Permissions The Default Sandbox

to perform the operation, then the operation is permitted to continue. Otherwise, an exception is thrown in the code, and the operation fails. Which Permissions Apply In Chapter 5, well explain in detail what we mean when we say that the permissions of active classes are used to determine if an operation succeeds. In general, though, it matters which code initiates an operation. An applet cannot initiate a print job unless it has been explicitly granted permission to do so. However, users can print applets by initiating the print job through the browser. Even though the applet code is active, the browser code is still granted permission to execute the print operation. Classes that make up the core Java API are always given permission to perform any action. All other classes, including those on the classpath, must explicitly be given permission to perform sensitive operations. For the most part, these permissions are listed in various policy files, along with the code source to which they apply. End users and system administrators define the parameters of the sandbox by administering these policy files. The permissions within the virtual machine are based on an extensible system of Java classes. Hence, any Java API or application can define its own permissions and ensure that the user has granted those permissions to the API before it can run. For example, the Jini API defines a net.jini.discovery.DiscoveryPermission class. Classes that want to participate in a Jini community must be granted this permission in order to execute the code that participates in Jinis discovery protocol. In general, then, you may need to become familiar with arbitrary permission types in order to use certain APIs. Here are the standard permissions used by the core Java API. File Permissions Type Name The name of the file that you want to operate on. Of course, filenames are platform−specific. Hence, myclassesxyz is a valid name for a file permission on a Unix system, but not on a Macintosh where an equivalent name might be System Disk:myclasses:xyz. Because a backslash has special meaning to the code that parses a policy file, to specify a Microsoft Windows file you must use two backslashes: C:\\myclasses\\xyz. Its generally better to use a special syntax that specifies platform−independent names. The string {} is expanded at runtime to be the file separator symbol for the platform so that the string {}files{}jre1.3{}lib can be used to specify the same directory hierarchy on any platform. In addition, you can use any standard Java property when you specify a filename so that the string {user.home}{}.keystore will expand to homesdo.keystore or C:\WINDOWS\ .keystore or whatever other platform−specific name is appropriate. Two wildcard patterns are available for specifying filenames: an asterisk matches all files in a given directory and a hyphen matches all files that reside in a directory hierarchy. Hence the string {user.home}{} matches all files that are in the users home directory, but no files that are in directories contained within the users home directory. The string {user.home}{}− matches any file in the users home directory and all of its subdirectories. If you want to match all files on a particular machine, you may specify the special token ALL FILES . Actions read, write, delete, and execute. You can specify multiple actions for a particular file by separating the actions with commas. Examples Allow all types of access to all files permission ALL FILES, read,write,delete,execute; Allow the users home directory to be read permission {user.home}−, read; Remember that file permissions can be overridden by platform permissions: simply because you specify that the Java program has permission to read the etcshadow file a privileged Unix file, a Java application will be unable to do so unless it is run by the Unix super user. Code is always able to read files from the directory hierarchy from which it was loaded; this particular permission cannot be changed administratively, although it can be changed programatically. Property Expansion and the Policy Class The file separator expansion we have mentioned is a specific example of a general rule: names in permissions may contain any defined environment variable . This property substitution allows us to use one set of configuration files no matter what the underlying platform since we can use standard Java properties to hide those platform−specific details. This is particularly important when specifying filenames for file permissions in a policy file. If the policy.expandProperties property in the file is set to false , however, substitution will not occur and these strings should not be used. If they are used, they will be treated as literal strings and fail. Socket Permissions Type Name hostname:port , where each component of the name may be specified by a wildcard. In particular, the hostname may be given as a hostname possibly DNS qualified or an IP address. The leftmost position of the hostname may be specified as an asterisk, such that the host piccolo.East.Sun.COM would be matched by each of these strings: 24 piccolo piccolo.East.Sun.COM .Sun.COM The port component of the name can be specified as a single port number or as a range of port numbers e.g., 1−1024. When a range is specified, either side of the range may be excluded: 1024 port 1024 1024− all ports greater than or equal to 1024 −1024 all ports less than or equal to 1024 1−1024 all ports between 1 and 1024, inclusive Actions accept, listen, connect, and resolve. These map into the normal socket usage: accept is used to see if the program can accept an incoming connection from a particular host; listen is used to see if the program can accept any incoming socket connections; connect is used to see if the program can make a connection to a particular host; and resolve is used to see if the IP address for a particular hostname can be obtained from the machines name service. Code is always able to make a socket connection to and accept a connection from the host from which it was loaded, even if that specific permission is not listed in a policy file. That particular permission cannot be changed by an end user or administrator though it can be changed by a developer. Examples Allow all socket operations permission :1−, accept,listen,connect,resolve; Allow outgoing connections to permission−, connect,resolve; Property Permissions Type java.util.PropertyPermission Name The name of the Java virtual machine property that you want to access. Property permission names are specified as dot−separated names just as they are in a Java property file; in addition, the last element can be a wildcard asterisk: , a. , a.b. , and so on. Note, however, that no other element can be a wildcard; .b.c does not allow you to access the a.b.c property. Actions read and write. Examples Read standard java properties permission java.util.PropertyPermission java., read; Create properties in the sdo package permission java.util.PropertyPermission sdo., read,write; Runtime Permissions Type java.lang.RuntimePermission Name Various. All names in this class are dot−separated names and are subject to the same wildcard asterisk matching as the property permission class. Here is a list of the names of the runtime permissions used by the core Java API: Allow code to access classes in the named package. accessDeclaredMembers Allow code to use reflection to access the private or protected members of other classes. createClassLoader Allow code to instantiate a class loader. createSecurityManager Allow code to instantiate a security manager, which programmatically controls the sandbox. Allow code to define classes in the named package. exitVM Allow code to shut down the entire virtual machine. getClassLoader Allow code to retrieve the class loader for a particular class. getProtectionDomain Allow code to retrieve a protection domain object for a particular class. Allow code to load the library with the given name. modifyThread Allow code to change certain thread