see the person. This question consists of question word, helping verb, and subject. Who has a function as the complement of subject in the question (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 395).


(SC 5)

Mowgli: You know. Everything that I built. It's not the wolf way.

Baloo: Who cares? The wolf way. That's the Mowgli way. That's the Baloo way, that's our way. That's how we get things done.

Question in sample conversation 5 consists of question word and verb. It is an example of rhetorical wh-questions. Rhetorical question is a question which expresses an opinion than asks a question. This question helps Baloo to strengthen his statement. It is the function of rhetorical question itself as a forceful statement (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 401). Baloo gives a question to convince Mowgli that nobody cares with Mowgli‟s ways. Quirk et al (1972) says that a rhetorical wh-question refers to a statement in which the Q-element is replaced by a negative element (p. 401).

c. Where

Where is a question word to ask information about place. A wh-question uses where as adverb of place. The function of this question is to request information about place.

(SC 6)

Kaa: Trussst in me.

Baloo: Relax, kid. No need to get worked up, ok? Mowgli: Where am I?

Baloo: Uh, This is a cave. It's my cave. You don't remember what happened, do you?

Mowgli: No.

Baloo: I saved your life.

Where is a question to ask about place. This sample conversation is taken when Baloo helps Mowgli from a giant snake, named Kaa. Baloo brings Mowgli to his cave, but Mowgli does not remember when Baloo helps him. When Mowgli wakes up, he asks Baloo about where they are. Mowgli uses where as the


question word to request information. This question is simple because it consists of question words, helping word, and subject.

(SC 7)

King Louie: You don't have anyone now. I'm your only hope. I can make it real good for you here. Where else you gonna go?

Mowgli: I'll go back to the pack. I'll go back to Akela!

The sample conversation 7 is taken when Mowgli wants to leave the monkey temple of King Louie. The function of this question is to request information. In this conversation, King Louie knew that Akeela was died. That is why when Mowgli runs, King Louie asks that question. He knows that Mowgli is a member of Akeela‟s pack. King Louie thinks if Akeela died, there is no one who will protect Mowgli and he does not have a safe place to go. This question uses else after the question word. Where else means where other places to go. The question also uses a word, gonna. It is the informal form of going to. If the question changes to be a formal form, it will be “Where else you going to go?” d. When

When is a question word to request information about time. A question uses when as adverb of time.

(SC 8)

Shere Khan: I almost... almost think it was some kind of man cub. Akela: Mowgli belongs to my pack, Shere Khan.

Shere Khan: Mowgli? They've given it a name. When was it, we came to adopt man into the jungle?

Akela: He's just a cub.


This sample conversation is taken when Shere Khan comes to the peace rock. Shere Khan, the tiger meets Akela the wolf. Shere Khan asks Akela when they came to adopt man into the jungle. The question word in this question has a function as the adverb of time. The question has a function to request information about time. This question consists of wh-question and declarative question. Shere Khan asks when and he gives more detail question with the declarative question.

e. Why

Why is a question word to ask about reason. There are 11 questions which are used to request information and 3 questions to provide information.

(SC 9)

Mowgli: Bagheera, I don't know man. Bagheera: You will.

Mowgli: You always said we're not supposed to go near a man village. Bagheera: That was different.

Mowgli: Why is it different? You always said stay away from the man village because you might found a trap or get eaten or get hurt by flying rocks.

Bagheera: Because you might fall in a trap or get eaten or get hurt by flying rocks. I know what I said.

The conversation in sample conversation 9 is taken after Mowgli and Bagheera leave the wolves‟ family. In this conversation, Mowgli says that he does not know about man and he also says Bagheera always warns him to stay away from a man village, but Bagheera brings him to the man village now. Mowgli wants to make sure the reason of Bagheera in changing his mind. It is the function of why to request information about reason.

(SC 10)


Bagheera: Bow your head. Mowgli: Why?

Bagheera: Show them respect. The elephants created this jungle.

The question above is an example of elliptical wh-question. That question consists of a question word only, why. It is common in daily speech (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 396). Sample conversation 10 shows that Mowgli requests information about the reason they should bow to the elephants. Mowgli only says why to respond the command of Bagheera. If the question changes into non-elliptical question, it will be “Why should I bow my head to the elephants?”. The question in sample conversation 10 shows a simple question that can be as efficient as the complete one.

f. Which

This is a question word to request information thing. (SC 11)

Mowgli: Of course, the rhinos sleep standing up. I don't think I'd be very good at that. It's either the turtles or the crocodiles. Which one do you think is better?

