Type of Research Type of Data



According to Blaxter et.al 2010:54 “The term method can be understood to relate principally to the tools of data collection or analysis: techniques such as questionnaires and interviews”. Method is very important in every research. Research is an investigation in order to discover the new fact and get additional information. It is an observation guiding the development and the result of the research. Therefore, research methodology is applied to get an objective result in this thesis. These subchapters deal with the procedure of the research. It includes type of research, type of data, data collection and also the method of analysis. Each of those subchapters will be described below.

3.1 Type of Research

Type of research of this study is qualitative research and the data are in the form of sentences or words. As stated by Djajasudarma 1993: 10 the research of qualitative methodology is a procedure which to result the descriptive data that in a form written or oral language of society. In this research, the data used are narrative. Library research is also conducted in this study. “The library research is a simple and effectives strategy for finding information for your research paper and documenting the sources you find” Based on Cornell http:guides.library.cornell.educ.php?g=32323p=203722. It means that the data and other information are taken from books. Books are very helpful as the data resources to expand the theoretical review and problems that will be analyzed. Besides, the internet research is also provided to support this study through browsing some related articles and journals. This research method is employed in this thesis to analyze the data from the novel Percy Jackson: the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. 12

3.2 Type of Data

“Quantitative research tends to involve relatively large-scale and representative set of data, and is often, falsely in our view, presented of perceived as being about the gathering of facts. Qualitative research, on the other hand, is concerned with collecting and analyzing information in as many forms, chiefly non- numeric, as possible” Blaxter et al, 2010:64. Quantitative data deals with data terms of quantity and in which numerical values are used and qualitative data deals with non-numeric data which is used to describe certain types of information. The data analyzed in this study are in the form of written texts which are taken from Rick Riordan novel Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief , for example like an events and statements of how Percy start his Separation from his ordinary world to unfamiliar special word for his Initiation, then comes back to ordinary world as his Return. The data are also collected from some sources such as internet sites, and journal article. The used type of data in this thesis is qualitative since the collected data are not able to be counted nominally.

3.3 Data Collection