parameters. modifyThreadGroup Allow code to change certain thread group parameters. queuePrintJob Allow code to initiate a print job. readFileDescriptor Allow code to read file descriptors certain files opened by code in other protection domains. setContextClassLoader Allow code to set the context class loader for a thread. setFactory Allow code to create socket factories. setIO Allow code to redirect the , System.out , or System.err streams. setSecurityManager Allow code to set the security manager in use. stopThread Allow code to call the stop method of the thread class. writeFileDescriptor Allow code to write file descriptors certain files opened by code in other protection domains. Many of these permissions have unusual rules. The accessClassInPackage permission is used to test only those packages that are listed in the package.access property defined within the file. By default, that is set to classes within the sun package. If you wanted additionally to prevent code from accessing classes in the sdo package, you would edit the file so that it defined a property like this: package.access=sun.,sdo. If you then want to permit access to some sub−packages, you could list the following permission: permission java.lang.RuntimePermission; Then code would be able to access classes in the package but not other classes in any other sdo package. The defineClassInPackage permission behaves similarly, except that the operation in question is whether or not the code is able to load classes in the given packages. The property used in that test is named package.definition , which by default is not set. Both the define and access permissions also require cooperation of the class loader; class loaders determine whether or not to enforce those permissions. The default class loaders enforce the access permissions but not the define permissions: you may define a class in any package, even if you set the package.definition property to attempt to prevent it. This permission is useful only with a custom class loader, as well examine in Chapter 6. Chapter 2. The Default Sandbox Note, however, that you cannot define any class in the java package, regardless of any permission that you have set. The exitVM permission is automatically granted by many environments, including the default Java command line but not including the appletviewer or Java Plug−in. The stopThread permission is listed in the default global policy file so that any code can stop a thread. This is for backward compatibility and may change in future releases the stop method, of course, has been deprecated. The modifyThread and modifyThreadGroup permissions are used only if the thread or thread group the program is attempting to modify is the system thread group. Programs generally create and manipulate threads in the main thread group, a subgroup of the system thread group, so these permissions rarely come into play. Actions None. You either have permission to perform a runtime operation, or you do not. Examples Allow code to initiate printing permission java.lang.RuntimePermission queuePrintJob; AWT Permissions Type java.awt.AWTPermission Name There are six names supported by this class, as listed here: accessClipboard Allow access to the systems global clipboard. accessEventQueue Allow direct access to the event queue. createRobot Allow code to create the AWT Robot class. listenToAllAWTEvents Allow code to listen directly to the event dispatcher. readDisplayPixels Allow AWT robots to read the pixels of the display. 28 showWindowWithoutWarningBanner Allow window frames to be created without an identifying warning banner. The accessEventQueue permission is a little unusual because of the way in which event queues are handled by most implementations of the virtual machine. Most implementations, including the appletviewer and the Java Plug−in, set up a separate event queue for each applet codebase. This means that an applet can use the methods of the event queue class to access its own event queue; the accessEventQueue permission does not need to be granted in that case. However, if you install the sandbox via a command−line argument, then this does not apply, and your code will need this permission in order to call methods of the event queue class. All applications still need the listenToAllAWTEvents permission in order to register an event listener with the default toolkit. Actions None. Examples Allow code to use the robot class fully permission java.awt.AWTPermission createRobot; permission java.awt.AWTPermission readDisplayPixels; Net Permissions Type Name There are three names associated with this class. specifyStreamHandler allows new stream handlers to be installed into the URL class. HTTP authentication which is not actually implemented by default Java implementations requires two permissions: setDefaultAuthenticator to install the authentication class and requestPasswordAuthentication to complete the authentication. Actions None. Examples Allow a stream handler to be installed permission specifyStreamHandler; Security Permissions Type Name Various. Security permission names are subject to wildcard asterisk matching and include all the valid strings that can be passed to the checkSecurityAccess method of the security manager. All possible names are listed in here; as we explore the security API throughout the rest of the book, well mention when the names apply. addIdentityCertificate Add a certificate to an Identity object. clearProviderProperties.provider name Remove all properties from the named provider. createAccessControlContext Allow creation of an access controller context. getDomainCombiner Allow collapsing of protection domains. getPolicy Retrieve the class that implements the sandbox policy. getProperty.prop name Read the given security property. getSignerPrivateKey Get the private key from a Signer object. insertProvider.provider name Add the named provider to the set of security providers. loadProviderProperties.provider name Bulk load the properties of the named provider. printIdentity Print out the contents of the Identity class. putAllProviderProperties.provider name Bulk update the properties of the named provider. putProviderProperty.provider name Add a property to the named security provider. removeIdentityCertificate 30 Remove the certificate of an Identity object. removeProvider.provider name Remove the named provider from the set of security providers. removeProviderProperty.provider name Remove a property from the named security provider. setIdentityInfo Set the information string of an Identity object. setIdentityPublicKey Set the public key of an Identity object. setPolicy Set the class that implements the sandbox policy. setProperty.prop name Set the given security property. setSignerKeyPair Set the key pair within a Signer object. setSystemScope Set the system−wide IdentityScope . Many of these names are not used in the Java 2 platform because they refer to deprecated classes. Actions None. Serializable Permissions Type Names enableSubstitution and enableSubclassImplementation . The first of these permissions allows the enableResolveObject method of the ObjectInputStream and the enableReplaceObject method of the ObjectOutputStream classes to function. The latter permission allows the ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream classes to be subclassed, which would potentially override the readObject and writeObject methods. Chapter 2. The Default Sandbox Actions None. Reflection Permissions Type java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission Name suppressAccessChecks . If granted, this permission allows reflection to examine the private variables of arbitrary classes. Actions None. All Permissions Type Name None. Actions None. This class represents permission to perform any operation −− including file, socket, and other operations that have their own permission classes. Granting this type of permission is obviously somewhat dangerous; this permission is usually given only to classes within the Java API and to classes in Java extensions.