Bagheera: Neither.

Mowgli: What do you mean?

Bagheera: I'm bringing you to the man village.

Which has the same function with what. It used to request information about thing. The different is which uses to choose a definite, known quantity or group (Azar and Hagen, 1981, p. 444). In the sample conversation 11, Mowgli gives two choices first, and then he asks Bagheera to choose one. The question helps Mowgli to decide the better thing between turtles or crocodiles, but in this case Bagheera does not choose both of them.


g. How

How is a question word to request information about adverb of process/ intensification/ duration/ frequency. There are 6 questions which are used to request about information and 3 questions to provide information.

(SC 12)

Bagheera: Wolves don't hide in trees.

Mowgli: I can't keep up with them, Bagheera. I tried. I just picked the wrong tree.

Bagheera: It was a dead tree.

Mowgli: How was I supposed to know it was dead?

Bagheera: It had a fig vine. Any tree girdled by a creeper... Is either dead or close to it. These are things a wolf must know.

Mowgli: Yeah, but if the branch didn't break, I would've made it.

The question in sample conversation 12 is taken when Mowgli has an exercise with Bagheera and the wolves‟ family. Mowgli stands on a dead branch and he falls down when Bagheera catches him. After that, Mowgli asks how he can know about a dead branch. It shows that the question uses to request information about adverb of process. Bagheera says that a wolf has to know if it is a dead branch or not, but Mowgli says that he could not know if the branch did not break.

(SC 13)

Shere Khan: Either I'll devour you or the red flower will. It's just a matter of time. How long did you really think you'd survive against me? Longer than your father did? Longer than Akela?

Mowgli: I'm not afraid of you!

This is an example of how that used as adverb of duration, but this question does not need an answer. This question more expresses an opinion than asks question. It means this question has a function to give emphatic prominence.


The meaning of this question is you did not survive against me in a long time. The question shows that Shere Khan has a strong confidence to defeat Mowgli.

2. Yes / No Questions

Yes/No questions have 22.35% from the data and the total questions are 40 questions. These questions have the second position after wh-question. Based on the operators, the questions divided into 4 forms. The first is the questions which use am / is / are, these questions have 14 questions. The second is the questions which use do / does / did, these questions also have 14 questions. The third is the questions which use modal, these questions have 10 questions. The last and the least are yes/no questions which use have / has as the operator, they only have 2 questions.

a. Using am / is / are

14 questions of this type of questions have a function to provide information.

(SC 14)

A male deer: He's walking on two legs. A female deer: Don't stare.

Mowgli: Everybody's here. Grey: Is that a peacock? Peacock: Ooh, a stick!

Porcupine: No, that's my stick. Sorry. My bad. It's involuntary.

The conversation 14 is taken in the peace rock. Peace rock is a place where many animals come to drink peacefully. When Mowgli and the puppies meet a peacock, Grey asks a question about it. He knows the animal is peacock, but he asks to make sure that the animal in front of them is a peacock or not. This


question only needs yes or no as the answer. The question uses to be as the operator.

b. Using do / does / did

14 questions of this type of questions have a function to provide information.

(SC 15)

Shere Khan: Mowgli? They've given it a name. When was it we came to adopt man into the jungle?

Akela: He's just a cub.

Shere Khan: Does my face not remind you of what a grown man can do? Shift your hunting ground for a few years and everyone forgets how the law works.

In sample conversation 15, Shere Khan comes to the peace rock. He sees Mowgli in the wolves‟ family and he does not like a man who lives in the jungle. Akela defends Mowgli that he is only a man cub, but Shere Khan tells that a man cub can be dangerous. Shere Khan shows his face as the cruelty of a man. The question shows the speaker trusts that the answer is „yes‟ and the speaker uses an evidence to confirm the assumption (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 389).

c. Using modal

There are 10 questions which are used to induce the respondent to act. (SC 16)

Mowgli: Yeah, but if the branch didn't break, I would've made it.

