David Baker’s Analysis J J M Roberts’ Analysis

2:5-15 2:5-15 2:5-15 2:5-15 3:1-13 3:1-13 3:1-13 3:1-7 3:14-15 3:14-20 3:14-20 3:8-15 3:16-20 3:16-20 Not surprisingly, then, English translations divide it in different ways and commentators differ in their opinions. 50 Most modern studies, according to Berlin, do agree in seeing the book as having a tripartite structure of judgement against Judah, judgement against foreign nations and a message of hope. 51

3.2.2 David Baker’s Analysis

Baker offers the following analysis with three main divisions including the heading, the third being by far the longest, composed of five subdivisions, most of which are again subdivided: 52 I HEADING 1:1 II JUDGEMENT 1:2-6 A. Mankind 1:2-3 B. Judah and Jerusalem 1:4-6 III THE DAY OF YAHWEH 1:7-3:20 A. Announcement 1:7 B. The nature of the day – judgement 1:8-18 i. Judgement of God’s people 1:8-13 ii. Judgement of the world 1:14-18 C. The required response 2:1-3 D. Specific scenarios of judgement 2:4-3:8 i. Philistia 2:4-7 ii. Moab and Ammon 2:8-11 iii. Cush 2:12 iv. Assyria 2:13-15 v. Jerusalem 3:1-7 a. Sins compounded 3:1-5 50 Berlin, Zephaniah, 17-18. 51 Berlin, Zephaniah, 9. 52 Baker, Nahum, 89. b. Demonstration ignored 3:6-7 vi. The world 3:8 E. The nature of the day – hope 3:9-20 i. Nations converted 3:9-10 ii. The remnant converted 3:11-13 iii. A psalm of joy 3:14-17 iv. God’s promise 3:18-20 Baker sees the logical unity of the book as judgement 1:2-6 leading the prophet to think of the ultimate judgement, the Day of Yahweh 1:7-3:20, which is portrayed with two specific aspects. The day involves judgement for those not abiding by God’s covenant 1:8-3:8, but it also involves hope through God’s grace 3:9-20. He cites different genres used in the book as judgement oracles 1:2-3, 4-6, 8-9 etc., calls for response 1:7, 2:1-3, 3:8, which include a call to praise and a psalm of praise 3:14-17, and salvation oracles 3:9-13, 18-20. 53

3.2.3 J J M Roberts’ Analysis

Roberts gives a more evenly divided outline, splitting the text into four major sections, with the ‘day of Yahweh’ as constituting a minor section rather than a major one: 54 I. Superscription 1:1 II. Judgement against Judah and Jerusalem 1:2-2:3 A. Threat of destruction on Judean syncretists 1:2-6 B. Yahweh’s sacrifice is prepared 1:7-13 C. The day of Yahweh is near 1:14-18 D. Seek Yahweh while there is still a chance 2:1-3 III. Oracles against the foreign nations 2:4-15 A. Against Philistia 2:4-7 B. Against Moab and Ammon 2:8-10 C. Against Ethiopia 2:12 D. Against Assyria 2:13-15 IV. Judgement and deliverance of Jerusalem 3:1-20 A. Hôy-oracle against Jerusalem 3:1-13 1. Judgement on the city 3:1-8 53 Baker, Nahum, 87. 54 Roberts, Nahum, 162-3 he does not mention 2:11 in the outline. 2. Its transformation 3:9-13 B. A call for Jerusalem to rejoice in its salvation 3:14-20

3.2.4 R L Smith’s Analysis