2.3 Keystores

Java code can be signed, which entails obtaining digital certificates and running the jarsigner or equivalent tool. You can grant permissions to code that is signed by a particular entity. If you choose to handle signed code, you must establish a keystore to hold the public keys of the signing entity. Before you run the signed code, you must obtain the public key certificate of the signing entity and install that certificate into your keystore. Some browsers e.g., Netscape 6 allow you to accept the public key certificate when you first run the signed program, but usually you must install the public key certificate before running the program. Administration of the keystore is handled by the keytool utility see Chapter 10. By default, the keystore is held in a file called .keystore in the users home directory. When you install a public key certificate into the keystore, you give that certificate an alias that is used to look up the certificate in the future. For example, my public key certificate lists my full name and other identifying information, but you may enter it into your keystore with an alias of sdo. This alias is the information that you list in a policy file.

2.4 Code Sources

Code sources are a combination of codebases and signers. The signer field must match the alias listed in the keystore, as weve just described. Codebases can be any valid URL. Because they are URLs, codebases always use forward slashes, even if the code is being read from the filesystem: file:C:filesjdk1.3 is the correct specification for the directory C:\files\jdk1.3\ although remember that if the drive is the default drive, you can leave it out and specify the URL as file:filesjdk1.3 . Codebases can use property substitution much like we showed when discussing file properties. Hence, the codebase for the Java extension directory can be universally specified as file:{java.home}libext. This trick applies somewhat to the classpath: if you want a particular set of permissions to apply to all classes on the classpath then you can use the codebase file:{java.class.path}. However, this works only when there is a single directory or JAR file in the classpath since only those cases result in a correct URL. The ending of the codebase URL is very important. There are four cases: The URL specifies a jar file http:www.sun.comsdosdoapp.jar. Only the classes in the jar file belong to the codebase. • The URL ends with a slash http:www.sun.comsdo. Only class files in the given directory belong to the codebase. Jar files in the given directory do not belong to the codebase. • The URL ends with an asterisk http:www.sun.comsdo. Both jar files and class files in the given directory belong to the codebase. However, jar and class files in subdirectories of the URL do not belong to the codebase. • The URL ends with a hyphen http:www.sun.comsdo−. All jar and class files in the given directory and its subdirectories belong to the codebase. • Note this directory syntax is not affected by package names. If you want to give permissions to the class com.sdo.PayrollApp , you list the directory in which the com subdirectory appears e.g.,, not http:www.sdo.netcomsdo.

2.5 Policy Files

In order to administer the Java sandbox, you list the various permissions weve discussed in a Java policy file. Java virtual machines can use any number of policy files, but there are two that are used by default. There is a global policy file named JREHOMElibsecurityjava.policy that is used by all instances of a virtual machine on a host. We consider this to be a global policy file because it allows an environment where the JRE is mounted from a common server by several machines; each of these machines will share the definitions in this file.