Bagheera: I realize you weren't born a wolf, but... Couldn't you at least act like one? When I found him, many years ago... He was just an infant, abandoned in the woods.

The sample conversation 16 gives the example of negative form of yes/no question. The negative form commonly uses a contraction (Azar and Hagen,


1981, p. 445). It used to show the speaker‟s idea. Bagheera knows that Mowgli is not a wolf, but he suggests Mowgli to act like a wolf. It shows that the speaker can give a suggestion to the listener by yes/no question.

(SC 17)

Raksha: And remember, not everyone here has seen a man cub in the jungle before. So behave yourself.

Mowgli: Ok, ok. Can I go now? Raksha: Take the pups with you.

Sample conversation 17 is the example of yes/no question that uses modal as the operator. This conversation happens when the pack of the wolves go to the peace rock. Raksha gives some advice to Mowgli before they join with the other animals. Then Mowgli asks a question to make sure that he can go or not now. Actually, the answer of yes/no question should be yes or no, but Raksha does not answer it with yes or no. She answers, “Take the pups with you”. It means Raksha gives an agreement to Mowgli and that is why she asks Mowgli to bring the pups with him.

d. Using have / has

There are 2 questions which are used to provide information. (SC 18)

Shere Khan: Well, I guess it's done then. Unless I can draw him back out! Raksha: Akela!

Shere Khan: Have I got your attention now? I didn't want it to be this way. I made it so simple. All I asked for was one thing and you denied me. The question in sample conversation 18 uses have as the operator. The operator places before the subject. In this case, this question has a function to give emphasis to some particular point (make sure that the listeners give the attention


to the speaker). The conversation happens in the hills of the wolves‟ family. Shere Khan kills Akela to get the attention of the other wolves.

3. Tag Questions

This question takes 1.67% of the total. There are three types of clauses that use in tag questions; declarative, exclamative, and imperative clause tag (Downing and Locke, 2003, p. 202). The tag questions in The Jungle Book film use declarative clause. There are three tag questions and they consist of 1 positive and 2 negative form. The 3 questions have a function to find out whether the listener knows the answer or not.

(SC 19)

Mowgli: Where am I?

Baloo: Uh, This is a cave. It's my cave. You don't remember what happened, do you?

Mowgli: No.

Baloo: I saved your life. Yeah, I- I snatched you from the jaws of death. The coils of death, if you will.

Sample conversation 19 is taken when Baloo helps Mowgli from a trick of a huge snake. Baloo brings Mowgli to his cave. Mowgli wakes up and does not know where he is. He asks Baloo where they are and Baloo explains that they are in his cave. Baloo asks a question to make sure that Mowgli remembers the accident or not. Baloo uses tag questions. In this case, the main clause of the question is negative and the tag is positive. Baloo uses a falling intonation when asks the question. It means Baloo is almost certain that Mowgli will agree with his idea (Azar, 1999, p. A15).


King Louie: But there's one thing I don't have and that's the one thing you can give me. The red flower.

Mowgli: I don't have that.

King Louie: You're a man, aren't you? That's what makes you a man. You can summon your red flower and control it.

That is a conversation between Mowgli and King Louie. King Louie has a belief that a man can give him a red flower (fire). Mowgli says that he does not have it and King Louie asks a question to make sure that Mowgli is a man or not. King Louie uses rising intonation in that question. A tag question may be spoken with a rising intonation if the speaker is truly seeking to ascertain that his/her information, idea, belief is correct (Azar, 1999, p. A15).

4. Declarative Questions

Declarative questions have 13.41% of total. It consists of 24 questions. These questions have a function to provide information. There are positive and negative orientations (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 389). As the name, these questions are similar with declarative sentences in written form. The differences are they use rising intonation and question mark in the final sentence.

(SC 21)

Shere Khan: The rains will return and the river will rise. And when this rock disappears... That truce will end. You want to protect him? Fine. But ask yourselves: How many lives is a man cub worth?

The Narrator: How many lives?

Sample conversation 21 has a positive orientation of declarative question. Shere Khan asks a question to make sure if Akela wants to save Mowgli. Besides, this declarative questions show an opinion than asks a question. From the question, Shere Khan says that he does not sure Akela can protect Mowgli.


(SC 22)

A Squirrel: A man cub?

An Armadillo: Yeah, it's a man cub. A Squirrel: It's not a monkey?

An Armadillo: No, it's not. It's a man cub.

Baloo: You have never been a more endangered species that you are at this moment.

The question in sample conversation 22 asks yes or no answer, but the orientation of this question is negative. The squirrel asks to the armadillo what Mowgli is. The armadillo says that Mowgli is a man cub, but the squirrel does not sure yet. The squirrel asks again about Mowgli. Mowgli is a monkey or not. In this case, the speaker get the answer that Mowgli is a man cub, but he is not sure yet. That is why he asks again with negative orientation.

5. Alternative Questions

Alternative question is a question which expects one of two or more alternative that mention in the question as the answer (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 387). There are 4 alternative questions in the data. It takes 2.23% of the total. These questions have a function to request information.

(SC 23

King Louie: What part of the jungle you from? You, man cub. You come from the South or North? What- What part of the- the- the jungle?

Mowgli: The South, I guess?

The question in sample conversation 23 is taken when King Louie kidnaps Mowgli to his kingdom. King Louie asks Mowgli where he comes from. The example of an alternative question above consists of two declarative sentences that combine to be an alternative question. If the question changes to be more detail, it will be “You come from the South or you come from the North?” The


second declarative sentence changes in elliptical form to be “You come from the South or North?”

(SC 24)

Bagheera: But they didn't make you. That is why you must go. Mowgli: What if I live with the nilgai?

Bagheera: No.

Mowgli: Or the mongoose?

Bagheera: This is not a discussion.

Mowgli: But this is my home. I don't even know what man's like.

The questions above are two questions which have a relation. The first question is a wh-question and second is an elliptical question. Actually, the second question is also a wh-question, “What if I live with the mongoose?” The sample conversation above is an example of double questions split. The answer of Bagheera splits the first and second questions.

B.Atypical Questions

Atypical questions take 19.56% of the total. These questions divided into 3 types. The types are based on the total of the words. The first is the questions which consist of one word. There are 15 questions in The Jungle Book film that only consist of one word. Four questions consist of two words and 16 questions consist of equal or more than three words. There are 5 questions which are used to request information, 7 questions to provide information, 19 questions to find out whether the listener knows the answer or not, and 4 questions to induce the respondent to act.


1. One word questions

One word questions have 15 questions which are used to find out whether the listener knows the answer or not.

(SC 25)

Shere Khan: I almost... almost think it was some kind of man cub. Akela: Mowgli belongs to my pack, Shere Khan.

Shere Khan : Mowgli? They've given it a name. When was it we came to adopt man into the jungle?

The question in sample conversation 25 only uses one word. The speaker exposes the most important part. Quirk et al called this type as echo questions (Quirk et al, 1972, p. 408). Echo question is a question which repeats a part or all of the information to confirm the content. This question uses rising intonation and the functions are to make sure and to ask repetition. From the conversation, Akela calls the man cub as Mowgli and Shere Khan wants to make sure that the man cub‟s name is Mowgli. It is why herepeats Akela‟s word. Besides, he also does not trust that the wolves give a name for the man cub yet.

2. Two word questions

There are 4 questions which are used to induce the respondent to act. (SC 26)

Kaa: I know what you are. I know where you came from. Mowgli: You do?

Kaa: Yesss. Would you like to see? Mowgli: Yeah.

The question in sample conversation 26 only consists of two words. In this case, there are some parts of the question that drop from the sentence. The question consists of subject and auxiliary verb. If it is a complete question, it will


be “Do you know what I am? and Do you know where I came from?”. But the speaker only uses “You do?” as the question. In this conversation, the speaker wants to get yes or no answer and make sure that the information is right or wrong.

3. ≥ 3 words questions

There are 5 questions which are used to request information, 7 questions to provide information, and 4 questions to induce the respondent to act.

(SC 27)

Akela: We no longer harbor him. He has left the pack. Shere Khan: And where, may I ask, has he gone? Akela: He is with his own kind now.

Shere Khan: So the man cub has left the jungle.

Sample conversation 27 shows the example of the other questions that consist of more than two words. The question begins with a conjunction, after that there is a question word, and then there are two yes/no questions. It shows that the speaker has a curiosity about the information. It also shows that the speaker wants to make sure that the information is correct or not. Based on the conversation, the conjunction and the question word „„And where‟‟ mean Shere Khan wants Akela to continue his information. It is because Shere Khan interested with the information. In order to make sure the information, Shere Khan also adds two yes/no questions in his question. The first yes/no question shows that Shere Khan asks permission to give a question. The second yes/no question shows how Shere Khan makes sure that the information from Akela is correct or not.


Mowgli: These are vines I use on the cliff. I twirl them together to make them longer and stronger. See how strong they are? You wanna see the really cool part? It's inside. Come on, let's go! Come on!

The question in sample conversation 30 is a yes/no question. It is a shortened yes/no question. Sometimes in spoken English, the auxiliary and the subject you are dropped from yes/no question (Azar and Hagen, 1981, p. 445). Actually, the complete sentence of that question is Do you see how strong they are?, but the speaker drops do and you. That is why the question to be See how strong they are?. As the name, this question asks yes or no answer. The function is asking a yes or no answer.

(SC 29)

Mowgli: Do you have a language? You're kind a cute, I guess. You wanna bite? Come on. Come here. Come on. It's all right.

Question in sample conversation 29 is taken when Mowgli offers his fruit to a cute animal in the jungle. That question includes in declarative questions, but the helping verb is different. This question uses wanna as the helping verb. Wanna is the informal form of want to or want a. It shows that the speaker asks a question with informally.

(SC 30)

Bageera: Where is he? Baloo: In the pit.

Bageera: In the what? Is this your teaching?

This conversation is taken when Bageera finds Mowgli a pack of elephants. When Bageera asks where Mowgli is and he does not sure with Baloo‟s answer. Bageera asks, “In the what?” It includes in atypical questions because the question expressed by a phrase rather than a clause, and it is impossible to


reconstruct a non-elliptical version of the interrogative clause with any certainty. There is no any theory which can change the atypical question into typical questions.

Based on the discussion, there are three findings to answer the research problem. First, the questions divided into six types. There are wh-questions, yes/no questions, tag questions, declarative questions, alternative questions and atypical questions. The types of questions which are most typically found in the subtitle of The Jungle Book film were wh-questions with 73 questions (40.78%), yes/no questions with 40 questions (22.35%), atypical questions with 35 questions (19.56%), declarative question with 24 questions (13.41%), alternative questions with 4 questions (2.23%), and the least type is tag questions with 3 questions (1.67%).

Second, there are atypical questions in the subtitle of The Jungle Book film. Atypical questions have 35 questions (19.56%). This type is divided into one word questions (15), two words questions (4), and ≥ 3 words questions (16).

Third, there are 73 questions (40.78%) which are used to request information, 69 questions (38.56%) to provide information, 23 questions (12.84%) to find out whether the listener knows the answer or not, and 14 questions (7.82%) to induce the respondent to act.






Chapter III presents the conclusion of this study. There are six types of questions. They are wh-questions, yes/no questions, tag questions, declarative questions, alternative questions and atypical questions. The types of questions which are typically found in the subtitle of The Jungle Book film is wh-questions with 73 questions (40.78%). Then yes/no questions with 40 questions (22.35%), atypical questions with 35 questions (19.56%), declarative questions with 24 questions (13.41%), alternative questions with 4 questions (2.23%), and the least type is tag questions with 3 questions (1.67%).

This study also shows that there are 73 questions (40.78%) which are used to request information, 69 questions (38.56%) to provide information, 23 questions (12.84%) to find out whether the listener knows the answer or not, and 14 questions (7.82%) to induce the respondent to act.

WH-question is a type of questions which are most typically found in the subtitle of The Jungle Book film. There are 7 question words which occur in the data. They are what, who, where, when, why, which, and how. What is the most common question in this film. There are 34 questions of what to request information, 1 question to provide information, and 1 question to find out whether the listener knows the answer or not. Who has 5 questions to request information and 1 question to provide information. Where has 6 questions which


are used to request information. Why gets 11 questions which are used to request information and 3 questions to provide information. How has 6 questions which used to request information and 3 questions to provide information. The least is when and which because both of them only get 1 question to request information.

There are atypical questions in The Jungle Book film. Based on the discussion, atypical questions have 35 questions (19.56%). These questions are divided into 3 categories. The category is based on the total of the words. The first is the questions which consist of one word. There are 15 questions in The Jungle Book film that consist of one word only. Four questions consist of two words and 16 questions consist of equal or more than three words.

Based on the discussion, the most common reason why people ask question is to request information. Question is not only a sentence, it could be three words, two words, or only one word. In the written form, a declarative sentence could be a question if it adds by a question mark. In the spoken form, a statement could be a question if it uses rising intonation.


There are many types of question. It is recommended that the English teachers could teach not only three types of question (wh-questions, yes/no questions, and tag questions), but also the other types of questions that appear in the daily activity. Question is important because it helps people when they do conversation and when they want to know about the new information.


It is also recommended that this film could be used as the materials for Structure and Vocabulary courses. This film could be an exercise for students to know how to ask question. The lecturer could also teach about the structure of many types of questions from this film. The last is this film shows new vocabulary.




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Question by Types and Functions

Function 1: to request information A.WH-Questions

No. Q Word Non-elliptical Questions Elliptical Questions 1 What a. Dad, what is that?

b. What's a man cub doing here?

c. What is that?

d. What was the rule about your tricks?

e. What is it?

f. What do you think they're talking about?

g. What do you mean? h. What are you talking


i. Gray, what's wrong? j. What is that?

k. What are you doing so deep in the jungle?

l. What do you mean, payback?

m.What is he?

n. What do you call this? o. What's your name

anyway? p. What's that? q. What's a song? r. What's propaganda? s. What are you teaching


t. What'd I tell you?

u. What do you want talk about?

v. What was that?

w.Some people call it, uh, what's the word?

x. Ammi, what's happenin'? y. What is this?

a. What about me? b. What about the rhinos? c. What?

d. What? e. What tricks? f. What?

g. What part of the jungle you from?

h. What- What part of the- the- the jungle?

i. What?

2 Who a. Who could answer that


b. Who's out there? c. Who are you? d. Who is that? e. Who's their alpha? 3 Where a. Where am I?

b. Where is he?

c. Where are they taking him?

d. Where you going man cub?

e. Where else you gonna go? f. Where could he have



4 When a. When was it we came to

adopt man into the jungle? - 5 Why a. Why is it different?

b. Why do I have to go there?

c. Why are you bringing me to the man village if you found me in the jungle? d. And why does that tiger

hate me so much?

e. Why don't you come outside and play?

f. Why did he have to leave? g. Why do you wanna go


h. Why are you doing this? i. Why would I be mad?

a. Why? b. Why a tiger?

6 Which a. Which one do you think is

better? -

7 How a. How'd we do?

b. How was I supposed to know it was dead?

c. How did it go?

d. How the heck did you do that?

e. How do you know that? f. How do you do that?


B.Alternative Questions

Type Non-elliptical Question Elliptical Question Alternative Q a. What if I live with the


b. You come from the South or North?


c. You can't or you won't? d. Or the mongoose? C.Atypically Questions

No Type Non-elliptical

Question Elliptical Question

1 ≥ 3 words Q


a. And where, may I ask, has he gone?

b. Get on with what? (echo) c. Payback for what? (echo) d. Uh, for what reason, man

village? e. In the what?

Function 2: to provide information A.WH-Questions

No. Q Word Non-elliptical Questions Elliptical Questions 1 What a. What do you know

about law? -

2 Who - a. Who cares?

3 Why a. Why don't you mind your own business? b. Why don't we all just

settle down for a minute?

c. So why don't we all just have a little honey?


4 How a. How many lives is a man cub worth?

b. How many lives? c. How long did you

really think you'd survive against me?


B.Yes/No Questions

No. Operator Positive Questions Negative Questions 1 to be a. Is that a peacock?

b. Am I gonna be a fine wolf?

c. Are you bringing me back to the jungle? d. Are you alone out


e. Are you sure? f. Is that a deal? g. Are you alright?

a. Isn't that what you wanted?


h. Is this your teaching? i. Am I in the right

monkey temple?

j. Oh my gosh, is that King Louie?

k. Is it true? l. Is Akela dead? m.Is that Mowgli?

2 do/does/did a. Does my face not remind you of what a grown man can do? b. Does he know me? c. Do you have a


d. Do you think that's where I'm from?

e. Does it look familiar? f. Do you know how the

cuckoo bird survives? g. And do you know what

happens to her own chicks?

h. Did you listen to anything Akela taught you?

i. Do I have to spell this out?

j. Did you think I would let you grow old? k. Do you hear me?

a. Don't you know what you are?

b. Don't you think?

c. Didn't the wolves ever sing?

3 have/has a. Have I got your attention now?

b. Have you lost your mind?


C.Declarative Questions

Type Non-elliptical Question Elliptical Question Declarative Q a. You want to protect


b. Now we have to bow to the buffalo too?

c. You wanna bite? d. You want to stay in the

jungle? e. You got it?

f. You see that golden stuff drippin' down



g. You're kidding me, right?

h. Everything going A-OK up there?

i. It's not a monkey? j. Because I'm a man cub,


k. You know what his problem is?

l. You never heard a song before?

m.That's the man village? n. Hey, he's my friend,


o. You wanna see the really cool part?

p. Shere Khan's hunting him?

q. So, tell me, you ever had a taste of the pawpaw fruit down there in the Seeonee? r. You know who I am? s. And you are a man

club who wants to live in the jungle?

t. You know why they tell you that?

u. Oh, you didn't hear? v. From who you are, you

hear me?

w.You want to put yourselves between me and the man cub? x. Anybody ever teach

you how to jog? D.Atypically Questions

No Type Non-elliptical Question Elliptical Question 1 ≥ 3 words Q


a. A man cub? (echo) b. A man cub? (echo) c. A man cub? (echo) d. See how strong they are? e. The South, I guess? f. Longer than your father


g. Longer than Akela?

Function 3: to find out whether the listener knows the answer or not A.WH-Questions

No. Q Word Non-elliptical Questions Elliptical Questions

1 What - a.What?

B.Tag Questions

Type Non-elliptical Question Elliptical Question Tag Q a. You don't remember

what happened, do you?

b. We're buddies, aren't we?

c. You're a man, aren't you?


C.Atypical Questions

No Type Non-elliptical Question Elliptical Question 1 1 word Q

- a. Mowgli? b. Hello? c. Climb? d. Honey? e. Really? f. Mowgli? g. Really? h. Yeah? i. Pups? j. Really? k. Akela? l. Huh? m.Anybody? n. Akela? o. Mowgli? 2 2 words Q


a. You do? b. Got it?

c. Please, Baloo? d. He was?

Function 4: to provide information A.Yes/No Questions

No. Operator Positive Questions Negative Questions 1 modal a. Can I go now?

b. Would that be all right?

a. Couldn't you at least act like one?


c. Would you like to see? d. Yeah, and could ya

keep your voice down? e. Can you believe it? f. Would you please shut


g. May I just say one thing?

h. Can you hang on? i. Can you just hang on? B.Atypical Questions

No Type Non-elliptical Question Elliptical Question 1 ≥ 3 words Q


a. No need to get worked up, ok?

b. Don't ever play with it, you got that?

c. Don't be mad, ok?

d. Let's all get a good night's sleep and we can talk about this in the morning?


b. Who's out there? c. Who are you? d. Who is that? e. Who's their alpha?

3 Where a. Where am I?

b. Where is he?

c. Where are they taking him?

d. Where you going man cub?

e. Where else you gonna go? f. Where could he have



4 When a. When was it we came to

adopt man into the jungle? - 5 Why a. Why is it different?

b. Why do I have to go there?

c. Why are you bringing me to the man village if you found me in the jungle? d. And why does that tiger

hate me so much?

e. Why don't you come outside and play?

f. Why did he have to leave? g. Why do you wanna go


h. Why are you doing this? i. Why would I be mad?

a. Why? b. Why a tiger?

6 Which a. Which one do you think is

better? -

7 How a. How'd we do?

b. How was I supposed to know it was dead?

c. How did it go?

d. How the heck did you do that?

e. How do you know that? f. How do you do that?


B.Alternative Questions

Type Non-elliptical Question Elliptical Question Alternative Q a. What if I live with the


b. You come from the South or North?


c. You can't or you won't? d. Or the mongoose?

C.Atypically Questions

No Type Non-elliptical

Question Elliptical Question

1 ≥ 3 words Q


a. And where, may I ask, has he gone?

b. Get on with what? (echo) c. Payback for what? (echo) d. Uh, for what reason, man

village? e. In the what?

Function 2: to provide information


No. Q Word Non-elliptical Questions Elliptical Questions

1 What a. What do you know

about law? -

2 Who - a. Who cares?

3 Why a. Why don't you mind your own business? b. Why don't we all just

settle down for a minute?

c. So why don't we all just have a little honey?


4 How a. How many lives is a man cub worth?

b. How many lives? c. How long did you

really think you'd survive against me?


B.Yes/No Questions

No. Operator Positive Questions Negative Questions

1 to be a. Is that a peacock?

b. Am I gonna be a fine wolf?

c. Are you bringing me back to the jungle? d. Are you alone out


e. Are you sure? f. Is that a deal? g. Are you alright?

a. Isn't that what you wanted?


h. Is this your teaching? i. Am I in the right

monkey temple?

j. Oh my gosh, is that King Louie?

k. Is it true? l. Is Akela dead? m.Is that Mowgli?

2 do/does/did a. Does my face not

remind you of what a grown man can do? b. Does he know me? c. Do you have a


d. Do you think that's where I'm from?

e. Does it look familiar? f. Do you know how the

cuckoo bird survives? g. And do you know what

happens to her own chicks?

h. Did you listen to anything Akela taught you?

i. Do I have to spell this out?

j. Did you think I would let you grow old? k. Do you hear me?

a. Don't you know what you are?

b. Don't you think?

c. Didn't the wolves ever sing?

3 have/has a. Have I got your

attention now?

b. Have you lost your mind?


C.Declarative Questions

Type Non-elliptical Question Elliptical Question

Declarative Q a. You want to protect


b. Now we have to bow to the buffalo too?

c. You wanna bite? d. You want to stay in the

jungle? e. You got it?

f. You see that golden stuff drippin' down



g. You're kidding me, right?

h. Everything going A-OK up there?

i. It's not a monkey? j. Because I'm a man cub,


k. You know what his problem is?

l. You never heard a song before?

m.That's the man village? n. Hey, he's my friend,


o. You wanna see the really cool part?

p. Shere Khan's hunting him?

q. So, tell me, you ever had a taste of the pawpaw fruit down there in the Seeonee? r. You know who I am? s. And you are a man

club who wants to live in the jungle?

t. You know why they tell you that?

u. Oh, you didn't hear? v. From who you are, you

hear me?

w.You want to put yourselves between me and the man cub? x. Anybody ever teach

you how to jog?

D.Atypically Questions

No Type Non-elliptical Question Elliptical Question

1 ≥ 3 words Q


a. A man cub? (echo) b. A man cub? (echo) c. A man cub? (echo) d. See how strong they are? e. The South, I guess? f. Longer than your father


g. Longer than Akela?

Function 3: to find out whether the listener knows the answer or not


No. Q Word Non-elliptical Questions Elliptical Questions

1 What - a.What?

B.Tag Questions

Type Non-elliptical Question Elliptical Question

Tag Q a. You don't remember

what happened, do you?

b. We're buddies, aren't we?

c. You're a man, aren't you?


C.Atypical Questions

No Type Non-elliptical Question Elliptical Question 1 1 word Q


a. Mowgli? b. Hello? c. Climb? d. Honey? e. Really? f. Mowgli? g. Really? h. Yeah? i. Pups? j. Really? k. Akela? l. Huh? m.Anybody? n. Akela? o. Mowgli? 2 2 words Q


a. You do? b. Got it?

c. Please, Baloo? d. He was?

Function 4: to provide information

A.Yes/No Questions

No. Operator Positive Questions Negative Questions

1 modal a. Can I go now?

b. Would that be all right?

a. Couldn't you at least act like one?


c. Would you like to see? d. Yeah, and could ya

keep your voice down? e. Can you believe it? f. Would you please shut


g. May I just say one thing?

h. Can you hang on? i. Can you just hang on?

B.Atypical Questions

No Type Non-elliptical Question Elliptical Question

1 ≥ 3 words Q


a. No need to get worked up, ok?

b. Don't ever play with it, you got that?

c. Don't be mad, ok?

d. Let's all get a good night's sleep and we can talk about this in the morning?